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Sociology and Psychology of Tourism

Code: 101226 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2500894 Tourism OT 4 0


Karen Rodríguez Quipusco

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
english (eng)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:


The subject is developed under analysis of diverse sources of social and human sciences, reason why the continuous reading of academic articles, books, studies, magazines and news is requested like previous prerequisite.

Objectives and Contextualisation

  • Argue in a critical and reflective way the characteristics that surround the tourist phenomenon on a global and local scale.
  • Detect the social and cultural factors involved in tourism.
  • To know the contribution of the social and human sciences to apply the critical context to the understanding of the aspects of the 21st century tourism activity.
  • Observe, analyze and adopt a holistic view on the interpretive models of tourism.
  • Understand the characteristics and motivations of the human being as a tourist consumer.


  • Behave responsibly towards the environment.
  • Define and apply objectives, strategies and commercial policies in tourism businesses and entities.
  • Develop a capacity for independent learning.
  • Manage the concepts, instruments and functions related to the planning and commercialisation of tourist destinations, resources and spaces.
  • Plan and manage activities on the basis of quality and sustainability.
  • Take decisions in situations of uncertainty, taking into account potential consequences of these decisions in the short, medium and long term.
  • Work in a team.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Apply communication and marketing strategies in public and private tourism organisations and in the public entities that promote tourism.
  2. Behave responsibly towards the environment.
  3. Develop a capacity for independent learning.
  4. Identify the instruments related to the commercialisation and promotion of products, businesses and regions.
  5. Plan and manage activities on the basis of quality and sustainability.
  6. Take decisions in situations of uncertainty, taking into account potential consequences of these decisions in the short, medium and long term.
  7. Work in a team.


PART ONE: Tourism as a social and human science

Topic 1: Psychology and sociology in the field of leisure and tourism

Topic 2: Disciplines that contribute knowledge to tourism


SECOND PART: Sociology of tourism

Topic 3: Notions of social research applied to tourism

Topic 4: Historical contributions during the evolution of the trip and the conception of tourism

Topic 5: Sociological perspective applied to tourism theory during Modernity and Post Modernity

Topic 6: Tourism as a transversal phenomenon facing the challenges of the present


THIRD PART: Social psychology of tourism

Topic 7: Human motivation and tourist consumption in the construction of the psychosocial profile of tourists

Topic 8: Trends in tourism behavior



From the methodological point of view, the course will work on the basis of the following criteria:

1. Criterion of the theoretical study of the subject that is concretized in expositions to the face-to-face classes.

2. Criterion of cases and practical activities inside and outside the classroom, in terms of solving problems, understanding situations based on articles and textbooks, specific expositions about a news item.

3. Criterion for the realization of individual or group work previously covered within the scope of the course and which will be followed by tutoring and subsequently exposed.

4. Criterion of the tutorials, face-to-face and online, as a complementary factor and of consultation and help to the student in the theoretical questions and practices proposed.



Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Debates and solution of practical cases 15 0.6 1, 3, 6
Master classes 25 1 2, 4
Type: Supervised      
Personal tutor session 5 0.2 3, 4
Type: Autonomous      
Preparation of individual and group work 15 0.6 1, 4, 7
Public presentations 5 0.2 2, 4, 5, 7
Study 50 2 1, 3, 6


The evaluation system used is continuous and consists of four sections:

- First section: 50% of the evaluation by partial examination.

- Second section: 30% of the evaluation aimed of the work done individually (critical opinion book) and group (social research), corresponding to hours dedicated by the student in the activities directed from tutorship to self-employment.

- Third section: 15% of the evaluation aimed at assessing the practical exercises carried out in the classroom (face-to-face activities) and outside the classroom (part of the autonomous work that has to be done outside the classroom), along with tutorship.

- Fourth section: 5% corresponding to attendance and participation.


Important note: partial or total plagiarism will mean the non-accreditation of the whole subject.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Attendance and participation 5% 5 0.2 3, 5, 6
Final exam 50% 2 0.08 1, 3, 4
Individual work and Group social research 30% 8 0.32 1, 2, 3, 7
Practical cases 15% 20 0.8 4, 6


 1. Basic bibliography:

  • Amat, P y Ramón, F. (2004). Curso de sociología del turismo y del ocioValencia. Ed. Tirant lo Blanc. (Temas 4 y 7). 
  • Dean MacCannell (1999) The tourist. A new theory of leisure class. U.S. University of California.
  • De Borja Solé, L. (2002). El Consumidor Turístico. Editorial ESIC. Madrid. 
  • Didier, U, J. (2002). El idiota que viaja. Francia. Ed. Petite Bibliothèque Payot. 
  • Diputación de Barcelona. (2017). Análisis de la evolución del turismo de Barcelona.
  • Mazón, T. (2001). Sociología del turismo. Madrid. Ed. Centro de Estudios Ramón Areces. (Temas 1,2, 3 y 4). 
  • Myers, D (2005). Social Psychology. London. McGraw-Hill.
  • Smith, V. (1995). Hosts and Guests. The anthropology of Tourism. University of Pennsylvania.
  • Urry John and Larsen, J. (2011). The tourist gaze 3.0. London. Sage

 2. Complementary bibliography:

  • Babbie, Earl (2000). Fundamentos de la investigación social. México. International Thomson.
  • Ballester, Patrice (2018). Barcelona and Mass Tourism: Tourismophobia and Coexistence. Barcelona.
  • Durán, Alberto (2004). Sociología del consumo. Madrid. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.
  • European Parliament (2019). Overtourism: impact and possible policy responses. TRAN Political Department.
  • Instituto Universitario de Investigaciones turísticas (2018). Turismo y terrorismo. Crisis y medios de comunicación. Málaga. Universidad de Alicante.
  • Instituto Universitario de Investigaciones turísticas (2018). Comportamiento del turismo nacional y crecimiento en EspañaMálaga. Universidad de Alicante.
  • Instituto Universitario de Investigaciones turísticas (2018). El espejismo de Cancún. Análisis del desempeño y evolución de un destino turístico. Barcelona. Universidad de Alicante.
  • Instituto Universitario de Investigaciones Turísticas (2018). El auge de la turismofobia ¿hipótesis de investigación o ruido ideológico?. Universidad de Alicante.
  • Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 35 (2018). Residents' attitude as a determinant of tourism sustainability: The case of Trujillo. Madrid. Elsevier
  • King, Gary (2000). El Diseño de la investigación social: la inferencia científica en los estudios cualitativos. Madrid. Ed. Alianza.
  • Magazine of Tourism Analysis (2018). The epistemological structure of mobilities Tourism, touring and the days of terrorism. Buenos Aires. OJS
  • Murray, I (2015). Capitalismo y Turismo en España. Del ‘milagro económico a la gran crisis’. Islas Baleares. AlbaSud.