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Social Context and School Management

Code: 102069 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2500798 Primary Education FB 2 1


David Rodríguez Gómez

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:


There are no prerequisites, but it is recommended that students have passed the first-year subject Education and Educational Contexts.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The objectives of the course Social Context and School Management are:

  1. Analyse the relation between social and school contexts and the social relations that occur within schools.
  2. Apply the sociological perspective to the analysis of educational reality and of the different social contexts.
  3. Approach to the social functions of the institution and the effects of changes (social, cultural, demographic, etc.) over education and school.
  4. Understand social inequality and its effects on education and school performance.
  5. Identify the variables that configure school and their interrelations.
  6. Understand the relations between institutional approaches of the institution and school dynamics.
  7. Understand the organizational structure of the school.
  8. Analyse the main governing, participation and support bodies of school centres.
  9. Analyse the spatial, temporal and material determinants and how they influence educational activity and its management.
  10. Understand the importance of the relations that occur within the educational community to ensure coexistence and achieve the objectives of school. 


  • "Critically analyse and incorporate the most relevant issues of contemporary society that affect family and school education: social and educational impact of audiovisual languages and of screens. changes in gender relations and intergenerational changes; multiculturalism and interculturalism; discrimination and social inclusion and sustainable development."
  • Analysing the practice of teaching and the institutional conditions that frame it.
  • Design and regulate learning spaces in contexts of diversity that take into account gender equality, equity and respect for human rights and observe the values of public education.
  • Develop critical thinking and reasoning and understand how to communicate effectively both in one’s own languages and in a foreign language.
  • Effectively address language learning situations in multicultural and multilingual contexts.
  • Incorporate information and communications technology to learn, communicate and share in educational contexts.
  • Know how primary schools are organised and about the diversity of actions involved in running them.
  • Linking education with the environment and cooperating with families and the community.
  • Recognise and evaluate the social reality and the interrelation of factors involved as a necessary anticipation of action.
  • Respect the diversity and the plurality of ideas, people and situations.
  • Take part in the definition of the educational project and in the general activity of the school taking into account quality management criteria.
  • Understand the basics of primary education
  • Understanding the function, possibilities and limits of education in today's society and the fundamental skills affecting primary schools and their professionals

Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyse the factors affecting the organization of educational stages.
  2. Analyse the structure and content of different institutional documents.
  3. Assessing the value of a socio-educational context or scenario and making proposals for educational planning.
  4. Critically analyse and incorporate the most relevant issues of today's society affecting education: social and educational impact of audiovisual languages and screens.
  5. Define the elements that constitute a school as complex organization.
  6. Develop a collaborative project in a team, as a first step towards networking.
  7. Diagnose the socio-educational reality in schools by identifying the social factors that condition them.
  8. Identifying the influence of social inequality on students and the dynamics of the educational centres.
  9. Identifying the processes reproducing educational inequality (social class, gender and ethnicity).
  10. Identifying the teacher’s framework of autonomy and role in today's society.
  11. Interpreting the data obtained from primary and secondary sources critically and drawing the appropriate conclusions.
  12. Proposing specific initiatives for educational intervention in the different areas of the school.
  13. Recognising the importance of the participation of families in the educational process and in institutional dynamics.
  14. Recognising the social value of education and the value of diversity in order to acquire resources that encourage inclusive education and performance in multicultural contexts.
  15. Reflecting on the role of teachers in contexts of social inequality and in a particular institutional framework.
  16. Reflecting on the role of the school in a changing society.
  17. Understand how different organizational and relational structures of the school function.
  18. Understand the content and processes that affect the design of the CIP (City Education Plans).
  19. Understand the organization of the education system and legislation that develops it.
  20. Understand the social and cognitive dimensions of written language, know about the different dynamics of orality to master the use of different expression techniques and adequately express oneself orally and in writing.



1.         Schools’ economic and social functions

1.1.       Origin and evolution of educational systems

1.2.       Schools’ economic and social functions

1.3.       Functionalism and human capital theory: main principles

2.         Diversity and inequality. Social class, gender, ethnicity and territory

2.1.       Social class and educational inequalities: mechanisms and explanatory theories

            2.2.       Urban segregation, school segregation and school choice

            2.3.       Gender, ethnicity and hidden curriculum

            2.4.       School and cultural reproduction: sociolinguistic codes and educational codes

2.5.       Students’ attitudes towards school

3.         Educational policies and social equity

3.1.       Educational paradigms and the role of the State

3.2.       Educational politics and legal framework in Catalonia and Spain



4.         Institutional approaches

            4.1        Analysis of educational institutions: basic elements

4.2.       Long-term document planning

            4.3        Medium-term document planning 

            4.4        Short-term document planning 



5. Human resources management

5.1. Governing and participatory bodies

5.2. Students and teachers grouping

5.3. Support structures

6. Time management

6.1. Managing teachers’ teaching time

6.2. Managing students’ learning time

6.3. School calendar and timetable

7. Material resources management

7.1. Management of indoor and outdoor spaces

7.2. Management of infrastructure, technology and furniture

7.3. Management of material resources


8. Relationship among members of the educational community

8.1. Participation and decision making

8.2. Conflict resolution

8.3. Communication and information management

8.4. School’s culture and organizational climate


The formative activities of this course include on-site, supervised and autonomous activities:

- On-site classes are directed by the professors of the course and will take place in the facilities of the Faculty. There will be a combination of whole-group sessions and seminars: whole-group sessions allow presentations, reflections and debates over the main contents and introduce elements of discussion on aspects of the four sections. The seminars constitute working sessions in reduced groups to analyse and debate different activities proposed by the professors in order to compliment theoretic sessions. Attendance to the seminars is mandatory. Students will be assigned to one of the seminar groups constituted at the beginning of the course.

- Supervised activities include individual or group activities to be completed by the students on their own with the supervision of the professors. These activities include the on-site or virtual tutorial sessions addressed at solving difficulties, orienting tasks and ensure the comprehension of the course contents.

- Autonomous work is carried out by the student independently and includes the preparation of readings, cases or other equivalent activities. 


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Seminars: Analysis of documents, articles and data; analysis of videos; case resolution and elaboration of conceptual maps 30 1.2 18, 17, 11, 3
Whole-group sessions: lectures, presentation of readings, papers or documents by the students; debates and reflections over key aspects of the contents 15 0.6 18, 17, 5, 13, 15
Type: Supervised      
Tutorials and supervision of the tasks and activities proposed 26 1.04 18, 17, 11, 3
Type: Autonomous      
Individual and group preparation of the assignments. Study of the contents and preparation of the exams. 75 3 1, 2, 18, 17, 19, 5, 10, 11, 13, 15, 3


The evaluation of the course Social Context and School Management encompasses the achievement of the competences identified as fundamental for the course and therefore the evaluation includes continuous assessment of set activities along with consideration of students' participation, critical thinking and attitude throughout the course.

The assessment carried out on this subject is continuous and final.

The continuous assessment will take into account the different content sections and their general orientation:

  • With respect to Section 1 (15%) there are two handouts: A group paper (groups of 4 students) focused on the analysis of the families’ choice of school (10%) and an individual paper of reflection over the text by Jean Anyon (5%).
  • With respect to Section 2 (15%), the cooperative work explained in class has to be done. The evaluation will consider the process and the final result.
  • With respect to Section 3 (10%) the cooperative work explained in class has to be done. The evaluation will consider the process and the final result.
  • With respect to Section 4 (10%) the cooperative work explained in class has to be done. The evaluation will consider the process and the final result.

The final assessment consists of two written exams that include the contents of all the sections. These exams count for 50% of the final mark (20% of Section I, 10% of Section II, 20% of Section III and IV). Please, be aware that students' participation, critical thinking and attitude throughout the course will be considered in the assessment. In case it is necessary, all the final evaluation tests will have a second chance of recovery. The dates of the evaluations will be:

Groups 21 and 31: final test Block I and II (November 14), final test Block III and IV (January 9). Recovery of Block I, II, III and IV (January 30).

Groups 41 and 71: final test Block I and II (November 14), final test Block III and IV (January 9). Recovery of Block I, II, III and IV (January 30).

In order to pass the course, the average grade must be of at least 5 and all evaluative activities must also be graded with a 5 or plus. Students who do not deliver more than 50% of the evaluation activities will be considered NOT PRESENTED (NP).

Class attendance is mandatory, otherwise students will be considered absent (justifications only serve to explain the absence, in no case they are an exemption of the presencialidad).

Students that during the course have had an adequate tracking of the subject and still have not achieved one of the aspects will be given the opportunity to pass the course doing additional work or redoing some of the activities. Each case will be studied individually, according to the specific situation of each student.

The results obtained in each of the assessment activities will be published in the classroom or the moodle. Given the qualifications, students can revise the marks during office hours.

The qualifications of each of the assessment activities will be published in the 20 days following the delivery. Students wishing to review the results must do so within 15 days after their publication.

To pass this course, it is necessary that the student show a good general communication skill, both orally and in writing, and a good command of the language or vehicular languages considered in the teaching guide. Linguistic correctness, drafting and filing the formal aspects of both group and individual activities will be taken into account. Students must be able to express fluently and accurately and must show a high degree of understanding of academic texts.

Students should remember that in the case of Catalan Language, during the 1st and 2nd year the must be show a language proficiency equivalent to level 1 for Early childhood and Primary teachers; and, during the 3rd year students must have shown a language proficiency equivalent to level 2 for Early childhood and Primary teachers (more information at http://www.uab.cat/web/els-estudis/-competencia-linguistica-1345698914384.html).

Copy or plagiarism, in the case of works as in the case of the exams, constitute a crime that can represent to suspend the subject:

  • Aany document, activity or test is considered to be "copied" when it reproduces all or part of the work of one or another partner.
  • Any document or activity is considered to be "plagiarized" when a part of an author's text is presented as his own without citing sources, regardless of whether the original sources are on paper or in digital format. (More information about plagio at http://wuster.uab.es/web_argumenta_obert/unit_20/sot_2_0 1.html).

It is recommended to follow the APA regulations (2010, 6th version): In the following link you will find a proposal of regulations: http://ddd.uab.cat/pub/recdoc

For more information on the "General Assessment Criteria and Guidelines for the Faculty of Education Sciences" approved by the COA on May 28, 2015 and modified to the Faculty Board on April 6, 2017, you can consult the following Document: http://www.uab.cat/web/informacio-academica/avaluacio/normativa-1292571269103.html

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Section 1 Tasks 15% 0 0 4, 19, 20, 7, 9, 8, 11, 14, 13, 15
Section 2 Tasks 15% 0 0 2, 18, 5, 10, 16, 3
Section 3 Tasks 10% 0 0 1, 17, 5
Section 4 Tasks 10% 0 0 17, 5, 6, 12, 13
Written exams 50% 4 0.16 1, 2, 18, 17, 19, 5, 10, 11, 13, 15, 3


ALEGRE, M. A. (2010). Les famílies davant l’elecció escolar. Dilemes i desigualtats en la tria de centre a la ciutat de Barcelona. Barcelona: Fundació Jaume Bofill.

ANYON, J (1999). Clase Social y conocimiento escolar. A M. Fernández Enguita (comp.), Sociología de la educación. Textos fundamentales. Barcelona: Ariel.

ANTÚNEZ S. (1993). Claves para la organización de centros escolares. Horsori: Barcelona.

ANTÚNEZ, S. i GAIRÍN, J. (1996). Fundamentos y prácticas de la organización escolar. Graó: Barcelona.

BENITO, R. i GONZALEZ, I (2009). Processos de segregació escolar a Catalunya. Barcelona: Fundació Jaume Bofill.

BONAL, X. (2012). Municipis contra la segregació escolar. Sis experiències de política educativa local. Barcelona: Fundació Jaume Bofill.

CORONEL, J.M.; LÓPEZ, J. i SANCHEZ, M. (1994). Para comprender las organizaciones escolares. Repiso: Sevilla.

DRONKERS, J. (2008). L’Educació com a pilar de la desigualtat. La política educativa europea: limitacions i possibilitats. Barcelona: Fundació Jaume Bofill.

FERNANDEZ PALOMARES. F. (Ed.)(2003). Sociología de la Educación. Pearson: Madrid.

GAIRÍN, J. I DARDER, P. (Eds.) (1996). Organización de centros educativos. Aspectos básicos. Praxis: Barcelona.

GARCIA M (2013). Absentismo y abandono escolar. Madrid: Ed. Síntesis. 

GRATACÓS, P. i UGIDOS, P. (2011). Diversitat cultural i exclusió social. Dinàmiques educatives, relacions interpersonals i actituds del professorat. Barcelona: Fundació Jaume Bofill.

LORENZO, M (2011). Organización de centros educativos. Modelos emergentes. Madrid: La Muralla.

LYNCH, K., & FEELEY, M. (2009). Gender and Education (and Employment): Lessons from Research for Policy Makers. Comissió Europea: Brusel.les.

RIST, R.  (1991). Sobre la comprensión del proceso de escolarización: aportaciones de la teoría del etiquetado. Educación y Sociedad, 9, 179-191.

SANTOS, M. (2000). La escuela que aprende. Morata: Madrid.

TABERNER, J.(1999). Sociología y Educación. Tecnos: Barcelona.

TARABINI, A. (2012). Sociologia del curriculum i la praxi educativa. A J.M. Rotger (Ed.), Sociologia de l'educació per a professorat d'educació secundària. El Roure: Barcelona.


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