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Clinical Practice in Child and Maternal Health II

Code: 103650 ECTS Credits: 3
Degree Type Year Semester
2502442 Medicine OT 5 0
2502442 Medicine OT 6 0
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Maria Soledad Angeles Gallego Melcon

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:


Carlos Rodrigo Gonzalo de Liria
Miguel Angel Luna Tomás


It is advisable that the student has attained the basic competences in Physiology, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Biochemistry and Anatomy.

Sufficient knowledge on the basis of health and illnesses is appropriate, as well as an adequate level of knowledge in interpersonal communication.

It is recommended to be enrolled or to have passed the subjects of Pediatrics and Obstetrics and Gynecology.

 The student will acquire an attitude of professional ethics in all its actions

Objectives and Contextualisation

It is an optional subject that can be taken from the fourth year.
The general objective is that the student becomes familiar with the professional practice in the real context.

The student will join a clinical service or healthcare laboratory by performing the practices in a supervised way.


  • Communicate clearly, orally and in writing, with other professionals and the media.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamentals of action, indications, efficacy and benefit-risk ratio of therapeutic interventions based on the available scientific evidence.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the mechanisms of alterations to the structure and function of the systems of the organism in illness.
  • Demonstrate, in professional activity, a perspective that is critical, creative and research-oriented.
  • Establish a diagnostic approach and a well thought-out strategy for action, taking account of the results of the anamnesis and the physical examination, and the results of the appropriate complementary tests carried out subsequently.
  • Formulate hypotheses and compile and critically assess information for problem-solving, using the scientific method.
  • Indicate the basic diagnosis techniques and procedures and analyse and interpret the results so as to better pinpoint the nature of the problems.
  • Recognize one's role in multi-professional teams, assuming leadership where appropriate, both for healthcare provision and for promoting health.
  • Use information and communication technologies in professional practice.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Assess the need, indications, contraindications, chronology, risk, benefits and costs of each examination.
  2. Assess the relationship between efficacy and risk in the main therapeutic interventions.
  3. Communicate clearly, orally and in writing, with other professionals and the media.
  4. Compare one's own opinions with those of colleagues and other healthcare professionals as a basis for teamwork.
  5. Critically assess the results of complementary examinations, taking their limitations into account.
  6. Demonstrate, in professional activity, a perspective that is critical, creative and research-oriented.
  7. Establish a method for complementary examinations, in accordance with the standard process and the diagnostic expectations.
  8. Explain the mechanisms by which illness affects the different systems of the human body at different stages in life and in both sexes.
  9. Formulate hypotheses and compile and critically assess information for problem-solving, using the scientific method.
  10. Indicate suitable therapeutic interventions for the main maternal and infant health problems.
  11. Order signs and symptoms to perform a differential syndromic diagnosis.
  12. Use information and communication technologies in professional practice.


The student can choose which service or area of care to incorporate: obstetrics, gynecology and paediatrics.

During the practice the student will observe:

- General aspects of the clinical relationship and the concepts of health and illness.

- Healthcare methodology.

- Etiology, pathophysiology, semiology and clinical propedéutica, major syndromes and manifestations of diseases,

- Diagnostic and therapeutic procedures for the most common diseases

- Functional exploration of the different devices and systems.

- Obstetric, gynecological and pediatric syndromes.

The clinical experience will be completed with the attendance of clinical sessions or others that the service has programmed .


This Guide describes the framework, contents, methodology and general norms of the subject, in accordance with the current curriculum. The final organization of the subject with regard to the number and size of groups, distribution in the calendar and dates of examinations, specific criteria of evaluation and review of exams, will be specified in each one of the Hospital Teaching Units ( UUDDHH), who will explain it through their web pages and the first day of class of each subject, through the teachers responsible for the subject at the UUDHH.

For the present year, the professors appointed by the Departments as responsible for the subject at the Faculty level and the UUDHH are:

Department (s) in charge: Department of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology and Preventive Medicine

Head of Faculty: Soledad Gallego Melcón

Responsible UDHSP: Dra. Isabel Badell

Responsible UDHVH:Soledad Gallego Melcón

Responsible for UDGTiP:
Carlos Rodrigo Gonzalo de Liria


Miguel Ängel Luna Tomás


Responsible UDHPT:Ramon Cos Plans 


General teaching methodology:

Teaching type: Assistance practitioner without guidelines

The student joins the care service activities for one week (5 days), 6 hours a day, to observe and / or carry out health care, training or research tasks in a supervised way. During the stay you will register the activity carried out to complete the summary summary package of your stay. This summary, together with the tutor's opinion of the scheduled stay, will be the basis of the assessment.


The interested student must look for a tutor (Pediatrics or Obstetrics and Gynecology) and a clinical service or hospital department , where to carry out the activity, which must have a minimum duration of 30 hours, beout of school hours and be different from the practices carried out in the subjects of the syllabus.

The student will give the tutor a proposal of activity (use the specific sheet) where the contents of the same and their approval will be recorded.
The completed application must be submitted to the academic management and information point so that the person in charge of the subject can record the activity. Once authorized, the Academic Management will cite the student to collect the authorization and the summary sheet of the activity and qualification.
At the end of the period, the student will obtain the qualification of the activity with the signature of the responsible professor and seal of the service.
The student must bring the document (proposal, summary) to the Academic Management and point of information to request the recognition of the credits according to the usual procedure.

In the current exceptional circumstances, at the discretion of the teachers and also depending on the resources available and the public health situation, some of the theoretical classes, practicals and seminars organized by the Teaching Units may be taught either in person or virtually.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
ASSISTENCIAL CLINICAL PRACTICES (PCAh) 15 0.6 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 8, 10, 11, 12, 5, 1, 2
Type: Supervised      
PRACTICUM ASSISTANCE WITHOUT GUIDELINES (PEXT) 15 0.6 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 8, 10, 11, 12, 5, 1, 2
Type: Autonomous      


During the scheduled stay, the student will record the most significant clinical experiences and summarize the content of the sessions in which he has participated. This documentation will be delivered at the end of the stay to the tutor and will constitute the basis of its evaluation. The record of activities includes the summary of the learning, of all the tasks that the student has done and of the sessions in which you have participated.

The tutor responsible for the student will monitor the fulfillment of the programmed objectives.

To pass the subject the student must have attended at least 80% of the programmed activities and passed the evaluation

Students who do not take the theoretical and practical assessment tests will be considered as not evaluated, exhausting the rights to the registration of the subject

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Delivery of written reports 50% 1 0.04 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 8, 10, 11, 12, 5, 1, 2
Objective clinical evaluation 50% 1 0.04 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 8, 10, 11, 12, 5, 1, 2


Consult the specific bibliography:
teaching guides of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, social medicine, communication skills and initiation to research.