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Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in Primary Education

Code: 103578 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2500798 Primary Education OT 4 0
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Rosamaria Felip Falcó

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
english (eng)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:

Other comments on languages

Feminine and nasculine gender are used with an inclusive value when referring to teachers and/or students.


Language requirements: Advanced communicative and interactional competence in English so as to carry out all types of academic and teaching-related tasks and act as a good language model for infant and primary students. Students in the Teaching English as a Foreign Langugae minor need to hold a CEFR C1 certification in order to enter the minor.


Objectives and Contextualisation

This course is designed to help student-teachers become familiar with basic teaching strategies which are specific to Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) contexts. Also to help them develop the basic knowledge and skills needed for life-long professional development as primary teachers, with a special concern for foreign language teaching and learning.

In this course student teachers will learn the basic principles of integrated programs in inclusive education. To design and select materials and activities which are consistent with the needs of the learners the official curriculum. Also to identify and analyse the characteristics of CLIL quality teaching practice. The subject itself follows a CLIL/ICLHE approach with a dual focus on (a) the improvement of communicative competence and classroom interactional competence (effective use of fluent, correct, learner-convergent English), and (b) foreign language teaching professional competences.


  • Be familiar with the languages and literature curriculum.
  • Critically analyse personal work and use resources for professional development.
  • Develop and evaluate contents of the curriculum by means of appropriate didactic resources and promote the corresponding skills in pupils.
  • Develop autonomous learning strategies.
  • Develop critical thinking and reasoning and understand how to communicate effectively both in one’s own languages and in a foreign language.
  • Effectively address language learning situations in multicultural and multilingual contexts.
  • Express oneself orally and in writing in a foreign language.
  • Foster reading and critical analysis of the texts in different scientific fields and cultural contents in the school curriculum.
  • Foster reading and encourage writing.
  • Incorporate information and communications technology to learn, communicate and share in educational contexts.
  • Respect the diversity and the plurality of ideas, people and situations.
  • Understand the basic principles of the sciences of language and communication.
  • Work in teams and with teams (in the same field or interdisciplinary).

Learning Outcomes

  1. Adapt and write textbooks adjusted to the level of cognitive and communicative development of pupils in correct English and with the proper register.
  2. Analyse communication needs and control the process of learning the English language.
  3. Analyse experiences of good practice to address, produce and implement process of collaboration and telecollaboration among different educational agents.
  4. Analyse the communication needs and control the learning process of foreign language pupils.
  5. Analyse, individually and with fellow teachers, the practice of teaching, identify areas for professional improvement, and implement strategies to achieve that improvement.
  6. Assessing the value of Spanish language learning strategies and techniques appropriate to primary education.
  7. Assessing the value of learning strategies and techniques of and in English appropriate to primary education.
  8. Being able to analyse sociolinguistic processes critically, as well as expounding one’s own ideas coherently and in a reasoned way.
  9. Being capable of self-assessment and of evaluating the written and oral productions of colleagues in English in a well-argued way.
  10. Critically address and select texts related to the academic content of infant and primary education that are appropriate for the CLIL classroom.
  11. Critically analyse and discuss theoretical texts from different fields of linguistics.
  12. Critically understand and analyse, from a formal register of the English language, professional and academic discourse in English.
  13. Demonstrate critical thinking applied to the selection of literary texts and communicative design tasks based on the manipulation of these texts with the dual aim of promoting language learning and facilitating access by kindergarten and primary school children to literary culture in English.
  14. Demonstrate effective communication skills of at least level B2 of CEFR in situations of multilingual interaction and international contexts both orally and in writing.
  15. Demonstrate intercultural attitudes to benefit efficient work in diverse teams.
  16. Demonstrate proficiency level B2 (CEF) in the use of the English language both in informal situations and in professional contexts, in reception, production and interaction activities.
  17. Demonstrate sufficient receptive competence in foreign languages to understand oral presentations and read professional documents (teaching materials, popular articles, etc.). with the help of tools to support comprehension.
  18. Design tasks that foster a taste for reading and the development of critical thinking in primary pupils.
  19. Develop criteria and make proposals for permanent self-training (lifelong) as teachers and in a foreign language.
  20. Develop critical thinking applied to the selection of appropriate digital tools and resources as instruments of learning aimed at primary school pupils.
  21. Develop linguistic and literary competence using the English language in a fun and creative way.
  22. Develop reading skills in English to be able to analyse the practical implications of carrying out theoretical proposals in the field of language teaching.
  23. Establish relations between the foreign language curriculum of nursery and primary education, and between both and that of secondary school.
  24. Establish relations between the language curriculum of primary education and that of other curricular areas.
  25. Form teams that are capable of carrying out activities effectively both in person and remotely.
  26. Incorporating appropriate CMO activities for the development of CLIL units in the context of national and international programmes (Comenius, etc.).
  27. Know and use the main resources and tools of inquiry in linguistics.
  28. Knowing how to express oneself in the English language in oral and written form at an advanced level (corresponding at least to Level B2 of the CEFR).
  29. Knowing how to identify the level of knowledge of infant and primary education pupils, being able to analyse their communicative needs and control their process of language learning, as well as knowing how to self-assess one’s own level of proficiency in English, analysing one's own communicative needs and establishing a plan of improvement.
  30. Knowing how to self-assess the level of knowledge of the English language and establish an improvement plan designed to obtain results aimed at excellence in communicative capability.
  31. Manage communication in the CLIL classroom efficiently, creating opportunities for the use of the target language as a language of communication.
  32. Perform tasks and criteria for training and integrated evaluation of content in French.
  33. Perform tasks and criteria of high educational value to promote integrated assessment of content in English.
  34. Present products (teaching units, class analyses, etc.) produced in teams with people from different degree courses and levels of expertise.
  35. Produce structured teaching sequences in projects that promote both the integrated learning of the school’s languages and the development of digital learning and intercultural skills.
  36. Produce structured teaching sequences in projects that promote both the integrated learning of the school’s languages and the development of llinguistic, audiovisual and digital skills.
  37. Producing intelligible and fluent oral speech, while respecting the basic principles of pronunciation, rhythm and intonation in the English language.
  38. Producing quality written and oral speech (not lower than Level B2 of the CEFR) in academic and professional fields. Knowing how to present an argument coherently, and unite the contents of the specialised speech appropriately or for academic purposes.
  39. Recognising languages as a set of varieties that are all equally respectable, and demonstrating the theoretical knowledge needed to describe and explain the variations in the English language and the processes of standardisation.
  40. Recognising the CLIL class as a multilingual area by its very nature, and demonstrating awareness of the value of the linguistic repertoire of learners in learning academic content and acquiring an additional language.
  41. Recognising the value of the ICTs/LCTs as a privileged communication tool between teachers and learners with diverse languages and cultures.
  42. Self-assess one’s own level of knowledge of English and analyse one’s own communication needs and establish improvement plans.
  43. Understand basic pragmatics and semantics applied to the teaching of English and be able to analyse oral discourse in the classroom.
  44. Understand spoken academic discourse in English, know how to take notes and summarize the main ideas.
  45. Use advanced communication skills and strategies in the English language to suit the level of cognitive and communicative development of learners and interlocutors and be understood in English while efficiently using scaffolding strategies.
  46. Using ICTs in the design, development and self-evaluation of self-learning activities in English.
  47. Using a variety of advanced level communication resources in English properly, fluently and appropriate to the situation (equivalent to at least Level B2 of the CEFR).
  48. Using texts from children's literature in Spanish in order to develop English language learning activities in primary education.
  49. Using the English language as a common vehicle of communication in the university classroom and in the primary school classroom, as well as all academic tasks related to the subject.
  50. Using the most cutting-edge resources and the most advanced consultation tools in the English language.
  51. Using virtual environments as tools for written communication that respond to a variety of functions (recreational, academic, transactional, etc.) among learners.
  52. Using virtual platforms as a communication and management tool for directed and supervised activities.
  53. Working efficiently as part of a team and individually, both in theoretical and practical activities, seeking resources and strategies that are appropriate for each situation.


1. An introduction to multilingual education.
2. Efficient communication in the foreign language classroom: oral, written and audivisual discourse.
3. Design, adaptation, implementation and evaluation of CLIL tasks and teaching sequences.
4. Strategies for autonomous teacher development for English and CLIL teachers.



This subject follows a CLIL approach, that is, it has a double focus on pedagogical content and on language development. Lessons combine lectures with whole class and small group discussions, and formal and informal students’ presentations. 


Informed active participation –verbal and non-verbal- is expected from all students.  ‘Informed’ means that students are expected to do preparatory work before the lesson (reading, writing, etc.).

80% of attendance is a minimum requirement to opt for a ‘pass’ on this subject.


English will be used as the default language for all purposes.  Other languages will be used if convenient.


The ORGANIZATION OF WORK is structured around the four thematic contents (see previous section) in the following way: a) one opening lecture; b) Four to six reading assignments; c) small-group activities with a final product that needs to be presented to the class; c) individual assessment task.

The two main learning tasks which will organise classwork are:

  1. Planning, implementation, video-recording and evaluation of a CLIL or content-rich learning task.
  2. Team planning of a mini CLIL teaching sequence.

Both tasks count for mark.



It is expected that all team members contribute to teamwork on an equal basis. 


By default assignments will be delivered in Moodle within the deadlines prescribed.   In some cases a hard copy will also be required. 


Assignments delivered after deadline will not have feedback.


The onset communicative level of the course is a CEFR B2.2.  By the end of the Spring semester it is expected that students can show a C1.1. level in all sort of situations related to the teaching of/in English.  Students are expected to revise thoroughly their productions.  Assessment of content and language is integrated.   

EXAMPLE OF ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Content is exact, precise, relevant, informed and satisfactory; Content is developedwith rich appropriate language, which includes: appropriate use of terminology; academic reader-friendly style; cohesion and coherence; correct use of morphosyntax, spelling and punctuation.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Lectures 45 1.8 10, 1, 5, 4, 2, 42, 17, 16, 32, 33, 45, 24, 31, 26, 40, 29, 49, 6, 7
Type: Supervised      
Conferences 30 1.2 1, 5, 4, 42, 16, 19, 45, 24, 40, 29, 49, 6
Type: Autonomous      
Autonomous work 75 3 10, 1, 5, 4, 2, 42, 17, 16, 19, 32, 45, 24, 26, 40, 49, 6


ATTENDANCE: Attendance is compulsory.  Absenteeism higher than 20% for whatever causes will automatically result in failing the course.

PARTICIPATION: Active informed participation in class and small group discussions is as important as attendance.  It is expected that students read mandatory texts before class discussions.

COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE IN ENGLISH:Demonstrating advanced communicative and interactional competence are common criteria to all assessment tasks. It is expected that students thoroughly revise their texts before submitting them, especially those intended for primary learners. Communicative competence in English is assessed in an integrated way: Example of assessment criteria in a written assessment task:  Content is exact, precise, relevant, informed and satisfactory; Content is developed with rich appropriate language, which includes: appropriate use of terminology; academic reader-friendly style; cohesion and coherence; correct use of morphosyntax, spelling and punctuation.

SECOND CHANCE SITTING: Students who fail “Vignettes” or “Test” will have the opportunity of retake them in January. 

FINAL MARK: The final mark is the weighted average of all assessment tasks.  A weighted average WILL NOT BE AWARDED under certain conditions:    A) to obtain a 'pass' in the course the student must obtain a 'pass' in each block of assessment tasks.  B) If grades in individual tasks (e.g. tests) are considerably lower than marks in team tasks, the average will not be automatically awarded.  

ASSESSMENT TASKS:  The table below summarises some of the main traits of the assessment tasks.  


ASSESSMENT TASKS:  The table below summarises some of the main traits of the assessment tasks.  







Individual 25%

First week after intensive internship period.

Public presentations extended over the following lessons.

Moodle and hardcopy.

Link to video-clip included.

Public oral presentation.

VIGNETTES (Second chance)

Individual 25%

January 2021, third week.

Moodle and hardcopy.

Link to video-clip included.

On-campus oral presentation.


Team 20%

At the end of block 2.

Moodle and hardcopy.

Public oral presentation.


Team 25%

December. Second Week.

Moodle and hardcopy.

Public oral presentation.


Individual 20%

Last lesson before Christmas.

Formal on-campus examination sitting

TEST (Second chance)

Individual 20%

January 2021, third week.

Formal on-campus examination sitting


Individual 10%

Last lesson before Christmas.

Moodle and hardcopy.



CHEATING AND PLAGIARISM:  In accordance with UAB regulations, plagiarism or copying of any individual or group paper will be penalised with a mark of 0 for that paper, without any possibility of a re-sit. During the completion of a paper or the individual exam in class, if the teacher has reason to believe that a student is trying to copy or s/he discovers any kind of non-authorised document or device, the student involved will obtain a mark of 0, without any possibility to re-sit.  A paper or test will be consideredas plagiarism when a chunk of text of four words or longer authored by another person (another student, scholar, webpage, etc.) without citing the source according to academic norms.  Further information on plagiarism available at:  http://blogs.uab.cat/dretsautor/2017/05/18/que-es-el-plagi/:  and at: https://blogs.uab.cat/suportcampus/es/category/moodle/antiplagi/

CLAIMS REGARDING GRADES: Claims regarding grades awarded on different assessment tasks will be presented using the form that will be provided in a timely manner.



Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
CLIL Project. Team planning and presentation of a CLIL teaching sequence. 25% 0 0 10, 1, 5, 3, 2, 42, 25, 27, 15, 17, 14, 13, 16, 19, 21, 32, 33, 20, 45, 18, 24, 31, 26, 34, 38, 41, 40, 28, 29, 53, 49, 48, 47, 6, 7
Reading Meet-up. Display of theoretical and applied critical knowledge of course contents and course materials. 20% 0 0 10, 11, 44, 12, 43, 27, 17, 14, 16, 19, 22, 37, 38, 39, 8, 51, 50, 49, 52, 48
Self-assessment Questionnaire. Self-assessment on work done and skills development. 10% 0 0 5, 4, 42, 16, 19, 22, 45, 40, 30, 9, 49, 46
Test. Display of theoretical and applied critical knowledge of course contents and course materials. 20% 0 0 10, 1, 42, 23, 27, 17, 16, 32, 45, 35, 36, 24, 31, 40, 29, 49, 52
Vignettes. Reflective analysis of lesson excerpts, teaching sequences and teaching materials and design of a plan for future personal teacher development (Vignettes). 25% 0 0 5, 4, 2, 42, 15, 17, 16, 19, 33, 45, 31, 34, 41, 40, 39, 29, 49, 6, 7



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