Degree | Type | Year |
4318288 Paleobiology and Fossil Record | OB | 0 |
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The same as those from the master.
Referred to knowledges.
To recognize the main groups of plant fossils, invertebrates, ichnofossils and microfossils in rock samples, in the field or by observation under the microscope.
To characterize paleoenvironmental changes from the taphonomic and paleoecological study of microfossils, plant fossils, ichnofossils and invertebrates in stratigraphic successions.
To define the chronostratigraphy of sedimentary successions from the study of microfossils, plants and invertebrates.
Referred to skills
To relate different perspectives of a fossil in section to integrate them into a three-dimensional scheme, both from thin sections or from macroscopic sections.
To represent in two- and three-dimensional diagrams the reconstruction of a paleoenvironment that integrates information from the depositional environment (lithofacies) with the taphonomic and paleoecological information of various groups of fossils in real case studies.
a) Fieldwork. Fundaments of Paleobiology by visiting several museum exhibitions and palaeontological sites in the Cretaceous of the Pyrenees (Coll de Nargó, Tremp and Ager subbasins).
b) Laboratory. Techniques in Paleobiology: descriptive analysis, quantitative techniques and compared anatomy.
2. Practicum in Marine Paleobiology
2.1. Practicum in taphonomy, paleoecology and ichnology:
a) Laboratory. Observation and analysis of taphofacies, ichnofossils and marine ichnofacies
b) Fieldwork. Study of taphonomy, paleoecology and ichnology of marine invertebrates and vertebrates in a Miocene succession of the Camp de Tarragona Basin.
c) Fieldwork. Paleoecology taphonomy and ichnology of marine invertebrates and microfossils in a sequence of Eocene platforms of the Ebro basin (in combination with the fieldwork in Micropaleontology and Biostratigraphy).
2.2. Practicum in Micropaleontology
a) Laboratory. Observation and identification of microfossils of cyanobacteria, red algae, green algae, nannoplankton, foraminifera and microfossils of marine invertebrates.
b) Fieldwork. Study of asuccession of a carbonate platform rich in coralline red algae in the Miocene of the Penedès Basin and of a middle Eocene succession rich in macroforaminifera.
c) Fieldwork. Taphonomy paleoecology and ichnology of marine invertebrates and microfossils in a succession of the Eocene of the Ebro basin (in combination with the fieldwork in Taphonomy, paleoecology and ichnology).
2.3. Practicum in Marine Paleoenvironmental Modelling and Marine Invertebrates
a) Laboratory. Observation of facies and microfacies of carbonate platforms.
b) Laboratory. Observation and identification of the main groups of rock-building marine invertebrates.
c) Fieldwork. Study of carbonate platforms in the Mesozoic of the Catalan Coastal Chain.
3. Practicum in Continental Paleobiology (Plants and invertebrates)
3.1. Practicum in Plant Evolution:
a) Laboratory. Observation and identification of macro and microfossils of Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic plants. Evolutionary implications.
b) Fieldwork. Study of Miocene plants from the lacustrine La Cerdanya Basin (Pyrenees): applications in paleoenvironmental reconstruction (in combination with the fieldwork in Continental Invertebrate Paleontology).
3.2. Practicum in Continental Invertebrate Paleontology
a) Laboratory. Observation and identification of fossils of continental invertebrates, mainly arthropods.
b) Fieldwork. Study of invertebrates and plant-artropod interactions in the Miocene lacustrine basin of the La Cerdanya basin: applications in paleoenvironmental reconstruction (in combination with the fieldwork in Plant Evolution).
Title | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Type: Directed | |||
Lab practicum | 90 | 3.6 | |
Type: Supervised | |||
Fieldwork practicum | 76 | 3.04 |
Laboratory practicum. It consists of sessions of usually two hours in the microscopy classroom, during which students observe fossils, draw sketches and photograph the structures explained in theory and do exercises based on these fossils. These practicum aims enhancing observation, description, graphic illustration, and synthesis skills. This block involves hours of in-person work, hours of supervised work and hours of autonomous work.
Fieldwork practicum. This block consists of five field trips, three of which will be of one day duration, and one will last for two days. They will allow contextualizing in the nature the fossils studied in theory and observed in the laboratory. Field work includes studying examples of many Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic fossil groups. The training activities consist of searching and recognizing fossils in a stratigraphic context and extracting taphonomic, paleoenvironmental and biostratigraphic information. The result is reflected in reports or written exercises that are elaborated as supervised work. In fieldwork, group-work skills are also exercised. The block involves in-person hours and supervised work.
Note: Within the schedule set by the degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.
Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.
Title | Weighting | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Attendance and participation | 10% | 90 | 3.6 | CA11 |
Exercises based on laboratory practicum | 20% | 30 | 1.2 | CA09, CA10, CA11, KA08, KA09, KA10, SA10, SA11 |
Field work reports | 30% | 10 | 0.4 | CA09, CA10, CA11, KA08, KA09, KA10, SA11 |
Final exam | 40% | 4 | 0.16 | CA10, KA08, KA09, KA10 |
Continuous evaluation:
40% Final exam
20% Exercises based on laboratory practicum
30% Field work reports
10% Classroom attendance and participation
Single evaluation:
80% Final exam that will include questions from laboratory practicums and exercises
20% Fieldtrip report
Behrensmeyer, A.K. Taphonomy. In: Alderton, D. and Elias, S.A. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Geology (2nd Edition), Vol. 3 History of Life, Academic Press, Elsevier, 2021.
Benton, M.J., and Harper, D.A.T. Introduction to Paleobiology and the Fossil Record. Wiley-Blackwell. 2010.
Buatois, L.A. and Mángano, M.G. Ichnology. Organism-substrate interactions in space and time. , New York, 358 pp Cambridge University Press. 2011.
Grimaldi, D., and Engel, M.S. Evolution of the Insects, New York, 755 pp., Cambridge University Press. 2005.
Mangano, M.G. and Buatois, L.A. (Eds). The trace-fossil record of major evolutionary events. Vol. 1: Precambrian and Paleozoic, Topics in Geobiology 39, Springer, 2016.
Mangano, M.G. and Buatois, L.A. (Eds.). The trace-fossil record of major evolutionary events. Vol. 2: Mesozoic and Cenozoic. Topics in Geobiology 40, Springer, 2016.
Martinetto, E., Tschopp, E., and Gastaldo, R.A. Nature Through Time. Springer Nature, 2020.
Mc Elwain, J. Paleobotany and Global Change: Important Lessons for Species to Biomes from Vegetation Responses to Past Global Change, Annual Reviews Plant Biology, 69:761-787, 2018
McGowran, B. Biostratigraphy. Microfossils and Geological time, Cambridge University Press, 2005.
Molina, E. Micropaleontología (3ª Edición). Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza, 2017.
Saraswati, P. Microforaminiferal Paleontology for understanding Earth’s history, Elsevier, 2021.
Sreepat J. Fundamentals of Invertebrate Paleontology. Microfossils, Springer, 2020.
Taylor, T., Taylor, E. and Krings, M. Paleobotany: The Biology and Evolution of Fossil Plants. Academic Press, 2nd Edition, 2009.
Willis, K.J. and McElwain, J.C. The Evolution of Plants, Oxford, 2002.
Basic software: Office (Word, Excel, Power Point) or similar
Graphic dessign software: Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, Inkskape,...
Name | Group | Language | Semester | Turn |
(PAULm) Classroom practices (master) | 1 | Spanish | second semester | morning-mixed |
(PCAMm) Field practices (master) | 1 | Spanish | second semester | morning-mixed |