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Globalisation and the European Social Model

Code: 44033 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
4313228 Social Policy, Employment and Welfare OB 0


Oscar Molina Romo


Lara Ivana Maestripieri
Julia Almeida Calazans

Teaching groups languages

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Degree in social sciences / humanities. Capacity to read technical / academic texts in english

Objectives and Contextualisation

The Module ‘Globalization and the European Social Model’ has a twofold objective.

• First, to analyze the characteristics of the so-called European Social Model, its origins and its differences between European countries, in the context of the European integration process.

• Second, characterize and analyze the impact that transformations such as economic globalization, the growing internationalization of economies or demographic changes are having on the European Social Model.

The module pays particular attention to the study and analysis of the most important vectors of change and socio-economic transformation, and their impact on the main dimensions of the European Social Model; regulation of the labor market, social policy and employment relations systems. This model has been gradually built during the second postwar period and has provided important regulation of employment, working conditions and well-being, although with important differences across countries in their institutional characteristics. However, since the late 1970s, the European Social Model has been undergoing a restructuring process, influenced by various factors, such as changes in the economic structure, the labor market, employment, demographic changes and changes in family patterns. All these changes are today redefining the central elements of this model, although with important differences between countries in the depth and direction of these changes.

As specific objectives to be achieved through the module, the following are established:


a) Ability to understand the mechanisms that mediate the impact that processes such as economic globalization or demographic transformations have in the areas of employment policies, social policy or employment relations.

b) Skills for the development of comparative analysis of different social models

c) Become familiar with comparative analyzes on employment relations and social policy in studies onWelfare States

d) Ability to better understand the political, economic and social context of labor reforms and social policy at the European level.

e) Ability to analyze and systematize various approaches to the development of the European social model

f) Develop a critical approach to the functioning of the European Union

g) Ability to handle theories, methods and techniques used in the study of social and employment policy.

h) Ability to propose the comparative analysis of transformations in specific dimensions of social models


  • Continue the learning process, to a large extent autonomously.
  • Design, implement and evaluate social and labour policies affecting the relationship between work, employment and welfare.
  • Design, implement and evaluate social policies and processes for resource redistribution and improvement of citizens' welfare, in different contexts and from a European perspective.
  • Recognise the main economic, political, social and cultural transformations of complex societies in order to analyse the fundamental challenges they pose to equality and welfare.
  • To apply the gender approach in the analysis of the relationship among labour market, cares and social inequality.
  • Use acquired knowledge as a basis for originality in the application of ideas, often in a research context.
  • Use and manage bibliography and IT resources in the field of study.
  • Work individually and in multidisciplinary, international teams.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyse labour reform and reforms to the European welfare system.
  2. Continue the learning process, to a large extent autonomously.
  3. Design social policies to respond to inequality risk in the different welfare regimes.
  4. Formulate and evaluate social and labour policies from a European perspective.
  5. Identify and analyse European systems of welfare and labour relations and their transformations.
  6. Identify the gender inequalities seen in the different labour relations models in Europe.
  7. Identify the gender inequalities seen in the various welfare régimes in Europe.
  8. Identify the main economic, social and work-related elements of the European Social Model and their transformations.
  9. Suggest new lines of work to add to existing knowledge on the question.
  10. Use acquired knowledge as a basis for originality in the application of ideas, often in a research context.
  11. Use and manage bibliography and IT resources in the field of study.
  12. Work individually and in multidisciplinary, international teams.


The Globalization and European Social Model Module is structured in two closely linked blocks. The first part of each session will be dedicated to the analysis of the European social model, its main characteristics and the main transformations, while the second part will be dedicated to delving into one of the main vectors of change, that is, demographic changes and their impact on welfare states.


Block A - [MSE] European Social Model: Reforms of the system of employment relations and the welfare system (Prof. Óscar Molina)


The objective of this block is to provide an approximation to the so-called European Social model, its main characteristics, the differences that exist within it, and the causes and characteristics of the main transformations that are taking place. In addition, this block also provides an approach to the characterization of the globalization process, its different dimensions, and its impact on the European social model. The agenda of this block is articulated around the different elements or dimensions of the European social model.


Session 1. European Social Model Concept. What is the ESM? Brief history of the European social model: postwar. Common principles. Corporatist actors: State, business organizations and unions. Conclusions.

Session 2. Capitalism Models and the European Social Model. An approach to the different typologies / social models in Europe. Welfare State Models. Coordinated economies, liberal economies and mixed economies. Differences in pre and post-distributive policies

Session 3. Inequality, Collective Bargaining and Employment Relations Models. Models of labor relations in the EU. Collective negotiation; dimensions and differences between countries. Neo-corporatism. The impact of collective bargaining on wage trends and inequalities.

Session 4. Employment Policies in the EU. Employment policy in the framework of European integration: Evolution, Paradigms, Policies. OpenMethod of Coordination. Flexicurity. The activation principle.

Session 5. Transformations in social policy: The paradigm of social investment. The main paradigms in the design of social policy. Origins and characteristics of the social investment paradigm. Types and character of social investment policies.

Session 6. Unemployment protection systems. Unemployment protection systems: differences and similarities. Models in Europe. The Spanish case. The transformation in unemployment protection models. Active Inclusion

Session 7. Pension systems. Main pension models. Challenges of pension models. Transformation in pension models. Main reforms of the pension systems. The Spanish case. Social dialogue and the Toledo Pact.

Session 8. Presentations



Block B - [DFW] Demography, Family and Welfare (Prof. Julia Almedia, Prof. Lara Mastripieri)

Block B of the module aims to analyse the main changes in demographic trends, the new social risks they generate and the implications for social and employment policies. A second objective of this block is the detailed analysis of changes in family patterns and the impact on the role of the family as a provider of well-being, particularly important in the Mediterranean model of well-being. The problems of youth and women in the context of the labour market are also analysed. Finally, and closely linked to the sustainability of the pension system, the ageing of the population and the growing importance of care systems for the dependent are analysed.


Session 1. Demographic trends and new social risks. The aging of the population: fall in the birth rate, extension of longevity. The theory of the demographic transition.

Session 2. The family as a provider of well-being. Home and family models in Europe. Family changes and intergenerational solidarity. The concepts of "defamiliarization" and "decommodification".

Session 3. Economic insecurity, poverty and minimum incomes [by Lara Maestripieri]

Session 4. Work and family market in Europe. Models in the use of time. Labor force and employment: part-time and unemployment.

Session 5. Women's access to the labor market. The sexual division of labor in the home. Activity and occupation: paid and domestic work. Compatibility of family and work life. Family policies.

Session 6. Under the umbrella of social security. The pension system in Spain: the fragile balance between contributors and pensioners.

Session 7. Aging and dependency care systems. Health and care for the elderly.




Day 1: MSE (first part of session) / NRSPS (Second part of session)

Day 2: MSE (first part of session) / NRSPS (Second part of session)

Day 3: MSE (first part of session) / NRSPS (Second part of session)

Day 4: MSE (first part of session) / NRSPS (Second part of session)

Day 5: MSE (first part of session) / NRSPS (Second part of session)

Day 6: MSE (first part of session) / NRSPS (Second part of session)

Day 7: MSE (first part of session) / NRSPS (Second part of session)

Day 8: Presentations

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Supervised      
Analysis, debate and presentation of policies targeting new social risks 50 2
Comparative scientific article 50 2

The methodology of the module is based on a combination of lectures in which, however, active participation will be sought through the prior reading of materials and the discussion of key questions. Each week a compulsory reading will be distributed on which a short online questionnaire will be passed at the end of the session. The presentations will be made seeking the identification of key problems and presenting elements of the research of the teaching team. The preparation of an article that addresses one of the subjects analyzed during the module will contribute to applying the knowledge acquired.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Analysis, debate and presentation of demographic challenges and policies targeting new social risks 45% 25 1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Attendance 10% 0 0 12
Comparative Paper 45% 25 1 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

The evaluation will be carried out around two components:


1. Individual. Writing an individual essay on any of the topics addressed during the course, with preference to the development of a comparative analysis of one of the areas of the course. The article will be approximately 6000 words long. The essay will be delivered in January 2022, on a date that will be indicated in the module presentation. Each work will be assigned, depending on the topic, one of the module teachers, who will hold at least two meetings to monitor and tutor the work.

2. Group. Presentation and discussion of a country's policies discussed in class. Each group will select a country to, throughout the sessions that will be held, provide a discussion about the type of policies that are implemented in this country. At the end of the module, each group will make a presentation with the policies developed in each country.


Compulsory Readings

Bloque A

1. Martin Artiles, Antonio; Chavez, Eduardo; Semenza, Renata (2020). Social Model dealing with inequalities. In López-Roldán, Pedro; Fachelli, Sandra Towards a Comparative Analysis of Social Inequalities between Europe and Latin America. Springer. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-48442-2

2. Hall, P. and Soskice, D. (2001) An introduction to varieties of capitalism, in Hall, P. and Soskice, D. (eds.) Varieties of capitalism: The institutional foundations of comparative advantage, Oxford University Press, 21-27.

3. Bosch, G. (2015). Shrinking collective bargaining coverage, increasing income inequality: A comparison of five EU countries. International Labour Review, 154(1), 57-66.

4. Van Kersbergen, K., & Hemerijck, A. (2012). Two decades of change in Europe: the emergence of the social investment state. Journal of Social Policy, 41(3), 475-492.

5. Zeitlin, J. (2007) A Decade of Innovation in EU Governance: The European Employment Strategy, the Open Method of Coordination, and the Lisbon Strategy, La Follette School Working Paper No. 2007-031

6. Jochen Clasen & Daniel Clegg (2006) Beyond activation reforming european unemployment protection systems in post-industrial labour markets, European Societies, 8:4, 527-553, DOI: 10.1080/14616690601002582

7. Patricia Scarponetti, Leandro Sepúlveda & Antonio Martín Artiles (2020). Pension systems compared. A polarised perspective, a diverse reality. In López-Roldán, Pedro; Fachelli, Sandra Towards a Comparative Analysis of Social Inequalities between Europe and Latin America. Springer. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-48442-2



Bloque B


1. Castro, T. y Seiz, M. (2014): “La transformación de las familias en España desde una perspectiva sociodemográfica”, VII Informe sobre exclusión y desarrollo social en España,Madrid: FOESSA.


2. Marí-Klose, P. y Marí-Klose, M. (2012). “Edad, vulnerabilidad económica y Estado de bienestar: la protección social contra la pobreza de niños y personas mayores”, Panorama Social 15, 107-125.


3. Alegre, M.A y Benito, R. (2010), “Los factores del abandono educativo temprano. España en el marco europeo”, Revista de Educación, número extraordinario 2010, pp. 65-92.


4. León, M. y Salido, O. (2013), “Las políticas de protección a las familias en perspectiva comparada: divergencias nacionales frente a desafíos compartidos”, en Del Pino, E. y Rubio, M. J (eds.), Los Estados del Bienestar en la encrucijada: políticas sociales en perspectiva comparada, Madrid: Tecnos. (fotocopia en Campus Virtual)

5. Ajenjo Cosp, M. y García Román, J. (2014), “Cambios en el uso del tiempo de las parejas ¿Estamos en el camino hacia una mayor igualdad?”, Revista Internacional de Sociología (RIS), vol 72, n.2, pp. 453-476.


6. Miret, P. y Zueras, P. (2017), “Alarma en el sistema público de pensiones: ¿culpa de la demografía?”, Revista del Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social, n. 131, pp. 115-170.

7. Spijker, J. y Zueras, P. (2016), “El cuidado a los mayores en un contexto de envejecimiento y cambio social, político y económico”, Panorama Social, n. 23, 109-124.



Additional Reading


Parte A. Modelo Social Europeo. 

1. Gómez, Pedro L.; Buendía; L. (2015). “La crisis y los Estados del Bienestar en Europa”. Madrid: Fundación Foessa. VII Informe sobre exclusión social en España http://www.foessa2014.es/informe/uploaded/documentos_trabajo/15102014153256_1506.pd

2. Streeck, Wolfagang (2014): “La crisis del capitalismo democrático.” New Left Review, https://newleftreview.org/article/download_pdf?language=es&id=291

3. Martin Artiles, Antonio; Molina, Oscar; Carrasquer, Pilar (20126). ¿Ruptura del compromiso igualitario para sostener el Estado del Bienestar?. Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, nº 154: 45-64. doi:10.5477/cis/reis.154.45. http://www.reis.cis.es/REIS/PDF/REIS_154_031459931349233.pd

4. Daune-Richards, A-M. (2007). “Las mujeres y la sociedad salarial: una investigación a partir de los casos de Francia, Reino Unido y Suecia.” En Prieto, C. (coord.). Trabajo, género y tiempo social. Barcelona: Hacer pp. 226

5. Martín Artiles, A. (2008). ¿Modelo Social de Bajo coste?. Valencia: Arxius de Sociología, 26, https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/autor?codigo=12224

6. Campillo, Inés (2010). “Políticas de conciliación en los regímenes de Bienestar Mediterráneos: España e Italia. Revista Política ySociedad, volumen 47,1; http://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/POSO/article/view/POSO1010130189

7. González, Sergio; Luque, David 2014). «¿Adiós al corporatismo competitivo en España? Pactos sociales y conflicto en la crisis económica». Revista Española de InvestigacionesSociológicas, 148: 79-102.(http://dx.doi.org/10.5477/cis/reis.148.7¡

8. Leonardi, Laura et. al. (2010). ¿Es exportable la flexiseguridad?. Un estudio comparado entre Italia y España.” Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborles, 29,

9. Martin Artiles, A; Molina, Oscar; Godino, Alejandro (2016). “Desempleo y politica de ingresos adecuados en España e Italia”. Institut d´Estudis del Treball, Universitat Autónoma Barcelona. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/310764013_Unemployment_and_adequate_income_policy_in_Spain_and_Ital

10. Hirschler, Sandra (2010). Proyectos de integración social en España y Alemania: perspectiva de las participantes.” Revista de Educación, nº 351http://www.revistaeducacion.mec.es/re351/re351_07.pdf

11. Peña, Noemi:; De la Peña, Iñaki (2014) “Hacia una pensión social básica en un Estado del bienestar.” Lan Harremanak, 31 https://dialnet.unirioja.es/descarga/articulo/5211065.pdf

12. Martin Artiles, A.; Molina, Oscar (2015). “Participación financiera para sostener las      pensiones?. Entre la Democracia Industrial y la Motivación?. Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales, vol.33

13. Khöler, Holm-Detlve; Martín-Artiles, Antonio (2009): Manual de sociología del trabajo y de las relaciones laborales. Madrid: Delta Publicaciones


Parte B. Bibliografía Famila y Estado Bienestar

 1. Flaquer, L. (2000): Las políticas familiares en una perspectiva comparada, Barcelona: Colección de Estudios Sociales de la Fundación La Caixa [Disponible en:http://www.fundaciolacaixa.es/StaticFiles/StaticFiles/8472ce6adfcef010VgnVCM1000000e8cf10aRCRD/es/es03_esp.pdf ][1]

 2. Iglesias de Ussel, J. y Meil, G. (2001): La política familiar en España, Barcelona: Ariel Sociología.

 3. Jurado, T. (2007): Cambios familiares y trabajo social, Madrid: Fundaciones Académicas.

 4. Marí-Klose, P., Marí-Klose, M., Vaquera, E. y Argeseanu, S. (2010): Infancia y futuro: nuevas realidades, nuevos retos, Barcelona: Colección de Estudios Sociales de la Fundación La Caixa.

[Disponible en:http://obrasocial.lacaixa.es/StaticFiles/StaticFiles/7af433edaa007210VgnVCM1000000e8cf10aRCRD/es/vol30_es.pdf ]

 5. Robila, M. (2013): Handbook of Family Policies Across the Globe, Londres: Sage

6. Ajzenstradt, M. y Gal, J. (2010): Children, Gender and Families in Mediterranean Welfare States, Londres:Springer.

7. Castro, C. y Pazos, M. (2007): “Permisos de maternidad, de paternidad y parentales en Europa: algunos elementos para el análisis de la situación actual”, en M. Pazos (coord.): Economía e Igualdad de Género: retos de la Hacienda Pública enel siglo XXI, Madrid: Instituto de Estudios Fiscales pp. 185-222. [Disponible en:http://www.ief.es/documentos/investigacion/genero/LG_CCastro_MPazos.pdf].

 8. Esping-Andersen, G. (2007): ‘Investing in Children and their Life Chances’, Fundación Carolina International Workshop ‘Welfare State and Competitivity’, 26-27 de Abril del 2007, Madrid.

[Disponible en:http://dcpis.upf.edu/~gosta-esping-andersen/materials/investing_children.pdf ].

 9. Esping-Andersen, G.  (2008): “La política familiar y la nueva demografía”, Información Comercial Española, 815: 45-60. [Disponible en: http://www.revistasice.com/cmsrevistasICE/pdfs/ICE_815_45-60__E2DBEE4DEAB4141D2AED0DDD823952A1.pdf]

 10. Esping-Andersen, G. (2009): The incomplete revolution: adapting to women’s new roles, Cambridge: Polity Press.

 11. Esping-Andersen, G. y Palier, B. (2011): Los tres grandes retos del Estado de bienestar, Barcelona: Ariel.

 12. Esping-Andersen, G. (coord.) (2013). El déficit de natalidad en Europa: la singularidad del caso español, Colección de Estudios Sociales nº 36, Barcelona: Obra Social “La Cixa”.

 13. Lapuerta, I., Baizán, P. y González, M.J. (2009): ‘Tiempo paracuidar, tiempo para trabajar. Análisis del uso y la duración de la licencia parental en España, en V. Navarro (dir.): La situación social en España, vol. III, Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva, pp. 425-460.

14. Moss, P. (2011): ‘International Review of Leave Policies and Related Research 2011’, International Network on Leave Policies and Research [Disponible en: http://www.leavenetwork.org/fileadmin/Leavenetwork/Annual_reviews/Complete_review_2011.pdf ].

15. Navarro, V. y Clua-Losada, M. (2012): El impacto de la crisis en las familias y en la infancia. Barcelona: Ariel

 16. OECD (2011): Doing better for families, Paris: OECD Publishing. [Disponible en: http://www.oecd.org/document/49/0,3746,en_2649_34819_47654961_1_1_1_1,00.html].

 17. Thévenon, O. (2011): “Family Policies in OECD Countries: A Comparative Analysis”, Population and Development Review, 37(1): 57-87.

 18. Tobio, C., Agulló, M.S., Gómez, M.V., y Martín, M. T. (2010): El cuidado de las personas: un reto para el siglo XXI, Barcelona: Colección de Estudios Sociales, La Caixa. p. 91-108. [Disponible en: http://multimedia.lacaixa.es/lacaixa/ondemand/obrasocial/pdf/estudiossociales/vol28_completo_es.pdf].

 19 UNICEF (2007): Un panorama del bienestar infantil en los países ricos, Florencia: Centro de Investigaciones Innocenti. [Disponible en: http://www.unicef-irc.org/publications/pdf/rc7_spa.pdf ]


Recursos en internet

1. CIIMU. Institut d’infancia i món urbà. http://www.ciimu.org

2. Ministeriode Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social. Anuario de Estadísticas Sociales:

http://www.empleo.gob.es/es/estadisticas/contenidos/anuario.htm (especialmente interesante el capítulo 5, dedicado a “las prestaciones de la Seguridad Social y otras prestaciones”).

 3. Familias e infancia. Ministerio de Sanidad y Política Social: http://www.msps.es/politicaSocial/familiasInfancia/home.htm (en este caso resultan relevantes el ‘Consejo y Observatorio Estatal de Familias’ y el ‘Observatorio de la Infancia’).

4. MISSOC. Mutual Information System on Social Protection:

http://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?catId=815&langId=en (en este caso es de especial interés la sección de “comparative tables on social protection”).

 5. European Network of Ombudspersons for Children (ENOC): http://www.crin.org/enoc/

 6. European Alliance for Families (Observatorio Europeo de Políticas Familares). Comisión Europea: http://ec.europa.eu/employment_social/emplweb/families/index.cfm

 7. The Council of Europe Family Policy Database: http://www.coe.int/t/dg3/familypolicy/Database/default_en.asp

8. OECD Family Database:  www.oecd.org/social/family/database

9. Inocenti Research Centre (UNICEF): http://www.unicef-irc.org/publications/ 


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Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(TEm) Theory (master) 1 Spanish first semester afternoon