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Internet Application Programming

Code: 106937 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
2503743 Management of Smart and Sustainable Cities OB 2


Carles Pedret Ferré

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


You must have taken "Informàtica" and "Programació" subjects in the first year.

Objectives and Contextualisation

In this subject we will learn to program web applications with JavaScript and using HTML for the program structure and CSS for the presentation.

The objectives of the subject are:

  • Understand the differences between HTML, CSS and JavaScript and know how to make web pages that use these three technologies correctly.
  • Understand the complexity of creating web applications, as well as the parts that make up any web development.
  • Master the basics of application programming.
  • Know how to interpret and decompose a computer problem to be able to program a solution.
  • Know how to create small web applications that interact with the user through forms.

Learning Outcomes

  1. CM05 (Competence) Relate computer knowledge and skills with those provided by other technicians in interdisciplinary teams.
  2. SM08 (Skill) Use algorithm and programme analysis techniques to design new algorithmic solutions based on the idea of recursion or specific algorithm design techniques.


In this subject we will see the following:

  1. Introduction to Internet and Web servers.
  2. Introduction to JavaScript: syntax, variables, types, operators.
  3. Control structures: iterative and alternative scheme.
  4. Structured data types: arrays and objects.
  5. Functions: Declaration, parameters, predefined functions.
  6. HTML language
  7. CSS style sheets, responsive web design.
  8. Browser Objects (DOM)
  9. Forms and events
  10. Introduction to JavaScript libraries
  11. Web hosting
  12. Introduction to content managers

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Practical classes 24 0.96 CM05, SM08
Thery class 26 1.04 CM05, SM08
Type: Supervised      
Tutorials 10 0.4 CM05, SM08
Type: Autonomous      
Preparation of the project defense 10 0.4 CM05, SM08
Problem based work 45 1.8 CM05, SM08
Reading and study 20 0.8 CM05, SM08
Writen reports 10 0.4 CM05, SM08

The most effective way to learn programming is through hands-on practice and completing numerous exercises. Consequently, this subject demands active engagement from students. Each week, students will participate in practical sessions that require advance preparation. While teamwork and collaborative exchange are encouraged, the ultimate learning process remains individual, emphasizing independent student activity. This individual effort complements and enriches the work initiated during guided course sessions. Supervised activities, including regulated tutorials and occasional consultations throughout the course, are also crucial for developing the necessary skills.

All relevant materials, such as statements, theory class slides, exercise lists, and other subject-related information, will be accessible via the Virtual Campus classroom. Additionally, this platform will serve as a hub for subject-related announcements.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Exam1 25% 2 0.08 CM05, SM08
Exam2 25% 2 0.08 CM05, SM08
Problems 10% 0.5 0.02 CM05, SM08
Project 40% 0.5 0.02 CM05, SM08

a) Processes and scheduled evaluation activities

The calendar of assessment activities will be given on the first day of the subject and will be made public through of the Virtual Campus and the web of the School of Engineering, in the section of examinations.

The final quali of the subject will be obtained based on the valuations of the different evidences, taking into account that each one of the parts has a different specific weight:

  • PART 1: 25% Exam1, 25% Exam2 and 10% Problems
  • PART 2: 40% Project

The grade of the subject will be calculated from the weighted sum of PART1 and PART1, as long as PART1 has a grade equal to or greater than 5. 

The Problems grade includes attendance and participation in problem classes and the delivery of the proposed exercises.

In order to pass PART 1, you must score at least a 4 on Exam 2. If this is not the case, the final grade for PART 1 will be the grade for Exam 2.

b) Retake process

There will be a re-evaluation test that will include all the topics covered in the course. This test will allow you to retake the two exams in PART 1.

There is no recovery from PART 2.

c) Special grades

A student who performs at least one of the components of the continuous evaluation can no longer be considered as NOT Evaluable.

If a student does not reach the minimum grade of 5 in any of the two parts (PART1 and / or PART2) and for this reason does not pass the subject, the final grade will be a maximum of 4.5, that is, equal to the value of the weighted average if it is less than 4.5 or 4.5 if it is higher.

In order to pass the course with honors, the final grade must be equal or higher to 9 points. Because the number of students with this distinction can not exceed 5% of the number of students enrolled in the course, it is given to whoever has the highest final marks. In case of a tie, it will be takeninto account the resolutions of the partial tests.

d) Procedure for the review of qualifications

For the assessment activity, a place, date and time of review will be indicated in which the student will be able to review the activity with the teacher. It will also be possible to request the revision of the exam by sending an e-mail to the person in charge of the subject sent within the first week after the publication of the notes.

e) Evaluation of repeating students

No note is saved from one course to the next. Repeating students follow the same assessment standards as any other student.

f) Consequences of irregularities committed by students

Notwithstanding other disciplinary measures deemed appropriate, and in accordance with the academic regulations in force,assessment activities will receive a 0 score whenever a student commits academic irregularities that may alter such assessment (copying, plagiarism, cheating, letting someone copy, etc.) The assessment activities qualified in this way and by this procedure will not be recoverable. If you need to pass any of these assessment activities to pass the subject, this subject will be failed directly, without opportunity to recover it in the same course. 


JavaScript: Master the World's Most-Used Programming Language
JavaScript: Master the World's Most-Used Programming Language - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (uab.cat)

Start Programming Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, Fajfar, Iztok,  Chapman and Hall/CRC. 2016

JavaScript : the definitive guide, Flanagan, David Sebastopol,  O'Reilly, cop. 2011
6th ed.

Guía de JavaScript del Centro de Desarrollo Mozilla (MDN) https://developer.mozilla.org/es/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide

Referencia de JavaScript del Centro de Desarrollo Mozilla (MDN) https://developer.mozilla.org/es/docs/Web/JavaScript/Referencia

Primeros pasos en la web (MDN) https://developer.mozilla.org/es/docs/Learn/Getting_started_with_the_web

Referencia de HTML (MDN) https://developer.mozilla.org/es/docs/Web/HTML/Referencia

Referencia de CSS (MDN) https://developer.mozilla.org/es/docs/Web/CSS/Referencia_CSS


There is no specific software for this subject.

Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(PAUL) Classroom practices 1 Catalan first semester afternoon
(PAUL) Classroom practices 2 Catalan first semester afternoon
(TE) Theory 1 Catalan first semester afternoon