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Bioprocess Engineering

Code: 43322 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
4314579 Biological and Environmental Engineering OB 1


David Gabriel Buguņa


Maria Eugenia Suarez Ojeda
Maria Teresa Gea Leiva

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


There are no prerequisites for this subject

Objectives and Contextualisation

The main objective of the module is that the student assimilates the importance of the biotechnological processes in the current situation and its potential in the future of our society. The student will have to understand the crucial role of the engineering of bioprocesses in the industry of the 21st century as well as to know how to value the advantages, disadvantages, weaknesses and opportunities that the biological alternative supposes both in industrial processes of bioproducts or biorefineries as in the processes of treatment of waste effluents.

Learning Outcomes

  1. CA01 (Competence) Address and calculate the correct mass balances depending on the setup of a bioprocess.
  2. CA02 (Competence) Design biofilters for the treatment of contaminated gases.
  3. CA03 (Competence) Propose strategies for energy recovery and/or solid waste.
  4. CA03 (Competence) Propose strategies for energy recovery and/or solid waste.
  5. KA01 (Knowledge) Identify the importance of biotechnological processes in the present day and their potential in the future of our society.
  6. KA02 (Knowledge) Gather the right information to determine the most suitable setup of operations for a biotechnological process.
  7. SA01 (Skill) Search, compare, critically analyse and summarise information obtained from databases and other sources to solve complex problems in one's specialist area.
  8. SA02 (Skill) Prepare technical reports in the field of environmental engineering and/or biological engineering and present the results orally in a clear, concise and unambiguous manner.
  9. SA03 (Skill) Plan the different activities related to the resolution of tasks assigned as part of a work group, while appropriately managing time and resources.
  10. SA03 (Skill) Plan the different activities related to the resolution of tasks assigned as part of a work group, while appropriately managing time and resources.


  • State of the art of biotechnological processes in today's society. Concepts of industrial biotechnology,
  • Bioeconomics and biorefineries. Phases of the substitution of a chemical process by a biological one.
  • Applied Microbiology: Taxonomy. Microbial diversity. Engineering of microorganisms.
  • Growth, biocatalyst and microbial kinetics
  • Mass and Energy Balances in a biological process
  • Operation of a biotechnological process. Configurations
  • Biological alternatives to the treatment of urban and industrial liquid effluents. Comparison of physical-chemical and biological processes
  • Material and energy recovery of solid waste
  • Opportunities for reuse of current wastes
  • Biofiltration: Bioreactors for the treatment of gaseous streams


Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Mentoring sessions 2 0.08 CA01, CA02, CA03, KA01, KA02, CA01
Seminars for solving numerical problems and case studies. Preparation and discussion of cases 12 0.48 CA01, CA02, KA02, SA01, CA01
Theoretical lectures 24 0.96 CA01, CA02, CA03, KA01, CA01
Type: Supervised      
Completion of theoretical work, cases, problem-solving in teams 3 0.12 KA02, SA01, SA02, SA03, KA02
Type: Autonomous      
Resolution of problems, cases of study and elaboration of work in teams 49 1.96 CA01, CA02, CA03, KA02, SA01, SA02, SA03, CA01
Self study, reading of books, articles and case studies 49 1.96 CA01, CA02, CA03, KA01, KA02, SA01, SA02, SA03, CA01

1) Theoretical lectures. The student acquires the scientific knowledge of the subject attending Master classes and complementing them with personal study. In addition, the learning method will be applied based on cases to reinforce the knowledge within the theory classes.

2) Workshops for solving problems and case studies. In these sessions, the resolution of problems and / or cases will be applied. Likewise, through group activities, the ability to analyze and synthesise and reasoning will be worked on student's criticism.
3) Mentoring sessions: Meetings of small groups of students with the professors to clarify doubts (to agree schedule via institutional email  only). Note that no queries will be answered by email or messages sent using the Moodle messenger.
4) Self-taugh and in-team study: These are autonomous activities that will serve the student to consolidate the knowledge acquired in face-to-face activities and develop the corresponding competences

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Oral presentation of case studies (in teams) 25% 1 0.04 CA02, SA01, SA02, SA03
Practical Exam 20% 2 0.08 CA01, CA03
Theoretical exam 30% 1 0.04 CA03, KA01
Written report of case study (in group) 25% 7 0.28 KA02, SA01, SA02, SA03

Please refer to the catalan or spanish version of the Syllabus for details

Student’s assessment may experience some modifications depending on the restrictions to face-to-face activities enforced by health authorities


Doran, Pauline M.-  Bioprocess engineering principles. Amsterdam: Elsevier, cop. 2013 2nd ed. Accés per usuaris UAB: https://bibcercador.uab.cat/permalink/34CSUC_UAB/avjcib/alma991002840049706709

Liu, Shijie.  Bioprocess engineering: kinetics, biosystems, sustainability, and reactor design.  Boston: Elsevier, cop. 2020 Bioprocess Engineering | https://bibcercador.uab.cat/permalink/34CSUC_UAB/1c3utr0/cdi_askewsholts_vlebooks_9780444637932

Shigeo Katoh et al. "Biochemical Engineering: A Textbook for Engineers, Chemists and Biologists" 2015 Wiley‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co : Biochemical Engineering | Wiley Online Books (uab.cat) https://bibcercador.uab.cat/permalink/34CSUC_UAB/1eqfv2p/alma991010703614006709

Shuler, Michael L. Bioprocess engineering: Basic concepts. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, cop. 2002 2nd ed.

Glick BR et al. "Molecular biotechnology : principles and applications of recombinant DNA" 4th Ed. 2010. ASM Press

Lema JM, Suarez S. "Innovative Wastewater Treatment & Resource Recovery Technologies: Impacts on Energy, Economy and Environment". 2018. IWA Publishing.

Kennes C, Veiga MC. “Bioreactors for waste gas treatment”. 2001. Kluwer Academic Publishers. 

Materials diversos y artícles científics disponibles a Moodle.


The software used will be:
											- MS Excel: for the use of spreadsheets for the design of wastewater and wast gas treatment systems

Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(TEm) Theory (master) 1 Spanish first semester afternoon