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Business Management

Code: 42660 ECTS Credits: 12
Degree Type Year
4313666 European Union-China: Culture and Economy OB 0


Minkang Zhou Gu


(External) Joan Ripoll Alcón
(External) Josep Maria Coll Morell
(External) Minkang Zhou Gu
(External) Montse Dinarès Quera

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


Tenir el títol universitari de grau de ciencies socials i/o humanits.

Tenir el nivell de espanyol B1 o mès i/o el nivell de'Anglès B1.

Haver cursat el módul I i II del mateix Màster.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The training objectives of this module focus on the following aspects:
- Acquire and understand the knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and /or application of ideas, sometimes in a research context.
- Acquire critical and analytical capacity and understand what is a negotiation strategy and highlight the difficulties involved.
- Be conscious that the culture puts conditions in the negotiation and understand the perception of its result and the business reality and the communication of both parties.
- Analyze current changes in negotiation thinking and provide adequate theoretical and conceptual tools to address excellent negotiation through proper intercultural communication.
- Explain the role of professional negotiator who know the creation of certain business strategies to analyze and reflect representative cases. Develop different theories of the negotiation strategy.
- Demonstrate that you have to know and understand the basic principles of the negotiation strategy in the application of theoretical concepts to the analysis and critique of cultural and intercultural phenomena in negotiation.
- Be able to perform a self-analysis of your personal negotiating hability to understand the difficulties of negotiation and how to solve them.
- To understand what marketing is and to give adequate theoretical tools to be able to put into practice the different marketing strategies and know how to apply the different marketing strategies.
- Know the reality of the regions that comprise the triangle of Spain, America latina and China and their possibilities to understand the role that Spain can develop as a mediator between China and America latina and recognize the pros and aganst of triangulation and know how to detect the key pointsthat have potential in this relationship.
- The Spain-Latin America-China triangulation refers to the strategy set out in the Asia-Pacific Framework Plan of the year 2000 aimed at promoting bilateral trade exchanges between Spain and China, taking advantage of the important presence of Spain in Latin America.
- Latin America stands as a potential bridge for Spanish companies, which could make another continental jump towards China.
- Spain is postulated as a bridge to Latin America for Chinese companies, and Latin America as a bridge to Spain for these last companies. In theory, the first bridge would increase the Spanish presence in China and the other two parts could increase their presence in Spain.
- The fundamental objective of this subject is to develop the analysis of the commercial and financial integration between Spain, Latin America and China, emphasizing the study of the triangulation between China, Latin America and Spain.


  • Apply distinct theoretical models to the analysis of complex discourse types (political, social, economic, business and cultural) from both an intercontinental and intercultural perspective.
  • Carry out team work in interdisciplinary and multicultural environments.
  • Continue the learning process, to a large extent autonomously.
  • Design and elaborate proposals and plans for the promotion and development of institutional, economic and cultural relations between the European Union and China.
  • Draw up proposals and plans for intercultural mediation in the context of the European Union and China.
  • Make creative and original contributions in distinct fields, demonstrating an attitude of respect towards the opinions, values, behaviour and practices of others.
  • Use acquired knowledge as a basis for originality in the application of ideas, often in a research context.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyse the characteristics of the distinct business and commercial-management models in the two regions.
  2. Analyse the new business and commercial models applicable in both regions.
  3. Carry out team work in interdisciplinary and multicultural environments.
  4. Continue the learning process, to a large extent autonomously.
  5. Design, plan and apply business-mediation projects in both regions.
  6. Design, plan and direct specific projects for companies and for commercial actions in the European Union and in China.
  7. Distinguish differentiated models of business and commercial promotion in the two regions.
  8. Evaluate the influence of China's economic development on the world stage and its impact on business and business relations between the two regions in the 21st century.
  9. Identify and understand the European, Spanish and Chinese institutions responsible for bilateral business issues.
  10. Make creative and original contributions in distinct fields, demonstrating an attitude of respect towards the opinions, values, behaviour and practices of others.
  11. Make innovative proposals regarding the design or adaptation of commercial projects in both regions.
  12. Understand the evolutionary environment pertaining to business and commercial relationships between the two regions.
  13. Use acquired knowledge as a basis for originality in the application of ideas, often in a research context.


I. EU-China negotiation strategy

-Definition of negotiation

-Calification of conceptual negotiation

-Negotiation's principles

-Types of negotiation

-Differences between types of negotiation

-Business and internationalnegotiation as an object of study

-Negotiation strategy

-Feature of person who does the negotiation

-Questionnaire for a good negotiator

-Strategies for different types of negotiation

-Analysis of negotiation cases

-Negotiation style

-Intercultural communication in an international negotiation: Conflicts and harmonies in the negotiation

-Characteristics of European, Spanish and Chinese-Asian companies

-Negotiation's casesstudy:analysis & reflection

-To an excellent negotiator

-Information and preparation in the negotiation

-Guidelines of a good negotiation result

-Multicultural environments in the international negotiation

II. EU-China Marketing

Theoretical Framework of Marketing:

-Definition and theoretical framework

-What is it for?

-Mental models

-Metrics (KPIs)

-The process of marketing and the value cycle

 1) Analytical (model 5Cs)

 2) Strategic (STP model)

 3) Operational or marketing mix (model 5Ps)

 4) Intercultural analysis in the marketing process

-Dimensions of culture (Hofstede)
-System of values (Schwartz, Coll)
-Profile and consumer behavior

 1) B2B
 2) B2C
 3) Zen Business

- Hybrid marketingmanagement system (East-West)

-General Oriental Management

-Analysis of business cases in Europe-China such as MaxChief, Huawei, Starbucks, Haier, Walmart in order to practice and introduce theoretical concepts.

III. Spain, Latin America and China

-Definition of the continental triangular relationship and identification of the different characteristics and connection's points between the three regions.

-Expose the specific cases to recognize the most relevant features of the trends of these three regions and know how to interpret them for their use.

-Apply different theoretical models to the analysis of complex discourses (political, social, economic, business and cultural) from an intercontinental and intercultural perspective.

-Expose the current indicators of the economy of the three regions for the search for triangular business and institutional cooperation before the strong Chinese presence in Latin America.

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Face-to-face classes and seminars. Debates and exhibitions. 60 2.4 2, 1, 12, 5, 4, 13, 8
Type: Supervised      
Reading exercises, correction of exercises, resolution of doubts, face-to-face and virtual tutorials. 50 2 2, 5, 6, 7, 11, 9, 8
Type: Autonomous      
Reading of articles, books and texts, preparation of activities, and of reading comprehension and acquisition. Search of information. 70 2.8 2, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 9, 3

  • Master classes / exhibitions
  • Case resolution in classe
  • Discutions
  • Seminars
  • Presentation by PP / oral presentation of works
  • Reading articles / books / reports of interest
  • Face-to-face and online tutorials
  • Carrying out individual works

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Writing test 40% 10 0.4 2, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 9, 3
asistence to class & discution 20% 60 2.4 1, 12, 6, 7, 11, 9, 4, 13, 8
delivery of reports / group work 40% 50 2 2, 1, 12, 5, 6, 7, 4, 13, 8

-This module does not have a second call, but there is a second chance if the final grade is between 4.0 to 4.9 according to the UAB regulations.

-The qualification will be NOT AVALUABLE when the student has not been presented to 75% of the evaluable activities.

According to the regulations approved by the Academic Management Committee of the FTI, and ratified by the Board of Faculty on June 9, 2010, the subject can only be recovered in the following cases:

-When, in a justified way, the student has not been presented to 25-30% of the activities evaluable;

-When the final grade, including the mark for the key competency of the subject, prior to the minutes is between 4.0 and 4.9.

In both cases the student will be presented exclusively to activities or tests not presented or suspended.

-The proof of suspended evidence for copying or plagiarism is excluded from the recovery of the note.

-In no case may a note be recovered by means of a final test equivalent to 100% of the note.

In the event that there are several irregularities in the evaluation activities of the same subject, the final grade of this subject will be 0. The proof of suspension of the evidence suspended for copying or plagiarism will be excluded. It is considered as a "copy" a work that reproduces all or most of the work of one or more partners, and as "plagiarism" the fact of presenting a part or a whole text of an author as its own , that is to say, without mentioning the sources, it is published on paper or in digital form on the Internet. Copying and plagiarism are intellectual robberies and, therefore, they constitute a fault that will be punished with the "zero" note. In the case of a copy between two students, if it is not possible to know who copied who, the two students will be punished.

-Class attendance on a regular basis, which represents 20% of the final score.

-Delivery of individual written work and active participation in class and oral presentation, representing 40% of the final score.

-Exam or final work represents 40% of the total score.


El peso de la evaluación única de este módulo es: 100% i están divididos por:

1) responder preguntas de un texto de maketing. 40%

2) responder preguntas de un texto de negociación o de las relacions entre China y América latina y el Caribe 40%

3). Entregar la respuesta de un cuestionario relacionado con el marketing con la estrategia de negociación de UE-China. 20% 

 Se aplicará el mismo sistema de recuperación para la evaluación continuada.


I. Bibliography about commercial negociation & i marketing:

• Castells, M. La era de la información. Economía, sociedad y cultura. Vol. 2 El poder de la identidad. Madrid: Alianza, 1998.
• Gao, Jianjun, Shangwutanpan shiwu, (《商务谈判实务》)Edit. Beihang, Beijing, 2007
• Rodrigo Alsina, M. Comunicación intercultural. Editorial Anthropos: Barcelona, 2012.
• Sartori, G. La sociedad multiétnica. Pluralismo, multiculturalismo y extranjeros. Taurus: Madrid, 2001.
• Schatzki, Michael. Negotiation, The Art of Getting What You Want. Signet Books, 2009 Wheeler,
• Michael. The Art of Negotiation, how to improvise Agreement in a Chaotic World?: Harvard Business School, Simon &  
Schuster Inc., New York, USA, 2013

II. Bibliography about triangular relationship between Spain, America latina & China

• BUSTELO, P. (2007) “Un potencial poco aprovechado. El puente entre Asia y Latinoamérica”. Tribuna de Economía. Diario Expansión. 

• CASILDA, R. y LLOPIS, J. (2009) “Inversión Extranjera Directa e Internacionalización de las Empresas Españolas en América Latina”. Boletín Económico de ICE. Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo. Número 2961, del 16 al 31 de marzo. 

• CHIA SIOW, Y. (2011) “Asian Trade Patterns, Production Networks and SME Participation“. New Issues in Trade Policy: • Challengeand Responses from Asia”. Asian Development Bank (ADB), August, Manila.

• CLAVER, E., QUER, D. y RIENDA, L. (2007) “Multinacionales Chinas: El nuevo reto del escenario global”. Boletín • Económico de ICE. Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo. Número 2925, del 1 al 15 de noviembre.

• ECONOMIST (2016) “Red Ink Rising”. Free Exchange. The Economist. From Print Edition, 5 March.

• HILLEBRAND, E. (2003) “Competencia Sur-Sur: ¿Asia versus América Latina?“Dialogue on Globalization. Conference Report.

• HOEKMAN, B. (2013) “Adding Value“. Finance & Development. International Monetary Fund (IMF). December. Pp.22.24. Washington, DC.

• SÁNCHEZ ANCOCHEA, D. (2006) “El impacto de China en América Latina: ¿oportunidad o amenaza?“. Cooperación Internacional y Desarrollo. Real Instituto Elcano. ARI Nº 119/2006.

• SANTISO, J. (2010) “China – España: Una estrategia para fomentar la ubicación de sedes europeas y latinoamericanas de empresas chinas en España: Madrid, Bilbao y Barcelona LatinaESADE GeoPosition Paper 6. Diciembre, Barcelona.

• WOLF, M. (2010a) “China and Germany unite to impose global deflation”. Financial Times (March 16). Disponible en www.ft.com

• WOLF, M. (2010b) “Evaluating the renminbi manipulation”Financial Times (April 6). Disponible en www.ft.com



The face to face teaching class will be done in the after noon,  from Monday to Friday, 16h to 19h20, except the force major.

Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(TE) Theory 1 Spanish second semester afternoon
(TE) Theory 2 Spanish second semester afternoon