Degree | Type | Year |
2500797 Early Childhood Education | OT | 4 |
2500798 Primary Education | OT | 4 |
You can view this information at the end of this document.
To achieve the objectives of the subject, students should display a good oral and written command of the Catalan and Spanish languages (level C2 of the Common European Framework of Reference).
This subject is shared by the Degrees in Early Childhood Education and Primary Education, and by the minors in Specific Educational Needs. It provides the basic knowledge needed to understand the circumstances for the inclusion of newly arrived students, and of other multilingual and multicultural students, in schools and for the planning and teaching the language curriculum.
The fundamental educational objectives of the subject are:
1. Linguistic and cultural diversities and educational inequalities
2. Linguistic reception in schools
3. Teaching and learning in the reception classroom and in regular classrooms
Title | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Type: Directed | |||
Lectures and presentations of the teacher | 45 | 1.8 | 2, 6, 7, 1, 9 |
Type: Supervised | |||
Tutorials | 22 | 0.88 | 2, 8, 6, 7, 1, 9 |
Type: Autonomous | |||
Readings, project preparation, analysis of materials and situations, resolution of challenges | 75 | 3 | 2, 8, 6, 7, 1, 9 |
Teaching methodology
The subject proposes a work with the methodology of Learning Based on Challenges (LBC) that involves a work that starts from a real challenge posed by an entity/institution with which it will be related and will require working in a team to propose possible solutions, which are planned and developed in three phases: Link/Commitment, Research/Prototipage and Implementation/Evaluation. The students, in teams, face a specific problem of the territory and explore possible options for improvement, and come up with a proposed solution, which is then implemented and evaluated. For more information on challenges:
Methodologies will be used to work on the basis of challenges (ABR) that will include diverse activities such as: reading articles, conferences, document analysis, interviews, bibliographic search, presentations, videos, prototipages, implementing proposals, process and progress reflections, evaluation of proposals, .....
The sessions will be developed mainly on the basis of:
· Presentations by the teacher to present the challenges and contents of the subject, to explain the work assigned to the students and to comment on the processes involved in carrying them out, and to assess the progress of the course.
· Presentation of the progress of the challenge in groups followed by discussion and activities.
· Workshops and group work during the three phases of the challenge work with the help of the teacher.
· Presentation and discussion of proposed solutions, implementation and evaluation of the challenge.
The course includes a visit to the entity/institution that has posed the challenge. Students must organise their own transport.
Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.
Title | Weighting | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
(1) Two group activities about the challenge | 40% | 3 | 0.12 | 3, 2, 5, 8, 6, 7, 1, 9 |
(2) Individual reflections based on the literature and the challenge | 50% | 4 | 0.16 | 3, 2, 8, 4, 6, 7, 1, 9 |
(3) Group presentation, debate and activities based on readings and materials | 10% | 1 | 0.04 | 3, 2, 8, 6, 7, 1, 9 |
Continuous assessment
Continuous assessment will be used with evidence collected from each activity in each of the phases and transversally and reflection on the process and progress of learning.
(1) Two group activities on the challenge (research and implementation)
(2) Individual reflection activities based on the challenge and the readings
(3) Presentation of readings/materials in groups followed by discussion and activities
Students must attend at least 80% of the classes. In the event of attendance below the set minimum, a grade of not assessed will be given until any passing grades (if applicable) are validated in the period for re-take assessment. This means that if the student cannot meet the established percentage of attendance, he/she will not be able to take advantage of the continuous assessment and will have to sit the make-up activities. To be entitled to re-sit assessment, students must have delivered at least 66% of the assessment activities (to calculate this %, the weight of each activity towards the overall grade will be taken into account) with a minimum average grade of 3.5.
It is necessary to pass activities (1) and (3) and activity (2) separately in order to pass the subject as a whole.
Assessment dates
(1) The first part of the challenge will be presented halfway through the subject (19.03.2025). The second part will be presented on 18.06.2025.
(2) The individual reflections will be presented on 26.02.2025, 12.03.2025, 21.05.2025, 18.06.2025.
(3) Readings and dates for presentations will be assigned on the first day of class.
Single assessment
Although due to the characteristics of the subject this option is not advisable, this subject contemplates single assessment. To be accepted, you must apply within the deadline and following the procedures set out by Gestió Acadèmica.
Students must attend at least 80% of the classes. In the event of attendance below the set minimum, a grade of not assessed will be given until any passing grade (if applicable) are validated in the period for the re-take assessment. To be entitled to re-sit assessment, students must have delivered at least 66% of the assessment activities (to calculate this %, the weight of each activity towards the overall grade will be taken into account) with a minimum average grade of 3.5.
The assessment activities are the same and have the same weight as those of the continuous assessment, but the group activities (1 and 3) will be presented individually. Therefore, the activities in this mode of assessment are: (1) 2 individual activities on the challenge (research and implementation); (2) individual reflection activities based on the challenge and the readings; and (3) individual presentation of the progress of the challenge followed by discussion and activities.
The date of the single assessment is 18/06/2025.
Global assessment
Students enrolling in the subject for the second time may request at the beginning of the course to take only one final synthesis assessment. The conditions and dates will be the same as those of the single assessment, but without the attendance requirement in the event that the requirement had been met in the previous year.
Both in the case of continuous assessment and in the case of single assessment, the activity that may be re-taken is (2), i.e. the individual reflection activities based onthe challenge and the readings.
Thefollowing activities cannot be re-done: (1) two group activities on the challenge (research and implementation); (3) group presentation of the progress of the challenge followed by discussion and activities.
The re-sit of the reflections (2) will follow this protocol:
· If all the reflections have been delivered with a minimum avarage of 3.5, the recovery reflections will consist in the delivery of a single global reflection.
· If all the reflections have not been delivered with a minimum grade of 3.5, the recovery of the reflections will consist in the written delivery of four reflections.
The maximum grade for the assessment block that have been re-taken is 5 out of 10. Previous grades for the block will not be taken into account when calculating the new average grade for the block following the re-sits.
In the case of attendance below 80%, an additional individual assignment will be required that must be submitted in writing and orally in the re-sit period (in addition to the other re-sit assignments). The maximum overall grade for the subject in this case will be 5 out of 10.
Re-sits will be carried out on 25/06/2025.
Other considerations (for all forms of assessment)
In order to pass this subject, it is necessary that the student shows a good general communicative competence, both orally and in writing, and a good command of the vehicular language(s) stated in the teaching guide. In all activities (individual and group), linguistic correctness, writing and formal aspects of presentation will therefore be taken into account. Students must be able to express themselves fluently and correctly and show a high degree of understanding of academic texts. An activity may be returned (not assessed) or failed if the teacher considers that it does not meet these requirements.
In accordance with UAB regulations, copying or plagiarism in any type of assessment activity will be penalised with a 0 as a mark for the subject, losing the possibility of recovering it, whether it is an individual or group work (in this case, all members of the group will have a 0). A paper, activity or exam will be considered "copied" when it reproduces all or a significant part of the work of another student. A paper or activity is considered to be "plagiarised" when a part of an author's text is presented as one's own without citing the sources, regardless of whether the original sources are in paper or digital format. The reproduction of materials (slides, activities, etc.) that teachers have made available to students is also considered plagiarism. Work generated bydigital applications or other tools that do not involve a process of individual creation will be consideredunder the same criteria as copying or plagiarism.
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Specific programs will not be used.
Name | Group | Language | Semester | Turn |
(TE) Theory | 1 | Catalan | second semester | afternoon |