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Applied Auditing

Code: 44446 ECTS Credits: 9
Degree Type Year
4317517 Account Auditing and Accounting OB 0


Jordi Rizo Gubianas


Xavier Sentis Ros
(External) Antoni Puig Rimbau
(External) Carlos Soria Arrufat
(External) Jordi Gual
(External) Jordi Pérez Cascante
(External) José Serrano Madrid
(External) Manel Borras
(External) Roser Güell

Teaching groups languages

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It is recommended to have passed the subject International Auditing Standards

Objectives and Contextualisation

In this subject will develop the International Norms of Audit adapted in Spain (NIA-IS).  The base of the course is to study the practical application of ISA (adopted in the Spain regulation)  to the distinct balance items so much of the balance like the account of losses and gains. In this process analyse the distinct technicians of auditing  Also it will tackle the preparation of reports of auditing in relation to the annual accounts, so much the referents to individual accounts as consolidated as well as the reports in special situations established by the legislation.

Learning Outcomes

  1. CA05 (Competence) Assess the main aspects that should be subject to validation of the information provided for each company or group of companies.
  2. CA06 (Competence) For each company or group of companies to be audited, plan the audit methodology and mechanisms for validating the financial information they provide.
  3. CA07 (Competence) Write audit reports on the annual accounts in accordance with the requirements set out by current regulations.
  4. KA07 (Knowledge) List the different stages of the auditing procedure and how they relate to one another.
  5. SA07 (Skill) Distinguish the different tasks involved in auditing individual and consolidated annual accounts.


SUBJECT 1.- Methodology of the auditing 

-        Customers and accounts to earn

-        Providers and accounts to pay

-        Parts linked

-        property plants and teams, intangible assets

-        Inventories

-        Financial active

-        Cash and Passive financial

-        Public administrations and taxes on profits

-        Net heritage (own Bottoms and subsidise Provisions, contingencies and back events to the closing

-        Adjust  by periodificación

-        Income and costs

-        Provisions, contingencies and back events to the closing 


SUBJECT 2.- Practical case

Aim: Development of a global practical case of a work of audit, that collect the appearances developed previously.


SUBJECT 3.- International Standards on Auditing: Conclusions and report of audit


  • ISA 450: Evaluation of the mistakes identified during the realisation of the audit
  • ISA 700. Training of the opinion and broadcast of the report of audit on the financial states
  • ISA 705: Opinion modified in the report of audit issued by an independent auditor.
  • ISA 706: Paragraphs of emphasis and paragraphs of other questions in the report issued by an independent auditor.
  • ISA 710: comparative Information corresponding figures of previous periods and comparative financial states.
  • ISA 720: Responsibility of the auditor with regard to another included information in the documents that contain the financial states audited.
  • ISA 805: special Considerations-audit of an alone financial state.


SUBJECT 4. Special reports contemplated in the Law of Societies of capital


Analyse the performances to develop by the auditor of accounts in the broadcast of the distinct types of special reports that has to issue in accordance with the mercantile rule


SUBJECT 5.- Audit of annual accounts consolidated


  • Introduction to the audit of the annual accounts consolidated
  • ISA 600: special Considerations in audit of financial states of groups

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Theoretical classes 60 2.4 CA05, CA06, CA07, KA07, SA07
Type: Supervised      
Practical classes 28 1.12 CA05, CA06, CA07, KA07, SA07
Tutorial practicals cases 8 0.32 CA05, CA06, CA07, KA07, SA07
Type: Autonomous      
Study of regulations 80 3.2 CA05, CA06, CA07, KA07, SA07
Written report 47 1.88 CA05, CA06, CA07, KA07, SA07

The educational methodology will be based in a combination of three types of activities:

- Activity directed: theoretical classes and 

- Activity supervised: consistent in the practical classes of resolution of problems, realisation of  tutorial programme  and the realisation of exercises

 - Autonomous activity that divides in two parts:

* Part of study by part of the student (readings, research of information, etc).

* Autonomous activity in group devoted to the research of data and preparation of a report on the information that provides the memory of the annual accounts. Presentation and debate.

  "The proposed teaching methodology may undergo some modifications according to the restrictions imposed by the health authorities on on-campus courses". 


The tutorial could be in a a seminary or on line 

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Attendance and participation 10% 0 0 CA05, CA06, CA07, KA07, SA07
Exams 50% 2 0.08 CA05, CA06, CA07, KA07, SA07
Exercises and practical cases 40% 0 0 CA05, CA06, CA07, KA07, SA07

The system of evaluation and follow-up of the student divides in 3 modalities:


- Presentation of practical  exercise cases: 40% (25% case in abril and 15% one cas in june)

- Active participation and assistance in class: 10%   (minimum assistance 75%)

- Final exams:  50%


 Minimum note of  of  the final proof to do average: 4 points (on 10 points)


Process of Recovery 

"To participate in the process of recovery the students has to have been previously evaluated in a group of activities that represent a minimum of two third parts of the total qualification of the subject or module." Section 3 of the Article 112 ter. The recovery (Academic Rule UAB). The and the students have to have obtained a half qualification of the subject between 3,5 and 4,8. The proof of recovery will effect between 10 and 15 days after the final proof.. The student that present and surpass it will approve the subject with a note of 5. In contrary case will keep the same note.


Irregularities in acts of evaluation

Without prejudice to other disciplinary measures that estimate timely, and in accordance with the normative valid academician, "in case that the student make any irregularity that can drive to a significant variation of the qualification of an act of evaluation, will describe with a 0 this act of evaluation, with independence of the disciplinary process that can instruct . In case that produce diverse irregularities in the acts of evaluation of a same subject, the final qualification of this subject will be 0". Section 10 of the Article 116. Results of the evaluation. (Academic rule UAB)


"The proposed evaluation activities may undergo some changes according to the restrictions imposed by the health authorities on on-campus courses." 


This subject  does not offer the option for comprehensive evaluation.


-        Technical norms of Audit, resulted of the adaptation of the International Norms of Audit for his application in Spain (NIA-IS). 

-        Manual of Audit of the REA edited by the General Council of Schools of Economists of Spain  

-        Manual of Audit of the REA, Adapted to the new LAC 2015, of Francis Lefebvre (ISBN 978-84-16268-67-2  legal Deposit M-32833-2015)




Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(TE) Theory 1 Spanish second semester afternoon