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Care and Nature

Code: 45070 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
3500086 Care Philosophies OB 1


Marta Tafalla Gonzalez

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


There are no prerequisites.

Objectives and Contextualisation


In a context of severe ecological crisis (climate chaos, mass wildlife extermination, ecosystem degradation, pollution...), this course aims to analyze our relationship with other species, ecosystems, and the biosphere, with the objective of understanding the causes of the aforementioned crisis and considering possible solutions. Although we will always start from scientific knowledge, our perspective will be philosophical, combining disciplines such as ecological ethics, animal ethics, the aesthetics of nature, and animal aesthetics. We will address different theories and philosophical positions, paying special attention to ecofeminism, and analyze concepts such as anthropocentrism, speciesism, metaphysical dualism, the logic of domination, and overshoot.

Learning Outcomes

  1. CA12 (Competence) Integrating the ethics of care into multidisciplinary research settings.
  2. CA13 (Competence) Integrate socio-environmental diversity and ecofeminism into professional activity and research.
  3. KA16 (Knowledge) Identify basic philosophical concepts of nature ethics and animal ethics
  4. KA17 (Knowledge) Identify moral dilemmas in real cases based on the terminology and main concepts of animal ethics.
  5. KA18 (Knowledge) Contrast non-anthropocentric views taking into account the principles of ecological ethics, animal ethics and the aesthetics of nature through case studies.
  6. SA17 (Skill) Discuss contemporary philosophical research issues related to the concept of care in the theoretical context of the philosophy of nature.
  7. SA18 (Skill) Evaluate the social impact of ecological and health interventions from a care perspective.
  8. SA19 (Skill) Propose actions aimed at disseminating knowledge about the social impact of the interrelationship between care and nature in terms of ecology and gender.
  9. SA20 (Skill) Critically interpret the origin and reliability of specific documentary sources in relation to animal rights issues and animal ethics.



1. Environmental Ethics

1.1. Description of the environmental crisis

1.2. Philosophical analysis of the causes of the environmental crisis: capitalism, colonialism, anthropocentrism, androcentrism, speciesism, metaphysical dualism, logic of domination, overshoot

1.3. Philosophical analysis of possible solutions to the environmental crisis: reconciliation with other species, recognition of our finitude, philosophy of gratitude, degrowth, veganism, rewilding


2. Animal Ethics

2.1. Relationships between the environmental crisis and the domination of other animals

2.2. Relationships of animal ethics with degrowth, veganism, and rewilding


3. Aesthetics of Nature and Animal Aesthetics

3.1. The role of aesthetics in our relationship with other species and ecosystems

3.2. From superficial aesthetics to deep aesthetics

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Autonomous      
Work of the students with the provided materials 120 4.8 CA12, CA13, KA16, KA17, KA18, SA17, SA18, SA19, SA20


The methodology of the course is typical of a distance learning class. The professor will regularly share a series of materials with the students through the virtual campus, accompanied by instructions on how to work with them.

Students are expected to read the written texts that will be shared with them and to view the visual materials, always reflecting critically on the issues raised in these materials.

Students will be required to prepare three written exercises on topics related to the course themes.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Exercice on theme 1 33,3% 10 0.4 CA12, CA13, KA16, KA17, KA18, SA17, SA18, SA19, SA20
Exercice on theme 2 33,3% 10 0.4 CA12, CA13, KA16, KA17, KA18, SA17, SA18, SA19, SA20
Exercice on theme 3 33,3% 10 0.4 CA12, CA13, KA16, KA17, KA18, SA17, SA18, SA19, SA20


The assessment will consist of three written exercises, one for each of the subjects of the course.

To pass the course, you must complete and pass all three exercises. The final grade is the average grade of the three exercises.

If a student fails one, two, or all three tests, they may retake them during the reevaluation period. However, in order to be eligible for reevaluation, the student must have participated in at least two of the tests.

If a student does not complete any of the tests, or completes only one of them, they will be considered 'not evaluable.'



Attached here is a small introductory bibliography. Throughout the course, more specific bibliography will be recommended for each topic. 


Adams, Carol & Gruen, Lori (eds.), Ecofeminism. Feminist intersections with other animals and the earth (Bloomsbury, 2014); Ecofeminismo. Intersecciones feministas con otros animales y con la Tierra (Levanta Fuego, 2022), trad. Francisco Jota-Pérez, José Luis Rodríguez y Layla Martínez.

Albelda, José; Parreño, José María & Marrero Henríquez, J. M. (eds.), Humanidades ambientales (Los Libros de la Catarata, 2018)

Albelda, José; Arribas-Herguedas, Fernando & Madorrán, Carmen (eds.), Humanidades ecológicas (Tirant, 2023)

Almiron, Núria & Khazaal, Natalie, "Lobbying Against Compassion: Speciesist Discourse in the Vivisection Industrial Complex", American Behavioral Scientist, 60(3), 2016.

Antón, Eva, Género y naturaleza en las narrativas contemporáneas francesa y española (Universidad de Valladolid, 2018)

Brady, Emily, "Aesthetic Value and Wild Animals" in M. Drenthen and J. Keulartz, (eds.), Environmental Aesthetics (New York: Fordham University Press, 2014)

Casal, Paula, "Los derechos homínidos. Una defensa ecuménica", Daimon, 2017.

Casal, Paula & Singer, Peter, Los derechos de los simios (Trotta, 2022)

Carretero-González, Margarita (ed.), Spanish Thinking about Animals (Michigan State University Press, 2020)

Codina, Juan Ignacio, Pan y toros: breve historia del pensamiento antitaurino español (Plaza y Valdés, 2018)

Crary, Alice & Gruen, Lori, Crisis animal. Una nueva teoría crítica (Cátedra, 2023), trad. Ana Bustelo.

Donaldson, Sue & Kymlicka, Will, Zoopolis. A Political Theory of Animal Rights (Oxford University Press, 2011); Zoópolis. Una revolución animalista (Errata Naturae, 2018) trans. Silvia Moreno Parrado.

Escartín, Montse, "La literatura, una forma de audacia moral", Actas del Primer Congreso de la Red Española de Filosofía, 2015.

Fernández, Laura, Hacia mundos más  animales(Ochodoscuatro ediciones, 2018)

Hribal, Jason, Los animales son parte de la clase trabajadora (Ochodoscuatroediciones, 2014)

Khazaal, Natalie & Almiron, Núria, "An Angry Cow is not a Good Eating Experience. How U.S. and Spanish Media are Shifting from Crude to Camouflaged Speciesism in Concealing Nonhuman Perspectives", Journalism Studies, 17(3), 2016.

Leyton, Fabiola, Los animales en la bioética (Herder, 2019)

Madorrán, Carmen, Necesidades ante la crisis ecosocial. Pensar la vida buena en el Antropoceno (Plaza y Valdés, 2023)

Malm, Andreas, El murciélago y el capital. Coronavirus, cambio climático y guerra social (Errata Naturae, 2020), trad. Miguel Ros González

Marris, Emma, Wild Souls. What We Owe Animals in a Changing World (Bloomsbury, 2021)

Monbiot, George, Feral. Rewilding the land, the sea, and human life (The University of Chicago Press, 2014); Salvaje. Renaturalizar la tierra, el mar y la vida humana (Capitan Swing, 2018) trans. Ana Momplet Chico.

Moyano, Cristian, Ética del rewilding (Plaza y Valdés, 2022)

Palau, Jordi, Rewilding Iberia. Explorando el potencial de la renaturalización en España (Lynx, 2020)

Pelluchon, Corine, Reparemos el mundo. Humanos, animales, naturaleza (NED, 2022), trad. Sion Serra Lopes

Plumwood, Val, Environmental Culture (Routledge, 2002)

Puleo, Alicia, Ecofeminismo para otro mundo posible (Cátedra, 2011)

Puleo, Alicia, Claves ecofeministas para rebeldes que aman a la Tierra y a los animales (Plaza y Valdés, 2019)

Riechmann, Jorge, Interdependientes y ecodependientes. Ensayos desdela ética ecológica y hacia ella (Proteus, 2012)

Riechmann, Jorge; Almazán Gómez, Adrián; Madorrán Ayerra, Carmen & Santiago Muíño, Emilio, Ecosocialismo descalzo (Icaria, 2018)

Riechmann, Jorge, Simbioética (Plaza yValdés, 2022)

Shah, Sonia, The Next  Great Migration (Bloomsbury, 2020);La próxima gran migración (Continta me tienes, 2022), trad. Matilde Pérez.

Tafalla, Marta, "La apreciación estética de los animales. Consideraciones estéticas y éticas", Bioética y Derecho, num 28,2013.

Tafalla, Marta, "Una estética del circo y de los espectáculos circenses con animales", Convivium, num 27/28, 2015.

Tafalla, Marta, "The aesthetic appreciation of animals in zoological parks", Contemporary Aesthetics, vol15, 2017.

Tafalla, Marta, Ecoanimal. Una estética plurisensorial, ecologista y animalista (Plaza y Valdés, 2019)

Tafalla, Marta, Filosofía ante la crisis ecológica (Plaza y Valdés, 2022)

Tafalla, Marta, “Overcoming Climate Breakdown Denial and Neglect through the Aesthetics of Nature”, Contemporary Aesthetics, vol. 21, 2023

Tempest Williams, Terry, Refuge (Pantheon Books, 1991); Refugio (Errata Naturae, 2018) trans. Regina López Muñoz.

Velasco, Angélica, La ética animal. ¿Una cuestiónfeminista? (Cátedra, 2017)

Vettese, Troy & Pendergrass, Drew, Socialismo de medio planeta. Un plan para salvar el futurode la extinción, el cambio climático y las pandemias (Levanta fuego, 2023), trad. Francisco Jota-Pérez





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Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(TEm) Theory (master) 1 Spanish second semester morning-mixed