Degree | Type | Year |
2500786 Law | OB | 3 |
You can view this information at the end of this document.
There are no prerequisites.
ADE + Law: the theory is taught by Professor Carles Górriz (Catalan) and the seminar groups by Professors Carles Górriz (Catalan), Jordi Santamaria (Catalan) and Pedro Rebollo (Spanish).
Law: Theory group 1 is taught by Professor Albano Gilabert (Spanish), group 2 by Professor Mònica Perna (Spanish) and group 3 by Professor Ramon Morral (Catalan). As for the seminars, the lecturers are as follows: group 11 José Vicente Morant (Spanish), group 12 Pedro Rebollo (Spanish), group 13 Joan Carles Codina (Spanish), group 21 Francisco Lara (Spanish), group 22 Marta Gili (Spanish), group 23 Mónica Perna (Spanish), group 511 Pedro Rebollo (Spanish), group 512 Teodoro López-Cuesta (Spanish), group 513 Ramon Morral (Catalan).
The teaching will be given taking into account the perspective of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Achieve a good knowledge of the principal institutions of Commercial Law related to commercial contracts, securities and bankruptcy law.
Title | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Type: Directed | |||
Master classes | 22 | 0.88 | 2, 3, 7, 11, 13, 1 |
Seminars | 22 | 0.88 | 5, 4, 3, 10, 6, 8, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13 |
Type: Autonomous | |||
Preparation of the seminars | 36 | 1.44 | 4, 3, 6, 7, 9, 13, 1 |
Study or work out the class | 60 | 2.4 | 5, 6, 9, 11, 12 |
Learning process
the learning process of students is structured according to three activitie:
1. Directed activities
There are two types and they take place in the classroom:
a) Master class. The professors explains the lessons that conform the subject.
b) Seminars. Students apply the theorical knowledge they have acquired. Professors and students work together.
In the Law Degree, three evaluable activities will be carried out (two practical cases and a comment or analysis of sentences). Two of these three activities will be worth 1.5 points and the third will be worth 2 points. The sum of all of them will compute 50% of the final grade. Attendance at seminars is mandatory. The dates of the evaluation activities will be made public at the beginning of the semester through the Teaching Space of the Virtual Campus.
In Business Administration + Law, the continuous evaluation it is the sum of the notes of the weekly activities. The weekly seminars will compute 20% of the final grade. Work Outside the Classroom will compute 30% of the final grade. The remaining 50% will be the exam grade. Attendance is mandatory.
The academic staff will publish the dates of these activities at the begining of the semestre in the Teaching Space of the Aula Moodle.
2. Supervised activities
Students will prepare the subject and solve doubts in the tutoring services, that can be individual or in group.
3. Autonomous activities
They those activities that imply that students organize their time and effort, both individual or in group, to achieve the required abilities. For instance, they will read and study the bibliography, they will prepare mind-maps and summaries, etc. Regarding Commercial Law II, most of the autonomous activities should be related to follow-up the directed activities and the preparation of the final theoretical exam.
Note: 15 minutes of a class will be reserved, according to the calendar established by the center/degree, for the complementation by the students of the assessment surveys of the professor's performance and the assessment of the subject /module. Likewise, it is necessary to reserve 5 hours for exams
Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.
Title | Weighting | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Continious assessment | 50% | 5 | 0.2 | 2, 5, 4, 3, 10, 8, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13 |
Final exam | 50% | 5 | 0.2 | 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 1 |
For each group, the specific date or week of carrying out the evaluable activities will be published on the Virtual Campus, before the beginning of the lessons, despite that, exceptionally and for reasons of force majeure, these may, with advance notice and enough, be modified.
The grades of the seminars will be published before the final exam.
To pass the subject, students must obtain a 5 by taking the average between the evaluable activities and the final exam (or the reassessment exam) and have obtained a minimum of 3.5 points on average both in the evaluable activities and in the final exam.
Therefore, whoever has less than 3.5 making the average of the evaluable activities carried out within the framework of the seminars will have failed the subject.
If an student has less than a 3 in the exam -as long as they have a 4 or more in the continuous evaluation- she/he will have to take the re-evaluation even if by taking the average with the continuous evaluation they have obtained more than a 5
The evaluable activities will be taken into account to set the final grade resulting from both the evaluation and the re-evaluation
The activities of the seminars that are subject to continuous evaluation will not be subject to re-evaluation
The re-evaluation will be done in relation to the final exam and it is not required to have obtained any minimum grade to be able to take the exam.
In the Law degree, 3 evaluable activities will be programmed with a weight of 50% of the total grade added to each one of them. These activities will be carried out within the framework of the seminars and will consist of two practical cases and a sentence commentary. Two of these three activities will be worth 1.5 points and the third will be worth 2 points. The sum of all of them will compute 50% of the final grade. Attendance at seminars is mandatory. The dates of the evaluation activities will be made public at the beginning of the semester through the Teaching Space of the Virtual Campus. Students will be assessed provided that they have carried out a set of activities whose weight is equivalent to a minimum of 2/3 of the total grade for the subject. If the value of the activities carried out does not reach this threshold, the teacher of the subject may consider the student as not assessable.
In the double degree Busines Administration + Law, the continuous evaluation is the sum of the note of the weekly activities. The weekly seminars will compute 20% of the final grade. Work Outside the Classroom will compute 30% of the final grade. The remaining 50% will be the exam grade. Attendance is mandatory.
Any student who cheats or tries to cheat a test will have a 0 on the test. Any student who submits a plagiarism practice will get a 0 and receive a warning. In case of reiteration of the behavior, the subject will be suspended.
Single evaluation
People who opt for the single evaluation system will be examined taking into account the following items:
- 50% of the mark will be obtained in a test exam.
- The other 50% of the note (5 points out of 10) will be obtained by carrying out two different activities that have a content equivalent to that carried out in the seminars. These will consist of the resolution of a practical case (will have a value of 3 points) and comment or analysis of one or more sentences (2 points).
To carry out the tests corresponding to the activities, the pertinent legislation may be consulted in paper format, but you will not be able to access computer resources, notes or materials. Only legislation may be used, and provided that it is not supplemented by other information.
The tests corresponding to the activities will be carried out in person, coinciding with the day set for the test test.
To pass the subject, students must obtain a 5 by taking the average between the evaluable activities and the final exam (or the reassessment exam) and have obtained a minimum of 4 points on average both in the evaluable activities and in the final exam.
Broseta Pont, Manuel - Martínez Sanz, Fernando, Manual de derecho mercantil, vol. II, last edition, Madrid, Tecnos.
Jiménez Sánchez, Guillermo - Díaz Moreno, Alberto (dirs.), Derecho mercantil II, last edition, Barcelona-Madrid-São Paulo, Marcial Pons
Menéndez, Aurelio - Rojo, Angel (dirs.), Lecciones de derecho mercantil, vol. II, last edition, Cizur Menor, Thomson Reuters Civitas (available at the digital library of the UAB)
Pulgar, Juana (Dir.), Manual de Derecho concursal. 4ª ed., La Ley, 2022.
Sánchez Calero, Fernando, Instituciones de derecho mercantil, vol. II, Cizur Menor, Thomson Reuters Aranzadi (available at the digital library of the UAB)
Vicent Chulià, Francisco.: Introducción al Derecho mercantil, última edició, Valencia, Tirant lo Blanc (available at the digital library of the UAB)
No special software is used
Name | Group | Language | Semester | Turn |
(TE) Theory | 1 | Spanish | first semester | morning-mixed |
(TE) Theory | 2 | Spanish | first semester | morning-mixed |
(TE) Theory | 51 | Catalan | first semester | afternoon |
(TE) Theory | 70 | Catalan | second semester | morning-mixed |