This version of the course guide is provisional until the period for editing the new course guides ends.

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Institutionalisation of the International System

Code: 102258 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
2500786 Law OT 4


Patricia Toro Lozano

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


There are no prerequisites, although it is advisable to have previously studied a subject of International Public Law. The mastery of English, spoken and written, is an indispensable requirement. The subjet is completely teach in English. therefore a minimum of B" is required

The course will be taught from the perspective of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Objectives and Contextualisation

 - Understand the functioning of the international organizations and their activity in the international system

 - Know the United Nations system in greater depth and be able to assess its impact in the international system

 - Know the different areas where international organizations develop their activities



  • Apprehending the necessary mechanisms in order to know, assess, and apply the legislative reforms as well as to follow the changes produced in a concrete subject.
  • Arguing and laying the foundation for the implementation of legal standards.
  • Demonstrating a sensible and critical reasoning: analysis, synthesis, conclusions.
  • Identifying and solving problems.
  • Identifying the underlying conflicts of interest in disputes and real cases.
  • Identifying, assessing and putting into practice changes in jurisprudence.
  • Identifying, knowing and applying the basic and general principles of the legal system.
  • Managing bibliographic and documentary resources: databases, browsing, etc.
  • Memorising and utilising legal terminology.
  • Present information in a way that is appropriate to the type of audience.
  • Searching, interpreting and applying legal standards, arguing every case.
  • Students must be capable of demonstrating the unitary nature of the legal system and of the necessary interdisciplinary view of legal problems.
  • Students must be capable of learning autonomously and having an entrepreneurial spirit.
  • Working in multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary fields.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Applying an interdisciplinary and integrated vision of the legal problems in an international environment.
  2. Assessing legislative changes and reforms in a context of plurality of systems.
  3. Assessing the underlying conflicts of interest in the legal problems proposed in an international environment.
  4. Building a legal reasoning or discourse in the field of Public International Law, Private International Law and European Union Law.
  5. Demonstrating a sensible and critical reasoning: analysis, synthesis, conclusions.
  6. Identifying and assessing the changes and evolution of jurisprudence in a context of plurality of systems.
  7. Identifying and knowing the basic contents of every stipulated speciality.
  8. Identifying and solving problems.
  9. Managing bibliographic and documentary resources: databases, browsing, etc.
  10. Memorising and using the specific terminology of Public International Law, Private International Law and European Union Law.
  11. Present information in a way that is appropriate to the type of audience.
  12. Seek out, interpret and apply legal provisions related to Public Internacional law, Private International Law and European Union Law.
  13. Students must be capable of learning autonomously and having an entrepreneurial spirit.
  14. Working in multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary fields.




          Lesson 1. Origin, general theory and functions of international organizations

          Introduction. Historical evolution. Concept and types of international organizations. Theories of international organizations. Distinction from other international actors. Forms of participation. Role and functions of international organizations in international society today.

          Lesson 2. Structure, financing and decision-making of international organizations

          The constitutive treaty: powers and competences. Structure. Main manifestations of subjectivity (treaty making power, ius legationis, responsibility, etc.). International agents and their status. Financing systems. Decision-making process.

           Lesson 3. The acts of international organizations

           The internal normative function. The external normative function. Interpretation and dispute settlement mechanisms. Supervisory powers. Sanctions.




Lesson 4. Genesis and functions of the United Nations

Background. Nature of the Charter and its legal reform. Purposes and principles. Its role in current International Society

 Lesson 5. Structure, members and finance

Structure. The member condition and other forms of participation. Suspension and loss of membership. The financing system.

 Lesson 6. The principal organs of the United Nations

The Security Council: its role with special reference to the maintenance of international peace and security. The General Assembly. The ECOSOC and its relations with the General Assembly, the Economic and Regional Commissions. The organizations of the United Nations system. The Secretary. The ICJ. The Council of Fiduciary Administration.



 Lesson 7. International economic cooperation

Background. Purposes and principles of international economic cooperation. Institutions and bodies involved in this area of cooperation. Its current role in international society.

 Lesson 8. Development cooperation and the environment

Background. Purposes and principles of development cooperation and the environment. Institutions and bodies involved in this area of cooperation. Its current role in international society.

 Lesson 9. Cooperation in socio-cultural matters

Background. Purposes and principles of socio-cultural cooperation. Institutions and bodies involved in this area of cooperation. Its current role in international society.

 Lesson 10. Cooperation in international security

Background. Purposes and principles of safeguarding international security. Institutions and bodies involved in this area of cooperation. Its current role in international society.

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Theory 22 0.88 1, 4, 7, 6, 10, 14, 2
Work in the classroom (discussion and resolution of practices, comments, debates, simulations of trials ...) 22 0.88 1, 4, 5, 9, 7, 6, 10, 8, 13, 14, 3
Type: Autonomous      
Work and study outside the classroom 101 4.04 1, 4, 5, 7, 10, 8, 13, 14, 3

Continuous assessment method that requires the compulsory participation of students. Activities will consist of debates, simulations, questionnaires, group and individual presentations, analysis of texts and practical cases... The activities will be carried out both in groups and individually.


Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Class participation 40% 2 0.08 1, 4, 5, 9, 7, 6, 10, 8, 13, 14, 3
Debate (compulsory) 20% 1 0.04 1, 12, 4, 5, 9, 7, 10, 8, 13, 14, 2, 3
Oral exposition (Compulsory) 20% 1 0.04 1, 4, 5, 9, 7, 10, 11, 8, 13, 14, 3
Simulation (compulsory) 20% 1 0.04 1, 4, 5, 9, 6, 8, 13, 14, 3

Continuous evaluation system:

Compulsory practices (60% final grade):

- Simulation: 20% final mark

- Class Debate: 20% final grade

- Oral presentation: 20% final grade

Participation: 40% final grade. Example of activities to be carried out in class:

- Debates about readings

- Group research work

- Oral presentations

- Text comments

- Documentary commentary

- Etc.

The student will be evaluable as long as he/she has carried out a set of activities the weight of which is equivalent to a minimum of 2/3 of the total grade of the subject. If the value of the activities performed does not reach this threshold, the teacher of the course may consider the student as not evaluable".


Those students who on average do not obtain at least a 5 -approved- will have to take an examen about the contents of the program, aiming for maximum of 5 on final grades.

To have the right to do the final exam, the compulsory practice must have been done.

If this examination is suspended, there will be no reassessment.

One singular evaluation system

There is the possibility of a single evaluation that will be carried out on the day and place scheduled by the Faculty for the final exam. This evaluation will include:

a) A written exam on the theoretical concepts worked on in class (40%)
b) The resolution of a practical case that will be given at the beginning of the course and regarding which on the day of the exam questions will be asked (40%)
c) The elaborationof a poster that must be presented and defended orally on the day of the evaluation. (20%)

The poster must be the result of the analysis of a news or current event related to international organizations through the application of some of the concepts worked on in the course.

Not evaluable: "The same criterion of not evaluable will be applied as for the continuous evaluation".

The timeline with the date of the evaluable activities will appear on the virtual campus before the beginning of the classes. In general terms, compulsory practices will take place at the end of each module.
A student who cheats or try to cheat an exam will have a 0 as a grade. A Student who submits a paper o practical in which there is evidence of plagiarism will have a 0 as a mark and will receive a warning. In case of repetition, the students will fail the subject.




BIBLIOGRAPHY (any of the following books)


 DÍEZ DE VELASCO VALLEJO, MANUEL: Las Organizaciones Internacionales, Tecnos, Madrid, 2010.


PASTOR RIDRUEJO, JOSE ANTONIO: Curso de Derecho Internacional Público y Organizaciones internacionales, Tecnos, Madrid, 2012.


 This bibliography is orientative.


Internet pages:


- Página web de Naciones Unidas

- Página web del Registro de Tratados Internacionales de Naciones Unidas

- Página web de la Unión Europea

- Página web sobre Representación española ante OOII del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación


The subjec does not require any specific software

Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(PAUL) Classroom practices 1 English second semester morning-mixed
(TE) Theory 1 English second semester morning-mixed