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Nursing Care in Childhood, Adolescents and Women

Code: 101792 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2500891 Nursing OB 3 2
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Purificación Escobar

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:


Meritxell Jiménez Llahí
Caterina Checa Jiménez


There are no official prerequisites.

However, it would be convenient to review the competences worked on subjects such as nursing Clinic, Structure and function of the human body and Physiology in the child, the adolescent and the woman. On the other hand, it would be advisable to look over the competences from the subject Nursing Methodology Basis.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The subject is programmed on the third year of the Nursing Degree and it is part of the group of subjects of mandatory training. It constitutes, therefore, part of the necessary scientific basis for the training of the graduated nurse.


Their general objectives are the study of the child from the moment of the conception until the adolescence and the study of the sexual and reproductive health of women. Putting the emphasis on the person's development throughout the vital cycle and on the knowledge of the main nursing tools that collaborate in the improvement of the practice nurse at primary health care and specialized care.


Identify the changes that occur in women during pregnancy and the postpartum. CRITERION: It is necessary to relate at least 80% of them in this stage of the vital cycle.

Relate the stage of development in which the child is found with the way of satisfying their basic needs, from birth to adolescence. CRITERION: It is mandatory to substantiate the how and why they are satisfied this way throughout these stages.

Analyze the health situation of women in the different stages of the vital cycle, following a nursing model. CRITERION: identifying the main problems, describing etiology and the symptoms and signs for each of them.

Plan the care process for the people treated following one of the models of human needs. CRITERION: You must apply the stages of the care process.

Select the most appropriate care plans that allow intervening over the stress of the child and the family in front of the illness and the hospitalization. CRITERION: It must be based on evidence so that they can be considered the most appropriate.

Analyze the proposed interventions in the care plan. CRITERION: it is necessary to justify their belonging to the selected care model.

Select the most appropriate interventions, to treat the health problems presented on women throughout the different stages of the life cycle. CRITERION: It is necessary to justify with evidences each of the nursing interventions.

Analyze the interventions proposed in the plan of cures. CRITERION: You have to justify its belongings with the model of selected care.

Analyze the care process over the stress of the child and the family facing the illness and the hospitalization. CRITERION: It is mandatory to identify and justify with evidence the actions that guarantee the stabilization of the situation and the prevention of complications.


  • """Demonstrate an understanding of people without prejudice: consider physical, psychological and social aspects, as independent individuals; ensure that their opinions, values and beliefs are respected and guarantee their right to privacy, through trust and professional secrecy."""
  • Base nursing interventions on scientific evidence and the available media.
  • Design systems for curing aimed at people, families or groups and evaluate their impact, making any necessary changes.
  • Develop critical thinking and reasoning and communicate ideas effectively, both in the mother tongue and in other languages.
  • Develop independent learning strategies.
  • Identify, analyse and choose the most suitable option to respond efficiently and effectively to problems in the professional context.
  • Offer technical and professional health care and that this adequate for the health needs of the person being attended, in accordance with the current state of scientific knowledge at any time and levels of quality and safety established under the applicable legal and deontological rules.
  • Plan and carry out nursing care aimed at people, families and groups orientated to health results and evaluate the impact of them using clinical and care practice guides describing the processes for the diagnosis, treatment or cure of a health problem.
  • Promote healthy life styles, self-treatment, giving support to the maintenance of preventative and therapeutic conducts.
  • Respect diversity in ideas, people and situations.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Apply care during maternity anticipating complications.
  2. Argue with scientific evidence selecting those most suitable nursing care for adequate professional attention to the health needs of people.
  3. Arguing nursing interventions with scientific evidence.
  4. Assess and treat comprehensively health needs in childhood.
  5. Design strategies that consider the cultural aspects and guarantee respect for opinions, beliefs and values as well as the right to privacy and professional secrecy.
  6. Develop independent learning strategies.
  7. Draw up a care plan according to the stage and/or phase of the illness at which the patient is, using theoretical and practical principles of nursing and evaluating the results.
  8. Establish a relationship between theory and practice.
  9. Explain the risk factors involved in the health and illness process.
  10. Identify and explain practical clinical and care guides related to attending to health demands of people during their entire life cycle and the changes that may occur, and to offer the necessary care at each stage.
  11. Identify health needs during the different stages of the life cycle, from the moment of birth to the end of life.
  12. Identify specific aspects of the new-born.
  13. Identify the most frequent health problems in infancy and their manifestations.
  14. Identify the psychosocial components of individuals and their beliefs which identify them as autonomous and independent individuals throughout their life cycles.
  15. Identify the risk factors in the health-illness process on a physical, emotional and social level.
  16. Identify, analyze and make the right choice paragraphs to address problems professionally, efficiently and effectively.
  17. Interpret the cultural aspects and values that determine health behaviour.
  18. Justify nursing actions with physiopathological processes.
  19. Justify quality nursing care that is adequate for health needs.
  20. Justifying analyze nursing interventions with scientific evidence and / or expert contributions sustain.
  21. Plan nursing cures aimed at people, families or groups.
  22. Plan proposals for scientifically-based analysis in accordance with resources.
  23. Propose protocols for care aimed at people at risk of becoming ill.
  24. Respect diversity in ideas, people and situations.
  25. Select the basic aspects related to a healthy life, self-care and preventative and therapeutic actions in relation to health needs, directing the actions to the person as well as the families or responsible carers.



In this subject, we will address the health problems in childhood, adolescence and women during pregnancy, part and puerperium. We start from the health status of the Catalan population that reflects, to a certain extent, much of the changes (socio-demographic, epidemiological, technological, etc.) that occurred in our society. Some with the arrival of immigrant population in a short period, which have modified the structure by age and sex of the population and the tendencies of fertility. Broadly speaking, the health situation of the population of Catalonia is characterized by a life expectancy that is among the highest in the world. Habits and lifestyles have improved in relation to smoking habits, the use of safety features in cars and motorcycles and the fulfillment of preventive activities (control of blood pressure, measurement of the level of cholesterol, fulfillment of mammography and cytology or anti- influenza vaccination).

There are, however, important areas of improvement, especially those in which we have not advanced, such as physical activity, healthy eating or the maintenance of proper weight. In the case of young people, what matter is the smoking habit and the excessive alcohol consumption, as well as the increase of pregnancies in adolescents.

The concept of child, childhood and adolescence as we understand it nowadays could be well defined as a “special and wide phase of life "(Bergen, 2007), it is a social construction made by humans whereby this construction can change through time and from one culture to another. The image of the child that we have nowadays is very recent and a product of the ideas of the Illustration (S. XVIII) that promised a magical society.

Currently a child is understood as "all human beings under 18, unless, under the laws that may be applicable, get the majority of age before", (Art 1 of the UNICEF Children's Rights Convention, 1996). The convention on the rights of children says: all children must be free of discrimination.

Develop physically and mentally in freedom and dignity. To have a name and a nationality. To have nutrition, housing, recreation and adequate health services. Receive special treatment, if you have any deficiency. Receive love, understanding and material security. Receive education to develop their abilities. Be the first ones to receive protection in case of catastrophes. Be protected from abandonment, cruelty and exploitation. Be educated in the spirit of friendship between people. (General Assembly of the United Nations 1989).

In our environment, nursing childcare is based on the spreading of the concept of health, a permanent influence of the socio-economic conditions in the situation of children and teens. A very important development of healthcare from the technological and organizational point of view.



Childhood. Take care of the newborn. The school-age child. Promotion and maintenance of health during the growth and development of the child. Characteristics of the different stages of childhood and adolescence, factors that condition the normal pattern of growth and development. More frequent health problems in childhood and identify their manifestations. Nursing cares for the child and the family in special situations. The process of nursing care in the child and the adolescent in the hospital and at the primary health care. Plan all the stages of the nursing care process. Nurse care process to assess the state of health of the child, in a healthy situation (monitoring and development of the healthy child) and illness (monitoring of the sick kid). Attention to the family with the arrival of a new member. The family caregivers.

Adolescence. The puberty. Adolescent pregnancy / Adolescent aggressiveness / Risk behavior in adolescence. The most frequent health problems in adolescence.

The woman. Pregnancy, labor, normal andhigh-risk puerperium. Characteristics of women at different stages of the reproductive cycle. The woman and the menopause. Take care of women in different stages of life. The most frequent health problems in women. The process of nursing care for women with different health problems - illness




Attendance and active participation in the seminars, plus the evaluation using practical cases and resolution of problems.

The methodology used in the Seminars will be <<Learning based on Problems in mixed group>> (ABPGM) that is carried out through supervised and face-to-face sessions in the classroom in which students must analyze a situation problem that will drive the learning. Through this situation / problem, the student acquires skills to face problems, prioritize and search for information, take decisions and evaluate their activity.

The ABPGM distinctive feature is that the first session is performed with the entire class group with one teacher. The two remaining sessions are specialized seminars in small groups of 25 students more or less, with a teacher for each group.

In ABPGM, the role of the student is active because the student is responsible of their learning process. The role of the teacher is that of facilitate and guide of the student during this process.

The presentation of the situation / problem: the order will be established to work on the scenarios and the situation/problem will be introduced so that it can be analyzed in each of the first sessions. Those situation/ problem will be introduced by the teacher in charge of the subjects involved.

First tutorial session

The first session is carried out with the entire class-group and is directed by the teacher in charge of the subject for 4 hours.

·          Step 1. Analysis of the situation (1 hour). First work in-group.

The purpose of this group-work is that, based on the knowledge previously acquired (recovery of the previous knowledge), identify everything considered that must be learned and that is related both with the problem suggested and with the results of the learning.

The group must prepare a list of the questions that have emerged from the analysis of the situation. Next, with the list of questions, a priority order must be established based on the importance related to the learning outcomes.

·          Step 2. Posting common questions (50 minutes). First plenary session.

A representative from each group shares with the rest of the class two or three questions writing them on the blackboard. Lately they are analyzed, sorted by topic and/ or following the nursing care process and it is done a prioritization according to its importance in relation to the results of the learning process.

·          Rest: (20 minutes)


·          Step 3. Work plan (40 minutes). Second work in-group.

The objective is to develop a work plan in accordance with the questions prioritized in the plenary. Finally, possible sources of information should be identified.

·          Step 4. Commitment of the work plan (60 minutes). Second plenary session.

The objective is to design a work plan on the blackboard; this plan will include a common part for all the groups and the aspects that have interested each group in particular. To do this, a representative from each group will share with the rest of the class the questions, the work-plan elaborated and the possible sources to look for information.

·          Step 5. Selection of study topics (10 minutes). Plenary session

The teacher recommends those subjects that considers being of individual study. Information sources can be suggested.

Each group will have to send their work plan to the corresponding teacher.

The following sessions are held in groups of students with the corresponding teacher.


Second tutorial session

The group discusses the individual searching strategies and query sources used to evaluate critically the information collected (the reliability of the sources, the methods of investigation used, the statistical methods applied, ...). The planned plan of work is discussed; where all the components of the group must have the opportunity to explain the information they have studied. With this sharing, students are trained for critical evaluation and correction of their prior knowledge, while they are developing the ability to evaluate critically its reasoning of the problem. As a result of the discussion, they have to make a summary of knowledge and abstraction of the principles and concepts that can be applied to other similar situations.

Third tutorial session

This analyzes the problem/ situation worked and a synthesis of the learning and goals achieved is done. It is about answering the following questions: What has been learned again by working on the problem? How is this learning related to the goals? What new principles or concepts have been discussed? Which have they learned? From what has been learned, what will help you to understand different problems or situations in the future? Which learning areas were identified but not worked? All these questions allow them to identify the acquired knowledge and what is still pending.

Theory: expositive classes

Theory in the format of expositive classes and tutorial sessions for the oral defense of works with the purpose of clarifying doubts and connect concepts where students have a greater difficulty.

Individualized tutorials: specific tutorials can be specified by contacting previously via email and/ or virtual campus with the teacher.

This third session is finalized with self-evaluation, peer review and teacher assessment.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Seminars 30 1.2 20, 1, 2, 3, 6, 5, 7, 8, 9, 12, 15, 13, 10, 11, 14, 16, 17, 19, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 4
Theory 20 0.8 20, 2, 3, 6, 5, 7, 8, 9, 12, 15, 13, 10, 11, 14, 17, 19, 18, 21, 23, 24, 25, 4
Type: Autonomous      
Personal study 94 3.76 6, 16, 24



The evaluation system is organized in 3 modules each of which will have a specific weight in the qualification end:

Attendance and active participation in the seminars, plus the evaluation using practical cases and resolution of problems (50%)

The evaluation of the attendance and active participation in the seminars, plus the assessment using cases practical and problem solving, it represents 50% of the final grade. It consists of an oral evaluation at the end of each of the ABPGM situations and one written evaluation by means of a report that the tutor gives at the end of the unit and is shared by the integrated subjects.

The objective of this evaluation is that it serves as a stimulus for the learning to feed the process. It covers four dimensions: responsibility, learning skills, communication and work in-group.

Submission of self-assessment reports / written papers (10%) two days after the end of each situation, each student must submit, through Moodle, a self-assessment report maximum of 2 pages with a reflection and evaluation of their degree of achievement of the competences included in the guía. The format of the exercise is free. In addition, it should be clear which knowledge has been acquired and which ones not. The report must be realistic and justified in a clear way. The report will be reviewed by the responsible tutor of each ABP group. In the case of a great discrepancy with the teacher's opinion, the document will be returned to the student to think about it and rectify it. Auto-evaluations outside the deadline established will not be accepted. The non-delivery of the exercise will mean a mark of 0. If it is confirmed plagiarism in any of the exercises, it will mean the fail of the subject without reassessment option.

Oral defense of work (40%) at the end of work situations.

The following dimensions are evaluated:


Question raised (complexity).

Bibliographic search (keywords, sources of information).

Antecedents (definition of the problem, epidemiology, associated factors, current state of the subject).

Justification of the subject (clear and coherent argument to answer the question).

Evidence Presentation (level of evidence).

Applicability and usefulness in practice.

Bibliography (bibliographical references).

Presentation methodology

Exposition and language (order, vocabulary).

Audiovisual material design (coherent, clear, creative).

Time (adjust to time indicated).

Non-verbal language (posture, movements, visual contact).

Participation of the members of the group: to ensure that all students are able to defend the work done, the tutor decides the order in which students will be presenting.

There will be a co-evaluation of presentations by two teachers of the subject. The student will deliver in presentation in computer and paper support.


1.     The requirement to obtain the final grade is to be submitted to all the evaluative parts and have obtained a score of 5.

2.     It will be considered non-evaluable, of all the integrated subjects that configure the unit, when the student has missed 30% of ABPGM sessions.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Attendance and active participation in the seminars, plus the evaluation using practical cases and resolution of problems (50%) 50% 2 0.08 20, 1, 2, 3, 6, 5, 7, 8, 9, 12, 15, 13, 10, 11, 14, 16, 17, 19, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 4
Oral defense of work (40%) at the end of work situations. 40% 3 0.12 20, 2, 3, 6, 5, 7, 8, 9, 12, 15, 13, 10, 11, 14, 16, 17, 19, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 4
Submission of self-assessment reports / written papers (10%) 10% 1 0.04 20, 2, 3, 6, 5, 8, 12, 15, 13, 11, 14, 16, 17, 19, 18, 24, 25, 4



Given that one of the general competences that is intended that the student achieve is that of developing strategies for an autonomous learning (CG2), and that the monitored activity by the teacher is the Learning based on Problems (LBP), the bibliography is not specified.

In the LBP, the student must become competent on the searching of information and on the critical reading of the same. On the first session, the students –according to the working plan planned- figure out which are the adequate sources of information for their work. On the second session, the students must explain the difficulties found through their search and they face the discoveries and the evidences.  According to this shared work, they think about the suitability or not of this one.

Those are the reasoning why it is not considered convenient that the faculty presents a specific list of bibliography.