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Professional Deontology

Code: 45037 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
3500070 Legal Profession and Legal Representation OB 1


Lucia Ortiz Amaro


(External) Carlota Palet Vendrell
(External) Eulŕlia Barros Navines
(External) Irene Gómez i Calderó
(External) Josep Farnés i Costajussŕ

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


Be a master's student

Objectives and Contextualisation

know the profession
Professional ethics

Learning Outcomes

  1. CA08 (Competence) Interact appropriately with members of the general public, institutions and other professional practitioners.
  2. KA10 (Knowledge) Describe in detail the different ways of identifying and ordering the interests at stake in each case.
  3. KA11 (Knowledge) Describe liabilities associated to the exercise of professional activity, including the basic functions of free legal assistance and the promotion of social responsibility among persons serving as lawyers or attorneys.
  4. KA12 (Knowledge) Reformulate the determining requirements for the provision and organisation of legal advice and representation.
  5. SA24 (Skill) Clearly distinguish the private interests represented by legal practitioners from those of a public nature whose execution is enforced by the law and the courts, in the various fields from consultation to litigation in which they act professionally.
  6. SA25 (Skill) Appropriately and neutrally make use of the most suitable techniques for resolving disputes in different situations and contexts.
  7. SA26 (Skill) Plan the organisational structure of a professional office based on its available human resources and the type of clients to which it is addressed.
  8. SA27 (Skill) Establish protocols in a professional office for financial and fiscal management, compliance, prevention of occupational hazards and protection of personal data.


Program available in "aula moodle"

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Autonomous activities 58 2.32 KA10, KA11
Master classes 37.5 1.5 CA08, KA12, SA24, SA25, SA26, SA27
Practical classes 37.5 1.5


Master classes
Practical classes
Evaluation tests

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Final exam 50% 2 0.08 CA08, KA10, KA11, KA12, SA24, SA25, SA26, SA27
Legal application of theoretical knowledge 50% 15 0.6 KA10, KA11, KA12, SA24, SA25


The evaluation is based on two elements:
1. Continuous evaluation activities (50% of the final grade)

The format of these activities is defined by each subject. In this subject the following activities will be carried out:
 - Up to 3 points scheduled activities. A total of 3 (1 point per activity) will be made.
 - Up to 2 points the questionnaires in class (they can be test type, short questions, etc). A total of 6 will be made (0.5 points for each questionnaire. The 4 best marks will be computed). DO NOT COMMUNICATE PREVIOUSLY
Absences that occur in these activities can not be recovered at another time unless justified by force majeure. Therefore, this rule can only be excepted in very specific cases (for example, prolonged absences for health or similar reasons).
 Attendance is mandatory and an essential requirement to be evaluated. A non-attendance of more than 20% of the classes will imply not being evaluated.

2. Final exam (50% of the final grade)

Test of 40 questions, according to the pattern of the entrance exam of the Ministry of Justice (4 response options, penalizing errors. Three incorrect questions, one correct answer remains)
It is only valued from a minimum grade of 4 (out of 10). Whoever has a lower grade, suspends the module.

Possibility of reevaluation: whoever has obtained an exam score of less than 4, may be re-submitted to recover it. This recovery affects only the test score, not the qualification of the continuous evaluation, which is maintained.

Possibility of uploading an exam grade: the student who wants to improve his or her exam score can be re-evaluated. The grade obtained in the reevaluation will be your exam grade, whether or not it is higher than the one obtained in the first exam.

It does not accept a single assessment system.


Information in "aula moodle"



Language list

Information on the teaching languages can be checked on the CONTENTS section of the guide.