This version of the course guide is provisional until the period for editing the new course guides ends.

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Food and Culture

Code: 103248 ECTS Credits: 3
Degree Type Year
2501925 Food Science and Technology OB 2


Alice Marie Sophie van den Bogaert

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


There are no prerequisites.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The objectives of the coure are:

- To know the basic foundations of Social and Cultural Anthropology.

- To know the basic fundamentals of Food Anthropology.

- To know the methods and research techniques characteristic of the Anthropology of food.

- To know the different conditions of human food.

- To know the sociocultural bases of the eating behavior of human beings.

- To Know and understand the diversity of cultures and food systems.

- To know the processes of change and adaptation of human eating behavior.

- To understand the factors involved in different situations in the current social and cultural context related to eating behavior.

- Identify and analyze the different axes of power involved in the planetary food distribution


Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Faced with the challenges facing different societies, in 2015 the United Nations (UN) set 17 goals for sustainable development (SDGs), which are broken down into 169 goals. The SDGs address issues affecting different areas, from poverty eradication to the preservation of marine life. These are the goals that must be achieved by the year 2030, and that challenge the whole of society.

The SDGs included in this subject are as follows:

SDG 1: Ending Poverty

ODS 2:  Zero hunger

SDG 3: Good Health and well-being

SDG 5: Gender equality

SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth

SDG 10: Reducing inequalities

SDG 11: Sustainable cities and communities

SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production

SDG 13: Climate action

SDG 14: Life below water

SDG 15: Life on Land

SDG 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions


  • Act with ethical responsibility and respect for fundamental rights and duties, diversity and democratic values. 
  • Analyse, summarise, resolve problems and make professional decisions.
  • Communicate effectively with both professional and non-professional audiences, orally and in writing, in the first language and/or in English.
  • Develop individual learning strategies and planning and organisation skills.
  • Display knowledge of the history and anthropology of nutrition and the underlying psychological and sociological causes of dietary behaviour.
  • Search for, manage and interpret information from different sources.
  • Show sensitivity to environmental, sanitary and social issues.
  • Stay abreast of new knowledge, adapt to new situations and develop creativity.
  • Take sex- or gender-based inequalities into consideration when operating within one's own area of knowledge. 
  • Take the initiative and display an entrepreneurial spirit.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Act with ethical responsibility and respect for fundamental rights and duties, diversity and democratic values. 
  2. Analyse, summarise, resolve problems and make professional decisions.
  3. Communicate effectively with both professional and non-professional audiences, orally and in writing, in the first language and/or in English.
  4. Develop individual learning strategies and planning and organisation skills.
  5. Identify the cultural causes of food preferences and aversions.
  6. Know the time periods and places that correspond to the various dietary cultures.
  7. Relate the availability of food resources and successive technological advances to the various dietary patterns.
  8. Search for, manage and interpret information from different sources.
  9. Show sensitivity to environmental, sanitary and social issues.
  10. Stay abreast of new knowledge, adapt to new situations and develop creativity
  11. Take sex- or gender-based inequalities into consideration when operating within one's own area of knowledge. 
  12. Take the initiative and display an entrepreneurial spirit.


Topic 1. Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology and Anthropology of Food.

Topic 2. Food, cultural diversity and belief systems.

Topic 3. Food and socioeconomical constraints

Topic 4. Food and politics

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Analysis of documents and audiovisual materials 8 0.32 2, 8, 3, 9, 4, 5, 10, 6, 12, 7
Lectures 17 0.68 8, 3, 4, 5, 10, 6, 7
Type: Supervised      
Tutorial and monitoring of individual or group work 2 0.08 2, 9, 4, 12
Type: Autonomous      
Information research, reading, viewing 20 0.8 2, 8, 3, 9, 4, 5, 10, 6, 12, 7
Personal study and works production 24 0.96 8, 4, 5, 6, 7

The methodology of the course will be organized into different types of sessions. Specifically: 

- Master classes on the theoretical content of the course, at which different audiovisual media (ppt, multimedia material…) will be used.

- Reflexion activities (at full group and/or small groups) on case studies related to the course’s agenda.

- Reflection activities (at full group and/or small groups) on basic readings related to the course’s agenda.

The dynamics of the course will be participatory and the reflexive and critical implication of the students are expected.


Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Group research exercise 25% 1 0.04 1, 11, 2, 8, 3, 9, 4, 5, 10, 6, 12, 7
Individual exam 50% 2 0.08 1, 11, 2, 8, 3, 9, 4, 5, 10, 6, 7
Individual exercises 25% 1 0.04 1, 11, 2, 8, 3, 9, 4, 10, 6, 7

The evaluation of the subject will be continued and will be carried out from three different modules:


Module 1: Individual examination on the contents treated in the course [50%].

At the beginning of the course, a document will be uploaded to the Moodle in which the specific date of the exam and the materials needed for its preparation will be explained.


Module 2: Individual exercises of analysis of ethnographic and theoretical material [25%]

By monitoring the performance and participation in proposed class activities about a set of theoretical and ethnographic material (in books, articles, audiovisual, etc.) this module evaluates the students involvement throughout the course.

The activities will be adapted to the dynamics of the course which will be explained in the due course.

The student must answer in a reasoned way several questions about a set of material involved on the course. 



Module 3: Oral group work [25%].

The students will be divided into groups and will have to realize a research paper on one of the topics proposed by the teacher.

At the beginning of the course, a document will be uploaded to the Moodle of the subject in which the instructions for completion, the evaluation criteria, as well as the format and date of delivery will be explained.

Due to their nature, the activities in this module will not be able to be re-evaluated.

Procedure for reviewing grades

At the time of carrying out each evaluation activity, the teacher will inform the students through the Moodle about the procedure and the date of revision of the grades.


Conditions for "Not Evaluable"

A student will be considered non-assessable if he / she has participated in assessment activities that represent ≤ 15% of the final grade.


Conditions for reevaluation

- To be authorized to present to the reevaluation, the student has to have been evaluated previously in a group of activities that represent a minimum of two thirds of the final qualification of the course.

- Modules 1 and 2 of the subject are reevaluable.

- Module 3 of the subject will not be re-evaluated.

- The student will have to present to the reevaluation if:

  • The final grade of the subject, calculated according to the weighting explained, is less than 5.

  • Regardless of the overall calculation, if any of the activities corresponding to modules 1 or 2 are graded with less than 3.

Necessary conditions for passing the subject

- The subject will be considered passed when the final grade, calculated according to the weighting explained, is equal to or greater than 5.

- The final mark of the subject will be Failed if, regardless of the final calculation, the mark of any of the modules 1 or 2 obtained after the recovery is inferior to 3.

Other general evaluation considerations

- In the Moodle of the subject will be available from the beginning of the course the necessary information relative to the materials, conditions of realization, format,dates of delivery and criteria of evaluation of the evaluative activities collected in the modules 1, 2, and 3.

- Evidence of evaluation delivered after the deadline or that does not conform to the format standards that will appear in the Moodle of the subject will not be accepted.

- In the event that the tests cannot be carried out in person, their format will be adapted (maintaining their weighting) to the possibilities offered by the UAB virtual tools. Homework, activities and class participation will be done through forums, wikis and / or discussion of exercises through Teams, etc. The teacher will ensure that the student can access it or offer alternative means, which are available to them.


Plagiarism considerations

- Each exercise must be the original result of the work of the student or group. You may not copy other sources (such as academic papers, publications, web pages, etc.) without properly citing the authorship. 

- Use of IA is not allowed.

- In the event that the student commits any irregularity that could lead to a significant variation in the qualification of an evaluation act, he / she will be qualified with 0 this evaluation act, regardless of the disciplinary process that may be instructed. In the event of several irregularities in the assessment actsof the same subject, the final grade for this subject will be 0.


Single evaluation

This subject offers the possibility of single evaluation to those students who request it within the deadlines established by the Faculty.


In accordance with the regulations established by the UAB, the Single Evaluation implies give up the Continuous Evaluation and implies the delivery, on a single date, of sufficient evaluative evidence to certify that the student has acquired the skills and learning results established in the course.

The level for each of the tests will be the same as in the case of the Continuous Evaluation.


Specifically, in this subject, the student must carry out:

- Individual examination on the contents treated in the course (50%). The test will have a similar  structure to examen at Continuous Evaluation, but the specific content will be adapted to the Single Evaluation.

- Practical exercise of analysis on ethnographic and theoretical material (25%). The test will consist of an individual essay on bibliographic and ethnographic material related to the course.

- Individual written work (25%). Throughout the course, the student must carry out an individual research project on a topic proposed by the teacher. The work will have a similar structure to the one that will be carried out by the students who have followed the Continuous Assessment, but the specific characteristics will be adapted to the possibilities of doing it individually. The delivery date will coincide with the completion of other activities Single Evaluation.

The date of delivery and completion of the evaluable exercises corresponding to the Single Evaluation will coincide in day and time with that of the final exam of the subject.


Regarding reevaluation, it will be governed by the following conditions:

- The student has to have been evaluated previously on the Single Evaluation.

- The student will have to present to the reevaluation if:

  • The final grade of the subject, calculated according to the weighting explained, is less than 5.
  • Regardless of the overall calculation, if any of the activities corresponding to modules 1, 2 or 3 are graded with less than 3.


- In the event that the failed exercise is the exam, the student must do it again on the stipulated date.

- In the event that the failed exercise is an individual work, the student must present it again incorporating the corrections indicated by the teacher.

- The Single Evaluation date will coincide in day and time with that established for the Continuous Evaluation reevaluation.




-          Benach, Joan, Muntaner, Carles. (2005). Aprender a mirar la salud. ¿Cómo la desigualdad social daña nuestra salud?. Venezuela, Instituto de Altos Estudios en Salud Pública "Dr. Arnoldo Gabaldon".

-          Begueria, Arantza (2016). Un equilibrio imperfecto. Alimentación ecológica, cuerpo y toxicidad. Barcelona: Editorial UOC.

-          Cáceres, Juanjo; Espeitx, Elena. (2007). Exploració de les percepcions socials sobre seguretat alimentària a Catalunya. Barcelona: Departament de Salut Generalitat de Catalunya.

-          Campanera, Mireia; Gasull, Mercé; Gracia, Mabel (2021). Desigualdad social y salud: la gestión de la (in)seguridad alimentaria en atención primaria en España. Salud Colectiva, 17: 

-          Campillo. José Enrique (2004). El mono obeso. Barcelona: Crítica.

-          Casadó, Lina.; Gracia, Mabel. (2020) "I'm Fat and Proud of it": Obesity, Body Size Diversity and Fat Acceptance Activism in Spain. Fat Studies. 9(1), pp. 51 - 70. Taylor & Francis, 2020. ISSN 2160-4851

-          Contreras, Jesús (1995). Alimentación y cultura. Necesidades, gustos y costumbres. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona. 

-          Contreras, Jesús; Gracia, Mabel (2005). Alimentación y cultura. Perspectivas antropológicas. Barcelona: Ariel.

-          Contreras, Jesús; Riera, Antoni;Medina, Francesc Xavier (dir). (2005). Sabores del Mediterráneo. Aportaciones para la promociónde un patrimonio alimentario común. Barcelona: IEMed.

-          Díaz-Méndez, Cecilia; Gómez-Benito, Cristóbal (2010). Nutrition and the Mediterranean diet. A historical and sociological analysis of the concept of a 'health diet' in Spanish society. Food Policy, 35, 437-447.

-          Durán, Paula, et al. (2021). Alimentación y desigualdad en Barcelona: itinerarios de precarización y respuestas ante la crisis. Revista de Antropología social, 30, 2

-          Esteban, Mari Luz. (2004) Antropología del cuerpo: género, itinerarios corporales, identidad y cambio. Barcelona, Bellaterra.

-          Esteban, Mari Luz; Comelles, Josep Maria, Diez, Carmen. (eds.). (2010). Antropología, género, salud y atención. Barcelona, Bellaterra.

-          Espeitx, Elena; Cáceres, Juanjo (2010). Percepció i anàlisis de la seguretat alimentaria en persones immigrades a Catalunya. TECA. Associació Catalana de Ciències de l'Alimentació, 12, 2, 47-51.

-          Espeitx, Elena; Cantarero, Luis; Medina, F. Xavier; Cáceres, Juanjo (2014). El papel de la información en las cogniciones y percepciones hacia nuevas tecnologías aplicadas a los alimentos. Política y Sociedad, 51(1), 95-120.

-          FAO. (2010). El derecho a la alimentación adecuada. Ginebra: Naciones Unidas.

-          Fernández-Armesto, Felipe (2004). Historia de la comida. Barcelona: Tusquets editores.

-          Fischler, Claude (1995). El (h)omnívoro: el gusto, la cocina, el cuerpo. Barcelona: Anagrama.

-          Flandrin, Jean Louis; Montanari, Massimo (2004). Historia de la alimentación. Madrid: Ediciones Trea.

-          Fournier, Tristan (2016). “Gender, Class, and Food: Families, Bodies and Health”, Food and Foodways, 24:1-2, p. 125-127.

-          Gascón, Jordi; Montagut, Xavier (2015). Banco de alimentos. ¿Combatir el hambre con las sobras? Barcelona: Icaria.

-          González- Turmo, Isabel (2013). Respuestas alimentarias a las crisis económicas. ICAF: Ebooks.

-          Goody, Jack (1995). Cocinas, cocina y clases. Barcelona: Gedisa.

-          Gracia, Mabel. (2002). Somos lo que comemos. Estudios de alimentación y cultura en España. Barcelona: Ariel.

-          Gracia, Mabel (2007a). No comerás: narrativas sobre comida, cuerpo y género en el nuevo milenio. Barcelona: Icaria.

-          Gracia, Mabel (2007b). Comer bien, comer mal: la medicalización del comportamiento alimentario. Salud Pública de México, 49, 236-242.

-          Gracia, Mabel (2014). Comer en tiempos de crisis: nuevos contextos alimentarios y de salud en España. Salud Pública de México, 56 (6), 648-656.

-          Gracia, Mabel (2019) "Comer en tiempos de 'crisis': (in)Seguridad alimentaria en la era de la abundancia" En: Álvarez, L.; Antón, F.; Esteban, C. (eds.) Alimentación humana: enfoque biocultural. Antrhopos Editorial. P. 129-142.

-          Gracia, Mabel (2019) "Itinerarios alimentarios en contextos de precarización: otras formes de comer, otras formes de vivir" En: Magalhães, Mabel; Donizete, S.; Amparo-Santos, L. (org.) Cidade, corpo e alimentaçao. Editora da Universidade Federal da Bahia. P. 257-277

-          Gracia, Mabel; Casadó, Lina; Campanera, Mireia (2021). Antropologías del hambre: La (in)seguridad alimentaria en contextos de precarización. Revista de Antropología social, 30, 2, 93-.

-          Gracia, Mabel., Garcia-Oliva, Montserrat & Campanera, Mireia. (2021). Food Itineraries in the Context of Crisis in Catalonia (Spain): Intersections between Precarization, Food Insecurity and Gender. Social Sciences10(10), 352. 

-          Gracia, Mabel; Kraemer, Fabiana (2015). Alimentarse o nutrirse en un comedor social en España: reflexiones sobre la comensalidad. Demetra, 10(3), 455-466.

-          Guidonet, Alícia (2007). La Antropología de la alimentación. Barcelona: UOC.

-          Guidonet, Alícia (2010). ¿Miedo a comer? Crisis alimentaria en contextos de abundancia. Barcelona: Icaria.

-          Harris, Marvin (1989). Bueno para comer: enigmas de alimentación y cultura. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.

-          Harris, Marvin (2007). Vacas, cerdos, guerras y brujas. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.

-          Kaplan, Adriana; Carrasco, Silvia (2002). "Cambios y continuidad en torno a la cultura alimentaria en el proceso migratorio: de Gambia a Catalunya. A: GRACIA, M. Somos lo que comemos. Estudios de alimentación y cultura en España. Barcelona: Ariel. Pp. 97-123.

-          Kottak, Conrad Philip. (2002). Antropología cultural. Espejo para la humanidad. Madrid: McGraw-Hill.

-          Kraemer, Fabiana, et al. (2014). O discurso sobre a alimentaçao saudável como estratégia de biopoder. Physis Revista de Saúde Coletiva, 24(4), 1337-1359.

-          Larrea, Cristina; Muñoz, Araceli; Mascaró, Jaume (2017). Cuerpos tóxicos: la percepción del riesgo de la contaminación interna por compuestos químicos en España. Salud Colectiva, 13(2), 225-237.

-          Llobet, Marta, et al. (coords.) (2019). (Re)pensando los retos alimentarios desde las ciencias sociales. Contextos de precarización, respuestas y actuaciones. Barcelona: UOC.

-          Medina, F. Xavier (ed.) (1996). La alimentación mediterránea: historia, cultura y nutrición. Barcelona: Icaria.

-          Medina, F. Xavier (ed.) (2010). Reflexions sobre les alimentacions contemporànies. Barcelona: Editorial UOC.

-          Medina, F. Xavier, et al. (2021). Consumo alimentario y sostenibilidad. ¿Hacia una sociedad más sostenible?. Barcelona: mra ediciones.

-          Mintz, Sidney (1996). Dulzura y poder. El lugar del azúcar en la Historia Moderna. Madrid: Siglo XXI.

-          Mitsuda, Tatsuya (2019). “Trichinosis revisited: Scientific interventions in the assessment of meat and animals in Imperial Germany”, Food and Foodways, 27:1-2, p. 49-73.Moares, M. C., Blanco, L. F. (2015). La noción del 'comer bien' para jóvenes brasileñas y españolas: cultura, placer y disciplina. Revista de Estudios Etnográficos, 7, 19-36.

-          Montagut, Xavier; Gascón, Jordi (2014). Alimentos desperdiciados. Un análisis del derroche alimentario desde la soberanía alimentaria. Barcelona: Icaria.

-          Montagut, Xavier; Dogliotti, Fabrizio (2006). Alimentos globalizados. Barcelona: Icaria.

-          Ng’weno, Bettina (2016). “Cumin, Camels, and Caravans: A Spice Odyssey”, Food and Foodways, 24:1-2, p. 128-130. 

-          Observatorio de la Alimentación, ODELA. (ed). (2018). Polisemias de la alimentación. Barcelona: Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona.

-          Ramírez, Susana. (2013). Usos y desusos del método etnográfico. Las limitaciones de las narrativas en el campo de la salud. En: Romaní O., ed. (2013) Etnografía, técnicas cualitativas e investigación en salud: un debate abierto. Tarragona: Publicacions de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili, 43-63.

-          Shimmidt-Leukel, Perry (2002). Las religiones y la comida. Barcelona: Ariel.

-          Sen, Amartya, & SEN, Amartya K. (1982). “The Food Problem: Theory and Policy”. Third World Quarterly, 4(3), p. 447–459.

-          Shiva, Vandana (2006). Las guerras del agua. Contaminación, privatización y negocio. Barcelona: Icaria. 

-          Shiva, Vandana (2018). ¿Quién alimenta realmente al mundo?. Madrid: Capitán Swing.

-          Shiva, Vandana; Shiva, Kartikey (2019). El planeta es de todos. Unidad contra el 1%. Madrid: Editorial Popular.

-          Shutek, Jennifer (2020) “Halal Food: A History”. Food and Foodways, 28:1, p. 61-62.

-          Toro, Jsoep; Artigas, M. (2000). El cuerpo como delito. Anorexia, bulimia y sociedad. Barcelona: Ariel Ciencia.

-          Tresserras, Jordi; Medina, F. Xavier (eds.) (2007). Patrimonio gastronómico y turismo cultural en el Mediterráneo. Barcelona: Ibertur.

-          Valls, Carme. (2020). Mujeres invisibles para la medicina. Madrid, Capitán Swing.

-          Verthein, Úrsula. Precarización social y alimentación. Los comedores escolares. Barcelona: UOC.

-          Verthein, Úrsula; de Moares, Maria Clara. (2021). Género, precariedad y exclusión:experiencias de mujeres que utilizan comedores sociales. Revista de Antropología social, 30, 2,

-          Zafra, Eva; Muñoz, Araceli; Larrea, Cristina (2016). ¿Sabemos lo que comemos? Percepciones sobre el riesgo alimentario en Cataluña, España- Salud Colectiva, 12(4), 505-518.







There is no especfic software for this course.

Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(PAUL) Classroom practices 1 Catalan second semester morning-mixed
(TE) Theory 1 Catalan second semester morning-mixed