Titulació | Tipus | Curs |
4313335 Ciència Política / Political Science | OB | 0 |
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Al ser una assignatura que es fa íntegrament en anglès, algunes pestanyes previstes en català no es tradueixen: l'alumne no la pot cursar si no té el nivell d'anglès requerit.
Students taking this course should have Bachelor's level knowledge about political and administrative institutions and comparative politics.
Public Management sessions
Today’s context for Public and Third Sector Management
Management and Leadership
Comparative Performance
Work and Public Service Motivation
Governance reforms in Public Management: Accountability and Transparency
Assessing and Measuring Accountability/Transparency
Artificial Intelligence and Algorithms in Public Administration. CUBE case: Artificial intelligence and automated decision-making in welfare policies
Representative bureaucracy
Public Policy sessions
Social innovation and public policy: challenges and evidence from research
Who Cares? Social Reproduction and the Welfare State
The politics of abortion: public health or the divine commandment?
What's in a name? Regulatory models on Prostitution (or Sex Work)
Welfare states in development contexts
Education policies, social segregation
Education policies: remedies to social segregation
EU social innovation policy: the framing of the policyproblem, coalitions of interests, quasi-concepts in policy agenda-setting
Private actors and finance in public policy design and implementation: looking at PbR in ALMPs and Social Impact Bonds as case studies
Private actors and finance in public policy design and implementation: looking at PbR in ALMPs and Social Impact Bonds as case studies
Títol | Hores | ECTS | Resultats d'aprenentatge |
Tipus: Dirigides | |||
Clases, assistència i participació | 125 | 5 | 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 10, 12 |
Tipus: Supervisades | |||
Seminaris i tutories | 50 | 2 | 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 10, 12 |
Tipus: Autònomes | |||
Lectura, exercicis i redacció de textos tipus assaig | 70 | 2,8 | 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 10, 12 |
Learning is based on the reading and discussion of theoretical and empirical knowledge.
The aim is to acquire the capacity to formulate questions and answers. To this end, students will have to be active and autonomous in searching and selecting relevant information, in reading and thinking in order to create a rich and informed dialogue with the lecturer.
This autonomous effort will be required previously to each session, via reading, essay writing and some cases and exercices. This work will then be complemented with seminar discussions and oral presentations, which will help to better understand both theory and practice-based knowledge as well as to question it.
Class teaching will combine lectures and seminar/case, exercise discussions on theoretical and empirical knowledge –always trying to find the applicability of theory to the real world.
Tutorial teaching will focus on the preparation of essays, exercises and presentations.
Nota: es reservaran 15 minuts d'una classe, dins del calendari establert pel centre/titulació, per a la complementació per part de l'alumnat de les enquestes d'avaluació de l'actuació del professorat i d'avaluació de l'assignatura/mòdul.
Títol | Pes | Hores | ECTS | Resultats d'aprenentatge |
Assaig Public Policy / Exercicis | 50 % | 2,5 | 0,1 | 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 11 |
Exercicis avaluació continua/ test (Public Management) | 50% | 2,5 | 0,1 | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 6, 11, 10, 12 |
Evaluation will be botn continuous and final. It will be based on the outputs of the different activities in which students will engage to show they have achieved the expected competencies.
Such activities and outputs include:
More recent papers and adjusted to the each topic in the Syllabus to be distributed in class
Acebillo-Baqué, M.; Pérez Durán, I. (2022). Artificial intelligence and automated decision making in welfare policies. Barcelona: 14 pag. (Case Program Series ; PCUBE-
2022-02) https://ddd.uab.cat/record/272376
Busuioc, M. (2021), Accountable Artificial Intelligence: Holding Algorithms to Account.Public Admin Rev, 81: 825-836. https://doi.org/10.1111/puar.13293
Boyne, G.A. (2003) “Sources of Public Service Improvement: A Critical Review and Research Agenda”, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 13 (3): 367- 394
Daly, Mary & León, Marga (2022): “Care and the analysis of welfare states”, in Nelson, Nieuwenhuis and Yerkes (eds): Social policy in changing European societies. Edward Elgar Publishing.
De Vries, M.; Nemec, J. 2013 “Public Sector Reform: An Overview of Recent Literature and Research on NPM and Alternative Paths”, International Journal of Public Sector Management, 26(1):4-16.
Ferlie, E., Lynn, L.E. Jr and Pollitt, Ch. 2005 The Oxford Handbook of Public Management, New York: Oxford University Press.
Gallego, R., & Maestripieri, L. (2022). “Women's empowerment and social innovation in childcare: the case of Barcelona, Spain”, European Societies, 24(4), 493-519. https://doi.org/10.1080/14616696.2022.2092641
Gough, I., & Wood, G. (2004). Insecurity and welfare regimes in Asia, Africa and Latin America: Social policy in development contexts. Cambridge University Press.
Grant, A. 2012 “Leading with Meaning: Beneficiary Contact, Prosocial Impact and the Performance Effects of Transformational Leadership”, Academy of Management Journal, 55 (2):458-476
Häikiö, L., Fraisse, L., Adam, S., Jolanki, O., Knutagård, M. (2017). “The Janus face of social innovation in local welfare initiatives”. In F. Martinelli, A. Anttonen, & M. Mätzke, Social Services Disrupted (pp. 281–301). Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781786432117.00024
Heifetz R. A. Linsky, M. 2002 Leadership on the Line. Boston, Mas: Harvard Business School Press. Pages 9-30
Kelly, J. 2007 “Reforming Public Services in the UK: Bringing in The Third Sector” Public Administration, 85 (4):1003-1022
Koffijberg, J. De Bruin, H. Priemus, H. 2012 “Combining Hierarchical and Network Strategies: Successful Changes in Dutch Social Housing” Public Administration, 90 (1):262-275
Kotter, J.P. 2001 “What Leaders Really Do”. Harvard Business Review, December
Kuhlmann, S. and Wollmann,H. 2014 Introduction to Comparative Public Administrations. Administrative Systems and Reform in Europe. Cheltenham and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar
Latham, G.P., Borgogni, L., Petitta, L. 2008 “Goal Setting and Performance Management in the Public Sector” International Public Management Journal, 11(4) 385-403
Meijer, A., Lorenz, L. and Wessels, M. (2021), Algorithmization of Bureaucratic Organizations: Using a Practice Lens to Study How Context Shapes Predictive Policing
Systems. Public Admin Rev, 81: 837-846. https://doi.org/10.1111/puar.13391
McGuire, M Agranoff, R. 2011 “The Limitations of Public Management Networks” Public Administration, 89 (2):265-284
Milward, H.B. Provan. K.G. (2000) “Governing theHollow State” Journal of PublicAdministration Research and Theory 10 (2) 359-379
Moynihan, D.P. 2005 “What Do We Talk About When We Talk About Performance. Dialogue Theory and Performance Budgeting” Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 16: 151-168
Moynihan, D. P. Pandey, S. K. 2010 “The Big Question for Performance Management: Why Do Managers Use Performance Information” Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 20:849-866
OECD, 2008. Public-Private Partnerships. In Pursuit of Risk Sharing and Value for Money. Paris. OECD Publications. Chapter 1.
Olsen, J. P. 2005 “Maybe It is Time to Rediscover Bureaucracy”, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 16:1-24
Page, E. Hood, C. Lodge, M. 2005. “Conclusion; Is Competency Management a Passing Fad” Public Administration, 83 (4): 853-860
Pérez-Durán, I. (2023). Twenty-five years of accountability research in public administration: Authorship, themes, methods, and future trends. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/00208523231211751
Perry, J., Christensen, R.K. 2015 Handbook of Public Administration, London: Routledge.
Perry, J. Hondeghem, A. Wise L.R. 2008. “Revisiting the Motivational Bases of PublicService: Twenty Years of Research and an Agenda for the Future” Public Administration Review 70 (5):681-690
Pollit, C. 2009 “Bureaucracies Remember; Post-Bureaucratic Organizations Forget”, Public Administration, 82 (2): 198-218
Pollit, C. and Bouckaert, G. 2004 Public Management Reform. A Comparative Analysis, Oxford: Oxford University Press
Truss, C. 2008 “Continuity and Change: The Role of the HR Function in the Modern Public Sector” Public Administration, 86 (4):1071-1088
Vandenabeele, W. 2008 “Government calling: Public Service Motivation as an Element in Selecting Government as an Employer of Choice”, Public Administration 86 (4):1089-1105
Van Ryzin, G. G. Charbonneau 2010 “Public Service Use and Perceived Performance;An Empirical Note on the Nature of the Relationship” Public Administration, 88 (2): 551-563
Van Ryzin, G. G. Immerwahr, Altman, S. 2008 “Measuring Street Cleanliness: A Comparison of New York City’s Scorecard and Results from a Citizen Survey” Public Administration Review March –April: 295-303
Weibel A., Rost, K., Osterloh, M. “Pay for Performance in the Public Sector-Benefits and Hidden Costs” Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 20: 387-412
Wright, B.E. Moynihan, D.P. Pandey, S. K.2011 “Pulling the Levers: Transformational Leadership, Public Service Motivation and Mission Valence”, Public Administration Review 77 (2): 206-215
(More detail in the syllabus to be distributed)
Nom | Grup | Idioma | Semestre | Torn |
(TEm) Teoria (màster) | 1 | Anglès | primer quadrimestre | matí-mixt |