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Chinese V: Development of Communication Skills

Code: 105865 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
2504012 Spanish and Chinese Studies: Language, Literature and Culture OB 3


María Carmen Espín García


María Carmen Espín García

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


This is an intermediate level course aimed at consolidation, development and improvement. It requires knowledge of all the basics of phonetics, grammar and structure of Chinese characters.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The course Chinese V: Developing Communicative Skills aims to increase the knowledge of the structures of Moderns Chinese; to complement the basic knowledge acquired in the first and second years of the degree; the consolidation of basic knowledge of Chinese grammar; to expand vocabulary, improve pronunciation, speaking and writing; to develop reading comprehension skills; and to improve the student's skills in both oral and written expression. Although this is a language subject, we shall also try to sensitize the student towards a respect for Chinese culture and the Chinese social context. 


  • Analyse the phonetic, phonological, morphological, syntactic, lexical and semantic properties of the Spanish language and the Mandarin Chinese language.
  • Compare Spanish and Chinese from a literary and linguistic knowledge of both languages.
  • Demonstrate the capacity to work autonomously, engaging in self-analysis and self. Criticism.
  • Describe the linguistic foundations on which the standards of Spanish and mandarin Chinese are based.
  • Evaluate the influence of cultural references in Chinese studies in interlinguistic and intercultural communication.
  • Produce written texts in Mandarin Chinese at an intermediate level (B1, B2).
  • Students must be capable of collecting and interpreting relevant data (usually within their area of study) in order to make statements that reflect social, scientific or ethical relevant issues.
  • Students must be capable of communicating information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialised and non-specialised audiences.
  • Students must develop the necessary learning skills to undertake further training with a high degree of autonomy.
  • Take sex- or gender-based inequalities into consideration when operating within one's own area of knowledge.
  • Understand and produce spoken texts in Mandarin Chinese at an intermediate level (B1, B2).
  • Understand texts written in Mandarin Chinese at an intermediate level (B1, B2).

Learning Outcomes

  1. Apply lexical, morphosyntactic, textual and rhetorical knowledge and knowledge of linguistic variation.
  2. Apply strategies for understanding spoken text in different fields at an intermediate level (B1, B2).
  3. Apply strategies for understanding written texts from different fields at an intermediate level (B1, B2).
  4. Apply strategies to acquire cultural knowledge of China to be able to communicate.
  5. Communicate using language that is not sexist or discriminatory.
  6. Consider how gender stereotypes and roles impinge on the exercise of the profession.
  7. Describe linguistic aspects of Chinese using a non-specialist informative tone.
  8. Describe linguistic aspects of Chinese using specialised terminology.
  9. Ensure quality standards for your own work.
  10. Identify the need for cultural knowledge of China to be able to communicate.
  11. Identify tools and instruments for autonomous learning of the Chinese language and to solve linguistic problems.
  12. Integrate and apply cultural knowledge of China to be able to resolve communication processes.
  13. Integrate cultural knowledge for solving communication problems.
  14. Interpret the communicative intention and meaning of written texts in different subject areas.
  15. Produce spoken texts at an intermediate level (B1, B2) that are appropriate to the context and linguistically correct.
  16. Produce written texts at an intermediate level (B1, B2) that are appropriate to the context and linguistically correct.
  17. Recognise basic structures in Chinese and describe them using adequate terminology.
  18. Resolve interferences between working languages.
  19. Solve problems of intercultural communication.


In the subject Chinese V, we study in depth the contents of the lessons from the textbook entitled Discover China 3 (Students’ book and Workbook). Other supplementary materials and graded readers books will also be used.

 According to their type, the contents can be grouped into:

 Phonological and graphic

  • Reading aloud new words
  • Reading aloud texts and dialogues
  • Identifying the various components of characters (keys, semantic phonetic parts)


  • Review and extension of frequently used keys
  • Understanding and using approximately 350 new words
  • Recognition and writing of new characters
  • Comprehension and use of new characters


  • Introducing new elements to form different types of compound sentences
  • Learning the use of new adverbs
  • New grammar structures
  • Learning new frequently used expressions

 Reading and writing

  • Reading comprehension of texts for intermediate level
  • Paraphrasing and summarizing texts in Chinese, Spanish and Catalan
  • Writing different types of compositions on various topics (200–300 characters).  

Listening and oral Chinese

  • Listening exercises for intermediate level
  • Oral activities related to the contents studied in the textbook
  • Supplementary listening and oral Chinese exercises


Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Realization of reading comprehension activities, written skill training activity, oral comprehension/expression and lectures 49.5 1.98 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
Type: Supervised      
Completion of various types of exercises , correction of exercises and doubts resolution individually and in small groups. 35.5 1.42 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
Type: Autonomous      
Study and practice of the new words and new text in each lesson, preparation of oral and written expression activities, preparation for reading comprehension, preparation and revision of contents taught in class. 45 1.8 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19

In order to achieve the objectives of the subject, the methodology chosen is as follows:

  • Learning by tasks: under the supervision of the teacher and independently, students perform tasks and projects to practice the contents learnt in the textbook.
  • Cooperative learning: students are encouraged to build knowledge socially; use of small groups for students to work together to optimize their and their classmates' learning.

The formative activities are divided into directed activities, supervised activities, and autonomous activities.

  • Directed activities: the teacher will explain the most important contents of each unit; students will practise reading out loud and do exercises in oral and written comprehension, as well as oral expression exercises. They will practise new grammar points and vocabulary, sight translation, revise material already covered, etc.  Class activities, therefore, will be varied and of different types (oral and written, individual and in groups). In some cases, they will be assessed (students will be assessed on whether they regularly prepare the tasks set by the teacher, as well as their dedication to the subject and the pace of their work).
  • Supervised activities will include practising oral comprehension and expression, as well as the completion of exercises. They will consist of practising calligraphy, studying the characters and vocabulary, preparing
  • Autonomous activities will consist of practising calligraphy, studying the characters and vocabulary, preparing, and revising texts and new grammar points, completing and self-checking exercises (via the teaching web) and writing tasks. The student will need to devote approximately 50 hours' study to each teaching unit, including the supervised and autonomous activities (preparation, practice exercises and revision). This level of commitment is essential to ensure that students follow the subject satisfactorily and achieve the appropriate pace of work.
  • The assessment activities are tests and tasks that allow both the teacher and the students to evaluate the progress of learning and reflect on the teaching-learning process.


Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Exams and tests 60% 8 0.32 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
Teaching portfolio 40% 12 0.48 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19


Students must provide evidence of their progress by completing various tasks and tests. These activities are detailed in the table at the end of this section of the Study Guide, and they are distributed as follows:

I. Teaching portfolio (40%)

10% — Writing Chinese characters assignments. These assignments will be marked as “submitted” and “not submitted” and comments will be added if necessary.

10% — Exercises corrected in class or with correction guidelines and tasks discussed and done in class.  The grade for these assignments and exercises will be “submitted” or “not submitted”. 

          A dossier must be delivered at the end of each lesson.

 20% — Assessment task proposed by the teacher (compositions, oral presentations, summaries, etc., 2 minimum.)

II. Written tests (60%)

15% Oral and writing test 

20% Holistic exam I  (vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension, oral comprehension and culture)

25% Holistic exam II (vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension, oral comprehension and culture)


When publishing final marks prior to recording them on students' transcripts, the lecturer will provide written notification of a date and time for reviewing assessment activities. Students must arrange reviews in agreement with the lecturer.

Missed/failed assessment activities

Students may retake assessment activities they have failed or compensate for any they have missed, provided that those they have actually performed account for a minimum of 66.6% (two thirds) of the subject's final mark and that they have a weighted average mark of at least 3.5.

The lecturer will inform students of the procedure involved, in writing, when publishing final marks prior to recording them on transcripts. The lecturer may set one assignment per failed or missed assessment activity, or a single assignment to cover a number of such activities. Under no circumstances may an assessment activity worth 100% of the final mark be retaken or compensated for. In case of retaking, maximum grade will be 5.

Classification as “not assessable”

In the event of the assessment activities a student has performed accounting for just 25% or less of the subject's final mark, their work will be classified as “not assessable” on their transcript.

Misconduct in assessment activities

Students who engage in misconduct (plagiarism, copying, impersonation, etc.) in an assessment activity will receive a mark of “0” for the activity in question. In the case of misconduct in more than one assessment activity, the student involved will be given a final mark of “0” for the subject. Assessment activities in which irregularities have occurred (e.g. plagiarism, copying, impersonation) are excluded from recovery.



This subject may be assessed under the single assessment system in accordance with the terms established in the academic regulations of the UAB and the assessment criteria of the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting.

Students must make an online request within the period established by the faculty and send a copy to the teacher responsible for the subject, for the record.

A single assessment will be carried out in person on one day during week 16 or 17 of the semester. The Academic Management Office will publish the exact date and time on the faculty website.

On the day of the single assessment, teaching staff will ask the student for identification, which should be presented as a valid identification document witharecent photograph (student card, DNI/NIE or passport).

Single assessment activities

The final grade for the subject will be calculated according to the following percentages:

1. Oral and reading aloud test — 25%

2. Writing test — 25%

3. Holistic Test (vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension, oral comprehension and culture) — 40%

4. Activities portfolio — 10% (A dossier with writing Chinese characters assignments will be submitted the day of the test).


Grade revision and resit procedures for the subject are the same as those for continual assessment. See the section above in this study guide.



Casas-Tost, Helena; Rovira-Esteva, Sara; Suárez, Anne-Hélène. 2020. Lengua china para traductores: 学中文,做翻译. Vol I. Bellaterra: Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. (Materials, 188). (6ª ed.).  

Casas-Tost, Helena; Rovira-Esteva, Sara; Suárez, Anne-Hélène. 2021. Lengua china para traductores: 学中文,做翻译. Vol II. Bellaterra: Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. (Materials, 198). (6ª ed.).  

Dan, W., Jianbo, W., Ying, C., & Leher, E. (2010). Discover China : workbook three / author: Wang Dan ; editors: Wang Jianbo, Cai Ying, Eric Leher. Macmillan Education.

Fisac, T. (2023). Claves de la gramática china / Taciana Fisac. Bellaterra Edicions.

Liu, X., & Schmidt, J. (2003). New practical chinese reader 2 = Xin shi yong Han yu ke ben 2 / by Liu Xun (Chief compiler), Jerry Schmidt. Beijing Language and Culture University Press.

Liu, X., & Schmidt, J. (2003). New practical chinese reader 2 = Xin shi yong Han yu ke ben 2 / by Liu Xun (Chief compiler), Jerry Schmidt. Beijing Language and Culture University Press.

López Calvo, F.; Zhao, Baoyan. 2013. Guía esencial de la lengua china. Madrid: Adeli Ediciones.

Qi, S. (2013). Discover China : student’s book three / Shaoyan Qi. Macmillan Education.

Schmidt, J., & Liu, X. (2002). New practical Chinese reader 1 Xin shi yong Han yu ke ben 1 / [coordinador, Liu Xun ; [amb les contribucions de Zhang Kai, Liu Shehui, Chen Xi... [et al.]] ; [adaptació], Jerry Schmidt. Beijing Language and Culture University Press.

Schmidt, J., & Liu, X. (2002). New practical Chinese reader 3 Jerry Schmidt ; [by Liu Xun, chief compiler]. Beijing Language and Culture University Press.

Zenghui, X., & Zhou, M. (1997). Gramática china / Xu Zenghui, Minkang Zhou. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Servei de Publicacions.


More bibliography related to the contents of the subject will be provided throughout the semester.


Teams and Moodle will still be used. Other platforms such as Wordwall, Kahoot or Padlet will be used as well.

Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(PAUL) Classroom practices 1 Chinese first semester morning-mixed