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Evaluation of Programs and Public Policies

Code: 100443 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
2500257 Criminology OT 4


Luisa Rodriguez Cortes

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


The teaching of the subject will be given taking into account the perspective of the Sustainable Development Goals.

The course is taught (both lecture and seminar) in Catalan

Objectives and Contextualisation

Evaluation of programs and public policies in the degree:

It is a compulsory fourth-year subject that develops the evaluation process from a disciplinary and professional perspective that is rooted in the evaluation of programs, without forgetting its connections with the design and monitoring of the sameUnderstand  the relevant concepts for program evaluation.

1.- Reflect on the concepts related to the process of evaluating plans and programs within the criminological context.

2.- Evaluate plans, programs, projects and activities to intervene in intervention/prevention contexts, specifically in the criminological field.

3.- Analyze program evaluation models applied to different situations within the criminological context.

4.- Contextualize the evaluation in different documents related to criminology.

5.- Express yourself orally with technical rigor and communicative ability.


  • Ability to analyse and summarise.
  • Applying a crime prevention program at a community level.
  • Assessing the results of a prevention or intervention program when crime is concerned.
  • Designing a crime prevention program.
  • Drawing up an academic text.
  • Students must demonstrate a comprehension of the best crime prevention and intervention models for each specific problem.
  • Using the evaluation techniques of criminogenic risk and needs of a person in order to decide an intervention proposal.
  • Verbally transmitting ideas to an audience.
  • Working autonomously.
  • Working in teams and networking.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Ability to analyse and summarise.
  2. Applying a prevention program for crime control agents.
  3. Applying an effective evaluative model in order to detect the criminological intervention needs in prison population.
  4. Carrying out a results analysis of a delinquency prevention program.
  5. Demonstrating they know the means and scientific procedures of crime prevention.
  6. Drawing up a delinquency prevention program.
  7. Drawing up an academic text.
  8. Effectively developing a delinquency prevention program in the community area.
  9. Producing a social prevention program of delinquency.
  10. Properly using the criminological prevention and intervention programs.
  11. Verbally transmitting ideas to an audience.
  12. Working autonomously.
  13. Working in teams and networking.


  1. Definition of the subject. Theory of change.
  2. Models for program evaluation
  3. Dimensions of program evaluation
  4. References, criteria and indicators for evaluation. Evaluation of the efficacy, effectiveness and efficency of a program.
  5. Strategies, methodologies, techniques and tools of evaluation.
  6. Meta-evaluation. Frequent problems in program evaluation. The evaluation report.

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Presential in large group: theory and case analysis (individual with group discussion). 19.5 0.78 2, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12
Seminars: Evaluation design of a criminal program (group activity) 19.5 0.78 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Type: Autonomous      
Reading of the dossiers-didactic units; Repository of cases worked; Brief reporting and analysis. 106 4.24 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13

The methodological approach of the subject starts from focusing the activity of the process on the student's learning. In order to allow the achievement of this principle, the student should be active and autonomous throughout the process, being the mission of the professor to assist him in this task. In this sense, professors will: 1) support students at all times by providing the information and resources necessary for learning, 2) ensure autonomous learning of students by proposing different learning activities (individual and group, theoretical and practical) under the principle of variety of methods.

In this approach, the subject is structured, in its design and development, in the type of teaching-learning activities that we detail and specify below:

There will be a detailed program of all activities at the beginning of the course.

Classes will start on time. Late arrival and leaving  the class before the end, without justifiable reason are not allowed.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Group evaluation work on a criminology program. Video presentation of the final work 60% 0 0 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13
Individual and group exercices in class 5% 5 0.2 1, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Weekly individual exercices in relation to program evaluation in criminological contexts. Includes portfolioslou 35% 0 0 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13

1.- Continuous evaluation system:

1.1.- Individual and group theoretical-practical tests (relating to theoretical-practical knowledge in relation to the subject's content and objectives).

1.2.- Weekly individual practices in relation to the evaluation of programs in criminological contexts. Weekly practices that do not exceed 5 can be gradually recovered. The subject cannot be approved if all practices are not approved.

1.3. Evaluation work of a group criminological program. Recorder presentation (on video) (analysis of one or more existing plans, programs or projects),

with the contribution of evidence analyzed beyond the face-to-face work, especially with regard to expanding the cases or problems raised in the classroom, and always in connection with the theory worked on.

It must be taken into account, however, that there will always be revisions by the teacher at the student's initiative, within the context of continuous or formative assessment.

1.4. Group work

The evaluation of the group design of an evaluation program has a formative purpose from the point of view of its evaluation, since it can be reviewed by the group depending on the task delivered.

This review will be done in the seminars that are considered presenting the results of the group work, in addition, to the rest of the classmates.

The score of this evaluation of the designed program will take place after its written delivery and the sending of a group video where an exhibition will be made to defend the work achieved. This defense will have the character of a summative assessment for this part group.

1.5. Resit

Due to its nature, the resit will involve the correction of the learning elements not achieved, or the incorporation of new evidence by the student that demonstrates the achievement of the required skills.

Completion of all assignments is a prerequisite for passing the subject. The subject cannot be approved if each part is not approved with a 5. Deliverables will be delivered by the virtual platforms indicated in PDF format.

In the event that some parts of the work remain pending, they can be carried out and/or delivered on the date specified, as long as we are talking about finishing works that have already been worked on formatively.

In the case of single assessment, the exam will not be approved if each part is not approved.

2.- Single evaluation system:

2.1.- Final theoretical exam of all content related to the subject (10%)

2.2.- Final practical exam related to the content of the subject (50%)

2.3- Delivery of the evaluation work of a criminological program in PDF format for the indicated virtual platform.

A tutorial schedule will be established to follow up. Students will have to send a video explaining the work done (40%)

The duration of the test will be approximately 3 hours.

3.- Other aspects of the assessment

Each individual situation that does not conform to what is written must be communicated to the subject teacher in order to enable the relevant assessments.

Attendance, both in theory and seminar classes, is mandatory. To be evaluated, a minimum of 80% must be justified, without accounting for justified absences.

Absences can only be justified for reasons of illness or other force majeure and for academic reasons previously authorized by the teaching staff.

Students will be assessable as long as they have completed a setof activities whose weight is equivalent to a minimum of 2/3 of the total grade for the subject. if the value of the activities carried out does not reach this threshold, the teacher of the subject may consider the student as non-evaluable

Students who cheat or attempt to cheat in an exam will have a 0 in the subject and will lose the right to re-evaluation.

Students who present a practice in which there are signs of plagiarism or who cannot justify the arguments of their practice will get a 0 and will receive a warning.

In case of repetition of the conduct, the student will suspend the subject (0) and lose the right to resit. Therefore, the anti-copying and anti-plagiarism regulations will apply.


General references

Agencia Estatal de Evaluación de la Calidad (2010). Fundamentos de evaluación de políticas públicas. Ministerio de Política Territorial y Administración Pública. http://www.aeval.es/comun/pdf/evaluaciones/Fundamentos_de_evaluacion.pdf.

Asenjo, C. (2016). Guía para el diseño, gestión y utilización de evaluaciones de programas y políticas públicas. EUROSOCIAL. http://sia.eurosocialii.eu/files/docs/1460977721-DT_45_guia%20de%20evaluacion(montado).pdf

Banco Mundial (2004). Seguimiento y evaluación: instrumentos, métodos y enfoques. Banco Mundial.

Comas, D. (2008). Manual de evaluación para políticas, planes, programas y actividades de juventud. Observatorio de la Juventud en España. Servicio de Documentación y Estudios. http://xuventude.xunta.es/uploads/Manual_de_evaluacin_para_polticas_planes_programas_y_actividades_de_juventud.pdf

Frühling, H. (2012). La eficacia de las políticas públicas de seguridad ciudadana en América Latina y el Caribe. Cómo medirla y como mejorarla. Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID). https://publications.iadb.org/publications/spanish/document/La-eficacia-de-las-pol%C3%ADticas-p%C3%BAblicas-de-seguridad-ciudadana-en-Am%C3%A9rica-Latina-y-el-Caribe-Como-medirla-y-como-mejorarla.pdf

Loinaz, I. (2017). Manual de evaluación del riesgo de violencia: metodología y ámbitos de aplicación. Ediciones Pirámide

Martínez-Espasa, J. (2015). Las políticas públicas de seguridad ciudadana. Análisisy propuestas desde la criminología. (Doctoral dissertatioln, Universitat de Valencia). RODERIC. Repositori de Contingut Lliure http://roderic.uv.es/handle/10550/50188

Martínez-Mediano, C. (2017). Evaluación de programas. UNED

Ortegon, J., Pacheco, J., i  Prieto, A. (2015). Metodología del marco lógico para la planificación, el seguimiento y la evaluación de proyectos y programas. Naciones Unidas/ CEPAL. https://repositorio.cepal.org/bitstream/handle/11362/5607/S057518_es.pdf.

Osuna, J. L., i Márquez, C. (Drts.) (2002). Guía para la evaluación de políticas públicas. Instituto de Desarrollo Económico. http://siare.clad.org/siare/innotend/evaluacion/manualeval.pdf.

Royse, D., Thyer, D. A. & Padgett, D. K. (2016). Program Evaluation. An introduction to an Evidence-Based Approach. (6ª ed.), Cengage Learning,

Ruiz, A. (coord.) (2015). Guía para el diseño y realización de evaluaciones de políticas públicas. AEVAL

Tejada, J. (2007). Evaluación de programas. Formación de formadores. Escenario institucional (pp. 389-465). Thomson.

Vargas, F. i Becerra, V. (2019). Políticas públicas: del diseño a la evaluación. Yopublico



The specific bibliography will be presented with the development of the program of the subject, according to the interests of the students in order to overcome the competences of the subject.

The mandatory bibliography will be specified at the beginning of the course


This subject does not need a specific syllabus

Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(TE) Theory 1 Catalan first semester afternoon