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Bachelor’s Degree Final Project

Code: 103152 ECTS Credits: 12
Degree Type Year
2501935 Advertising and Public Relations OB 4


Alfonso Gonzalez Quesada

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


It is necessary to course all the first year and 2/3 of the amount of total credits corresponding the degree, 160 ECTS. Each year has 10 courses of 6 credits, a total of 60 credits/year. Two complete years passed imply 120 credits or 180 credits three complete years.

Is recommended to read carefully all the information in the Faculty web and consult the refreshments.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The aim of the Treball de Fi de Grau (Degree Final Work) is to develop the competencies that the degree determines, giving the students tools to study in superior grades and to work in the communication field as well.

Learning Outcomes

  1. CM36 (Competence) Evaluate whether an advertising and public relations project complies with the principles of professional ethics.
  2. CM37 (Competence) Incorporate individual contributions for the benefit of group Final Bachelor's Degree Project development.
  3. CM38 (Competence) Suggest areas for improvement in persuasive communication plans or campaigns as a result of analysis and research.
  4. CM39 (Competence) Suggest creative solutions based on persuasive communication for social transformation in line with the SDGs.
  5. KM37 (Knowledge) Describe the expressive and narrative resources used in the creation of persuasive messages within the framework of the analysis of advertising and public relations campaigns.
  6. KM38 (Knowledge) Outline the stages and strategies applicable to the design of communication campaigns or plans, within the framework of Bachelor's Degree Final Projects.
  7. KM39 (Knowledge) Identify the stages and methodologies involved when conducting market research.
  8. KM40 (Knowledge) Differentiate which business management theories can be used in the analysis or launch of an advertising and public relations campaign.
  9. SM33 (Skill) Develop the creative pieces that make up an advertising campaign.
  10. SM34 (Skill) Plan a media strategy according to the communication objectives and the relationship between duration, territorial coverage, and frequency.
  11. SM35 (Skill) Use documentary sources and academic research tools when writing up your Final Bachelor's Degree Project.
  12. SM36 (Skill) Communicate the results of a research project effectively, as well as the most relevant aspects of a project on persuasive communication in Catalan or Spanish.


Basically, there are two types of TFG:

- Project Final Degree Project, so called because the Faculty does not require the piece derived from an advertising or public relations campaign per se, although there is no impediment to elaborate and present it. In other words, the TFG project must include everything necessary to undertake it, such as: the advertising or public relations briefing, the budget, the shooting plan, the storyboard, the script, the production plan, the market and consumer study, the analysis of the competition, the technological planning, etc... depending on each case. If the project itself has been developed, either a fragment or a pilot, it must obviously be attached to the TFG and assessed, but it must be very clear that what is assessed in the TFG project is both the final product and knowing how to plan, design and support it down to the smallest detail and at university level, as well as demonstrating that the competences of the degree have been acquired. The length of the TFG project will have the written format that corresponds to each case depending on its characteristics. Therefore, there are no limits to the length of the work, because each TFG project has its own characteristics that will determine its length.

- Research Final Degree Project. This consists of the analysis of a specific object of study of an aspect of advertising or public relations. This type of project has an indicative length of between 12-15,000 and a maximum of 30,000 words. Within this modality, research work can be carried out with institutions and companies that have established an agreement with the Faculty on aspects that they are interested in researching and that have sufficient scientific entity. In these TFGs there will be a professional tutor in addition to the academic tutor. The rest of the conditions and timetable are identical to the rest of the TFG.

For more details, please consult this link.


Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Sessions about general issues on TFG 3 0.12 SM35, SM36
Type: Supervised      
Oral presentation before the tutor 1 0.04 SM36
Supervised sessions and meeting with tutor 14 0.56 CM36, CM37, CM38, CM39, KM37, KM38, KM39, KM40, SM33, SM34, SM35
Type: Autonomous      
Final work development and writing 275 11 CM36, CM37, CM38, CM39, KM37, KM38, KM39, KM40, SM33, SM34, SM35, SM36
Oral presentation preparation 6 0.24 SM35, SM36

The TFG will be developed from 4 compulsory tutorials, three of which must be done by April 25, 2025 at the latest. The tutorials are formative and evaluative in nature, as they must be used to judge the learning outcomes and competences of the Final Degree Project. The time that a lecturer must dedicate to the supervision of a TFG student, including assessment and oral presentation, is 15 hours.

Three phases can be distinguished in the completion of the TFG dissertation:

I. Initial phase during which the work is specified and proposed.

II. Phase of development of the work.

III. Final and closing phase, which culminates with the submission of the work and the oral presentation of the TFG, for 10-15 minutes, to the tutor and, if possible, to the reviewer.

Delivery of the work

1. The end-of-degree projects must be submitted in a single document attached to the address tfg.fcc@uab.cat and in the open space of the TFG of the virtual campus of each degree.

Besides, the tutor can decide if it should be delivered in paper format, as well as the format of the file attached to the email. The delivery of the TFG by email and the virtual campus is mandatory. Exceptionally, the tutor can accept an alternative delivery system if the technical means or the TFG itself require it.

2. The faculty has prepared a 2-page PDF template containing the cover and the file for cataloging the TFG in the UAB's Digital Documents Depository (DDD). All the works of the faculty, including project ones, must use this template compulsorily. All Final Degree Projects with a grade of 8 or higher will be published in the DDD, in order to comply with the open access institutional policy of the UAB(agreement of the Governing Council of April 25, 2012). Now, if for reasons of confidentiality of the data contained in the TFG, for wanting to publish the TFG in a scientific journal or for any other reason, a student may not publish their TFG. In thiscase, the permanent or temporary embargo (which can be12 months or 24 months) can be requested, manifesting it in the document where the public communication rights are transferred to the UAB and which is delivered together with the proposal form of the TFG at the beginning of the academic year. This embargo can also be requested later at bib.comunicacio@uab.cat. The deadline for requesting the embargo will be published each year and can be consulted on the website.

Frequent questions

To clarify any doubts about the TFG, consult the FAQs-TFG space (https://www.uab.cat/web/estudiar/graus/graus/preguntes-frequents-1345704364394.html)

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Final work . 0 0 CM36, CM37, CM38, CM39, KM37, KM38, KM39, KM40, SM33, SM34, SM35, SM36
Oral presentation . 1 0.04 SM35, SM36

The evaluation of the TFG will be done by a tutor and another professor from the same department where the TFG has been registered with the following weighting: 60% of the grade by the tutor and 40% by the reviewer. An average equal to or greater than 5 must be obtained to pass the TFG. The TFG must be orally defended before the tutor to be evaluated. The non-presentation of the defense implies a no-presentation. In the TFG there is no possibility of re-evaluation by agreement of the Faculty Board of February 28, 2013.

The final degree project must be submitted between May 26 and 30, 2025, except for exchange students, who have other delivery dates. In all cases, if the TFG is not delivered on the scheduled date, the qualification will be Not Presented.

For more information on the key dates of the TFG consult the calendar of procedures of the TFG (http://www.uab.cat/web/estudiar/graus/graus/calendari-de-tramits-1345704364482.html)

General evaluation criteria for the research TFG evaluated by both the tutor and the reviewer

1. Written communication, especially linguistic correctness, clarity and good structuring of the parts.
2. Mastery of theoretical knowledge to define, contextualize and interpret the subject.
3. Ability to analyze and synthesize information autonomously.
4. Have the ability to collect and interpret relevant data to formulate complex judgments.
5. Originality of the ideas, contribution to the creation of knowledge and argued personal contributions.
6. Methodological correction.
7. Adequacy of the interpretation of results and conclusions.
8. Autonomous search capacity for specialized information, information synthesis and proper use of the bibliography.

Evaluation criteria for the development of the TFG that only the tutor evaluates.

1. Punctuality and attendance at tutorials.
2. Fulfillment of the tasks: execution of the work planofthe TFG: management and planning of one's own time, carrying out the assigned tasks, meeting deadlines.

Evaluation criteria for the public presentation of the research TFG that only the tutor evaluates

1. Clarity and precision of exposure.
2. Linguistic correction and proper use of vocabulary.
3. Originality, organization and quality of the contents.
4. Results and elaboration of the conclusions.
5. Adequacy of the answers to questions formulated by the tutor.
6. Adequacy of the presentation to the content of the written work.

General evaluation criteria of the Practical TFG that evaluates both the tutor and the reviewer.

1. Originality of the idea of the proposed professional product, that is, if it is a contribution to the creation of innovative and competitive proposals in the professional activity.
2. Demonstrate the ability to organize work during product development.
3.Use of advanced technologies for optimal professional development.
4.Demonstration of knowledge and skills for the development of practical work in the field of advertising and public relations.
5. Capacity to design communication strategies and objectives in the dialogue between brands and consumers.
6.Capacity to justify and defend the economic viability of the professional product in the sector where the product would be registered.
7.Correctness in communication and written and/or oral expression in the product.
8.Concept and quality of memory.
9. Product concept and quality.

Evaluation criteria for the development of the TFG that only the tutor evaluates.

1. Punctuality and attendance at tutorials.
2. Fulfillment of the tasks: execution of the work plan of the TFG: management and planning of one's own time, carrying out the assigned tasks, meeting deadlines.

Evaluation criteria for the presentation of the Practical TFG that only the tutor evaluates

1. Clarity and precision of exposure.
2. Linguistic correction and proper use of vocabulary
3. Originality,organization and quality of the presentation.
4. Concept and quality of the product presented.
5. Adequacy of the answers to questions formulated by the tutor.
6. Adaptation of the presentation to the content of the pilot.

Review procedures

As in the case of any other subject, you can request an ordinary review with the tutor. The review of the tutor must be personal and individualized and before the closing date of the minutes of the TFG. You can ask the tutor for a copy of the report that the reviewer and the tutor have made on the work (These copies of the reports are the documentary evidence required to request the extraordinary review). Once the review has been made and the student's arguments have been heard, the teacher can maintain or modify the grade.

In case of disagreement with the teacher's review, an extraordinary review can be requested, which will be carried out by teachers who have not participated in the ordinary review or in the correction of the TFG. There is a period of fifteen calendar days to submit to the Academic Management.

The final degree project has not single evaluation.


The TFG Guide has not concrete references because they have to be adapted to each object of study. The tutor and the supervisor will recommend bibliography. The guides of the Communication Library can be useful:




Language list

Information on the teaching languages can be checked on the CONTENTS section of the guide.