This version of the course guide is provisional until the period for editing the new course guides ends.

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Planning Law

Code: 104249 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
2503710 Geography, Environmental Management and Spatial Planning OB 2


Ferran Pons Canovas

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


It is not indispensable for students to have previous knowledge of Law. In the first issues, basic references will be made to the legal system, the rules classes and their hierarchy, the regime of distribution of competences between the different public institutions, the organization of public administrations and the judicial system.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The objective of the subject is that the student acquires a series of basic competences on the legal regime of the urban planning and territorial planning and of the protection of the environment, especially from the perspective of the instruments of planning put to the service of these disciplines. It is a matter that the student becomes aware of the relevance of the interrelation and interdependence of these public functions, which can detect, define and interpret the basic elements of the legal framework of territorial, urban and environmental planning, to analyze and use the Information and knowledge in a critical way, and that it can transmit this knowledge verbal, written and graphically, and using the new communication and information technologies.

For these purposes, the content of the subject is structured into four thematic blocks. In the first one, formed by Themes 1 through 4, it is a matter of exposing a general approach on the legal framework of urban and territorial planning and environmental protection and planning as well as the treatment given in the Spanish Constitution of 1978 and in the Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia, together with the study of how the incidence that environmental and territorial planning and planning have in the right to private property of those affected by administrative interventions is resolved.

The second thematic block, made up of Themes 5 and 6, is devoted to studying the most detached from the legal framework of territorial and urban planning. The regulation of the different instruments of territorial planning and the figures of urban planning will be exposed. In relation to the municipal planning plan (POUM), attention will be paid to the classification of the land and in its urban regime. Basic aspects of the preparation, processing and approval of planning figures will also be discussed.

The third block (Lessons 7 to 10) will provide a general overview of the legal regime applicable to various environmental subsectors that have independent regulatory treatment and regarding which planning technique plays a relevant role: protection of natural spaces, of biodiversity and landscape; the treatment of continental waters; the management of the coast and the coast and the protection of the marine environment; and the protection of the quality of the air.

In the last block of topics (Lessons 11 to 14), several aspects will be studied that are transversal to urban, territorial and environmental planning: guarantee the participation of citizens in territorial and environmental matters, promote transparency and access to the information; Strategic environmental assessment of plans and programs; the impact of the Services Directive on the determination of the tourist, commercial and recreational territorial and environmental model, and the interrelation between environmental and territorial planning and sectoral regulations (roads, ports, airports and historical heritage).

In the last block of topics (Lessons 11 and 12) will study two aspects that are transversal to urban, territorial and environmental planning: how the right of access to environmental information and access to urban and environmental justice is carried out; and the impact of the UE Services Directive in determining the territorial and environmental model relating to tourist, commercial or recreational uses.

Learning Outcomes

  1. CM29 (Competence) Present work related to Administrative Law in formats adjusted to personal demands and styles and using appropriate language.
  2. KM44 (Knowledge) Recognise the bases of the legal regulations in regional planning and urban planning.
  3. KM45 (Knowledge) Describe the administrative circuit of formulation, processing, approval, validity and management of urban planning figures.
  4. SM40 (Skill) Apply current Spanish and Catalan regulations in relation to regional and urban planning.
  5. SM41 (Skill) Integrate in a study on spatial planning the techniques of land classification and urban qualification based on the Law on Land and Urban Renewal (Ley del Suelo y Rehabilitación Urbana).


Topic 1. General approach on the legal framework for urban and territorial planning

The evolution of the urban and territorial law. From the main urban planning techniques to challenges and current needs: sustainability, access to housing, the fight against corruption, transport and connectivity, social cohesion, improved governance, and mitigation and adaptation to climate change, among others. Urban and regional development of the EU.

Topic 2. General approach on the legal framework for protection and environmental planning

Evolution of environmental law. The international law of the environment. The relevance of EU environmental law. The objectives and guiding principles of European environmental action. The general programs of action of the EU in environmental matter.

Topic 3. The treatment of urban planning, territorial planning and the environment in the Spanish Constitution of 1978 and the Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia

The rights contemplated in the Spanish Constitution and the Statutes of Autonomy referring to the environment and territorial planning. The distribution of competences on planning, urban planning and environmental protection. The administrative organization. The entities that collaborate with the administration.

Topic 4. The incidence of planning and environmental and territorial planning in the right to private property

The regime of territorial and environmental public actions that negatively affect the right to private property. The constitutional configuration of the right to property. The social function of private property and the delimiters actions not subject to compensation. Public actions that require the use of forced expropriation.

Topic 5. The legal framework for territorial planning

The configuration and the principles of the planning of the territory. The instruments of territorial organization. The general territorial plan. The partial territorial plans. Sectorial territorial plans. The territorial directors plans.

Topic 6. The legal framework for urban planning

The general principles of urban action. The figures of urban planning and its principles of articulation. The general urban planning and the derivative. The urban classification and qualification. The legal regime of the soil classes. Approval and alteration of the plans.

Topic 7. Planning of protected natural areas. The protection of biodiversity and landscape

The networks of protection of natural spaces. Natural areas of special protection. The Plan of Spaces of Natural Interest of Catalonia. The Natura 2000 network. The conservation of biodiversity. The catalogs and plans for the recovery and conservation of threatened species. Landscape protection, management and planning instruments.

Topic 8. The planning of continental waters

The water cycle. The objectives of the Water Framework Directive. The state of the masses of water. The uses of water. The hydrological plans of the basins. The dumps. The sanitation system.

Topic 9. The planning of the coast and the maritime spatial plannig

The problems that have affected and affect the protection of the coast. The demarcation and protection of goods of public domain maritime-terrestrial. The easements that record private coastal areas. The urban master plans of the Catalan coast. The protection of the marine environment. The maritime spatial planning.

Topic 10. Planning in the protection of air quality

The very significant adverse effects of air pollution on human health and the environment. The potentially polluting activities of the atmosphere and the relationship of atmospheric pollutants. The actions that make up the air quality strategy. The Horizon 2027 Air Quality Action Plan (PAMQA). Low emission areas.

Topic 11. Access to environmental information and urban and environmental justice

The right to consult urban plans (refer to Topic 6). The purposes of the right to access environmental information held by public administrations. Concept and scope of environmental information. Diffusion or active and passive provision of environmental information. Access to urban and environmental justice: popular action.

Topic 12.  The planning uses and Directive 2006/123 / EC, of 12 December, on services in the internal market (Bolkestein Directive)

The objectives of the Bolkestein Directive. The freedom to implement and exercise service activities opposed to needs related to the protection of the environment and the urban environment. Quantitative and/or territorial restrictions on the implementation of service activities. Purposes and types of restrictions. Requirements The role of urban planning in the establishment of these restrictions.

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Explanations of the topics 23 0.92 KM44, KM45, SM40, SM41, KM44
Presentation of the material 23 0.92 CM29, KM44, KM45, SM40, SM41, CM29
Type: Supervised      
Preparation of tests and exercices 25 1 CM29, KM44, KM45, SM40, SM41, CM29
Type: Autonomous      
Readings of books, articles and other materials 20 0.8 KM44, KM44
Realization of exercises and practices 20 0.8 CM29, KM44, KM45, SM40, SM41, CM29
Study for tests 35 1.4 CM29, KM44, KM45, SM40, SM41, CM29

In order to develop the teaching activities, a combination of master class, case study and practical and dynamic approach is used, and a climate is pursued in which an active attitude of the students is present, attracting their attention and interest both at the same time Be attentive, concentrated and can participate. For each subject that forms the content of the subject, a list of "key questions" is produced, which should help students to detect the basic and most important aspects of each topic, and at the same time, they will be useful in order to study and Detect possible exam questions. This list is uploaded to the virtual campus and also the written version is delivered to each student in the session where the subject begins, so that they can read. And when the teaching of the subject is finished, students must re-read the key questions, and they must be able to respond mentally to as many questions as possible. If they can do this they mean that during the sessions they have taken advantage of the time and learned the key aspects of each topic.

The structuring of themes and teaching is also a fundamental aspect. Each topic includes a schematic or script of the aspects that will be dealt with, a script that is also made available to students, both through the virtual campus and written sheets that are given in class.

The classroom computer is used to project all the material that serves as a teaching instrument: diagrams, normative precepts, statements of sentences, news, images, etc. On the virtual campus, there is a lot of educational material available to students: schemes, dispositions, sentences, material developed by the same public administrations and other institutions, etc. When in the bibliography, students are encouraged to use a manual; Therefore, in the teaching guide and in the program of each subject, two or three are recommended.

As an innovative aspect, some of the assessable work must be completed in class, in order to avoid the use of AI tools.

When appropriate, the teacher will allocate about fifteen minutes of a class to allow students to answer the surveys of evaluation of teaching performance and evaluation of the subject.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Exercices and works 30 % 0 0 CM29, KM44, KM45, SM40, SM41
Final test 35 % 2 0.08 KM44, KM45, SM40
Partial test 35 % 2 0.08 KM44, KM45, SM40

1. In order to pass the subject, at least 80% attendance in class is required. Before the end of each session, the teacher will pass a list in order to control attendance. For this reason, it will not be possible to leave class before its end, except when there is a justified cause of force majeure (taking public transport does not have this consideration). Students who do not complete this percentage of compulsory attendance will be deducted 1 point from their final mark; furthermore, their assessment will be equivalent to non-continuous assessment: completion of the mid-term and final exams on the date scheduled for the final exam and joint submission of the assessable work on the same date.

2. Periodically, the students will do readings, works, exercises and / or practices on the subjects studied and will be given to the teacher on the set date. The mark of the exercises, works and / or practices that can be evaluated equals 30% of the final mark (3 points out of 10). To calculate these three points, it will take into account the student's intervention in class during the commenting on the evaluable works. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TOOLS (e.g. ChatGPT) CANNOT BE USED TO CARRY OUT THESE WORKS.
The exercices WILL NOT BE RECOVERABLE, that is, there will be no possibility that, in order to pass the exam grades, students will do some work or exercise. In order to add the marks of the assignments to the exam mark, the latter must be equal to or higher than 3.5 (out of 10). However, even if this mark is reached, the sum will not be added if there is a clear disparity between the marks of the two mid-term exams [e.g. 2.22 for the first mid-term (out of 3.5) and 1.17 for the second mid-term (out of 3.5)].

3. The students will realize a partial exam type test corresponding to the half of the syllabus, of liberatory character, in the date that will be fixed in the first weeks of class, equivalent to 35% of the final note (3,5 points about 10). In case of failing this partial exam, the student will have to examine the subject on the day of the second exam. The other half of the syllabus will be the subject of a second partial exam, equivalent to 35% of the final grade (3.5 points out of 10). There will be an average between the marks of the partials, except when one of these marks is decompensated [e.g. 2.22 for the first mid-term (out of 3.5) and 1.17 for the second mid-term (out of 3.5)].

4. The attitude of each student in class will also be taken into account in the evaluation. The teacher will "give" negative points to the respective students who repeatedly engage in one or more of the following attitudes or actions: arriving late to class or leaving before the end of class; talk with other colleagues during the session; not paying attention to the explanations (e.g. being more aware of contents of the laptop not related to the sessions); not paying attention to the prohibition to have the mobile phone on the table and to use it, etc. Each negative point will beequivalent to – 0.25 negative points out of 10.

5. The final mark will result from adding the mark of the exercises and evaluable works to the marks of the exams, and from subtracting the negative points that the teacher has put to the students who have had an inappropriate attitude in the classes, according to as provided in point 5.

6. Only students who have obtained a finalgrade equal to or higher than 3 points (out of 10) will be able to take the resit exam.

7. On carrying out each evaluation activity, lecturers will inform students of the procedures to be followed for reviewing all grades awarded, and the date on which such a review will take place.

8. Students will obtain a "Not assessed/Not submitted" course grade unless they have made more than 30 % of the assestment items.

In the event that tests or exams cannot be taken onsite, they will be adapted to an online format made available through the UAB’s virtual tools (original weighting will be maintained). Homework, activities and class participation willbe carried out through Teams. Lecturers will ensure that students are able to access this virtual tool.

Summary table of evaluable activities

1r. Partial exam: 35% of the grade

2n. Partial exam: 35% of the grade

Evaluable works: 30% of the grade

Negative points: each point will be 0.25 on the final grade

The copying or plagiarism ofmaterial, both in the case of works and in the case of exams, constitute a crime that will be sanctioned with a zero to the activity. In the case of recidivism, the entire subject will be suspended.
Let's remember that a "copy" is considered a work that reproduces all or most of the work of one or the other company / a. "Plagiarism" isthe fact of presenting all or part of a text of an author as its own, without mentioning the sources, be on paper or in digital format. See UAB documentation on "plagiarism" at:

And in the event of a student committing any irregularity that may lead to a significant variation in the grade awarded to an assessment activity, the student will be given a zero for this activity, regardless of any disciplinary process that may take place. In the event of several irregularities in assessment activities of the same subject, the student will be given a zero as the final grade for this subject.


Students who choose to do the single assessment will follow the following system:

- They will have to pass an exam, which will be held on the same day of the final exam of the course. This exam will be a test, and will be worth 7 points (out of 10).
- They will have to deliver the evaluable works that will be determined by the teacher at the beginning of the course. The delivery must be done the day of the exam. These works will be worth 3 points (out of 10).



Relevant bibliography

ALONSO TIMÓN, A.J.(2018): Introducción al Derecho Urbanístico, Tirant lo blanch, Valencia.

ALLENDE LANDA, J. (2000): Medio ambiente, ordenación del territorio y sostenibilidad, Bilbao.

ALONSO GARCÍA, E. y LOZANO CUTANDA, B. (Dirs.)(2006): Diccionario de Derecho Ambiental, Iustel, Madrid.

CAMPINS ERITJA, M. et al. (2011): Environmental Law in Spain, Kluwer Law.

CASADO CASADO, L. i FUENTES i GASÓ, J.R.(2008): Medi ambient i ens locals, Cedecs, Barcelona.

DE GATTA SÁNCHEZ, D.(2012): Sistema jurídico-administrativo de protección del medio ambiente, Ratio Legis.

ESTEVE PARDO, J.(2008): Derecho de Medio Ambiente, Marcial Pons.

FERNÁNDEZ RODRÍGUEZ, T.R.(2001): Estudios de Derecho Ambiental y Urbanismo, Pamplona.

FERNÁNDEZ RODRÍGUEZ, T.R. (2017): Manual de Derecho Urbanístico, Civitas Thomson Reuters, Cizur Menor.

GIFREU i FONT, J. (2012): L’ordenació urbanística a Catalunya, Marcial Pons, Madrid.

LASAGABASTER HERRATE, I. (2004): Derecho ambiental. Parte especial, IVAP, Oñati.

LÓPEZ RAMÓN, F.i ESCARTÍN, V. (DIRS.)(2013): Bienes públicos, urbanismo y medio ambiente, Marcial Pons, Madrid.

LÓPEZ RAMÓN, F.(2018): Manual de Derecho Ambiental y Urbanístico, Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, Zaragoza.

LOZANO CUTANDA, B. (Dir.)(2014), Tratado de Derecho Ambiental, CEF, Madrid, 2014.

LOZANO CUTANDA, B., y ALLI TURRILLAS, J-C. (2020): Administración y Legislación Ambiental, Dykinson, Madrid.

MartÍn Mateo, R., Tratado deDerecho Ambiental, Trivium,Madrid, 4 Vols.

MARTÍN MATEO, R., Manual de Derecho Ambiental, Aranzadi, Navarra, 2003.

ORTEGA ÁLVAREZ, L., ALONSO GARCÍA, C. y VICENTE MARTÍNEZ, R.D. (2013): Tratado de Derecho Ambiental, Tirant lo blanch, Valencia.

ponce solé, j. (Dir.) (2019): El derecho, la ciudad y la vivienda en la nueva concepción del desarrollo urbano, Atelier, Barcelona.

RIVERO YSERN, J.L.(2018): Manual básico de Derecho Urbanístico, Tecnos, Madrid.

RUIZ-RICO RUIZ, G. et al. (2008): Derecho Ambiental, Tirant lo blanch, Valencia.

TRAYTER JIMÉNEZ, J.M. (2022): Derecho urbanístico de Cataluña, Atelier, Barcelona.

TRAYTER JIMÉNEZ, J.M. (Dir.)(2017): El desenvolupament de l’autogovern en matèria de territori, paisatge, litoral i urbanisme, Institut d’Estudis de l’Autogovern, Barcelona, pp. 55-91. 


Doctrinal references and websites by subject

Tema 1. Plantejament general sobre el tractament jurídic de la planificació urbanística i territorial

ALCARAZ RAMOS, M. (Dir)(2007): El Estado de Derecho frente a la corrupción urbanística, La Ley, Madrid.

ALONSO TIMÓN, A.J.(2018): Introducción al Derecho Urbanístico, Tirant lo blanch, Valencia.

ALLENDE LANDA, J. (2000): Medio ambiente, ordenación del territorio y sostenibilidad, Bilbao.

FERNÁNDEZ RODRÍGUEZ, T.R.(2001): Estudios de Derecho Ambiental y Urbanismo, Pamplona.

FERNÁNDEZ RODRÍGUEZ, T.R. (2017): Manual de Derecho Urbanístico, Civitas Thomson Reuters, Cizur Menor.

GIFREU i FONT, J. (2012): L’ordenació urbanística a Catalunya, Marcial Pons, Madrid.

LÓPEZ RAMÓN, F.(2018): Manual de Derecho Ambiental y Urbanístico, Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, Zaragoza.

RIVERO YSERN, J.L.(2018): Manual básico de Derecho Urbanístico, Tecnos, Madrid.

trayter Jiménez, j.m. (2017): Derecho urbanístico de Cataluña, Atelier, Barcelona.

trayter Jiménez, j.m. (Dir.)(2017): El desenvolupament de l’autogovern en matèria de territori, paisatge, litoral i urbanisme, Institut d’Estudis de l’Autogovern, Barcelona, pp. 55-91.

Tema 2. Plantejament general sobre el tractament jurídic de la protecció i de la planificació ambiental

Alonso GarcÍa, E. (1993): El Derecho Ambiental de la Comunidad Europea, 2 vol. Civitas, Madrid.

borràs pentinat, s. (Dir.) (2013): Retos y Realidades de la Adaptación al Cambio Climático. Perspectivas Técnico-Jurídicas, Thomson Reuters Aranzadi, Cizur Menor.

BORRÀS PENTINAT, S.(2014): Los regímenes internacionales de protección del medio ambiente, Tirant lo blanch, Valencia.

GARCÍA URETA, A.(2006): Estudios de Derecho Ambiental Europeo, Pamplona.

HINOJO ROJAS, M. Y GARCÍA GARCÍA-REVILLA, M.(2016): La protección del medio ambiente en el derecho internacional y en el derecho de la Unión Europea, Tecnos, Madrid.

KRAMER, L. (1999): Derecho Ambiental y Tratado de la Comunidad Europea, Marcial Pons, Madrid.

JUSTE RUIZ, J.(2014): La protección del medio ambiente en el ámbito internacional y en la Unión Europea, Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia.

SALINAS ALCEGA, S.(2014): El cambio climático: entre cooperación y conflicto. Propuesta desde el derecho internacional, Thomson Reuters/Aranzadi, Cizur Menor.

Sarasíbar Iriarte, M. (2006): Régimen Jurídico del Cambio Climático, Lex Nova, Valladolid.

VERCHER NOGUERA, A. (Dir.)(2008): Derecho Europeo Medioambiental: la protección del medio ambiente en la Unión Europea. Aspectos críticos, Madrid. Convenció Ramsar  Agenda 21 local de Catalunya Centre d’Informació de Nacions Unides sobre Dret del Medi Ambient Grup Intergovernmental d’Experts sobre el Canvi Climàtic  Convenció Marc de les Nacions Unides sobre Canvi Climàtic Web del Canvi Climàtic de la Generalitat de Catalunya  Programa de les Nacions Unides sobre el Medi Ambient Visor geo-web sobre el canvi climàtic a Espanya Convenció sobre el comerç internacional d’espècies de fauna i flora amenaçades Síntesi de la legislació europea sobre medi ambient Portal de la Comissió de la UE sobre noticies en matèria de medi ambient  Portal de l’Agència Europea de Medi Ambient (AEMA) Peticions presentades davant la Comissió de Peticions del Parlament Europeu

Tema 3. El tractament de l’urbanisme, de l’ordenació territorial i del medi ambient en la Constitució espanyola de 1978 i en l’Estatut d’Autonomia de Catalunya

CANOSA USERA, R.(2000): Constitución y medio ambiente, Madrid.

CASADO, L., FUENTES, J.R., JARIA, J. y PALLARÉS, A.(2010): La externalización delas funciones de control e inspección enmateria de protección del medio ambiente, Atelier, Barcelona.

EMBID IRUJO, A., El derecho a un medio ambiente adecuado, Madrid, 2008.

Esteve Pardo, J. (Coord.), Derecho del medio ambiente y Administración Local, Civitas, Madrid, l996.

PONT CASTEJÓN, I.(2005): “Un nuevo reto en materia competencial: Estado y Comunidades Autónomas ante las exigencias del Protocolo de Kyoto”, a Los retos de la aplicación del protocolo de Kyoto en España y Canadá, Mar Campins Eritja (Coord.).

RUIZ-RICO RUIZ, G.(2001): El Derecho constitucional al medio ambiente, Valencia.

Tema 4. La incidència de la ordenació i de la planificació ambiental i territorial en el dret a la propietat privada

PONS CÀNOVAS, F. (2004): La incidencia de las intervenciones administrativas en el Derecho de propiedad. Perspectivas actuales, Marcial Pons, Madrid.

PONS CÀNOVAS, F.(2006): “Intervención pública en la actividad privada para la protección ambiental. Limitaciones a los derechos de propiedad y de libertad de empresa”, a Diccionario de Derecho Ambiental, Enrique Alonso García y Blanca Lozano Cutanda (Directors), Iustel, Madrid, pp. 778 a 789. 

Tema 5. El marc jurídic de la planificació territorial

LÓPEZ RAMÓN, F.(1995): Estudios jurídicos sobre ordenación del territorio, Aranzadi, Pamplona. 

Tema 6. El marc jurídic de la planificació urbanística

ALONSO TIMÓN, A.J.(2018): Introducción al Derecho Urbanístico, Tirant lo blanch, Valencia.

FERNÁNDEZ RODRÍGUEZ,T.R.(2001): Estudios de Derecho Ambientaly Urbanismo, Pamplona.

FERNÁNDEZ RODRÍGUEZ, T.R. (2017): Manual de Derecho Urbanístico, Civitas Thomson Reuters, Cizur Menor.

GIFREU i FONT, J. (2012):L’ordenació urbanística a Catalunya, Marcial Pons, Madrid.

LÓPEZ RAMÓN, F.(2018): Manual de Derecho Ambiental y Urbanístico, Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, Zaragoza.

RIVERO YSERN, J.L.(2018): Manual básico de Derecho Urbanístico, Tecnos, Madrid.

trayter Jiménez, j.m. (2017): Derecho urbanístico de Cataluña, Atelier, Barcelona. 

Registre de planejament urbanístic de Catalunya 

Tema 7. La planificació dels espais naturals protegits

ALLI TURRILLAS, J.C. (2008): La protección jurídica de la biodiversidad, Montecorvo.

BARRENA MEDINA, A.M. (2014): La Protección in situ de las Especies Silvestres, Thomson Reuters/Aranzadi, Cizur Menor.

DE ROJAS MARTÍNEZ-PARETS, F.(2006): Los espacios naturales protegidos, Thomson Reuters Aranzadi, Cizur Menor.

GARCÍA URETA, A.(2010): Derecho Europeo de la Biodiversidad. Aves silvestres, hábitats y especies de flora y fauna, Iustel, Madrid.

JIMÉNEZ JAÉN, A.(2000): El régimen jurídico de los espacios naturales protegidos, MacGraw Hill, Madrid.

LAGUNA DE PAZ, J.C., Libertad y propiedad en el derecho de caza, Marcial Pons, Madrid, 1997.

LÓPEZ RAMÓN, F. (coord.)(1995): Régimen jurídico de los espacios naturales protegidos, Zaragoza.

- NIETO GARRIDO, E., La protección de la fauna salvaje en el ordenamiento jurídico español, Lex Nova, Valladolid, 2000.

- REQUEJO CONDE, C., La protección penal de la Fauna. Especial consideración del delito de maltrato de los animales. Comares, Sevilla, 2010. Convenio sobre diversidad biológica Departament d'Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca, Alimentació i Medi Natural . Fauna, flora i animals de companyia Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente. Conservación de especies silvestres Proyecto fauna ibérica Web de biodiversidad de la UE 

Tema 8. La planificació de les aigües continentals

ALDOMÀ, I. (2012): La batalla per l’aigua, Pagès editors, Lleida.

AAVV (2014): Aproximació a les problemàtiques de la gestió de l’aigua a Catalunya, Agbar Fundació, Barcelona.

CASADO CASADO, L. (2004): Los vertidos en aguas continentales. Las técnicas de intervención administrativa, Editorial Comares, Granada.

CASADO CASADO, L.(2005):La regulación de los vertidos en aguas continentales en el Derecho Comunitario, Cedecs, Barcelona.

EMBID IRUJO, A. (Dir.) (1994): La calidad de las aguas (Dir.), Civitas, Madrid.

PONT CASTEJÓN, I.(2004): “El procedimiento administrativo de autorización de vertidos a aguas continentales ante el reto de unaAdministración hidráulica eficaz”, a Revista Aranzadi de derecho ambiental, núm. 5, pp. 15 a 36.

SANZ RUBIALES, I.(1997): Los vertidos en aguas subterráneas. Su régimen jurídico, Marcial Pons, Madrid. Agència catalana de l’aigua Web del Sistema Espanyol d’informació sobre l’aigua del Centro de Estudios y Experimentación de Obras Públicas  Web sobre el sector del agua Web sobre el sistema d’informació d’aigua d’Europa Portal de l’aigua

Tema 9. La planificació de la costa i del litoral i la protecció del medi marí

AGUIRRE i FONT, J.M. (2007): L’ordenació del litoral català: Els plans directors urbanístics del sistema costaner, Atelier, Barcelona.

Aguirre i font, j.m. (2014): El régimen jurídico del litoral catalán. Especial referencia a la reforma de la Ley de Costas operada por la Ley 2/2013 yal nuevoReglamento General de Costas aprobado por Real Decreto 876/2014, Atelier, Barcelona.

ARIZA, E., PONS CÀNOVAS, F. i BRETON, F. (2016): “Is socio-ecological culture really being taken into account to manage conflicts in the coastal zone ? Inputs from the Spanish mediterranean beaches”,Ocean & Coastal Management,núm. 134, pp. 183-193.

carro fernández-valmayor, j.l., ferreira fernández, j. yNogueira López, a (Coords.) (2014): La nueva regulación de las costas, InstitutoNacional de Administración Pública, Madrid.

Menéndez Rexach, a. (2014): “La nueva regulación de las costas: un giro hacia el dominio privado marítimo-terrestre”, en La nueva regulación de las costas, Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública, Madrid, pp. 13 a 55.

-        (2015a): “La Ley de Costas de 1988: aspectos clave de su génesis, aplicación y reforma”, en El litoral de Andalucía: norma y naturaleza, rodríguez vidal, j. y Núñez lozano, m.c. (Eds.), Servicio de publicaciones de la Universidad de Huelva, Huelva, pp. 173-193.

-        (2015b): “Definición legal de la ribera del mar: las novedades del Reglamento de Costas”, en Revista de Derecho Urbanístico y Medio Ambiente, núm. 295, pp. 17-44.

-        (2016): “¿Es conforme al derecho europeo la prórroga de las concesiones de costas?”, en Revista de Derecho Urbanístico y Medio Ambiente, núm. 309, pp. 131-157.

Núñez lozano, m.c. (2013): La reforma de la Ley de Costas de 2013, Tirant lo blanch, Valencia.

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Pérez Gálvez, j.f. (Dir.)(2013): Costas y urbanismo. El litoral tras la Ley 2/2013, de protección y uso sostenible del litoral y de modificación de la Ley de Costas, La Ley/El Consultor, Madrid.

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Pons cànovas, f. (2015): El nuevo régimen jurídico de las costas. ¿Contribuirá de forma eficaz a la protección y aluso sostenible del litoral?, Thomson Reuters/Aranzadi, Cizur Menor.

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-       (2018): “Análisis sobre la contribución de la determinación de los bienes de dominio público marítimo-terrestre a la capacidad de adaptación de la costa a los impactos del cambio climático”, en Homenaje al Profesor Ángel Menéndez Rexach, Vol. II, Francisco Javier Jiménez de Cisneros Cid (Dir.), Thomson Reuters Aranzadi, Cizur Menor, pp. 461-497.

-       (2019): “Resiliencia de la costa a los impactosdel cambio climático después de la reforma de la normativa costera”, Revista de Derecho Urbanístico y Medio Ambiente, núm. 329, mayo-abril, pp. 125-182. 

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Tema 10. La planificació en la protecció de la qualitat de l’aire

BENSUSAN MARTÍN, M.P.(2014): Regulación jurídico-administrativa de la contaminación atmosférica, Thomson Reuters/Aranzadi, Cizur Menor.

LOPERENA ROTA, D. (Dir.)(2010): Lacalidad del aire y la protección de la atmósfera, Aranzadi, Cizur Menor.

PÉREZ GABALDÓN, M. (2013): La gestión intergubernamental de la política de cambio climático en Espanya, Aranzadi.

SARASÍBAR IRIARTE, M.(2007): Régimen jurídico del cambio climático.

RODRÍGUEZ MARTÍNEZ, I. (Dir)(2014): La negociación de emisiones GEI enlos mercados de carbono: régimen y regulación, Cizur Menor, Aranzadi.

VILLAVICENCIO CALZADILLA, P. (coord.)(2013): Retos y realidades de la adaptación al cambio climático: perspectivas técnico-jurídicas, Cizur Menor, Aranzadi. 

Tema 11. La participació ciutadana, la publicació del planejament i l’accés a la informació ambiental i territorial

LOCATELLI GUTIÉRREZ, M.F.(2014): “Derecho de acceso a la información ambiental y protección de datos personales: ponderación de intereses”, Revista Aranzadi de Derecho Ambiental, núm. 27, enero-abril, pp. 251 a 290.

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Tema 12.  L’ordenació i planificació dels usos i la Directiva 2006/123/CE, del 12 de desembre, relativa als serveis en el mercat interior (Directiva Bolkestein)

ARAGUÀS GALCERÀ, Irene (2024): "Urbanisme i habitatges d'ús turístic: un equilibri impossible ?", PaperClip 8, Institut d'Estudis de l'Autogovern, Barcelona.

ARANA GARCÍA, E. (2018): “La intervención local en las viviendas de uso turístico a través de la zonificación urbanística: requisitos y consecuencias”, en Homenaje al Profesor Ángel Menéndez Rexach, Vol. II, Francisco Javier Jiménez de Cisneros Cid (Dir.), Thomson Reuters Aranzadi, Cizur Menor, pp. 665-691.

BLASCO ESTEVE, A. (2010):“La planificación territorial de las zonas turísticas en España”, Revista de Derecho Urbanístico y Medio Ambiente, núm. 262, diciembre, pp. 17-69.

CASADO CASADO, L., FUENTES i GASÓ, J.R. y GIFREU FONT, J. (Dirs.)(2013): Prestación de Servicios, Administraciones Públicas y Derecho Administrativo. Especial referencia al Derecho Ambiental, Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia.

CASADO CASADO, L. (2013): “Excepciones al marco normativo de la libre prestación de servicios. La protección del medio ambiente como razón imperiosa de interés general”, en Prestación de Servicios, Administraciones Públicas y Derecho Administrativo. Especial referencia al Derecho Ambiental, CASADO CASADO, L., FUENTES i GASÓ, J.R. y GIFREU FONT, J. (Dirs.), Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, pp. 283-349.

LÓPEZ PÉREZ, F. (2009): El impacto de la Directiva de Servicios sobre el urbanismo comercial, Atelier, Barcelona.

NOGUERA DE LA MUELA, B. (2013): “Las repercusiones de la Directiva de Servicios en la implantación de los equipamientos comerciales. Elnuevo régimen previsto en Cataluña tras la Ley 9/2011, de 29 de diciembre, de promoción de la actividad económica”, en Prestación de Servicios, Administraciones Públicas y Derecho Administrativo. Especial referencia al Derecho Ambiental, CASADO CASADO, L., FUENTES i GASÓ, J.R. y GIFREU FONT, J. (Dirs.), Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, pp. 253-280.

PÉREZ FERNÁNDEZ, J.M. (2012): “La Directiva de Servicios y su Impacto en la Ordenación del Gran Equipamiento Comercial”, en La Termita Bolkestein. Mercado único vs. derechos ciudadanos, NOGUEIRA LÓPEZ, A. (Dir.), Thomson Reuters/Civitas, Cizur Menor, pp. 325-368.

PERNAS GARCÍA, J.J. (2012): “El efecto desregulador de la Directiva de servicios y su incidencia en la ordenación administrativa ambiental”, en La Termita Bolkestein. Mercado único vs. derechos ciudadanos, NOGUEIRA LÓPEZ, A. (Dir.), Thomson Reuters/Civitas, Cizur Menor, pp. 271-323.

SANZ LARRUGA, J., GARCÍA PÉREZ, M. y PERNAS GARCÍA, J.J. (Dirs.)(2013): Libre mercado y protección ambiental: intervención y orientación ambiental de las actividades económicas, INAP, Madrid.

VILLAREJO GALENDE, H. (2008): Equipamientos comerciales. Entre el urbanismo y la planificación comercial, Editorial Comares, Granada.



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(PAUL) Classroom practices 1 Catalan second semester morning-mixed
(TE) Theory 1 Catalan second semester morning-mixed