Degree | Type | Year |
3500318 Teacher Training for Secondary Schools, Vocational Training and Language Centres | OB | 1 |
Update of the regular teaching staff at the beginning of the academic year.
Valeska Cabrera Cuadros
Valeska Cabrera
Mercè Capell
Ainhoa Flecha
Rocío Sánchez
Jèssica Cabezas
Maria Carbó
Mireia Casado
Daniel Fierro
Victoria Sánchez
You can view this information at the end of this document.
They do not exist
The subject will be structured in 3 areas, according to the OM that regulates the master's degree:
Area 1: Adolescent development and learning (4 ECTS). The area provides psycho-pedagogical knowledge and focuses on two main aspects: the development of adolescence, and the learning processes in secondary education. It is based on the theoretical approaches of developmental psychology and educational psychology, to provide tools for secondary education.
Area 2: Educational processes and contexts (pedagogy area) (5 ECTS). The blog aims to deepen the knowledge of the context in which the educational function is carried out, where future teachers will have to intervene as well as understand the processes that make it up. The educational system, the close social context and the educational center are analyzed. The educational processes of teacher-student interaction in the classroom and in the institute are also analyzed. This area will also address two issues directly linked to professional practice: tutoring and attention to diversity.
Area 3: Society, family and education (sociology) (3 ECTS). The changes that have taken place in the social, family and educational spheres in recent years justify the need to address these issues. Therefore, insisting on the professional character, the knowledge related to the relations between environment and education, the role of the families in the education of the children and the relations between families and the school will be treated.
Depending on the modality (face-to-face or non-face-to-face) there may be some alterations in the distribution of content in the different areas.
Area 1: Adolescent development and learning
1 Develop in adolescence.
1.1. The relationships between development, learning, culture and education.
1.2. The development of skills in the cognitive, affective, and social fields.
1.3. Cognitive development and knowledge construction.
1.4. The formation of individual and social identity.
1.5. Individual differences.
2. Study in high school.
2.1. The construction of knowledge in the school context.
2.2. Types of content and types of learning.
2.3. The construction of shared knowledge. Interaction as a learning engine.
2.4. The interaction between students. Group work. Cooperative learning methods.
2.5. Development, learning and use of ICT.
2.6. Psychosocial aspects of learning. Development of self-concept and self-esteem.
AREA 2: Educational processes and contexts
3. The education system.
3.1. Characteristics of educational systems.
3.2. The evolution of the Spanish education system from 1970 to the present.
3.3. The education system in Catalonia. The current regulatory framework for secondary education.
4. The organization in high school.
4.1. Basic elements for the analysis of educational organizations.
4.2. Autonomy and organization-management of institutes: educational project, direction and accountability.
4.3. The organization of material resources. School architecture. Furniture and equipment. School materials. The role of ICT.
4.4. The organization of functional resources. Timing, calendar and school schedule.
5. The curriculum in secondary education.
5.1. Curriculum and knowledge society.
5.2. Curriculum and basic skills.
5.3. The curriculum and objectives of compulsory and post-compulsory secondary education.
5.4. Curriculum and values.
5.5. ICT and curriculum development.
5.6. Assessment of learning and curriculum.
6. The participation of the educational community.
6.1. The participation structures of the educational community.
6. 2. The institutional climate and the culture of participation. Decision making.
6.3, The letter of educational commitment. The relationship with families.
6.4. Parents' Associations (AMPA) and Student Associations.
7. Relationships with the environment.
7.1. School coordination networks.
7.2. Environmental Education Plans.
7.3. City education projects.
7.4. The co-responsibility of educational administrations
8. Attention to diversity in secondary education.
8.1. Concept of attention to diversity. Diversity and inclusion. Psychopedagogical principles to address diversity in high school.
8.2. Internal and external resources in the centers to address diversity.
8.3. Diversity in the classroom. Modalities of diversity that we find in the classroom (educational needs derived from mental, physical or motor disabilities; disorders and / or delays of students with intellectual giftedness; new students; problems of motivation and behavior, etc.).
8.4. The organization of the group-class and the management of the classroom Types of student groups: flexible groups; cooperative groups and multilevel teaching. The management of spaces and teaching times taking into account diversity. ICT and attention to diversity.
9. Communication in high school.
9.1. Interaction and communication.
9.2. Educational communication.
9.3. Verbal and non-verbal communicative competence in and out of the classroom.
10. The relational climate of the classroom and its management.
10.1. The dynamics of groups.
10.2. Coexistence in high schools and the use of mediation
10.3. Teaching skills in potentially conflictive situations.
10.4. Emotional education as a resource for improving the classroom climate.
11. Tutoring and guidance.
11.1. The tutoring functions of secondary school teachers.
11.2. The tutor and the coordination of the role of educational guidance (personal, academic and professional).
11.3. Tutoring, assessment, promotion and accreditation of students.
11.4. Tutoring models and experiences.
12. Secondary school teachers.
12.1. Professional skills.
12.2. Access to the profession in Catalonia.
AREA 3: Society, family and education
13. Society and secondary education.
13.1. Society and education: the sociological perspective.
13.2. Social change and secondary education.
13.3. The social environment of high schools. The local community.
14. Educational reforms and comprehensive school.
14.1. Educational reforms in secondary education. From elite school to mass school.
14.2. Comprehensive reforms in Europe: debates and proposals.
14.3. Comprehension in Catalonia and Spain: from the LOGSE to the LOE and the LEC.
15. Social and educational inequalities.
15.1. Social inequalities: class, gender, ethnicity and minority groups.
15.2. Educational inequalities: access, process and results.
15.3. Equality policies in secondary education
16. Transitions to secondary education.
16.1. Concept of transition and itinerary.
16.2. The transition after ESO: guidance, assessment and post-compulsory itineraries.
16.3. The transition to the labor market: vocational training. From the labor market to training: the recognition of skills.
17. The educational community.
17.1. High school students: the social condition of adolescence and youth. Attitudes of students towards education and schooling.
17.2. The family: changes in family educational styles and in the relationship between parents and children.
17.3. Teachers: social status of teachers. Changes in teaching professionalism and professional cultures.
Title | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Type: Directed | |||
Comments on readings and analysis of documents | 30 | 1.2 | |
Examples and case studies | 20 | 0.8 | |
Simulations of professional situations | 22 | 0.88 | |
Type: Supervised | |||
Collective or individual tutorials | 20 | 0.8 | |
Personal reflections on practices | 20 | 0.8 | |
Type: Autonomous | |||
Personal study | 40 | 1.6 | |
Preparation of works | 48 | 1.92 | |
Reading and text analysis | 40 | 1.6 |
The training activities will be distributed among the 3 arees in the module
Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.
Title | Weighting | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Joint activity: description and analysis of the internship center | 50% | 24 | 0.96 | CA01, CA04, KA01, KA02, SA01 |
Pedagogy: Presentation of a topic linking theory and practice | 20% | 14 | 0.56 | CA01, CA02, CA03, KA03, SA01 |
Psychology: Continuous assessment activities (readings and case analysis) | 20% | 12 | 0.48 | CA01, CA03, CA04, KA02, KA03 |
Sociology: Group assessment activity | 10% | 10 | 0.4 | CA03, CA04, KA01, KA02, SA01 |
Students who opt for the single assessment must follow the development of the subject, attending class regularly and with the same attendance conditions as continuous assessment students.
They will submit all the assessment activities on a single date at the end of the session and will be required to pass a validation test for each of the activities.
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Pàgina web debat:
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- MARTI, E. (2011). Las siete inteligencias. Barcelona: Plataforma Editorial.
- MAURI, T. I ROCHERA, M. J. (2010). La evaluación de los aprendizajes en la educación secundaria. A C. Coll (coord.). Desarrollo, aprendizaje y enseñanza en la educación secundaria. Barcelona: Graó, pp. 155-172.
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- Documents organització i gestió de centres. Departament Educació Generalitat de Catalunya.
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- OECD. (2019). Education at a Glance 2019. París: OECD Publishing. Recuperat de:
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- WILLIS, P. (1977). Learning to labour. How working class kids get working class jobs. Farnborough, UK: Saxon House.
Pàgines web recomanades:
Fundació Bofill, Fundació dedicada a la promoció de la recerca en ciències socials centrada en el fet educatiu. Publica nombrosos estudis sobre educació i ciutadania, a destacar l’anuari de l’educació.
Observatori Català de la Joventut, Secretaria de Joventut de la Generalitat de Catalunya, promou i publica estudis sobre la joventut catalana
Cada professor indicarà bibliografia complementària durant les sessions
Name | Group | Language | Semester | Turn |
(TEmRD) Teoria (māster RD) | 1 | Catalan | annual | morning-mixed |
(TEmRD) Teoria (māster RD) | 2 | Catalan | annual | afternoon |
(TEmRD) Teoria (māster RD) | 3 | Catalan | annual | afternoon |
(TEmRD) Teoria (māster RD) | 4 | Catalan | annual | afternoon |