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Human Psychology

Code: 103016 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2500892 Physiotherapy FB 1 2
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Rosa Maria Escorihuela Agulló

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:


Rafael Torrubia Beltri
Daniel Vega Moreno
Beatriz Molinuevo Alonso

External teachers

Oren Contreras


There aren't.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The Human Psychology course is placed in the first year of the Degree in Physiotherapy, within the pre-clinical training stage.

The general objective of the subject is to provide the student the social bases of human behaviour, as well as basic knowledge between psychology and health that allow him to establish and maintain a good relationship with patients, relatives / caregivers and other professionals.

All these goals must help the student to achieve a range of competences that should enable a better understanding of the behaviour of users of health systems, their own behaviour and the professional interaction of the user's health.


  • Clearly and effectively communicate orally and in writing with all users of the healthcare system, and with other professionals.
  • Display critical reasoning skills.
  • Display interpersonal skills.
  • Display knowledge of the morphology, physiology, pathology and conduct of both healthy and sick people, in the natural and social environment.
  • Evaluate the functional state of the patient, considering the physical, psychological and social aspects.
  • Express ideas fluently, coherently and correctly, both orally and in writing.
  • Provide effective physiotherapeutic treatment and offer patients integral care.
  • Respect diversity in ideas, people and situations
  • Work in teams.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Determine and explain the psychological aspects of the therapist-patient relationship.
  2. Display critical reasoning skills.
  3. Display interpersonal skills.
  4. Explain and apply the theories of communication and interpersonal relationships.
  5. Explain the fundamental principles of evolutionary psychology and psychosocial development.
  6. Explain the learning theories to be applied in health education and in one's own ongoing learning process.
  7. Explain the psychological and social factors that affect the state of health of an individual, a family, or a community.
  8. Explain the psychological aspects of the physiotherapist-patient relationship.
  9. Explain the psychological factors affecting the biological organism in patients with psychosomatic disorders.
  10. Express ideas fluently, coherently and correctly, both orally and in writing.
  11. Identify the mental repercussions of physical injuries or illnesses in patients.
  12. Identify the psychological and physical problems deriving from gender violence.
  13. Respect diversity in ideas, people and situations.
  14. Work in teams.



Topic 1. Learning: What, how, when... do we learn?

Topic 2. Personality



Topic 3. Social relationships

Topic 4. Aggressive behaviour

Topic 5. Attitudes

Topic 6. Social beliefs

Topic 7. Explanation of behaviour



Topic 8. Stress, health and illness 

Topic 9. Behaviour and Health

Topic 10. Physical exercise and Cognition 

Topic 11. Other healthy habits: Sleep (DV)

Topic 12. Behaviour and pain (DV)

Topic 13. The physiotherapist-patient relationship in clinical practice (BM)



Activity 1. The biases of human thought

Activity 2. The power of situations

Activity 3. Psychoneuroimmunology 



PLAB 1. Evaluation and management of psychological aspects associated with pain.

PLAB 2. Communicative skills in the physiotherapist-patient relationship.

PLAB 3. Stress ansd anxiety: Measurement and management.





Theory classes, laboratory practices, virtual activities and autonomous activities (individual study, bibliographic or documentary consultations, Virtual Campus). The evaluable theoretical content will include the material explained in the theory classes and the chapters or parts of the chapters of the textbook  [FELDMAN, R. (2019). Understanding Psychology (14th ed.). New York: McGraw Hill] to be studied by the corresponding teacher for each topic. The textbook will be accessible free of charge in electronic format for all students enrolled in the subject.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
LABORATORY PRACTICALS (PLAB) 6 0.24 1, 8, 7, 4, 10, 11, 13, 3, 14
THEORY (TE) 45 1.8 1, 8, 9, 7, 5, 4, 6, 12, 11
Type: Autonomous      
SELF_STUDY 92 3.68 1, 8, 9, 7, 5, 4, 6, 10, 12, 11, 14



For evaluative purposes, the course is divided into three blocks: a) Block first part of theory that includes the topics 1 to 7 and virtual activities 1-2; b) Block second part of theory that includes the the topics 8 to 13 and virtual activity 3; and c) Block of practices.

To pass the subject, the students must have passed each of the three Blocks with a minimum mark of 5.

Students will have two opportunities to pass each of the Blocks: the first, in the calls for partial assessments and the second in the resit test.



1. Partial evaluations

There will be two partial assessments during the course. The dates will be set by the Coordination Team of the Teaching Unit. These assessments, if passed, will serve to eliminate material from the resit test. Each exam will result in a separate mark. The questions will have a multiple choice format with five answer options and only one valid option.

The exam questions are written in Catalan and Spanish.

A correction will be applied to discount random hits [Corrected score = (hits - (errors / 4))] which will be transformed into a mark that can vary between 0 and 10.

The first partial evaluation will consist of an exam: First part theory, of 34 questions on the contents of the Block first part of theory;

The second partial evaluation will include two exams: a) Second part theory, of 27 questions on the contents of the Block second part of theory; and b) Practice exam, of 12 questions on the subject of the Practices Block. .

After each assessment, students will have a period of 24 hours to send, through the Virtual Campus, comments or complaints about the questions, which will be analyzed by teachers before publishing the provisional list of marks. An exam review session will be convened after the list is published.


2. Attendance and active participation in class and virtual activities

2.1.Active participation in class: Throughout the semester there will be four evaluation activities with the aim that students can demonstrate their active participation in the learning process. The activities will be carried out, according to the criteria of the teachers, according to a calendar that will be announced at the beginning of the course. The active participation of students in these activities will generate a mark (0 to 10) for each activity. Failure to participate in the activity will result in a score of 0.

2.2. Participation in the virtual activities: The delivery of the answers of each one of the virtual activities will be counted.



Students who have not passed the subject through partial assessments may take a Recovery Test that will be held on the day set by the Coordination Team of the Teaching Unit. The test will consist of three parts: a) First partial theory; b) Second partial theory; and c) Practice exam. Each student will only be required to take the part that they did not pass in the partial assessments.

The characteristics of the exams as well as the formula for calculating the mark will be the same as those of the partial assessments.

After the exams, students will have a period of 24 hours to send through the Virtual Campus comments or complaints about the questions, which will be analyzed by teachers before publishing the provisional list of marks. An exam review session will be convened after the list is published.

Students who have not passed the subject through partial assessments and who haven't appear on the day of the Recovery Test will be classified as "NOT EVALUABLE".



Final mark = (First part mark of theory * 0.28) + (mark Second partial of theory * 0.22) + (mark Exam of practices * 0,20) + (average mark of the four marks of attendance and of active participationin class * 0.28) + (bonus of 0.04 points on the Final mark for each virtual activity exercise delivered within the set deadline).

This formula will only be applied in the case that a mark of 5 has been obtained in each of the three Blocks of the subject (First partial of theory, Second partial of theory and Exam of Practices).

The final mark of the students who have not passed the three parts of the subject after the Recovery Test, will be:

In the event that the resulting mark after applying the formula for calculating the Final Grade is ≤ 4.7, that grade will be placed.
In the event that the resulting mark after applying the formula for calculating the Final Grade is> 4.7, the final grade will be 4.7.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Attendance and active participation in classes and seminars 30% 1 0.04 9, 7, 5, 6, 10, 12, 2, 13
Pràctiques i activitats virtuals: Avaluacions escrites mitjançant proves objectives: Ítems de selecció: Ítems d'elecció múltiple 20% 2 0.08 1, 8, 9, 7, 5, 4, 10, 2, 13, 3, 14
Teoria i activitats virtuals: Avaluacions escrites mitjançant proves objectives: Ítems de selecció: Ítems d'elecció múltiple 50% 4 0.16 1, 8, 9, 7, 5, 4, 6, 12, 11, 2


Specific eBook 

FELDMAN, R. (2019). Understanding Psychology (14th. Ed). New York: McGraw Hill Bibliografia de consulta


Consultation bibliography

BORRELL, F. (2004). Entrevista clínica. Manual de estrategias prácticas. Barcelona: semFYC.

BRANNON, L. & FEIST, J. (2001). Psicología de la salud. Madrid: Paraninfo.

BUCKMAN, R. (1998). Com donar les males notícies: una guia per a professionals de la salut. Vic: Eumo.

CLÈRIES, X. (2006). La comunicación. Una competencia esencial para los profesionales de la salud. Barcelona: Masson.

MOLINUEVO, B. (2017). La comunicación no verbal en la relación médico-paciente. Barcelona: UOC.

MYERS, D.G. (2005) Psicología (7a. ed.). Buenos Aires: Editorial Médica Panamericana.

MYERS, D.G. (2000). Psicologia social (6a. ed.). Santa Fe de Bogotá: McGraw-Hill.

SAPOLSKY. R. M. (1995). ¿Por qué las cebras no tienen úlcera? Madrid: Alianza Editorial.

SANDI, C. & CALES, J.M. (2000). Estrés: consecuencias psicológicas fisiológicas y clínicas. Madrid: Sanz y Torres.

SCHATER DL, GILBERT DT, WEGNER DM (2009-2011). Psychology. Worth Publishers.

TOBEÑA, A., (2003). Anatomía de la agresividad humana (de la violencia al belicismo). Barcelona: Debolsillo.