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Molecular and Physiological Neurobiology

Code: 45418 ECTS Credits: 9
Degree Type Year
4313792 Neurosciences OB 0


Enrique Claro Izaguirre


Antonio Armario Garcia
Marcel Jimenez Farrerons
Xavier Navarro Acebes
Carles Gil Giro
Jordi Ortiz de Pablo
Montserrat Solé Piñol
Clara Penas Perez
Gemma Manich Raventos
Guillermo Garcia Alias
Roser Masgrau Juanola
Alfredo Jesús Miñano Molina
Ruben Lopez Vales

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


Good level of English. Part of the classes and some of the materials will be given in English, so good level of this language is mandatory (B2 or higher).

Students with a degree in the biosciences field or similar (Biology, biochemistry, biotechnology, microbiology, genetics, biomedical sciences, medicine, veterinary, pharmacy, psychology...)

Knowledge about neuroanatomy is highly recommended. Background in biochemistry and physiology is expected.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The main goal of the module is to learn the chemical, cellular and functional characteristics of the central and peripheral nervous system in order to reach a basic knowledge of Neurosciences, to be able to understand any field in neurosciences and the bases of the pathologies of the nervous system.

Learning Outcomes

  1. CA04 (Competence) Explain the physiological and biochemical mechanisms underlying diseases of the nervous system to an audience specialised in molecular neurobiology and cellular physiology as well as to a lay audience.
  2. CA05 (Competence) Relate the knowledge acquired about the neuropharmacology of chemical synapses to the pathology of the nervous system.
  3. CA06 (Competence) Compare the physiological and molecular substrates underlying the various pathologies of the nervous system.
  4. KA04 (Knowledge) Recognise the nervous system as a means of integration and communication between distant areas of the organism.
  5. KA05 (Knowledge) Define the normal physiological processes and molecular alterations in the nervous system.
  6. KA06 (Knowledge) Indicate the basis of therapeutic treatments for pathologies of the nervous system.
  7. SA04 (Skill) Analyse the molecular mechanisms operating in the central and peripheral nervous systems of living organisms.
  8. SA05 (Skill) Determine the physiological processes that take place in the nervous system under normal conditions and their pathological manifestations in physiological and molecular contexts.
  9. SA06 (Skill) Distinguish the components of the chemical synapse in the context of the receptor-, transporter- and enzyme-based pharmacology involved in the synthesis and degradation of neurotransmitters.



 Molecular and Physiological Neurobiology (Module 2)

¨  Generalities on neurotransmission and receptor pharmacology (Dr Claro). 2h

General characteristics of synapse and chemical neurotransmission

General concepts on receptor pharmacology: Specificity and multiplicity of neurotransmitter action

Agonists and antagonists

Interaction ligand-receptor and associated responses: affinity and EC50


¨  Signal transduction mechanisms (Dra Masgrau). 4h

Receptors directly/indirectly linked to ionic channels

Structure and pharmacological sites of action

Receptors linked to G proteins

Receptors with tyrosine kinase activity


¨  Excitatory and inhibitory aminoacid neurotransmission (Dr Miñano). 4h

Metabolism of glutamate and other excitatory amino acids

Pharmacology of glutamate receptors

Ionotropic and metabotropic receptors

GABA metabolism, GABA receptors pharmacology

Glycine receptors                                      


¨  Serotoninergic neurotransmission (Dr Gemma Manich). 1'5h

Metabolism of serotonin

Pharmacology of serotonin receptors

Monoaminergic hypothesis of depression


¨  Noradrenergic neurotransmission (Dr Gemma Manich). 1'5h


¨  Dopaminergic neurotransmission (Drs Gil/Ortiz). 1'5h


¨  Cholinergic neurotransmission (Dra Solé). 1'5h

Metabolism of acetylcholine

Functional aspects ofcholinergic neurotransmission

Pharmacology of cholinergic receptors


¨  Histaminergic neurotransmission (Dr Ortiz). 2h

Metabolism of histamine

Pharmacology of histamine receptors


¨  Purinergic neurotransmission (Dr Saura). 2h

Metabolism of adenosine and purine nucleotides

Pharmacology of purinergic receptors


¨  Neuropeptides (Dr Armario). 2h


¨  Electrical phenomena of neurons (Dr Jiménez Farrerons). 2h

Ionic transport across cell membrane

Active transport, Ionic channels, transmembrane resting potential

Action potential: generation and propagation

Production of pulse trains. Stimulus / frequency relation


¨  Somatosensory systems (Dr López Vales). 4h

Introduction to sensory physiology

Sensory receptors

Sensory pathways coding

Central integration and sensory information transduction

Somatic sensitivity to touch, kinesthesia, thermal, pain, and visceral


¨  Motor systems (Dr García-Alias). 6h

Excitation and muscle contraction

Functional structure of striatal muscle fibers

Electrical phenomena. Neuro-muscular transmission

Mechanisms of muscle contraction in striatal and smooth fibers

Segmentary control of movement and posture

Motor Unit

Segmentary reflex

Gamma-motor system

Propiospinal control circuits

Suprasegmentary control of movement and posture

Motor cerebral cortex

Basal ganglia

Motor centers of brainstem



¨  Autonomic nervous system (Dr Navarro). 3h

Efferent systems

Hypothalamus. Functionalorganization and multi-systemic control

Limbic system and cerebral cortex

Autonomic regulation of visceral functions


¨  Special Senses (Dr Penas). 4h

Taste sensitivity: Receptors, sensations, pathways and central connections

Olfactory sensitivity: Receptors, sensations, pathways and central connections

Hearing sensitivity

Vestibular sensitivity

Optic sensitivity


¨  Integrative functions in the brain (Dr Navarro). 1h

Electrical brain activity

Biological rhythms

Functional organization of neocortex



¨  Practical sessions.

Nerve conduction and channels (Dr Jiménez Farrerons). 2h

Electromyography (Dr Navarro). 2h


¨  Integrative Seminars.

Dr Alfredo J. Miñano

Dra Roser Masgrau

Dr Enrique Claro

Dr Guillermo García-Alías

Dr Clara Penas

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Interative seminars 11 0.44
Laboratory practicals 4 0.16
Lectures 42 1.68
Type: Autonomous      
Autonomous study 106 4.24
Seminar preparation 42 1.68
Work preparation 15 0.6

Combination of theoretical lectures and working with scientific articles where the more relevant themes will be exposed. It is assumed that the student will complement these sessions with reading of papers and books. Autonomous study is required for the student to reach the knowledge required to pass the module.

Laboratory practices will be done where the student will learn through the practice of some of the theoretical concepts. These practical sessions will be evaluated by means of  a group work or a short evaluation at the end of the session.

Integrative seminars will be performed where the students have to prepare some articles that will be discussed in a seminar class. To understand the articles, students must integrate the knowledge of the program and its application on research.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Assessment Laboratory practicals 15 0.2 0.01 CA05, KA04, KA05, SA04, SA05
Integrative seminars assessment 15 0.8 0.03 CA04, CA05, CA06, KA04, KA05, KA06, SA04, SA05, SA06
Written exam 1st part 35 2 0.08 CA04, CA05, CA06, KA04, KA05, KA06, SA04, SA05, SA06
Written exam 2nd part 35 2 0.08 CA04, CA05, CA06, KA04, KA05, KA06, SA04, SA05, SA06

To pass the module, students must get a minimum mark of 5 (to 10). Two writen exams will amount 35% each of this mark (students need a minimum of 4 in each exam to average). The remaining 30% of the mark will be evaluated in the practical sessions (through a group work or a short evaluation at the end of the practical session) and in the integrative seminars (through the participation of the students and a short evaluation at the end of each session). In order to take the recovery exam, students must have been previously assessed in a set of activities whose weight is equivalent to at least two-thirds of the total mark for the subject or module. Students will receive a grade of "Not Evaluated"  when the completed assessment activities account for less than a third of the final mark.

Important: If plagiarism is detected in any of the works submitted, the student may fail the whole module.


-Kandel E. Principles of Neural Science. Sixth edition, McGraw Hill, 2021.

-Purves D. Neuroscience, Oxford University Press USA, 2017.

-Waxman S. Molecular Neurology. Academic Press, Last edition 2014 (eBook).

-Cooper JR. The Biochemical Basis of Neuropharmacology, 8th ed. Oxford Univ Press, 2002.

-Pratt WB, P Taylor. Principles of Drug Action. Churchill Livingstone, New York 1990.

-Siegel GJ. Basic Neurochemistry, 8th ed. Academic Press, 2012.


Tutors will provide the requiered software.

Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(PLABm) Practical laboratories (master) 1 Catalan/Spanish first semester morning-mixed
(PLABm) Practical laboratories (master) 2 Catalan first semester morning-mixed
(SEMm) Seminars (master) 1 English first semester morning-mixed
(SEMm) Seminars (master) 2 English first semester morning-mixed
(TEm) Theory (master) 1 English first semester morning-mixed