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Communication and Educational Interaction II

Code: 103683 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2500260 Social Education FB 1 A
2500261 Education Studies FB 1 A
2500797 Early Childhood Education FB 1 A
2500798 Primary Education FB 1 A
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Cristina Mercader Juan

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:


Esteban Pont Barceló
María Alejandra Bosco Paniagua
Cristina Mercader Juan
Jose Maria Silva Silva Galan
Juan Morales Hernandez
Ingrid Noguera Fructuoso
Carme Serret Vidal


The Catalan language will be used in the subject.
											Basic domain of computer equipment and application use.

Objectives and Contextualisation

Subject of approach to the educational fact from the perspective of the communicative phenomena and those of the interaction present in all educational reality. It is one of the four subjects that make up the shared basic education of the Faculty that prepares basic and functional competences that any education professional needs.

The subject has a clearly practical and applied aspect and that is why teaching is designed with a very high percentage of seminars with small groups of students.  


General training objectives:

Develop social, emotional and teamwork skills.

Develop abilities to take advantage of Digital technologies at the service of learning and education


    Social Education
  • Analyse and recognize one’s own socio-emotional skills (in terms of strengths, potentials and weaknesses) to develop those necessary for work and professional development.
  • Use ICT to learn, communicate and collaborate in educational contexts.
  • Work in teams and with teams (in the same field or interdisciplinary).
    Education Studies
  • Analyse and recognize one’s own socio-emotional skills (in terms of strengths, potentials and weaknesses) to develop those necessary for work and professional development.
  • Incorporate information and communications technology to learn, communicate and share in educational contexts.
  • Work in teams and with teams (in the same field or interdisciplinary).
    Early Childhood Education
  • Analyse and recognize one’s own socio-emotional skills (in terms of strengths, potentials and weaknesses) to develop those necessary for work and professional development.
  • Incorporate information and communications technology to learn, communicate and share in educational contexts.
    Primary Education
  • Analyse and recognise one’s own socio-emotional skills (in terms of strengths, potentialities and weaknesses), to develop those that they are necessary for professional development.
  • Incorporate information and communications technology to learn, communicate and share in educational contexts.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Develop a collaborative project in a team, as a first step towards networking.
  2. Express oneself and use corporal, musical and visual languages ??to selectively distinguish audiovisual information that contributes to education, public training and cultural richness.
  3. Identifying the socio-emotional skills involved in individual and group interactions, analysing and identifying the group dynamics, in order to implement strategies for revitalising groups, acquiring social skills in educational contexts and knowing how to work in teams with other professionals.
  4. Understand information and communication technologies, their evolution and their educational implications


Key contents:

  • Communication and education

Theories of communication applied to education in an inclusive school model. 

Relevant aspects of communication in educational processes

  • Educational communication and interaction.

Observation and analysis of group dynamics. Your own role in the group.

Teamwork and participation for group development. Active listening. 

The group as an educational resource.

  • Intervention in emotional education.

The emotional world Emotional expression, understanding and regulation.

Support system in mourning times and empowerment with resilience. 

Educational emotional development and the influence of attributional styles.

  • Digital technologies in education

Digital technologies as a resource and strategy in teaching-learning process. The development of digital competence as a core for its integration in educational contexts. Teachers' Digital Competence.

Creation of diverse products (hipertext, audiovisual, icons, 3D...) their dissemination and communication. Websites and their use as a place for expressing through multimedia and audiovisual. A place for communication and sharing virtual interactive experiences. Promoting social behaviours based on collaboration and exchange of information. Behavioural rules and ethics: safety and reliable uses.

The acquisition of cognitive skills to search, select, analyse, understand and recreate information. Communicate and interact with other in a collaborative way. Website as a universal library. Users as proactive actors and creators. 


The lectures are exhibitions by the teachers of basic and complementary questions. It is done with the entire class group.

Seminars in small groups are work spaces (with 1/3 of the large group) where through various activities (case study, material analysis, group dynamics, problem solving, visual material creation, information design for network, etc.) is deepened in the contents of the subject. On other occasions, practical activities are carried out using technological means, complementary materials, etc. Use active methodologies: for example, working for projects and / or promoting collaborative learning.

Our teaching approach and assessment procedures may be altered if public health authorities impose new restrictions on public gatherings for COVID-19.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Present in large group 10 0.4
Seminars in small groups 45 1.8
Type: Supervised      
Tutorials and follow-up activities proposed both face-to-face and virtually 50 2
Type: Autonomous      
Self-employed individual and group work 45 1.8


The assessment will consist of the program of each group, and for each seminar.

There is a reassessment date for those who have suspended any of the activities with more than 3.5. If the student does not bring enough assessment evidences, the final grade will be "not assessed".

In order to pass the subject, it will be necessary to demonstrate that the competences worked have been developed, both in the section of CEG, as in the TAC section. Therefore, both parts must be passed with a minimum score of 5 in each.

Attendance to supervised activities is mandatory to achieve the objectives of the subject. In order to be evaluated, at least 80% of all classes in each field must have attended.

The copying or plagiarism of material, both in the case of works and in the case of exams, constitute a crime that will be sanctioned with zero to the activity and will not be entitled to re-evaluate it. In the case of recidivism, the entire subject will be suspended. Let's remember that a "copy" is considered a work that reproduces all or most of the work of one or more partners. "Plagiarism" is the fact of presenting all or part of an author's text as its own, without mentioning the sources, whether on paper or in digital format. You can see the documentation of the UAB on "plagiarism" at: http://wuster.uab.es/web_argumenta_obert/unit_20/sot_2_01.html

To pass this subject, the student must show, in the activities proposed, good general communicative competence, both orally and in writing, and a good command of the language or the vehicular languages that appear in the teaching guide.


Assessment Dates:

An evaluation date the last week of each seminar, defined in the schedule. Class practices and continous assessment evidences through the year (define in each subject plan). 

A re-evaluation for those students who failed with more than 3.5 in the first evaluation, to be developed in the first week of July.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Evidence in Communication group, Emotions and Groups (CEG) 25% 0 0 1, 3
Individual Evidence in Communication, Emotions and Groups (CEG). 25% 0 0 3
Individual TAC evidences 25% 0 0 4, 2
TAC Group Evidence 25% 0 0 4, 1, 2


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