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Practicum III

Code: 103702 ECTS Credits: 2
Degree Type Year Semester
2500798 Primary Education OB 3 2
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Miquel Àngel Essomba Gelabert

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:


Empar Garcia Lopez
Anna Diaz Vicario


It is highly recommended that the student who is enrolled in the Practicum III also take the subject of Planning, research and innovation.

In order to successfully develop the Practicum III it is necessary to have as reference the center of practices in which the Practicum II has been carried out.

Objectives and Contextualisation

1. Analyze the characteristics of innovations in school contexts.
2. To know the main tendencies and institutional actions of educational innovation in Catalonia.
3. Develop educational innovation projects in the field of community education.
4. Link innovation, educational planning and research with the professional development of teachers and school organization


  • Acquiring practical knowledge of the class and its management.
  • Assume the educating dimension of the teacher’s role and foster democratic education for an active population.
  • Collaborate in the different sectors of the educational community and of the social setting.
  • Critically analyse personal work and use resources for professional development.
  • Design and regulate learning spaces in contexts of diversity that take into account gender equality, equity and respect for human rights and observe the values of public education.
  • Design, plan and evaluate education and learning processes, both individually and in collaboration with other teachers and professionals at the centre.
  • Develop autonomous learning strategies.
  • Develop critical thinking and reasoning and understand how to communicate effectively both in one’s own languages and in a foreign language.
  • Generate innovative and competitive proposals in research and in professional activity.
  • Know how primary schools are organised and about the diversity of actions involved in running them.
  • Know the curricular areas of Primary Education, the interdisciplinary relation between them, the evaluation criteria and the body of didactic knowledge regarding the respective procedures of education and learning.
  • Maintain a critical and autonomous relationship with respect to knowledge, values and public, social and private institutions.
  • Maintain a respectful attitude to the natural, social and cultural environment to foster values, behaviours and practices that attend to gender equality, equity and respect for human rights.
  • Manage information in relation to the professional field for decision making and the preparation of reports.
  • Respect the diversity and the plurality of ideas, people and situations.
  • Work in teams and with teams (in the same field or interdisciplinary).

Learning Outcomes

  1. Becoming involved in the dynamics of the centre and of the classroom when making suggestions for innovation related to the context of the centre and of the classroom.
  2. Collaborate with school professionals in order to extract relevant information from innovative projects analysed.
  3. Coordinate with other teachers in approaches to education and the realization of teaching and learning tasks.
  4. Critically analyse and evaluate teaching and learning situations from the perspective of the inclusive school.
  5. Critically analyse personal work and use resources for professional development.
  6. Critically analyse the educational reality observed in order to propose improvements from an innovative perspective.
  7. Critically observing the reality of the school, paying special attention to innovation projects, and reflecting this practical know-how in the proposed improvements.
  8. Describe and explain the facts and situations related to observed and experienced teaching and learning. Interpret, compare and argue based on one’s own criteria.
  9. Design and regulate learning spaces in contexts of diversity that attend to gender equality, equity and respect for human rights as involved in the values of public education.
  10. Develop strategies for autonomous learning.
  11. Discuss different points of view in a reasoned and documentary manner and know how to find connections and commonalities.
  12. Establish evaluation criteria for the planned activities arising from the process of teaching and learning.
  13. Maintain an attitude of respect for the environment (natural, social, cultural) to promote sustainable values, behaviour and practices that respect gender equality, equity and respect for human rights.
  14. Planning and carrying out activities that promote active citizenship in students.
  15. Planning language and mathematics activities, specifying their didactic purpose.
  16. Reflecting on the potentials of interdisciplinarity within the framework of the present curriculum proposal.
  17. Selecting the key information for making proposals for improvements in primary education centres.
  18. Show interest in understanding and comprehending the functions and tasks performed by social institutions.
  19. Understand how the different organizational structures of the school function.


1. Educational innovation in Catalonia.
1.1. The three springs of educational innovation.
1.2. Innovation and education system: the need for updating.
1.3. Innovation models based on teacher training and professional development.
1.4. Innovation models based on collaborative and networking.

2. The context and protagonists of innovation.
2.1. Community education and educational innovation.
2.2. Management teams and innovation leadership.
2.3. The educational community in innovation: families, students.
2.4. Resources and supports for educational innovation. The role of inspection and educational services.

3. Design of innovation projects.
3.1. The phases of innovation.
3.2. The structure of innovation projects.
3.3. The diffusion of innovation in the school reality and the community of reference


The methodology of the subject is based on two types of activity:
- Reading of documents and face-to-face debates on educational innovation (theoretical part)
- Preparation of an innovation proposal (practical part)


Theoretical reflection on the contents of the subject will be based on two processes: reading documents and face-to-face debates on educational innovation, at intervals of 15 days. In other words, one week will be devoted to reading documents, the next to attending face-to-face debates, the next to reading documents and so on until the end of the syllabus. The reading of documents is directly associated with the scheduled debates.


The reading of the documents, and the participatory attendance to the debates is obligatory, and it will be necessary to provide evidence of the learnings carried out:

a) On each document, it is necessary to elaborate individually and / or in group a reflective text of 300-400 words, in which it is necessary to leave record of the reflective activity of relation between the content of the document and the educational reality of the center in which the The student / s has completed the Practicum II.

b) Regarding the attendance to the face-to-face debates, it is necessary to make an INTELLIGENT and justified QUESTION individually, and to send it to the teaching staff in advance of the debate.


At the end of the Practicum III period, the student must attend and pass an individual written assessment test, related to the contents of the documents analyzed during the course and the discussions. This test will consist of open-ended short-answer questions, at least one question about each document worked on.


The practical part of the subject consists of the individual elaboration of a proposal of educational innovation on community education for the school in which the studentcarried out the Practicum II.
The thematic areas of community education on which the proposal can be elaborated are the following:

· Family-teacher relationships
· Intergenerational relations
· Arts, culture and education
· Improving the environment
· Leisure education at noon or after school

Any other topic related to community education that does not coincide with these thematic areas, and that the student considers relevant, with prior communication and authorization from the teacher, can be addressed.

The proposal for educational innovation must be drafted in a document that must have the following index and indicative extension:

1. Justification of the topic of choice (WHY). The student can be based on the working document number 2 of the subject PLANNING, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION. Length: 300 words.
2. Analysis of the sociological context of the school (ON). The student can be based on the working document number 3 of the subject PLANNING, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION, as well as documentary sources of the own municipality of reference. Length: 1,000 words.
3. Educational innovation proposal - strategic planning (WHAT and WHEN). The student can be based on the working document number 1 of the subject PLANNING, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION. Length: 3,000 words.
4. Analysis of the preconditions of the school (QUANT). The student can be based on the working document number 5 of the subject PLANNING, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION. Length: 1,000 words.
5. Quality control system - participant satisfaction survey (WHO). The student can be based on the working document number 4 of the subject PLANNING, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION. Length: 1,000 words.
6. References used.

The delivery of the document will have to do by means of the conditions that the profesorado will do public during the first session of the asignatura.


To complete the process of developing the educational innovation proposal, the student must actively participate in a single project presentation session, lasting approximately 90 minutes. The format of this session will be in a small group seminar, and the grouping will be carried out by the teacher according to the chosen topics and the reference schools.
This session will be face-to-face, and both the seminar groups and the specific date will be communicated at least one week in advance.


First session - group 21: 6/5, group 31: 5/5, group 41: 7/5, group 71: 7/5

Educational innovation debates - group 21: 20/5 and 3/6, group 31: 19/5 and 2/6, group 41: 21/5 and 4/6

Theoretical test - group 21: 10/6, group 31: 9/6, group 41: 11/6, group 71: 11/6

Proposals for innovation - group 21: 17/6, group 31: 16/6, group 41: 18/6, group 71: 18/6

The proposed teaching methodology and assessment may undergo some modification depending on the attendance restrictions imposed by the health authorities.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Debates on innovation in education 15 0.6 1, 7, 17
Innovation projects' presentations 5 0.2 1, 7, 17
Type: Supervised      
Counseling 5 0.2 1, 7, 17
Type: Autonomous      
Reading and study 25 1 1, 7, 17



There will be a test of theoretical knowledge. This test will be written and / or oral, and will be done individually at the end of the course. To pass the theoretical test it is necessary to obtain a grade equal to or higher than 5. In the event that the student does not pass this grade, he will have a second extraordinary opportunity for recovery that will be agreed with the teacher. Days of the theoretical test: group 21: 25/6/2020; group 31: 17/6/2020; group 41: 26/6/2020; group 71: 26/6/2020.


A proposal for educational innovation will be drawn up, adapted and adapted to the reference internship center. Following a specific script, the different competencies considered must be demonstrated. As a result of the work, it will be necessary to make a presentation of the innovation project in a seminar session, emphasizing the project itself and the consideration of the context to justify the proposal. The criteria for evaluating the educational innovation project are as follows:

- The explanatory document of the project conforms to the criteria and the script provided in the document on the project, in terms of structure, content and extension.

- The explanatory document of the project conforms to the general university norms of presentation of works (format, spelling, references)

- The educational innovation project is unique and original.

- The educational innovation project is consistent with the school context for which the student has designed the project.

- The educational innovation project relates its components correctly and coherently to each other.

- The educational innovation project shows that the student has achieved the learning competencies provided for in the teaching guide of the subject.

To pass the educational innovation project it is necessary to obtain a grade equal to or higher than 5. In the event that the student does not obtain this grade, he will agree withthe teacher which parts of the project need to be redone, and under what criteria, and will deliver a second version within the time agreed between the two.


Reflective texts and questions from the debates will be evaluated based on a double criterion: FIT / NOT FIT. To be able to access the passing of the subject, it is necessary to obtain an APTE qualification in all the reflective texts and the questions of the debates. The aptitude is demonstrated in the maturity and the quality of the production with respect to the relation of the content of the text and the center of practices of the Practicum II. The grade of the reflective texts and the questions of the debates will be published within a week after the delivery. In the event that the student has not obtained the qualification of APTE in any of the reflective texts or of the questions of the debates, or has not delivered it in the established term, has the possibility of recovery of this text by means of the answer to an additional question about the corresponding reading in the framework of the theoretical test of the subject.

According to UAB regulations, plagiarism or a copy of a work will be penalized with a 0 as a grade for this work, losing the possibility of recovering it, whether it is an individual or group work (in this case, all members of the group will have a 0). If during the performance of an individual work in class, the teacher considers that a student is trying to copy or is discovered some kind of document or device not authorized by the teacher, the same will be graded with a 0, with no retrieval option.

Attendance at guided activities is mandatory. An absence must be justified. In no case can absences represent more than 20% of the time of the directed activities.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Innovation project 40% 0 0 5, 6, 4, 2, 19, 3, 18, 8, 10, 11, 9, 12, 1, 13, 7, 15, 14, 16, 17
Knowledge test 50% 0 0 4, 8, 17
Learning evidences on knowledge 10% 0 0 6, 4, 19, 18, 8, 11, 7


Bhattacherjee, Anol (2012). Social Science Research: Principles, Methods, and Practices, University of South Florida. Available: http://scholarcommons.usf.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1002&context=oa_textbooks
Mattila, P and Silander P (2015). How to create the school of the future, University of Oulu.
IDEO (2013). Design Thinking for Educators. Available: http://www.designthinkingforeducators.com/toolkit/
VVAA (2010). The Third Teacher, Abrams Publishing.
Other materials might be included due in course.