This version of the course guide is provisional until the period for editing the new course guides ends.

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Public Relations in Specific Sectors

Code: 103156 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
2501935 Advertising and Public Relations OT 4


Jose Salvat Sangra

Teaching groups languages

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Students must have passed the subject of Theory and Structure of Public Relations.

Objectives and Contextualisation

  1. To introduce students to Public Relations in Specific Sectors so that they know different forms of management, tactics and strategies.
  2. To develop the critical spirit necessary to know and analyse in depth the global management of communication in different environments.
  3. Understand the role of Public Relations as a key communication tool for all types of organisations.
  4. To be able to develop communication plans and tactics with few resources or with certain organisational limitations in a creative and effective way.

Learning Outcomes

  1. CM26 (Competence) Plan events in appropriate formats to reinforce the intangible value of organisations.
  2. KM30 (Knowledge) Recognise the intangible value of organisations and their audiences as strategic linchpins for the design and planning of public relations initiatives.
  3. SM24 (Skill) Determine the communication objectives for the design of the most appropriate public relations actions according to the needs of organisations and the public.
  4. SM26 (Skill) Analyse the target to determine the most suitable insights for the design of the PR strategies.


  1. Introduction to Public Relations by Specific Sectors.
  2. PR in the environment of small and medium-sized enterprises.
    1. Effective actions with a small budget.
  3. Events in a multinational environment (B2B and mass consumption). Case study.
  4. Public relations in the motor sector. Gung-Ho and Cross cultural Awareness.
    1. The international perspective.
  5. The communicative environment in technology companies. Beauty and Automotive Clusters of Catalonia.
  6. Strategy in the political context and in an electoral process. Case study.
  7. Product Placement i Branded Content.
    1. Approach to the new actions of communication, visibility and notoriety.

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Practices and seminars 37.5 1.5 SM26, SM26
Theoretical classes 15 0.6 CM26, CM26
Type: Supervised      
Tutorials 7.5 0.3 SM24, SM24
Type: Autonomous      
Reading texts, carrying out the project, individual study 82.5 3.3 KM30, SM24, KM30

After a basic theoretical framework of the specificity of Public Relations in the different sectors, students will be able to know and understand the models of communication management.

They will then be applied to real case situations.

The classes will be very dynamic with participatory methods and learning activators.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Assistance and participation 20% 1 0.04 SM24
Class work with real case studies. PR Exercises. Reality in Classroom. 40% 5 0.2 SM26
PR project Real case study. 40% 1.5 0.06 CM26, KM30


- Activity A, Attendance and participation in class. 20% on the final grade

- Activity B, Group work. PR strategies for a company. 40% on the final grade

- Activity C, Classroom practices. 40% on the final grade.

To pass the subject, it will be necessary to obtain a minimum grade of 5 in all activities. 


Group work. The project will be defended by the students at the end of the semester in the classroom in an agency presentation format.

The work will be presented in PowerPoint (canvas, prezi...) in a presentation of no more than 20 minutes per group.

A report (PDF) must be attached stating how the proposal has been made, the doubts that the work has raised in its preparation and the solutions provided.

The teaching staff will consider the quality of the concepts presented, the oratory and safety in the presentation, the originality in the staging and, among others, the visual identity of the presentation.



Students will have the right to retake the subject if they have been evaluated from the set of activities whose weight is equivalent to a minimum of 2/3 of the total grade of the subject.

To be able to take the retake of the subject, an average grade of not less than 3.5 must have been obtained.

Activity A, attendance and participation in class are excluded from the recovery.

Single assessment

The single evaluation system of the subject is based on the following percentages:

A) 40% Theoretical Test. Grade upper to 5 to pass the assessment (indispensable condition). Book reference of Chamorro Miró, Juan Manuel (2023). Diagnostic models of corporate culture: A practical guide for managers. Self-published on Amazon.

B) 30% Resolution test of 4 case studies or communication challenges.

C) 30% Delivery of a final project: study on the managementand structure of an organization's PR based on primary sources (interview with a Dircom and/or PR manager).

A (40%) + B (30%) + C (30%) = 100% NOTA FINAL DE L’ASSIGNATURA


Single Assessment Retake

Students will have the right to retake the subject in single assessment (AU) if they have been evaluated from the set of proposed activities. The weight of the grades will be equivalent to a minimum of 2/3 of the total grade of the subject.

To be able to take the retake exam in AU, you will have had to obtain an average grade of 3.5. To retake the subject, students will be able to repeat tests B and C.


If the student makes any irregularity that may lead to a significant variation of an evaluation act, this evaluation act will be graded, regardless of the disciplinary process that may be instructed. If several irregularities occur in the evaluation acts of the same subject, the final grade of this subject will be 0.


Canel, Maria José & Piqueiras, Paloma y Ortega, Gabriela (2017). La comunicación de la Administración Pública. Conceptos y casos prácticos de los bienes intangibles. Madrid: Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública.
Canel, Maria Jose, Luoma-aho, Vilma. & Oliveira, Evandro. (2017). Exploring citizens’ judgments about the legitimacy of public policies on refugees: In search of clues for governments’ communication and public diplomacy strategies. Journal of Communication Management, 21 (4), 355-369.
Chamorro Miró, Juan Manuel (2023). Modelos de diagnóstico de la Cultura Corporativa: una guía práctica para directivos. Autoeditado y disponible en Amazon.
García Galera, Maria del Carmen; Fernández Muñoz, Cristobal y Del Hoyo, Mercedes (2017) Ciudadanía informada, ciudadanía participativa. La movilización de los jóvenes en el entorno digital. Prisma Social, 124-143
Gonçalves, Gisela & Oliveira, Evandro (2022-In print) The Routledge Handbook of Non-profit Communication. Routledge
Luoma-aho, Vilma. & Canel, Maria José (Eds.), (2020). Handbook of Public Sector Communication. Wiley-Blackwell.
Oliveira, Evandro, Simões, Mariana (2022-forthcoming) A legitimidade através da comunicação no sector público: o caso da câmara municipal da Covilhã em tempos de covid. Revista Internacional de Relaciones Públicas.
Oliveira, Evandro (2019) The Instigatory Theory of NGO Communication. Springer
Oliveira, Evandro (2017) Comunicação e legitimação no Terceiro Sector. In C. Cerqueira, S. Lamy (Eds.) Vozes Plurais. A comunicação das organizações da sociedade civil (pp 65-82). Documenta, Sopcom.
Oliveira, Evandro & Gonçalves, Gisela. (2016). Talk to me and I will talk for you: Relationships betweenCitizens and Politics on the example of Portuguese Members of Parliamentonline communication. In Dahlgreen, P., Gonçalves, G., & Serra, J. P. (Eds). Politics and Web 2.0. (pp. 89-121) Vernon Press.
Oliveira, Evandro, Melo, Ana, & Gonçalves, Gisela. (2016) Strategic Communication for Non-Profit Organisations [Hardback] Challenges and Alternative Approaches. Vernon Press.
Oliveira, Evandro (2015). A Comunicação em Organizações sem fins lucrativos. In Carvalho, Susana, Portugal, Maria. & Caetano, Joaquim. (Hrsg.), Relações Públicas e Comunicação Organizacional. Volume V: Colecção Desafios da Globalização (S. 327-376) Lisboa: Escolar Editora
Oliveira, Evandro (2011). Comunicação estratégica integrada para a participação cívica, activismo e campanhas para mudanças em organizações sem fins lucrativos : Greenpeace, Amnistia e Ser+ em Portugal. Universidade do Minho. Open Acess



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Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(PLAB) Practical laboratories 51 English second semester afternoon
(TE) Theory 5 English second semester afternoon