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Communication and Health

Code: 103123 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2501933 Journalism OT 4 0
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


José Luis Terrón Blanco

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
spanish (spa)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:

Other comments on languages

Practices will be done preferably in Catalan


Knowledge of journalistic writing and production

Objectives and Contextualisation

Specialize in health journalism


  • Abide by ethics and the canons of journalism, as well as the regulatory framework governing information.
  • Demonstrate a self-learning and self-demanding capacity to ensure an efficient job.
  • Demonstrate adequate knowledge of Catalonia’s socio-communicative reality in the Spanish, European and global context.
  • Design, plan and carry out journalistic projects on all kinds of formats.
  • Develop critical thinking and reasoning and be able to relay them effectively in Catalan, Spanish and a third language.
  • Differentiate the discipline’s main theories, its fields, conceptual developments, theoretical frameworks and approaches that underpin knowledge of the subject and its different areas and sub-areas, and acquire systematic knowledge of the media’s structure.
  • Disseminate the area’s knowledge and innovations.
  • Generate innovative and competitive ideas in research and professional practice.
  • Relay journalistic information in the language characteristic of each communication medium, in its combined modern forms or on digital media, and apply the genres and different journalistic procedures.
  • Respect the diversity and plurality of ideas, people and situations.
  • Use one’s imagination with flexibility, originality and ease.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyse information processes, as well as the trends and theories that formalise them in the planning process of press offices and institutional communication.
  2. Analyse the theories on advertising, public relations and corporate and institutional communication.
  3. Apply the professional ethics of journalism to strategic communication in the field of press offices and institutional communication.
  4. Apply the technologies and systems used to process, produce and relay information in the field of strategic communication.
  5. Appraise the impact of technological innovations in the running of the Catalan and Spanish communication system.
  6. Demonstrate a self-learning and self-demanding capacity to ensure an efficient job.
  7. Demonstrate knowledge of how public figures’ communication strategies are conceived and disseminated on the basis of the main current debates.
  8. Develop critical thinking and reasoning and be able to relay them effectively in Catalan, Spanish and a third language.
  9. Disseminate the area’s knowledge and innovations.
  10. Generate innovative and competitive ideas in research and professional practice.
  11. Plan and execute journalistic projects in the field of press offices and institutional communication.
  12. Respect the diversity and plurality of ideas, people and situations.
  13. Use one’s imagination with flexibility, originality and ease.



- Directed activities:
											a) Lectures: explanation of the theoretical and practical concepts.
											b) Seminaros. Its objective is to deepen -with working groups and specific activities- basic concepts of health and health journalism.
											c) Practices in computer classrooms: the main objective is to make informative blogs for patient associations
											- Supervised activities:
											a) Individual or group face-to-face tutorials. Its purpose is to solve learning problems.
											- Autonomous work.
											a) They must carry out the readings indicated as obligatory and all the activities planned for a correct development of the seminars and practices in the Laboratories; In addition, they will make a comprehensive reading of part of the basic bibliography.
											- Evaluation activities (a face-to-face session will be used to carry out a self-assessment of the work done throughout the semester).
The calendar will be available on the first day of class. Students will find all information on the Virtual Campus: the description of the activities, teaching materials, and any necessary information for the proper follow-up of the subject. In case of a change of teaching modality for health reasons, teachers will make readjustments in the schedule and methodologies


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Laboratory practices 18 0.72 3, 13, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12
Exam 3 0.12 6
Master class 12 0.48 1, 9, 10, 5
Seminars 9 0.36 2, 8, 9, 10, 12
Type: Supervised      
Tutorials 6 0.24 8
Type: Autonomous      
Autonomous work. 65 2.6 13, 6


Jobs. It will consist of creating a web and a communication plan (in a group) for a patient association. The final products will be evaluated after the consequent improvements and modifications that will be made throughout the course, with the following weight: 20% of the evaluation will be carried out by the patients' association (based on a guide supplied by the teacher) and 30% by the teacher of the subject.
											Each seminar will include an individual evaluation test (critical reading, selection of information, etc.); the sum of them will involve 30% of the subject.
											The self-assessment - at the end of the course - will mean 10% of the grade (guidelines will be provided for this purpose); and each group must evaluate another class group, which will mean another 10% of the total grade (guidelines will be provided for this purpose).
											Re-evaluation may be presented to those who, having done all the evaluable tests, do not reach a sum of 5, whatever the grade they may have obtained. 

The proposed teaching methodology and evaluation activities may undergo some modifications depending on the health authorities' attendance restrictions.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Laboratory practices 50% 25 1 3, 13, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Evaluation 20% 3 0.12 3, 13, 4, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12
Seminars 30% 9 0.36 1, 2, 13, 8, 9, 10, 5


Casino, Gonzalo; Fernández, Esteve. Epidemiología para periodistas y comunicadores. Barcelona: Fundación Dr. Antonio Esteve, 2015.

Casino, Gonzalo. Escepticemia Una mirada escéptica sobre la salud y la información. Barcelona: Fundación Dr. Antonio Este, 2015.

Catalán, Josep María; López Iglesias, Javier. ¡Infórmate en salud!. Madrid: Eneida, 2003.

Cuesta, Ubaldo; Peñafiel, Carmen; Terrón, José Luis; Bustamante, Eduison; Gaspar, Sandra. Comunicación y salud, Madrid: Dextra, 2017

Cuesta, Ubaldo; Gaspar, Sandra; Ugarte, Aitor (edts). Comunicación y Salud. Estrategias y experiencias en prevención, promoción y educación para la salud. Madrid: Fragua, 2012.

Departament Salut. Consideracions ètiques entorn de la informació sanitària, Barcelona, Generalitat de Catalunya, 2004. http://www.periodistes.org/fcic/admin/doc_contingut/consideracions%20informacio%20sanitaria.pdf

Hastings Center. Los fines de la medicina. Bacelona: Funcació Victor Grífols i Lucas, 2004

Elías, Carlos. Fundamentos de periodismo científico y divulgación mediática. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 2008.

García Calvente, M. del Mar et al. Desigualdades de género en la investigación en salud pública y epidemiología en España (2007-2014). Gaceta Sanitaria, 29-6, 404-411, 2015 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0213911115001636

Mayer Miquel Ángel, Terrón José Luis; Leis, Angélica. La salut a la xarxa: propostes de qualitat i de certificació.  Quaderns del CAC 2008: 30: 61-68.

Laín Entralgo, Pedro. El médico y el enfermo. Madrid: Triacastela, 3003

Medina Aguerrebere, Pablo; González Pacanowski, Toni (edts). La comunicación médica: el desafío de internet., Madrid: Fragua, 2012.

Mendizabal, Victoria. Hacia un nuevo contrato entre ciencia y sociedad: el papel de la comunicación científica. Barcelona: Portal del Comunicación, InCom-UAB, 2008 http://www.portalcomunicacion.com/lecciones.asp?aut=36

OPS. Hacuia laformación de periodistas de salud. Lima: OPS, s/f 

OPS. Promoción de la salud. Glosario. Ginebra: OPS, 1998 http://www.who.int/hpr2/archive/docs/glossary_sp.pdf

Ramírez Leyva, Flor Micaela. Aproximaciones al nexo entre comunicación y salud. Barcelona: Portal de la Comunicación, InCom-UAB, 2015. http://www.portalcomunicacion.com/lecciones_det.asp?id=90

de Semir, Vladimir; Revuelta, Gemma. El periodismo biomédico en la era 2.0. Barcelona: Funcació Victor Grífols i Lucas,  2012

Tabakman, Roxana. La salud en los medios. Ministério da Cultura Brasil: IMedPub. 2011.

Tajer, Débora. Construyendo una agenda de género en las políticas públicas de salud. Revista Sexología y sociedad, 2014. file:///C:/Users/win7/Downloads/248-798-1-PB.pdf

Terrón, José Luis. Un aproximación a la información sobre salud en los medios de comunicación. InCom-UAB: Portal de la Comunicación. 2018. http://www.portalcomunicacion.com/lecciones_det.asp?id=100

Terrón, José Luís. Algunas reflexiones sobre la comunicación y salud en España tras cinco años del Observatorio de Comunicación y Salud. Revista Española de Comunicación en Salud. 2010; 1(2): 77-97.

Terrón, José Luis. El turisme de salut, 235-250, en de San Eugenio J. Manual de comunicació Turistica. Girona: Documenta Universitaria; 2009.



Blech, Jörg. Los inventores de enfermedades. Barcelona: Destino, 2005

Carrillo Durá, María Victoria. Publicidad y anorexia. Madrid: Edicines de las Ciencias Sociales, 2002

Cortiñas Rovira, Sergi. Historia de la divulgación científica. Vic: Eumo, 2009

De Quiroga, Santiago. Comunicar es salud. Madrid: Pearson Educación, 2006+

Díaz Rojo, José Antonio; Morant i Marco, Ricard; Westall Pixzton; Debra. El culto a la salud y la belleza. La retórica del bienestar. Madrid, Biblioteca Nueva, 2006

Frasculi, LP (ed.) Los públicos de la ciencia. Barcelona: Fundación Dr. Antonio Esteve, 2014.

Fundació Dr Antoni Esteve. Debates sobre periodismo científico. Barcelona: Fundació Dr Antoni Esteve, 2007

Gutierrez Rodilla, Bertha; Navarro, Fernando. La importancia del lenguaje en el entorno biosanitario. Barcelona:  Fundación Dr. Antonio Esteve,2014.

León Rubio, José María; Medina Anzano, Silvia. Psicología social de la salud. Sevilla: Comunicación Social, 2002

Rico-Villademoros, Fernando; Alfaro, Vicente. La redacción médica como profesión. Barcelona: Fundació Dr Antoni Esteve, 2009

Suiegler, Mark. Las tres edades de la medicina y la relación médico-paciente. Barcelona: Cuadernos de la Fundació Victor Grífols i Lucas, 2011.

Sontag, Susan. La enfermedad y sus metáforas. El sida y sus metáforas. Madrid: Taurus, 1996

Terrón, José Luis El tratamiento del VIH/sida en los periódicos españoles, investigar para propiciar nuevos relatos periodísticos, Communication and Society, n 21 (2012): 57-68

Terrón, José Luis, Estévez, Patricia. El diseño de campañas sobre el ictus y su evaluación. Una revisión de 10 años de literatura científica (1999-2009), OBS, Vol 5, No 1 (2011): 123-156.

Terrón, José Luis, Martínez, Luisa, García, Ramón. El tratamiento del VIH/sida en los medios de comunicación escritos españoles: ABC, El Mundo. El País, EL Periódico, La Vanguardia (octubre 2009-marzo 2010), Bellaterra: InCom-UAB, 2011ISBN 978-84-693-9754-1

de la Torre, Toni. La medicina en las series de tv. Barcelona: Fundación Dr. Antonio Esteve, 2016.

VV.AA. Comunicar la salut. Mètode, No 88 (2016): 46-94.



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Revista Comunicación y Salud


Revista Española de Comunicación en Salud
