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External Work Placements II

Code: 45040 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
3500070 Legal Profession and Legal Representation OB 1


Santiago Robert Guillén


Zuley Fernandez Caballero
Alfredo Ramirez Nardiz

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


Graduated in Law and enrolled in the corresponding master's credits.

Objectives and Contextualisation


Collaboration in a law firm or solicitors’ office, a courtroom, a Legal Guidance Service (SOJ), or within a legal department or advisory service. It is also possible to undertake these activities at an office of the European Union, through a specific Erasmus+ programme (Eurolawprofession) granted by the European Parliament to the UAB in collaboration with the ICAB.


  • Address professional ethical dilemmas.

  • Become acquainted with the operation and issues of institutions related to the practice of law or solicitation.

  • Understand the activities of other legal operators, as well as professionals connected with the practice of law or solicitation.

  • Receive updated information about the development of the professional career and potential lines of activity, as well as regarding the tools for their management.

  • Generally, develop the competencies and skills necessary for the practice of the profession of Law or solicitation.

Learning Outcomes

  1. CA08 (Competence) Interact appropriately with members of the general public, institutions and other professional practitioners.
  2. CA10 (Competence) Uphold professional secrecy and confidentiality in relation to matters on which one is entrusted.
  3. CA11 (Competence) Do professional work in specialised and interdisciplinary teams.
  4. KA09 (Knowledge) Identify judicial acts that require notarial intervention in order to take effect and those that require official registration.
  5. SA25 (Skill) Appropriately and neutrally make use of the most suitable techniques for resolving disputes in different situations and contexts.
  6. SA38 (Skill) Effectively and correctly issue notices to and on behalf of the parties involved in a process.
  7. SA39 (Skill) Become familiar with the incorporation of the deontological duties and rights of persons serving as lawyers or attorneys in relations with clients, other parties (not only opponents, but also those who have different interests), courts, public authorities and other professional practitioners.
  8. SA40 (Skill) Learn how to identify situations of conflict of interest that might occur in professional practice and how to proceed in relation to clients and also eventually to any other professional practitioners that might be involved.


Students are fully integrated into a professional office where they must carry out the same activities they will later perform as practising solicitors or barristers, both in terms of their interactions with their surroundings and in the study and resolution of the cases assigned to them.

This first practice module can also be undertaken in a courtroom or institution approved by the coordinator.


Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
activitites at the place of destiny 125 5
Type: Supervised      
search of case law and similar activities 10 0.4
writing legal documents 10 0.4
Type: Autonomous      
report writing 5 0.2

The methodology is eminently practical and tailored to the peculiarities of the field where the training is carried out, whether in a professional office or in a courtroom. It is based on the analysis and resolution of legal issues upon which opinions are issued, reports and opinions are drafted, or procedural documents are formulated.

It should be noted that in this context, dynamics and methodologies characteristic of cooperative and participative work are highly prevalent.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Student report 10% 0 0 CA08, CA10, CA11, KA09, SA25, SA38, SA39, SA40
Tutor report 90% 0 0

Continuous assessment in which 90% of the grade is obtained through a tutor's report, and the remaining 10% from the student's report. 



-PALOMAR OLMEDO, Alberto (Dir.), Practicum acceso a la abogacía 2023 (Dúo), Cizur Menor (Navarra): Aranzadi, 2023.



Language list

Information on the teaching languages can be checked on the CONTENTS section of the guide.