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Work Placement I

Code: 106657 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
2504388 Catalan and Spanish Studies OT 3
2504388 Catalan and Spanish Studies OT 4


Maria Jesus Machuca Ayuso


Maria del Mar Massanell Messalles
Sonia Boadas Cabarrocas
Daniel Casals Martorell

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


Working Placement (WP) is an elective subject. To enroll, students must have passed all the courses of the first year and a total of 120 credits from the first three years. Additionally, criteria such as academic record, future career interests, and demonstrated knowledge and skills may be considered when assigning an internship placement.

It is essential for students to pre-register for this PE subject and be accepted before enrolling.

The registration process follows these steps:

  • Informational meeting in May.
  • Pre-registration through the faculty's website. COMPOLSORY
  • Student admission to the PE, placement assignment, and acceptance.
  • Enrollment along with the rest of the subjects. The student must have completed the enrollment in the subject and signed the agreement before commencing work with the collaborating entity (internship outside UAB) or the terms and conditions (within UAB).
  • The student will have academic guidance from the University (provided by the PE degree coordinator) and guidance from the collaborating entity or project, which will have professional experience, necessary knowledge, and availability to guide them in the correct completion of the internshi
  • Only students who have pre-registered within the established deadline will be assigned an internship placement.

The WP coordination will handle the negotiation, formalization, and management of agreements regulating the external internships with institutions, organizations, and companies. They will also provide guidance to the student during the placement assignment process and throughout the internship. 

Once the internship is completed, the faculty will evaluate the student's performance based on the submitted report and tutor feedback. The schedule for the internships must be compatible with the student'sacademic, training, and participation activities at the University. Additionally, the schedules will be established according to the characteristics of the internships and the availability of the collaborating entity.

For all external internships, including those conducted at UAB, it is mandatory for students to have insurance coverage and civil liability coverage, as school insurance is not sufficient. Therefore, at the time of enrollment, the student will need to pay for the additional policy contracted by UAB (approximate price: €5).

Students will carry out the External Internships within the options offered by one of the study areas of their Combined Degree (Catalan Philology and Spanish Philology). 

Students enrolled in the External Internship subject have demonstrated, through the completion of the corresponding credits from basic training courses and mandatory courses of the second and third years, the acquisition of basic competencies. They should be able to express themselves orally and in writing with correctness.


For the “Pràctiques Professionals” course, students must preregister according to a calendar that is made public every year. The calendar can be consulted here: https://www.uab.cat/web/estudiar/graus/graus/informacio-1345722449027.html

Failure to preregister results in the impossibility to register for the Pràctiques Professionals. Students will only be assigned an internship position if they have preregistered within the deadline.

The pre-enrolment of students takes into account the prioritisation of a maximum of five places offered. Places are assigned according to the grade point average shown on the student’s transcript.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The internships are offered during the third and fourth year of the degree. Completion of the internship guarantees that the student will:

  1. Make contact with an interesting professional area during his/her training period.
  2. Acquire a knowledge of tasks related to this field.
  3. Develop professional competence in a field related to studies undertaken during the degree.


    Catalan and Spanish Studies
  • Act with ethical responsibility and respect for fundamental rights and duties, diversity and democratic values.
  • Apply scientific ethical principles to information processing.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the rules of Catalan and Spanish and mastery of their applications in the academic and professional fields.
  • Demonstrate skills for professional development in the area of linguistic applications, teaching and literary and cultural management in Catalan and Spanish.
  • Demonstrate the ability to work autonomously and in teams with the aim of attaining the planned objectives in multicultural and interdisciplinary contexts.
  • Students can apply the knowledge to their own work or vocation in a professional manner and have the powers generally demonstrated by preparing and defending arguments and solving problems within their area of study.
  • Students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (normally within their study area) to issue judgments that include reflection on important issues of social, scientific or ethical.
  • Students must develop the necessary learning skills in order to undertake further training with a high degree of autonomy.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Accurately drawing up normative texts.
  2. Apply effectively the specific resources of philology to obtain relevant and informatively relevant data.
  3. Apply the literary and linguistic knowledge acquired to the professional needs of today's society related to Spanish philology.
  4. Apply the literary knowledge acquired to the production needs of publishers and the Media.
  5. Apply the normative prescriptions of the standard language, taking into account its contextual conditioning factors and variations.
  6. Apply the tools and know consult the specific documentary sources.
  7. Appropriately apply the principles governing standard language and present-day high registers, giving attention to their problem areas and conditions of use.
  8. Assess and correct one's own work.
  9. Autonomously search, select and process information both from structured sources (databases, bibliographies, specialized magazines) and from across the network.
  10. Construct texts of different types (argumentative, expository, descriptive) that are normatively correct and appropriate to the context.
  11. Correctly draw up a previously analysed non-regulatory text.
  12. Critically analyse the principles, values and procedures that govern the exercise of the profession.
  13. Develop proposals in accordance with the precepts of scientific ethics.
  14. Explain the explicit or implicit code of practice of one's own area of knowledge.
  15. Identify normative, stylistic and argumentative text errors.
  16. Identify normative, stylistic and typographical errors in a text.
  17. Independently manage information from different sources.
  18. Maintain an attitude of respect for the opinions, values, behaviors and practices of others.
  19. Master oral and written expression in Catalan.
  20. Master oral and written expression in Spanish.
  21. Match the known internal and external properties of the language to the different conditions of use.
  22. Produce work in accordance with academic ethics.
  23. Transmit the literary and linguistic knowledge acquired, adapting it to a specific professional sector.
  24. Use the skills acquired with autonomy.
  25. Use the strategies derived from cooperative work, based on consensus and respect for the ideas of others.
  26. Work independently in the synchronic and diachronic study of Catalan language and literature.


Specific educational cooperation agreements will be signed by each student enrolled, the collaborating institution, and the UAB, in order to establish the regulatory framework under which the internship can be carried out.

The regulatory framework for internships includes two different modes:

MODE A. An internship signed by an external collaborating partner and UAB. The UAB will sign as many specific agreements as there are students enrolled in this mode.

MODE B. Internships within the ambit of the UAB, related to research projects within the departments offering the 2 Internships within the ambit of the UAB, related to research projects within the departments offering the relevant degree program. In this case, the internship will be established by signing a work experience agreement with the UAB, which specifies conditions, according to an official model.

For more specific information, please check the guides for External Internships in English Studies Degree and Catalan Philology Degree. For the Bachelor's Degree in Catalan Philology (Internship Coordinators: Mar Massanell, Mar.Massanell@uab.cat and Daniel Casals, Daniel.Casals@uab.cat) or in Spanish Philology (Coordinator: Sònia Boadas, Sonai.Boadas@uab.cat), depending on the department where the position has been assigned.

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Training for workplace insertion 5 0.2 12, 13, 22, 14, 25, 18, 24
Type: Supervised      
Internship tasks within the collaborating institution 130 5.2 12, 7, 2, 4, 3, 21, 6, 5, 9, 10, 1, 19, 20, 8, 13, 22, 14, 25, 17, 15, 16, 18, 11, 23, 26, 24
Tutorial meetings 7.5 0.3 6, 22, 17, 24
Type: Autonomous      
Preparation of a synthesis report of the activities carried out 7.5 0.3 7, 5, 1, 19, 20, 22

The specific training offered depends on the professional activity of the collaborating institution. In the same way, the results of learning will vary depending on the specific skills acquired during the practicum.

The tutor from the collaborating entity or research project will be responsible for indicating and supervising the activities carried out by the student within the framework of the External Internship, in accordance with the corresponding training plan.

Students have to do at least two tutoring sessions (in person or virtual) during the period of the PE. The tutor is responsible to complete a brief report on these two sessions (model provided by the Dean’s Office).


Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Preparation of a synthesis report of the activities carried out 11% 0 0 7, 5, 1, 19, 20, 8, 22
Tutor's Final Report 70% 0 0 12, 7, 2, 4, 3, 21, 6, 5, 9, 10, 1, 19, 20, 8, 13, 22, 14, 25, 17, 15, 16, 18, 11, 23, 26, 24
Tutorial meetings 11% 0 0 12, 22, 17, 18, 26
UAB Employability Service (Servei d'Ocupabilitat) 8% 0 0 10, 16

The evaluated learning outcomes in the final report may vary depending on the professional competencies required by the company/institution/center offering the internship.

Upon completion of the internship, the following reports will be submitted to the academic tutoring of the chosen field of study:

  1. The tutor from the collaborating entity will prepare a final report, including the number of hours completed and assessments of the aspects related to the generic and specific competencies established in the Training Plan (within a maximum period of 15 days and following the established template).
  2. The student will prepare a final report (or self-assessment) assessing the tasks performed and the knowledge and competencies acquired in relation to their university studies. The submission of this report by the student is an essential requirement for the final evaluation.

Based on the tutor's report from the collaborating entity, the student's report, and the conducted supervision, the academic coordination of internships in the chosen field of study will evaluate each student's internship and assign a grade for the course.

As part of the training activities specified in the assessment for the Pràctiques Externes, students must fulfil these two requirements:

- have attended at least 2 of the professional orientation courses organised b the Servei d’Ocupabilitat and show proof of attendance b attaching a certificate to the Memòria de Pràctiques.

- have taken the questionnaire “Professional Competences Test” offered b the Servei d’Ocupabilitat de la UAB. The result of the test can be downloaded and attached to the Memòria de Pràctiques.

Possible grades for this class are:

No avaluable: When the student does not complete at least 10% of the required hours of attendance.

Suspès: When the student has completed at least 10% of attendance, buthas not completed theremaining hours, and/or his/her activity has been negatively evaluated.

Matrícula d’Honor: Due to the particular type of this course, this grade is not contemplated.

Recuperació. This class cannot be retaken in case the student obtains a “Suspès” grade.


Any relevant bibliography will be provided by the internship tutors according to the tasks the student is expected to perform.



No software needed.


Language list

Information on the teaching languages can be checked on the CONTENTS section of the guide.