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Foreign language II (Italian)

Code: 103568 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2502758 Humanities FB 1 2
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Eduard Vilella Morató

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:


Rossend Arqués Corominas
Donatella Buovolo


You must have studied Foreign Language I (Italian) or demonstrate your acquired level by means of a level test.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The subject Foreign Language II (Italian) aims to provide the students with a grounding on the essential aspects of the current Italian language. 

On successfully completing this subject, students will acquire an elementary competence in the italian language (roughly speaking similar to a CEFR’s A2), both in its communicative aspects and in those related to its chief morphological, phonetic, lexical and grammatical aspects.


  • Developing critical thinking and reasoning and communicating them effectively both in your own and other languages.
  • Students must be capable of applying their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and they should have building arguments and problem resolution skills within their area of study.
  • Students must be capable of collecting and interpreting relevant data (usually within their area of study) in order to make statements that reflect social, scientific or ethical relevant issues.
  • Students must be capable of communicating information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialised and non-specialised audiences.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Ability to maintain an appropriate conversation.
  2. Carrying out oral presentations using an appropriate academic vocabulary and style.
  3. Communicating in oral and written form in the studied language, properly using vocabulary and grammar.
  4. Identifying the main and secondary ideas and expressing them with linguistic correctness.
  5. Interpreting the meaning of unknown words thanks to its context.
  6. Making predictions and inferences about the content of a text.
  7. Producing a written text that is grammatically and lexically correct.
  8. Producing an oral text that is grammatically and lexically correct.




- Particles: ci, ne 

- Direct and indirect pronouns.

- Adverbs and temporal expressions with the "prossimo past".

- Prepositions of place 

- Possessive adjectives and pronouns 

- Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns 

- The numerals 

- The verb:

- Present of indicative 

- The imperfect 

- The "passato prossimo" 

- Difference between imperfect and "passato prossimo" 

- The future 

- Conditional

- Imperative

- "stare + gerundio"

- Comparative

- Connective



1. Travelling. Description of posts, itineraries, indications. Giving and asking for spatial information. Dialogues, lexicon and pragmatic structures. 

2. Buying. Everyday life. Describe and the usual activities and their frequency. Talk about it. Work. Development of situations related to the world of work. Lexicon and pragmatic structures. Irregular presence, articles, prepositions, adverbs. 

3. The family. Describing and talking about their own families. Possessive constructions. Panoramic view of presents, possessive and articles. Adverbs. the house 

4. Describe a person.

5. Food tastes. Description of food.

6. In the past. Lexicon and pragmatic structures related to the description of past events: the perfect and imperfect past: use, auxiliaries, concordance, particularities. 

7. Future projects.

8. Oral expression and comprehension.

9. Talking about health. Speak with gestures.


In general terms, learning activities are organised as follows:


Directed activities:

- Master class with ICT support and collective discussion

- Practice of written and oral expression in Italian language

- Analysis of grammatical phenomena

- Comprehensive reading of texts

Supervised activities: 

-Individual and group exercises of different kinds, both written and oral.

- Class exchanges (teacher-student, student-student)

- Grammar, written / oral expression and written / oral comprehension tests

-Autonomous activities: exercises on the Student’s book and Moodle plattform, readings, writing, autonomous study and research.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Classes with active participation 50 2
Evaluation: partial and final examinations 10 0.4 3, 4
Type: Supervised      
Oral practice, simulated communicative situations, writing, debates. 15 0.6
Tutorials 10 0.4
Type: Autonomous      
Grammar exercises, questionnaires, writing of texts related to the studied topics, study of the manual 45 1.8


The assesment will be continuous (100%) and based on the following sections:

 -Continuous evaluation (= 100% of the final mark):

a) Partial test 1 (= 40%).

b) Partial test 2 (= 40%).

c) Active participation in class, understanding activities, written and oral expression (= 15%).

d) Participation in the rotating seminar of oral reinforcement and reading (given by Prof. Buovolo) (= 5%).

 -All Italian language skills will be assessed: grammar, oral and written comprehension, oral and written expression.

- Students may retake assessment activities they have failed provided that those they have actually performed account for a minimum of 2/3 of the subject’s final mark and that they have a weighted average mark of at least 3.5.

- It is required to pass each one of the course parts subjected to reassesment in order to get the final average mark.

- The student will receive a grade of Non-assessable if he/she has not submitted more than 30% of the assessment activities.

- The tasks most directly related to the teaching activity in class are excluded from the reevaluation.

- Re-assesment will consist of a synthesis test on the given evaluable item.

-When publishing final marks prior to recording them on students’ transcripts, the lecturer will provide written notification of a date and time for reviewing assessment activities.

- In the event of a student committing any irregularity that may lead to a significant variation in the grade awarded to an assessment activity, the student will be given a zero for this activity, regardless of any disciplinary process that may take place. In the event of several irregularities in assessment activities of the same subject, the student will be given a zero as the final grade for this subject.

- In the event that tests or exams cannot be taken onsite, they will be adapted to an online format made available through the UAB’s virtual tools (original weighting will be maintained). Homework, activities and class participation will be carried out through forums, wikis and/or discussion on Teams, etc. Lecturers will ensure that students are able to access these virtual tools, or will offer them feasible alternatives.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Active participation in class, written and oral comprehension and expression activities 15 % 10 0.4 7, 8, 3, 4, 5, 1, 6, 2
Participation in the rotating seminar of oral and reading reinforcement held by prof. Donatella Buovolo 5 % 4 0.16 7, 8, 3, 4, 5, 1, 6, 2
Test 1 40% 3 0.12 7, 8, 3, 4, 5, 1, 6, 2
Test 2 40% 3 0.12 7, 8, 3, 4, 5, 1, 6, 2



Bozzone (et al.), Nuovo Contatto A2 Corso di lingua e civiltà italiana per stranieri, Torino, Loescher, 2014.

At the beginning of the course, the teacher will indicate and make available to the students the supplementary materials for the classes.

Throughout the course the teacher will indicate the compulsory reading texts.

As a complement you can consult grammars such as Nocchi's and Carrera Díaz's, written in Spanish and addressed to a Spanish public (with attention to the comparison of languages and contrasting phenomena, etc.). Three bilingual good dictionaries are Arqués (for Catalan) and Arqués-Padoan and Calvo-Giordano (for Spanish).

- R. Arqués, Diccionari català-italià italià-català, Barcelona, Enciclopèdia Catalana, 2002.

- R.Arqués-A.Padoan, Il grande dizionario di spagnolo. Spagnolo-italiano, italiano-spagnolo., Bologna, Zanichelli, 2012.

- R. Arqués – A. Padoan, Ágil. Dizionario italiano-spagnolo, Bologna, Zanichelli, 2014.

- R. Bozzone Costa et al., Nuovo contatto, vol. A2, Torino, Loescher.

- C. Calvo Rigual; A. Giordano, Diccionario italiano italiano-español, español-italiano, Barcelona Herder 2001.

- M. Carrera Díaz, Manual de gramática italiana, Barcelona, Ariel, 1991.

- S. Nocchi, Nuova grammatica pratica della lingua italiana, Firenze, Alma, 2012.

 - N. Zingarelli, Lo Zingarelli 2010 : vocabolario della lingua italiana, Bologna, Zanichelli, 2010.