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Degree Project

Code: 101037 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
2500254 Geology OB 4


Maria Merce Corbella Cordomi

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


To be able to register for the Final Degree Project, you must have passed, at least, two-thirds of the total credits of the study plan and all 1st-year subjects, 
in accordance with the academic regulations of the UAB ( Student residence regime).
In the case of the Geology Degree, 160 ECTS must have been passed. In any case, it is very important to have passed most of the 2nd and 3rd year subjects of the Degree in Geology in order to be able to carry out a complete project.

Objectives and Contextualisation

This subject has a transversal and global nature, so it is better to enroll in it during the course in which you plan to finish the degree. 
The work must entail a teaching load for the student of 150 hours (if he works for 5 months - from September to January -
it is about 8 hours/week, if he works for 7 months - from November to June - it is about 5h/week). The aim of the subject is to carry out a short research project (6 ECTS), of an experimental or theoretical nature, predominantly
independently, on a topic in Geology, in pairs or individually. With this work, students must demonstrate that they have reached the
necessary maturity and knowledge of Geology and that they know how to transmit them. The work must be presented in the form of a written report and an oral presentation.


  • Evaluate moral and ethical problems in research and acknowledge the need to follow professional codes of conduct.
  • Learn and apply the knowledge acquired, and use it to solve problems.
  • Obtain information from texts written in other languages.
  • Recognise theories, paradigms, concepts and principles in the field of geology and use them in different areas of application, whether scientific or technical.
  • Show an interest in quality and incorporate it into practice.
  • Show initiative and adapt to problems and new situations.
  • Suitably transmit information, verbally, graphically and in writing, using modern information and communication technologies.
  • Synthesise and analyse information critically.
  • Work independently.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Apply theories and principles of geology to a particular research project.
  2. Comply with ethical principles in one's own research project.
  3. Learn and apply the knowledge acquired, and use it to solve problems.
  4. Obtain information from texts written in other languages.
  5. Show an interest in quality and incorporate it into practice.
  6. Show initiative and adapt to problems and new situations.
  7. Suitably transmit information, verbally, graphically and in writing, using modern information and communication technologies.
  8. Synthesise and analyse information critically.
  9. Work independently.


The End of Degree thesis is conceived as an independent work by the student, which can be done in pairs or individually 
with the guidance of a member of the teaching staff. The work is worth 6 credits, which corresponds to 150 hours of work by the student.
The subject of the end-of-degree work can arise from proposals from both the teaching staff and the students, before or
during the month of September. The teaching staff of the Department of Geology will be asked to submit proposals for
topics that they can tutor, expecting that between 3 and 10 topics will be proposed from each area of Geology. To formally
propose a topic, a specific sheet "Proposal of topics for TFG de Geologia" must be filled out, which the coordination of the
subject will make available to everyone through the Virtual Campus, or an alternative platform, and send - it / upload it
signed to the platform or to the coordinator itself. On this sheet, you will also need to specify which call the work will be
submitted to (February or June; there is no September call). In the topic proposal, it will be necessary to include a provisional
title, the field of Geology in which the work is framed, a summary of the work to be done and some of the expected results. When it is the student who proposes the topic, he will have to find a member of the teaching staff to tutor the work. Assignment of TFG topics: The students must contact with the teaching staff in order to specify the topic, the rhythm and the work pattern to carry
out the work. Once the agreement has been reached, they must communicate it to the subject's coordination through the
Proposal sheet signed by both, no later than during the month of October. In case the student cannot find a tutor for the
topic he proposes, the coordinator will assign himone of the topics proposed by the teaching staff.

 The teaching staff of a TFG:

He is responsible for monitoring a TFG from the time the topic is agreed upon with the student untilhe presents it orally. 
For the monitoring of a TFG, the teaching staff will be credited with the corresponding teaching load in their Teaching Plan.
He must have a minimum of two tutoring sessions with the student, in accordance with the TFG-Guide of the Faculty of
Sciences. Also in accordance with this Guide, the TFGs may be co-tutored by a maximum of 2 people. Each faculty member should not tutor more than two papers per year if there are other professors in the same field who
do not tutor papers. The teaching staff must hand over the assessment and follow-up sheets to the subject coordinator in accordance
with the established calendar. The TFG qualification commissions: The commissions will be made up of 2 members of the teaching staff of the Geology Degree who will evaluate the
quality of the work done, the oral presentation and the answer to the questions raised. The grading will be done
following the rubrics provided by the subject's coordination.

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Meetings with the coordinator of the subject. 8 0.32 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9
Type: Supervised      
Development of research work. 5 0.2 2, 3, 7, 8
Preparation of the oral presentation. 122 4.88 1, 3, 4, 8, 9
Type: Autonomous      
Memory writing 15 0.6 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

The student will carry out a personal and original research project guided by a faculty member. The work can be done in pairs or individually. 
The joint work must have the necessary breadth to comply with the regulations of the subject. At the end of the research work, the
student will write a written report and prepare an oral presentation of the work carried out to defend before a teaching committee. When choosing the topic and enrolling, the student must also decide whether to present the work in February or June, bearing in mind that it
can only be presented once per call or course. Most of the student's work will be in the form of independent work by searching for information, conducting research, writing the paper and
preparing the oral presentation. The teaching staff and the student must agree on at least two meetings or tutorials during the course. Students of the double degree of CC.AA.+Geology must present a separate TFG for each of the two degrees, even though it is a joint subject.
In this case, the work will have two tutors (one from each degree) and both the report and the oral presentation of the Geology TFG
must comply with the provisions of this Guide. The coordination of the subject informs about the organization of the subject and the corresponding calendar through its own space on the
Virtual Campus or the alternative platform that is chosen.

Written report: The report must be written in a maximum of 20 pages in the case of individual works, or30 pages for works in pairs, in the style
of a scientific article. If necessary, appendices may also be attached to the report (non-essential material such as data tables,
maps, glossary, etc.). It can be written in Catalan, Spanish or English. Non-original content must be clearly referenced in the text. It must have the
following parts, at least:
0-Title, authorship and tutoring of the work, year/date, "Department of Geology" and the UAB logo.
2- Summary, Resumen, Abstract (summaries in Catalan, Spanish and English) of about 1000 characters maximum, all three should fit on a single
page (but it must contain the main results and their interpretation)
3-Introduction (statement of the problem, previous knowledge of the subject) and objective of the work or starting hypothesis.
4-Materials and methodology (material available, who obtained it, methods used by students to solve the problem).
5-Results obtained (description of the data acquired, clearly differentiating them from the data of other studies or TFGs; do not interpret the data here).
6-Interpretation or discussion of the results (do not repeat data descriptions, only interpretations, evaluations, comparisons, etc.).
7-Conclusions (summary of the results and their interpretation).
8-Bibliography (only all works cited in the text; it must be homogenized and presented according to the usual criteria).
9-Appendices (if necessary; but important data/images must be included in the main body of the work).

Oral presentation:
											The presentation of the End of Degree Project constitutes the final oral exam of the subject, which will be held before a committee made up of 2 
professors in an open session. Whoever attends the event must take into account the relevance and formality of this exam. The oral presentation of the work can be done in Catalan, Spanish or English and will be accompanied by digital support. The work will be presented
in a maximum time of 10 minutes in the case of individual work, and 15 minutes if the work is in pairs, after which the
student will have to answer the questions raised by the committee members during other 10 minutes (or 15 minutes if the work is in pairs).
The questions will be aimed at finding out if the student has reached the maturity and necessary knowledge corresponding to the
degree in Geology.
Course calendar:
											July-September: Collection of topics proposed by the teaching staff and by the students. There must be between 3 and 10 topics from each area.
											September-October: the list of topics proposed by the teaching staff will be published.
											- For students who present the TFG in February:
											October: First student-tutor meeting to start the TFG.
											December: Intervention of the subject coordinator in case of negative monitoring by the teaching staff or negative process by the student.
											January: Delivery of the draft of the written report to the teaching staff.
											February: Student delivery of the written report of the work through the Virtual Campus or alternative platform, and on paper, if deemed appropriate.
											Delivery to the coordination or platform, by the teaching staff, of the monitoring and assessment sheet for the student's work.
											Oral presentation of the research work in front of the committee on the date set in the list of exams for the Geology Degree. The student must 
deliver a digital copy of the supporting presentation via Campus Virtual the day before the presentations. - For students who present the TFG in June: November: Deadline for the first student-tutor meeting to start the TFG. March: Intervention of the subject coordinator in case of negative monitoring by the teaching staff or negative process by the student. June: Delivery of the draft of the written report to the teaching staff. Delivery by the students of the written reports of the work through the Virtual Campus or alternative platform, and on paper if deemed appropriate. Delivery by the teaching staff of the work monitoring and assessment sheet to the coordination or platform. July: Oral presentation of the research work before the commission on the date set in the examination calendar for the Geology Degree. The student
must deliver a digital copy of the supporting submission via Virtual Campus or alternative platform the day before.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Assessment of the oral presentation and the answers made by the evaluators 35% 0 0 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Assessment of the written memory made by the evaluators 40% 0 0 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Assessment of written memory made by the tutor 15% 0 0 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Follow-up report by the tutor 10% 0 0 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Both the student's progress in performing the TFG and the results obtained will be taken into account. The progress of the student's work

will be evaluated through the follow-up report by the tutor. The quality of the work will be evaluated in part by the tutor (evaluation of the

written report) and partly by the committee (evaluation of the written memory and oral presentation).

Based on the assessment of written reports and oral presentations, the evaluation committee shall judge the content, methodology, degree

of difficulty, quality of work carried out and the cross-cutting competences acquired, in addition to the presentation and defense carried out.

The committee members shall qualify separately the writen memory and an oral defence. In order for the evaluation criteria to be uniform,

both the tutor and the members of the committee will fill out the prepared follow-up and evaluation sheets indicating the degree of achievement of each point.

The percentages of note of each part in the final rating will be: 10% of the tutor's follow-up report, 15% the assessment of the written

memory by the tutor, 40% the average of the written memory assessment by the members of the committee and 35% the average of 

assessment of the presentation and answering questions by the members of the committee.

Based on the notes given by the tutors and the evaluation commission, the Coordinator of the TFG will calculate the final grades of the

subject, taking into account the diversity of the committees, and publish them in the Virtual Campus of the subject. In addition, he will be

in charge of assigning the Honors, if any, on the basis of the proposals of the court, and closing the minutes.

If after the public submission any of the parties is valued by the tutor or by the committee as a deficient assessment (mark of less than 3

out of 10), the final rating will be Failed, regardless of the assessments of the other parties.

In the event that the court considers that the Report has remediable deficiencies, a period of15 days will be given for the student to correct the errors.

The court will issue the final grade once the student's amendment has been evaluated.

The final qualification of Failed does not allow to resubmit the work within the same call or course year and the student must re-enroll of the TFG

the following course. The grade will be Not Presented if the student does not submit the written work to the tutor, or the court, within the allotted period.


The tutor of the thesis will suggest a basic bibliography to the student according to the proposed topic.

The student should be able to expand this bibliography and independently carry out his or her own search.


There is no specific software.

Language list

Information on the teaching languages can be checked on the CONTENTS section of the guide.