Material Handling and Transport System Design and Analysis
Code: 44768
ECTS Credits: 10
Degree |
Type |
Year |
4318306 Logistics and Supply Chain Management |
OT |
2 |
- (External) Prof. Dr. Gaby Neumann
- (External) Prof. Dr. Jens Wollenweber
Teaching groups languages
You can view this information at the end of this document.
The student has to have successfully passed the following subjects:
- Decision making (44760)
- Material handling and transportation technologies (44762)
- Information Technology (44761)
- Supply Chain Network & Flow Management (44763)
Objectives and Contextualisation
This module has two course units: Simulation-based analysis and design of material handling systems (Prof. Dr. Gaby Neumann) and Analysis and design of transportation networks (Prof. Dr. Jens Wollenweber).
CU1: Simulation-based analysis and design of material handling systems (5 ECTS)
After the course the student will:
- Understand specific requirements of material handling systems and their design
- Be able to apply procedure, methods, tools for MHS analysis and design, esp. simulation methodology
- Understand subject, steps and constraints of tendering procedure, offer preparation and tender processing
CU2: Analysis and design of transportation networks (5 ECTS)
Students will gain an understanding of
- the decision making process in logistics and transportation
- the process of designing transportation networks
- modelling and solving related decision problems
Students will be able to solve strategic, tactical and operational decision problems
- for clustering/covering problems
- for assignment problems
- for finding optimal facility location
Learning Outcomes
- CA18 (Competence) Address the design challenges posed by material handling and transport systems from a holistic perspective.
- CA19 (Competence) Formulate solid arguments based on optimisation and/or simulation methods applied to material handling and transport systems in order to convince/motivate decision-makers.
- CA20 (Competence) Devise and manage a materials handling system design project in a near-market environment.
- KA25 (Knowledge) Describe the specific requirements of materials handling systems and their design.
- SA28 (Skill) Use procedures, methods and tools to analyse and design material handling systems, especially those based on simulation methodology.
- SA29 (Skill) Select and apply appropriate methodologies and strategies to develop technical solutions to material handling and transport challenges.
- SA30 (Skill) Assess the benefit of applying new strategies, methodologies and/or technologies to material handling and transport systems, whilst using guesswork, intuition and simulation techniques to estimate the impact.
- SA31 (Skill) Apply methods based on models and simulation techniques in order to evaluate alternative solutions to be implemented in material handling and transport systems.
CU1: Simulation-based analysis and design of material handling systems (5 ECTS)
Introduction to material flow planning
- Terminology
- Principles and procedure in material flow planning
- The use of simulation in material flow planning
- Knowledge management in material flow planning
Analysis of materials handling systems
- Overview: How to investigate material flows
- Procedure and methods for material flow analysis
- Evaluating material flows
- Approaches for optimizing material flows
- Case 1: Analysing a materials handling system
Design of materials handling systems
- Overview: How to design material flows
- Specific planning problems: planning material flows in production, warehouse planning, planning order picking systems, designing logistics buildings
- Approaches for evaluating alternative solutions in material flow design
- Case 2: Designing a materials handling system
Tendering procedure
- Tendering procedure
- Requirement specification and tendering
CU2: Analysis and design of transportation networks (5 ECTS)
Part A: Selected theoretical basics for logistical decisions
- Model building
- Decision making and optimisation
- Optimisation software
Part B: Modelling and solving of selected logistical decisions
1. Clustering Algorithms/Covering problems
- C-means algorithms
- Fuzzy C-Means algorithm
- Set Covering problems
- Maximum covering problems
2. Logistical Assignment Problems
- The Standard Assignment Problem
- Maximum Cardinality Problems
- Generalised Assignment Problems
3. Location Problems
- Facility Location Problems
- Hub Location Problems
Activities and Methodology
Title |
Hours |
Learning Outcomes |
Type: Directed |
CU1. Practical sessions |
1.2 |
CA18, CA19, SA29, SA30, SA31
CU2. Practical sessions |
1.2 |
CA18, CA19, SA29, SA30, SA31
CU2. Theory lectures |
1.2 |
CA18, CA19, KA25, SA29, SA31
Type: Supervised |
CU1. Case Study |
2.3 |
CA18, CA19, CA20, KA25, SA28, SA29, SA30, SA31
CU2. Case Study |
2.3 |
CA18, CA19, CA20, KA25, SA28, SA29, SA30, SA31
Type: Autonomous |
CU1. self-learning |
0.9 |
CA18, CA19, KA25, SA29, SA31
CU2. self-learning |
0.9 |
CA18, CA19, KA25, SA29, SA31
CU1: Simulation-based analysis and design of material handling systems (5 ECTS)
The course is organized by means of traditional lectures combined with seminars and practical work. The learning process will combine the following activities:
- Classroom sessions: include theory lectures and guest lectures by Industry logistics management professionals and experts. Aims to understand specific requirements of material handling systems and their design; specify procedure for material handling system analysis and design; explain simulation application in material handling system analysis and design; understand subject, steps and constraints of tendering procedure, offer preparation and tender processing
- Lab sessions: include calculation exercises, guided exercises in software application, classroom discussions. Aims to calculate material handling system performance limit; build, validate, run simulation models using DOSIMIS-3 simulation package; evaluate and discuss alternative material handling system solutions.
- Case study: group work, project reporting, student presentation. Aims to apply procedures, methods, and tools for material handling system analysis and design, esp. simulation methodology; evaluate different alternatives and select the material handling system solution to be implemented; elaborate solid arguments to convince and motivate decision makers; run and manage a material handling system design project in a market setting.
- Autonomous work: reading, self-testing, reflecting. Retrieve and analyse information from different sources; reflect learning and problem solving processes in order to derive lessons learned.
CU2: Analysis and design of transportation networks (5 ECTS)
The course is organized by means of traditional lectures combined with seminars and practical work. The learning process will combine the following activities:
- Classroom sessions: include theory lectures and classroom discussions. Aims to understand theoretical issues of the decision making process in logistics environments and for modelling and solving selected logistics decision problems.
- Computer lab: includes supervised use of decision support software and classroom discussion. The students will be able to analyse selected logistics decision problems, to formulate the mathematical model, to allocate the required data and to solve it with Optimization Studio which is an industrial standard software suit for modelling and solving mathematical optimisation problems. Optimization Studio is provided by IBM.
- Case study: group work, project reporting, student presentation. Aims to design, model and solve decision problems, esp. related to transportation networks; design and optimize a transportation network including the retrieval and evaluation of relevant market and cost data
- Autonomous work: reading, self-testing, reflecting. Retrieve and analyse information from different sources; reflect learning and problem solving processes in order to derive lessons learned.
Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.
Continous Assessment Activities
Title |
Weighting |
Hours |
Learning Outcomes |
CU1. Case Study |
50% |
0 |
CA18, CA19, CA20, KA25, SA28, SA29, SA30, SA31
CU2. Case Study |
50% |
0 |
CA18, CA19, CA20, KA25, SA28, SA29, SA30, SA31
CU1: Simulation-based analysis and design of material handling systems (5 ECTS)
The final mark of this course will be calculated from the assessment of following evaluation activities:
- Case study MHS. For a given scenario current system design and performance is to be described in a formalized way, represented by a simulation model and analysed by use of simulation technology. Needs for improvement are to be specified as well as future system requirements. For matching them, appropriate (alternative) technical solutions are to be developed, investigated, evaluated and selected. The favourite solution is to be presented in respective tender documents and as 3D VR scene. Procedure and outcomes of the case study are described, discussed and presented to decision makers in an attractive way.
CU2: Analysis and design of transportation networks (5 ECTS)
The final mark of this course will be calculated from the assessment of following evaluation activities:
- Case study TN. For a certain geographical region an entire network planning and optimisation process has to be developed and executed, applying proper decision models. Procedure and outcomes of the case study are described and discussed in a project report and presented to decision makers in an appropriate way.
CU1 and CU2
The student passes the module if each of the case studies is evaluated “sufficient” (grade 4.0 corresponding to a minimum of 50% of the maximum performance per evaluation activity) at least. The student fails if performance in at least one of the evaluation activities does not reach the 50% threshold or if any evaluation documents (reports, presentations, models) on case studies are not submitted within the due dates specified by the respective professor.
In case of fail the student needs to retake just that part of module exam s/he failed. The decision about this is in hands of the respective examiner. If any of the case studies is failed, the student will either be provided with a new case study or asked to re-submit its report according to the corrections/indications provided by the professor.
Students who fail an exam may be permitted the opportunity to retake this examination twice at a maximum. After that, his/her right for examination terminates. Retaking an exam is allowed only in case the student previously failed, but not to improve grades achieved so far.
Submission deadlines for case studies and any presentation activities related to them are announced when giving case studies to students. Specific examination dates are published on the university’s website.
The weights of all evaluation activities are given in the table below.
- Bode, W.; Preuß, R. W.: Comprehensive introduction to intralogistics. A reference book by the STILL Akademie, 2005.
- Gudehus, T.; Kotzab, H.: Comprehensive Logistics; 2nd ed., Springer: Berlin and Heidelberg, 2012.
- Hillier F., Lieberman G.: Introduction to Operations Research, 10th ed., Irwin Industrial Engineering, 2014
- Law, A. M.: Simulation Modeling and Analysis, 5th ed., McGraw-Hill: New York, 2015.
- Rodrigue, J.-P.: The Geography of Transport Systems, 5th ed., Routledge, New York, 2020.
- Rushton, A.; Croucher, P.; Baker, P.: The Handbook of Logistics and Distribution Management; 6th ed., Kogan Page: London and Philadelphia, 2017
- ten Hompel, M.; Schmidt, T.: Warehouse Management. Automation and Organisation of Warehouse and Order Picking Systems; Springer: Berlin and Heidelberg, 2014.
- Tompkins, J.; White, J.; Bozer, Y.; Frazelle, E.; Tanchoco, J.; Trevino, J.: Facilities Planning; 4th ed.; John Wiley&Sons: New York, 2010.
- The Transportation Planning Process: Key Issues, U.S. Department of Transportation: Washington DC, 2015.
- VDI standards: several standards available on the topics of this course; search the database on (in English) or (in German)
DOSIMIS-3 (simulation package)
taraVRbuilder (software tool for dynamic 3D visualisation of logistics systems)
Language list
Information on the teaching languages can be checked on the CONTENTS section of the guide.