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Sports Journalism

Code: 103087 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
2501933 Journalism OT 3
2501933 Journalism OT 4


Josep Maria Puig Lobato

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


To take the subject you need to know and distinguish the genres of journalistic writing, audiovisual informative narration and digital distribution platforms.

Students should be keenly interested in sport and the information generated by the different spheres involved in the sporting universe and in the way journalism has related to them.

The content of the course will be sensitive to aspects related to respect for the fundamental rights of equality between women and men, human rights and the values of a culture of peace and will seek to promote personal growth and professional commitment to oneself and to the community and also, as the Consell de l'Audiovisual de Catalunya points out, "to show the different social realities, not allowing the creation of contents that can promote or justify homophobia, biphobia, lesbofobia and transphobia, spreading the denunciation of discriminatory facts and presenting good practices in relation to equality and non-discrimination" (Recommendations on the treatment of LGBTI people in audiovisual media, CAC, 2017).

Objectives and Contextualisation

- To enable students to acquire and develop the theoretical foundations that will make them a good communicator on any issue related to sport and the practice of Sports activity.
- To enable students to acquire and develop a theoretical and practical knowledge of the expressive characteristics and narrative techniques of the production of information, both written and in the field of sports broadcasts in the audiovisual media and in any digital platform that can inform an audience about sport.
- Master the conventions of the main genres of sports journalism.
- Prepare students to critically evaluate the different journalistic productions carried out in different media.


  • Abide by ethics and the canons of journalism, as well as the regulatory framework governing information.
  • Differentiate the discipline's main theories, its fields, conceptual developments, theoretical frameworks and approaches that underpin knowledge of the subject and its different areas and sub-areas, and acquire systematic knowledge of the media's structure.
  • Relay journalistic information in the language characteristic of each communication medium, in its combined modern forms or on digital media, and apply the genres and different journalistic procedures.
  • Use a third language as a working language and means of professional expression in the media.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Conceptualise the theories and techniques of specialised journalism.
  2. Demonstrate practical knowledge of specialised journalism.
  3. Incorporate the principles of professional ethics in developing narrative journalism specialised in sports information.
  4. Know how to build texts in a third language that adapt to the structures of journalistic language and apply them to the different theme-based information specialisms.
  5. Relay in the language specific to each communication medium narrative journalism specialised in sports information.
  6. Use interactive communication resources to process, produce and relay information in the production of specialised information.


1. Written sports journalism. The structuring of texts in relation to different sports. The brief. The informative news. The interpretative news. The hybridization of genres. The profile. The Sports chronicle. Differential elements of the sports chronicle. Genres for opinion and sport. The column, the editorial, the criticism, the counter-chronic, the environmental chronicle. The sports interview: informative and personal. The Sports report. 

2. Sports journalism in the audiovisual media. Sports journalism on the radio. Sports journalism on television. The locution of the sports journalistic contents in the radio and in the television. Technical and human infrastructure in radio and television. Media coverage of the sporting event.


3. Digital sports journalism. The use of the different digital distribution platforms (Twitter, Instagram TikTok...) in order to make sports content reach everywhere. Execution of journalistic pieces based on statistical data from the world of sport.

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Laboratory Practice Sessions 22 0.88 2, 5, 6
Seminar 15 0.6 2, 5, 6
Seminar 15 0.6 1, 3
Type: Supervised      
Evaluation 7.5 0.3 1, 2, 3, 5, 6
Tutoring 7.5 0.3 1, 2, 3
Type: Autonomous      
Off-campus reading, study and practice 83 3.32 1, 2, 3, 5, 6

The course will take the form of theory sessions, seminars and practical sessions.
In theory, the syllabus will be developed with the help of support material and the knowledge will be provided that will have to be applied in practical exercises that the students will have to argue in writing or in public exhibitions, seminars or tutorials. There will be individual, couple and group exercises that will be explained conveniently and with sufficient notice so that the students have time to make a previous preparation and can coordinate.
The theoretical section will be completed with compulsory readings and sessions of commentary and workshop in seminar.
Students will work in seminars and practice spaces with materials that they will have to prepare with their own material and/or provided by the teacher. They will also have to do practices where they will have to interview people related to the world of sport and they will have to attend events and sports events for the realization of simultaneous exercises to the test and of later elaboration.
The hours of practice will be invested in developing applied knowledge with the help of teachers. This will result in instrumental or propaedeutic practices that can be scored.
The scoring practices, as well as the correct and constant monitoring of the course, as well as the progression in the instrumental works will be taken into account.
The proposed teaching methodology and evaluation activities may undergo some modifications depending on the health authorities' attendance restrictions.
During one of the classes, the teacher will provide students with 15 minutes to answer the surveys on the teaching performance and the subject or module.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Practice of large-format sports journalism genres 30 0 0 1, 2, 3, 5, 6
Practice of sports broadcasting 40 0 0 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Writing of sports informative pieces 30 0 0 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

The evaluation system will be continuous and will evaluate the progress of the students, prioritizing the final level acquired and the progression above the average of the qualifications obtained in the practices. The application of the concepts presented in the theoretical sessions and provided through documentary materials will be taken into account. There is no theoretical examination, since it is with the performance of practical exercises (where one can ask for a reasoned justification of the decisions taken for their elaboration on the questions addressed in the theory) that the understanding of theoretical knowledge will be evaluated.
There will be face-to-face practices carried out in seminar and laboratory spaces. With regard to the written face-to-face practices, these will consist of the production of briefs or breaking news, a strict news or schedule news, an interpretative or sports history news, a profile or news for digital sports television and an opinion or data journalism text. In the case of the practices of locution in sets, these will be the locution in pairs of the initial part of a sporting event, the locution in pairs of a goal and the locution in pairs of a fragment of a basketball game. In all cases there will be a distribution of narrator roles. The student body will be divided into two groups and each group will have to prepare and carry out the broadcast of a table tennis match on the set. The latter's note will be group.
Some practices will also have to be carried out, for which a deadline for presentation will be set. It will be the case of the written chronicle (which will require the student to travel to a sporting event of free choice to make it), the report and a radio interview of 10 minutes to a person linked to the sporting field.
Another off-campus practice will be the recording of the narration of a football match or, if deemed appropriate, of another sporting event, which will be done in pairs. Each of the members of the couple will have a different rolein each of the parts.
Below is a table where you can see the value of each of the practices that will have to be performed:



































The revaluation will be based on the practices that have been suspended.
Practices that have not been carried out or have not been presented in the required time and form cannot be submitted for re-evaluation.
In order to re-evaluate suspended exercises already carried out, the original reworked exercises may be presented with a theoretically justified written justification of all the changes that must be made in order to try to improve it. If the exercise is correct, the note of the same will only be approved (5) and this will be the note that will be used to obtain the new average note with the others available. The deadlines for contributing the exercises that have to be revaluated will be any of the dates foreseen for the revaluations.
In the case of voice-over practices, the exercise for those who wish to revaluate a suspended practice will be an individual voice-of the same material used in the practices. From each of the suspended locution practices. As in the case of written practices, if the locution is correct, the note of the same will only be approved (5) and this will be the note that will be used to obtain the new average with the others available.
The practices of reevaluation of locution will be carried out during the dates foreseen for this question in the calendar.
In justified cases, and in the case of those who wish to revalue a suspended off-campus practice, the contribution of a new individual off-campus practice is accepted until the dates foreseen for the re-evaluations in order to recover it. As in the case of written practices and speeches, if the off-campus practice is correct, the grade of thesame will only be approved (5) and this will be the grade that will be used to obtain the new average.
The revised exercises will be available to studentsonce the teacher completes the correction. Students are encouraged to make tutorials in order to review the papers and to deal in the best possible way with the diagnosis of their evolution.

The proposed teaching methodology and evaluation activities may undergo some modifications depending on the health authorities' attendance restrictions.


- ALCOBA, ANTONIO, La prensa deportiva: tratamiento inédito sobre el género específico del deporte. Cómo hacer una publicación Deportiva ideal. Instituto Universitario Olímpico de Ciencias del Deporte, Madrid.1999
- ALCOBA, ANTONIO, Cómo hacer periodisme Deportivo. Editorial Paraninfo, Madrid, 1993.
- BARROSO, JAIME, Realización de los géneros televisivos, Ed. Síntesis, Madrid, 1996.
- BLANCO, JOSEP MARIA Las retransmisiones deportivas. Técnicas de narración radiofónica, Ed. CIMS 97 - MIDAC, Barcelona, 2002.
- CASTAÑÓN RODRÍGUEZ, JESÚS, Universidad de Valladolid, 1999. Idioma y deporte.
- CASTAÑÓN RODRÍGUEZ, JESÚS. Universidad de Valladolid. Secretariado de ,El lenguaje periodístico del fútbol publicaciones,1993.
- COL·LEGI DE PERIODISTES DE CATALUNYA, Periodisme esportiu, tradició i futur. Annals del periodisme . Núm. 20 (gener-juny), segona època, 1992.català
- DAYAN, DANIEL. i KATZ, ELIHU: La historia en directo. La retransmisión televisiva de los acontecimientos, Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, 1995.
- FAURA, NEUS, . Futbol i llenguatge: la innovació lèxica a les cròniques i les retransmissions futbolístiques Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat, 1998.
- GUTIÉRREZ, DOMINGO, Estructura y lenguaje de la crónica de fútbol, Editado por la Universidad de Madrid, 1991.
- HERNÁNDEZ ALONSO, NÉSTOR, El lenguaje de las crónicas deportivas. Madrid: Cátedra, 2003.
- JONES, DANIEL (Ed), Esport i mitjans de comunicació a Catalunya, Centre d'Investigació de la Comunicació y Centre d'Estudis Olímpics i de l'Esport, Barcelona, 1996.
- WASHBURN, PATRICK S., LAMB, CHRIS Sports journalims: a history of glory, fame and technology, University of Nebraska, 2020.


Generic word processor.
Use of sound recording equipment.
Mobile devices or cameras.

Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(PLAB) Practical laboratories 11 Catalan second semester morning-mixed
(PLAB) Practical laboratories 12 Catalan second semester morning-mixed
(TE) Theory 1 Catalan second semester morning-mixed