This version of the course guide is provisional until the period for editing the new course guides ends.

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Psychopedagogy of Lifelong Learning

Code: 42980 ECTS Credits: 10
Degree Type Year
4313754 Psychopedagogy OT 0


Isabel Alvarez Canovas


Sonia Fajardo Martinez

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


No prerequisites are required.

Objectives and Contextualisation

This module seeks to present a context sufficiently broad enough to access tools and mechanisms in order to transfer the functions of psycho-pedagogy into lifelong and lifewide learning. This involves two main aspects:

  1. Networking online with all stakeholders in the field of psycho-pedagogy
  2. Making an integrated use of digital networks in order to establish synergies and real practices in the globalized world in which we live in order to optimize available resources among the different institutions.

Beyond the practical applications, there also exists the need to apply basic theoretical conceptions in order to develop projects with solid theoretical frameworks.

Learning Outcomes

  1. CA13 (Competence) Plan, produce, implement and evaluate guidance and counselling programmes that allow for the optimisation of personal, academic, professional and employment development processes.
  2. CA14 (Competence) Develop lifelong learning in the framework of the Knowledge Society and socio-digital inclusion processes by making effective and integrated use of information and communication technologies.
  3. KA11 (Knowledge) Describe approaches to socio-educational inclusion, identifying its limitations but optimising its potential for action for lifelong learning.
  4. KA12 (Knowledge) Suggest viable psychopedagogical projects, plans and actions that enhance social and community benefits.
  5. SA18 (Skill) Design strategies for managing life projects in dynamic contexts, through collaborative work.
  6. SA19 (Skill) Develop an attitude of participation and cooperation as an active member of the community through work in teams and with teams (in the same field or interdisciplinary) to promote lifelong and life-wide learning.
  7. SA20 (Skill) To design actions that make socio-educational teams in training institutions more dynamic in order to promote networking between multidisciplinary teams.


The contents to be developed are the following:

  1. Psycho-pedagogy with respect to lifelong learning both in academic terms and in the workplace.
  2. Theories and models of teaching and learning.
  3. Management of life projects: Coordination and project management strategies for dynamic life contexts.
  4. Life project management: Self-help and lifelong learning.
  5. Psycho-pedagogy of learning in the Knowledge Society; educational needs of citizens in the Information Society: new target groups, new profiles, young people, women, minorities.
  6. Training programs and plans offered for the various groups.
  7. Learning and networking within multi-disciplinary teams.
  8. Psycho-pedagogy of learning and socio-digital inclusion.
  9. Opening and exploring new networks and ways of coordinating psycho-pedagogical action in a dynamic way are conducive to the creation of new networks and synergies within the field of study so that innovative practices and training can be promoted.

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Face to face, lecturing 60 2.4 KA11, KA12, SA19, SA20, KA11
Type: Supervised      
Reading analysis 35 1.4 KA11, KA12, SA18, SA19, KA11
Specialized follow-up tutorial 10 0.4 SA19, SA20, SA19
Working in cooperative groups 20 0.8 KA12, SA18, SA19, KA12
Type: Autonomous      
Checking and reading the references given 40 1.6 CA13, KA11, CA13
Getting theory and practice done 20 0.8 CA13, CA14, CA13
Individual analysis of the readings 40 1.6 CA13, KA11, CA13
Organizing the readings 25 1 CA13, SA19, CA13

 The methodology developed in this module is structured around a variety of training activities designed to enhance students' comprehensive learning. These activities include:
  • Exhibitions and multi-media lectures.
  • Analysis of documents and video material.
  • Classroom practices through case studies and simulations of professional situations.
  • Work in cooperative groups.
  • Specialized on-site tutorials in groups or individually
  • Review of classroom work and exercises.
  • Recommended bibliography.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Attendance and active participation (readings, discussions) 10% 0 0 CA13, CA14, KA11
Self-assessment 5% 0 0 KA12, SA18, SA19
Submitting reports 45% 0 0 CA14, KA11, SA20
Tests theoretical and practical (submissions in class/visits) 40% 0 0 CA14, KA11, KA12, SA18

Continuous assessment for the module will consist of the following criteria:

  • Attendance and active participation in all sessions (lectures, tutorials, workshops, etc.) (15%, Individual). During the module.
  • Submission of reports / assignments (45%, Individual). During the module.
  • Theoretical and practical tests (including classroom visits / practical classes) (40%, Group). At the end of the module.

The completion of all theoretical and practical tests is compulsory in order to pass the course. The definition of "unsatisfactory" for any given component of the course will mean participation in an activity has been insufficient (passing requirements can be found in the syllabus). The results of the evaluation for each theoretical and practical assignment will be published in “campus virtual” within a maximum of one month after completion of the assignment.

In order to pass the module, all components of the module must be passed. If the student fails the module, the student will have to re-register for the module in the next edition of the master’s degree. In that case, the entire module will have to be repeated from scratch.

Throughout the evaluation process, the student will be informed of his/her progress with respect to assignments that need to be submitted.

In accordance with the regulations of the UAB, individual or group plagiarism or copying of any work or written test will be penalized with a zero score (“0”) which means the student(s) will forfeit the possibility of repeating the assignment or test in the future (in the case of group plagiarism each student of the group will receive a zero score (“0”) for the assignment or test).

The exam day is scheduled for April 24.

Single assessment: All assignments will be handed in on April 24. This includes: the theoretical-practical tests (40%), Participation in the debates (10%), delivery of reports (45%), Self-assessment 5%.



Álvarez, A., & Rodriguez, V. (2012). Las competencias de los profesionales de la Educación hoy: la transformación de la práctica educative. En, García, L., Sociedad del Conocimiento (pp. 193-214). UNED.

Álvarez, V., & Romero, S. (2007). Formación basada en competencias para los profesionales de la orientación (competence-based education and training for guidance professionals). Educación XX1, 10, 15-37.

Berrocal, F., & Pereda, S. (2001). Formación y gestión del conocimiento. Revista Complutense de Educación, 12(2), 639-656.

Bosch, C., & López, M. (2007). Guia metodològica de l’Aprenentatge Servei. Diputació de Barcelona. Documents de Treball. Educació, 4

Broquett, G., & Hiemstra, R. (1993). El aprendizaje autodirigido en la educación de adultos. Paidós.

Cobo C., & Moravec, J. (2011). Aprendizaje invisible hacia una nueva ecología de la educación.  Publicacions UB.

Coll, C. & Monereo, C. (Eds.) (2008). Psicología de la educación virtual. Aprender y enseñar con las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación. Morata.

Comisión de las Comunidades Europeas (2006). Aprendizaje de adultos: Nunca es demasiado tarde para aprender.

EFORA Revista Electrónica de Educación y Formación Continua de Adultos:

Flecha, R., González, F., Guiu, J., López Palma, F., & Recasens, J. (1993). Estudi sobre l'analfabetisme funcional a Catalunya. Departament de Benestar Social

Freire, P. (2004). Pedagogía de l’autonomía. Siglo XXI.

García, J. A., Carretero, M. (1985).  La inteligencia en la vida adulta. En, Carretero, M., Palacios, J., Marchesi, A. Psicología evolutiva-3. Adolescencia, madurez y senectud (pp. 143-175).  Alianza psicología. 

Gee, J. P. (2005). La ideología en los discursos. Morata.

Hautecoeur, J. P. (1992). Alpha-92. Estrategias de alfabetización. MEC7UNESCO.

Holec, H. (1979).  Autonomie et aprendissaje des langues etrangeres.  Hatier.

Instituto de la UNESCO para el Aprendizaje a lo Largo de Toda la Vida (UIL) (2021).  Adoptar una cultura de aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida. Contribución a la iniciativa Futuros de la Educación.

Kozol, J. (1990). Analfabetos USA. El Roure.

Levis, D. (2011). Redes educativas 2.1. Medios sociales, entornos colaborativos y procesos de en­señanza y aprendizaje. Revista de Universidad y Sociedad del Conocimiento (RUSC), 8(1), 7-24.

Longworth, N. (2005). El aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida en la práctica. Transformar la educación en el siglo XXI. Paidós.

Ministerio de Educación (2010). Programas de cooperación territorial 2010-2011.

Pérez, G. (Coord.) (Ed.) (2009). Calidad de vida en personas mayores. Dykinson.

Pérez, G.; García, J., & Juanas, A. de (2009). Crecimiento activo y participativo.

Requejo, A. (2003). Educación permanente y educación de adultos. Ariel.

Sarrate, M. L. (2005). Educación de Personas Adultas. Situación actual y propuestas de futuro. Revista Educación, 336, 41-57.

Tennant, M. (1991). Adultez y aprendizaje.  Enfoques psicológicos. El Roure.

UNESCO (2009). CONFITEA. VI Conferencia Internacional de Educación de Adultos: "Vivir y aprender para un futuro viable: El poder del aprendizaje de adultos".  

Valsecchi, A. M. & Alberti, G. (2007). Bibliografía sobre la educación para jóvenes y adultos 2004-2007. UNESCO OREALC/2007/PI/H/2.


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Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(TEm) Theory (master) 1 Catalan annual afternoon