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Degree Project

Code: 100401 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2500243 Classics OB 4 0
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Oscar Luis de la Cruz Palma

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:


The English version of this teaching guide has been developed with the use of Google-translator


The student can enroll in the TFG once they have passed the thirds of the curriculum, that is, 160 credits.
The TFG will be done during the second semester of the fourth course.Only in exceptional cases and with the approval of the TFG coordinator can they be done during the first semester.
Since the student enrolled in the TFG has already acquired the basic competences, he must be able to express himself correctly, both orally and in writing, in any of the languages of the philological degrees of the Faculty.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The syllabus and the format has been approved by the Teaching Commission of the degree, and its organization has been coordinated with the other titles of Philology of the Faculty, following the "Protocol of the subject Final Degree Project" approved by the COA February 15, 2017 The objective of the subject is the preparation and public presentation of an academic work that allows to evaluate globally and synthetically the level of scope of the specific and transversal competences of the degree. The content of this subject may be a bibliographic synthesis and applied research. As an orientation, the TFG will have an extension of between 4,000 and 9,000 words (between 15 and 25 pages), bibliography and separate annexes. The line spacing will be 1.5 and the body of the Times New Roman 12pp work letter. It is recommended that the writing criteria be those established by Faventia magazine. The student may propose innovative formats to present their work, but they must be previously approved by the Teaching Commission.


  • Developing critical thinking and reasoning and communicating them effectively both in your own and other languages.
  • Interpreting written Greek and Latin texts both in prose and verse, applying the philological method.
  • Obtaining information from the study of written Greek and Latin sources, that allow to access several aspects of the realia (sociocultural reality of the ancient world).
  • Producing innovative and competitive proposals in research and professional activity.
  • Students must be capable of applying their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and they should have building arguments and problem resolution skills within their area of study.
  • Students must develop the necessary learning skills in order to undertake further training with a high degree of autonomy.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Autonomously searching, selecting and processing information both from structured sources (databases, bibliographies, specialized magazines) and from across the network.
  2. Critically selecting and using a wide variety of bibliographic and digital resources that are appropriate to the subject of the work.
  3. Demonstrating a mastering of the subject of study defending the presented attitudes and solving questions and doubts.
  4. Developing and defending with sound arguments, original attitudes obtained from research or critical review.
  5. Interpreting primary sources written originally in the classical languages and other Indo-European languages.
  6. Mastering the relevant languages to the necessary degree in the professional practice. Using bibliography and web resources in the most extended languages of the classical studies.
  7. Organizing their own time and work resources: designing plans with priorities of objectives, schedules and action commitments.
  8. Publicly presenting the main point of the carried out work through a clear and concise exposition.
  9. Recognize the importance of controlling the quality of the results of the work and its presentation.
  10. Relating in a coherent and critical way the secondary sources with the chosen theoretical and methodological models.
  11. Relating the obtained data from the texts with the information of realia.
  12. Use both basic tools (eg word processor or database), and specialized software required in professional practice.
  13. Using the main computing and data management tools, as well as the information and communication technologies in the specific field of the classical studies.
  14. Writing in a fluid, appropriate and academic manner, with a coherent structure and paying attention to detail.


The objective of the subject is to carry out a research work related to any of the subjects of the degree or to the interrelation between them. The content of the work may be a bibliographic synthesis or an applied research. The job consists in:Preparation and presentation of a topic that allows a global and synthetic evaluation of the specific and transversal competences associated with the title.Search and location of bibliography: selection and critical analysis of the specific literature of the selected topic.Approach of the theoretical framework.Oral defense of the work before two professors, one of whom will be the tutor of the work.The TFG must be original and unpublished. Any plagiarism, total or partial, of the content will be penalized automatically with a suspension. In the Virtual Campus of the subject, the coordinator will distribute a commitment document against plagiarism, which the student must submit signed together with the TFG.The Teaching Commission, after consulting the areas of the degree, will make a proposal of topics for the preparation of the TFG (following annex). The student can propose another topic, as long as it has the approval of the tutor and the Coordinator of the subject.


In this subject ho there are teaching activities in the classroom.

The teaching methodology is based on the training activities detailed in the box.There is to elaborate the TFG individually.

The student can propose innovative formats when exposing the work, but they will have to be previously approved by the Teaching Commission.

Procedure to choose the theme and assign the tutor / aThe Coordinator of the TFG will publish in the Virtual Campus of the subject a Tab to choose the tutor of the TFG, which will have to be delivered duly fulfilled according to the established calendar (see the section "Work schedule" in this Teaching Guide).

Through this Card, the student will indicate their priority over three different professors (and not subjects). The File will be considered by the Coordinator of the TFG at the time of definitively assigning the tutor, always within the periods indicated in the Calendar.

The students of Degrees Combined with Classical Studies will also have access to the conditions of the Card in the Virtual Campus of their own subject, but it will be the Coordinator of the Combined Degrees who will assign the tutorials.Students who take a stay outside the UAB as part of the university exchange programs during the fourth year can:a) do the TFG at a distance, except for the oral presentation, which must always be face-to-face.b) make an equivalent TFG at their host university, provided that it offers a TFG equivalent in number of TFG credits; in this case, it would be validated like any other subject.Once the process of presentation of the TFG is finished, students who have obtained a minimum grade of 9 points will be able to voluntarily publish their TFG in the DDD deposit of the UAB, sending a copy of the TFG in pdf and the appropriate documents duly fulfilled (which will be facilitated in the virtual Campus of the subject). This procedure must be managed through the TFG coordinator.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Group tutorials and information sessions 4 0.16 4, 5, 10, 11, 2
Type: Supervised      
Tutorials and corrections of drafts. Search, reading, study, presentation of the scheme, partial and complete delivery of the work 15 0.6 8, 4, 6, 14, 5, 7, 9, 12, 13
Type: Autonomous      
Preparation of the proposal and work within the established deadlines (documentation, readings, synthesis, writing) 130 5.2 1, 3, 10, 2, 12


The evaluation system will be regulated through some cards with rubrics that the TFG Coordinator will make public in the Virtual Campus of the subject (see also the following section, about the Work Calendar). The aim is to obtain three evidences that weigh the evaluation in the following proportion: follow-up on the writing of the TFG (20% of the grade); written delivery of the TFG (40% of the grade); and oral defense (40% of the grade, decided by two members of the court).

In the event that tests or exams cannot be taken onsite, they will be adapted to an online format made available through the UAB’s virtual tools (original weighting will be maintained). Homework, activities and class participation will be carried out through forums, wikis and/or discussion on Teams, etc. Lecturers will ensure that students are able to access these virtual tools, or will offer them feasible alternatives.

In the event of a student committing any irregularity that may lead to a significant variation in the grade awarded to an assessment activity, the student will be given a zero for this activity, regardless of any disciplinary process that may take place. In the event of several irregularities in assessment activities of the same subject, the student will be given a zero as the final grade for this subject.

Work calendar

CALENDAR OF THE TFG of the philological degrees (2020-2021)

  • July 2020: Registration period.
  • 5th – 23rd October 2020: Supervisor and topic preferences to be manifested.
  • 24th October – 19st November 2020: Supervisor and topic assignment.
  • 20th November 2020: publication.
  • 12th March 2021: delivery by the tutor of the first record with the tracking rubrics (5% of the grade) (* 1). The tutor will also have to deliver the Mentoring Act (* 2) that the Coordinator will have made public in the Virtual Campus of the subject.
  • 14th May 2021: delivery by the tutor of the second file with the tracking rubrics (15% of the note).
  • 14th June 2021: Due date for final TFG version
  • 30th June– 4th July 2020: TFG oral presentations. The day established for the oral defense, the tutor must submit the file with the rubrics on the written work (40% of the grade)
  • 8th July 2021: Deadline to record grades.


[Calendar for the 1st semester (extraordinary):

  • 10th September 2020: Deadline to request to do the TFG in semester A
  • 14th – 18th September 2020: Supervisor and topic assignment.
  • 23th October, 2020: delivery by the tutor of the first file with the tracking rubrics (5% of the grade) (* 1). The tutor will also have to deliver the Mentoring Act (* 2) that the Coordinator will have made public in the Virtual Campus of the subject.
  • 18th December 2020: delivery by the tutor of the second record with the follow-up rubrics (15% of the grade).
  • 25th January 2021: Due date for final TFG version
  • 10th – 15th February 2021: TFG oral presentations.
  • 19th February 2021: Deadline to record grades].

(*1) The rubrics of monitoring and evaluation is a document approved by the Teaching Commission of the Degree in Classical Studies to weigh the evaluation of the TFG during its writing (20% of the grade), delivery (40% of the grade) and oral defense (40%) of the note). The Coordinator of theTFG will publish them in the Virtual Campus of the subject and will keep track of the deliveries established in this Calendar.(*two).

(*2) Tutoring Act: this is a document used to record the meeting between tutor / student on the establishment of the topic and the main criteria on the writing of the TFG. The idea is to collect the agreements taken in order to have a clearer control over the monitoring and have evidence of it. The work must be submitted in the month of June. There is no call for September.

Students may request a call for the firstsemester, which will bepossible to celebrate with the approval of the degree coordinator and the tutor of the work. The tutor and the student will establish a follow-up calendar, with a minimum of face-to-face or virtual tutorials.Enrollment of Honor (MH) in the case of the students of combined degrees: the concession of the MH will be made within the framework of a commission created ad hoc and constituted by the coordinators of TFG of the simple degrees and the coordinator of TFGof the combined philological degrees. For the granting of the MH will be taken into account in 75% of the TFG and 25% note of the student's file of the last two years (3rd and 4th).

If the student wants his TFG to be published in the Digital Repository of Documents (DDD) of the UAB, as long as the TFG meets the quality requirements to be published (having obtained a minimum grade of 9), once the day has passed of the defense of the TFG, the student will have to deliver the authorization for the publication of the TFGduly executed and signed, together with the metadata sheet and a pdf copy of the work. All the necessary documents for the publication in the DDD will be available in the virtual Campus of the subject. Re-evaluationTFGs do not have reevaluation.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Oral defense of written work 40% 1 0.04 1, 8, 3, 4, 6, 14, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Preparation of written work 60% 0 0 1, 3, 6, 14, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 2, 12, 13


General bibliography advisable

The bibliography should be expanded and applied based on the tutor's instructions. 

Alberich, J. - Ros, M., La transcripció dels noms propis grecs i llatins, Biblioteca Universitària. Enciclopèdia Catalana, Barcelona 1993.

Fernández Galiano, M., La transcripción de los nombres propios griegos, SEEC, Madrid 1969.

Pociña, A., "Sobre la transcripción de los nombres propios latinos", Estudios Clásicos, 21 (1977), 307-329. 

(Bibliography oriented to formal aspects of writing and preparing the presentation) 

Briz, A. (Coord.), Saber hablar, Madrid, Aguilar, 2008.

Cassany, D., La cuina de l'escriptura, Barcelona, Empúries, 2002.

Cassany, D., Esmolar l'eina. Guia de redacció per a professionals, Barcelona, Empúries, 2007. 

Castelló, M. (coord.), Escribir y comunicarse en contextos científicos y académicos. Conocimientos y estrategias, Barcelona, Graó, 2007.

Coromina, E. - Casacuberta, X.- Quintana, D., El treball de recerca: procés d'elaboració, memòria escrita, exposició oral i recursos, Vic, Eumo, 2000.

Eco, U., Cómo se hace una tesis. Técnicas y procedimientos de estudio, investigación y escritura,  Barcelona, Gedisa, 2001.

Estella, M., Les referències i les citacions bibliogràfiques, les notes i els índexs, Bellaterra, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Gabinet de Llengua Catalana, 1995.

Mestres, J. M. [et al.], Manual d'estil. La redacció i l'edició de textos, Barcelona, Eumo - UB / UPF / Associació de Mestres Rosa Sensat, 1995. 

Pujol, J. M. [et al.], Ortotipografia. Manual de l'autor, l'autoeditor i el dissenyador gràfic, Barcelona, Columna, 1995.

Rigo, A.; Genescà, G., Tesis i treballs. Aspectes formals, Vic, Eumo, 2000.Bibliografia aconsellada:

Sanmartín Arce, R., Observar, escuchar, comparar, escribir. La práctica de la investigación cualitativa, Barcelona, Ariel, 2003.