Titulació | Tipus | Curs | Semestre |
4313784 Estudis Interdisciplinaris en Sostenibilitat Ambiental, Econòmica i Social | OT | 0 | 1 |
This course is an introduction to the field of Industrial Ecology (IE) as a multidisciplinary effort to evaluate anthropogenic systems, minimizing their negative effect on our planet. The students are taught the methods, tools, and strategies within IE, aimed to recreate our industrial system in such a way that it can be sustainable and in harmony with the rest of the natural ecosystem.
This course is an introduction to the field of Industrial Ecology (IE) as a multidisciplinary effort to evaluate anthropogenic systems, minimizing their negative effect on our planet. The students are taught the methods, tools, and strategies within IE, aimed to recreate our industrial system in such a way that it can be sustainable and in harmony with the rest of the natural ecosystem. To achieve this general goal, the module conatins the following objectives:
The key concepts of this class will be transferred through theory classes (33 hours), hands-on exercises in lab classes (21 hours), and a hefty load of autonomous and group work (120 hours).
Títol | Hores | ECTS | Resultats d'aprenentatge |
Tipus: Dirigides | |||
Industrial Ecology- Theory Classes | 12 | 0,48 | |
LCA-IOTables Theory Classes | 9 | 0,36 | |
MFA - Theory Classes | 12 | 0,48 | |
Tipus: Supervisades | |||
Gabi Computer Lab | 9 | 0,36 | |
SimaPro Computer Lab | 12 | 0,48 | |
Tipus: Autònomes | |||
Gabi project | 14,5 | 0,58 | |
Input-Output tables and LCA | 11,5 | 0,46 | |
LCA projects - Readings, study, work in groups and preparation for presentations | 24 | 0,96 | |
MFA project - Readings, study, work in groups and preparation for presentations | 38 | 1,52 | |
SimaPro project | 33 | 1,32 | |
SimaPro- Readings, study, work in groups and preparation for presentations | 35 | 1,4 |
The daily quiz will be given at the beginning of class, and will serve to count assistance and timely arrival to the class. They will only last 10 minutes. There will also be peer evaluation that will be taken into account for the presentations. The MFA project will be at the urban scale, and will be explained in detail in class.
Títol | Pes | Hores | ECTS | Resultats d'aprenentatge |
Individual daily quiz | 15% | 1,5 | 0,06 | 2, 3, 4, 8, 9 |
Gabi- Project presentation | 20% | 0 | 0 | 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 |
MFA Final Class Project | 30% | 11,5 | 0,46 | 1, 2, 3, 8, 9 |
Sima Pro project presentation | 20% | 2 | 0,08 | 2, 4, 7, 8 |
input output exercise | 15% | 0 | 0 | 2, 3 |
A more comprehensive syllabus will be available at the beginning of class.
These are some articles published by the Sostenipra research group:
Farreny R, Oliver-Solà J, Montlleó M, Escribà E, Gabarrell X, Rieradevall J (2011) Transition Towards Sustainable Cities: Opportunities, Constraints and Strategies in Planning. A Neighbourhood Eco-Design Case Study in Barcelona (Spain). Environment and Planning A 43(5) 1118 – 1134
Oliver-Solà J, Josa A, Arena AP, Gabarrell X, Rieradevall J (2011) The GWP-Chart: An environmental tool for guiding urban planning processes. Application to concrete sidewalks. Cities 28(3): 245-250.
Núñez M, Oliver-Solà J, Rieradevall J, Gabarrell X (2010) Water management in integrated service systems: accounting for water flows in urban areas. Water Resources Management 24(8):1573-1650.
Oliver-Solà, J., Josa, A., Gabarrell, X., Rieradevall, J., 2009. Environmental optimization of concrete sidewalks in urban areas. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 14(4), 302-312.
Oliver-Solà, J., Rieradevall, J., Gabarrell, X., 2009. Environmental impacts of the infrastructure for district heating in urban neighbourhoods. Energy Policy 37(11): 4711-4719.
Oliver-Solà, J., Gabarrell, X., Rieradevall, J., 2009. Environmental impacts of natural gas distribution networks within urban neighborhoods. Applied Energy 86(10), 1915-1924.
Oliver-Solà, J., Núñez, M., Gabarrell, X., Boada, M., Rieradevall, J.,2007. Service Sector Metabolism: Accounting for Energy Impacts of the Montjuïc Urban Park in Barcelona. Journal of Industrial Ecology 11(2): 83-98.
R. Farreny, J. Oliver-Solà, M. Montlleó, E. Escribà, X. Gabarrell, J. Rieradevall (2011) The ecodesign and planning of sustainable neighbourhoods: the Vallbona case study (Barcelona). Informes de la Construcción Vol. 63, EXTRA, 115-124
Sanyé E, Oliver-Solà J, Gasol CM, Farreny R, Rieradevall J, Gabarrell X (2012) Life cycle assessment of energy flow and packaging use in food purchasing. Journal of Cleaner Production 25, 51-59
Mendoza JMF, Oliver-Solà J, Gabarrell X, Rieradevall J, Josa A (2012) Planning strategies for promoting environmentally suitable pedestrian pavements in cities. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 17(6): 442-450.
Farreny R, Oliver-Solà J, Escuder-Bonilla S, Roca-Martí M, Sevigné E, Gabarrell X, Rieradevall J (2012) The metabolism of cultural services. Energy and water flows in museums. Energy and buildings 47:98-106.
Mendoza JMF, Oliver-Solà J, Gabarrell X, Rieradevall J, Josa A (2012) Life cycle assessment of granite application in sidewalks. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 17(5): 580-592.
Sanyé-Mengual E, Cerón-Palma I, Oliver-Solà J, Montero JI, Rieradevall J (2012) Environmental analysis of the logistics of agricultural products from roof top greenhouses in Mediterranean urban areas. JSci Food Agric., DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.5736
Ceron-Palma I, Oliver-Solà J, Sanyé-Mengual E, Montero JI, Rieradevall J (2012) Barriers and opportunities regarding the implementation of Rooftop Greenhouses (RTEG) in Mediterranean cities of Europe. Journal of Urban Technology, in press
Ceron-Palma I, Sanyé-Mengual E, Oliver-Solà J, Montero JI, Rieradevall J. (2012) Towards a green sustainable strategy for social neighbourhoods in Latin America: Case from social housing in Merida, Yucatan, Mexico. Habitat International 38 (2013) 47-56
Fundació La Caixa (2007) Ecodiseño. Área de Medio Ambiente y Ciencia - Fundació La Caixa, Barcelona.
González-García S, Garcia Lozano R, Estévez J, Pascual R, Moreira MT, Gabarrell X, Rieradevall J, Feijoo G (2012a) Environmental Assessment and Improvement Alternatives of a Ventilated Wooden Wall from LCA and DfE Perspective. Int J LCA 17 (4): 432–443.
González-García S, García Lozano R, Buyo P, Pascual RC, Gabarrell X, Rieradevall J, Moreira MT, Feijoo G (2012b) Eco-innovation of a Wooden Based Modular Social Playground: Application of LCA and DfE Methodologies. J Cleaner Production 27: 21–31.
González-García S, García Lozano R, Moreira MT, Gabarrell X, Rieradevall J, Feijoo G, Murphy RJ (2012c) Eco-innovation of a Wooden Childhood Furniture Set: An Example of Environmental Solutions in the Wood Sector. Sci Total Environ 426: 318–26.
González-García S, Gasol CM, Lozano RG, Moreira MT, Gabarrell X, Rieradevall J, Feijoo G (2011a) Assessing the Global Warming Potential of Wooden Products from the Furniture Sector to Improve Their Eco-design. Sci Total Environ 410-411: 16–25.
González-García S, Silva FJ, Moreira MT, Castilla Pascual R, García Lozano R, Gabarrell X, Rieradevall J, Feijoo G (2011b) Combined Application of LCA and Eco-design for the Sustainable Production of Wood Boxes for Wine Bottles Storage. Int J LCA 16 (3): 224–237.
González-García S, Salinas-Mañas L, García-Lozano R, Gabarrell X, Rieradevall J, Feijoo G, Moreira MT (2013) The application of ecodesign methodology in SMEs run according to lean management: the case of a furniture publishing company. Environ Eng Management J (in press).
Rieradevall J, Bala A, Domenech X, Gazulla C, Milà Canals L (2005) Ecoproducte Ecodisseny. Vol. 4. Barcelona: Museu de les Arts Decoratives. Institut de Cultura. Departament d’Imatge i Producció Editorial, Barcelona.
Rieradevall J, Domenech X, Bala A, Gazulla C (2000) Ecodiseño De Envases. El Sector De La Comida Rápida. Elisava edicions, Barcelona.
Rieradevall J, Domenech X, Milà Canals L, Gazulla C, Bala A (2003) Household Ecoproducts. Environmental Education Guides 16: 23.