Degree | Type | Year | Semester |
4313227 Media, Communication and Culture | OT | 0 | 2 |
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- Fundamental notions about the functioning of the logic of the genres of discourse.
- Basic knowledge about informative, interpretative and opinional journalistic genres: typology, varieties, functions, evolution in recent years.
- Fundamental notions of narratology: elements of composition and style of the story.
- Descriptive knowledge from the field of structure of mass communication about the media system and its evolution in the Western environment and, especially, in the Catalan context: the moment of the press in its different supports, the appearance of the new digital media , the competition with conventional supports
1. The genres of discourse and its linguistic and social logic. The descriptive and non-normative theory of the genres: the formalists to Bakhtin. Rhetoric and communication.
2. The crisis of discourses and media credibility. The new orality. The postficció: from non-fiction to creative documentary. Informative superabundance, superficiality and entertainment. The absence of listening attitude and the new media discursive strategies: irony, repetition and fragmentation. The evolution of formats and innovation in genres.
3. The journalistic genres: theory and criticism of its evolution and its adaptation to new environments. Of the normativity in the description: the genres as hybrid forms. The crisis of the genres in quality journalism.
4. The information society and the constitution and current decline of the network society: new media, new formats and the new logic of information consumption. The emergence of social media in the production of journalism: web 2.0 and information. The new platform culture: from network society to blob communication.
5. Narrative features of new digital formats: instantaneity, fragmentation, polyphony, multisupport. Incidence of these features in the modulation of story logic and narrative resources: construction of the character, choice of point of view, plot composition (time/space).
6. The culture of the platform: from capitalism to surveillance to containment. The blob communication. Techno-hydraulic capitalism.
7. A postcanon of commented examples: the new literary and audiovisual narratives. The afterpop and the postmodern.
The proposed teaching methodology and evaluation activities may undergo some modifications depending on the health authorities' attendance restrictions.
The calendar will be available on the first day of class. Students will find all information on the Virtual Campus: the description of the activities, teaching materials, and any necessary information for the proper follow-up of the subject.In case of a change of teaching modality for health reasons, teachers will make readjustments in the schedule and methodologies.
The teaching methodology will be based on:
- Classroom sessions.
- Group discussion sessions of the proposed readings weekly, biweekly or monthly.
- Customized tutorials about the readings and the individual work proposals for the module.
Complementary training activities:
- Debates on a topic of journalistic or academic news in the field of the module.
- Visualization and commentary of audiovisual documents (films, reports, interviews).
In two sessions throughout the course (around session 6 and around session 10) discussions will be held with professional experts responsible for new media, and with academic researchers dereference within the fields of new digital narratives (video games, data journalism, webdoc, etc.)
The last two sessions of the course will be devoted to the oral presentation of the results of the tutored work before the class. The exhibition will be part of the evaluation in a percentage that can range between 10 and 20%.
IMPORTANT WARNING: The student who performs any irregularity (copy, plagiarism, identity theft...) will be qualified with 0 in this assignment or exam. In case there are several irregularities, the final grade of the subject will be 0.
Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.
Title | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Type: Directed | |||
Master classes | 20 | 0.8 | 2, 7, 4, 6 |
Tutorials | 10 | 0.4 | 2, 7, 4, 6 |
Type: Supervised | |||
Reading aimed at putting together and debating | 10 | 0.4 | 2, 7, 4, 3, 6 |
Type: Autonomous | |||
Personal study, readings, preparation of critical reviews, partial work and final tutoring work | 55 | 2.2 | 1, 2, 7, 4, 3, 6, 5 |
The evaluation will be done on the participation in the classroom debates (20% of the final grade) where the follow-up of the readings will be valued, their understanding and the originality and rigor of the contributions; Secondly, continuous assessment (30%), which will be, as indicated below, two critical book reviews of the proposed bibliography plus a minimum of journalistic writing adapted to the new digital narratives; and, finally, the final work tutored on an aspect of the syllabus in which the doctorate wants to deepen, in a concrete, focused, critical and original (50% of the final grade).
In case the student does not fulfill these tasks, singularly the final work, they will not be able to pass.
The final work, as well as the rest of the work delivered, will be corrected and commented in a personal tutorial session with the student.
In the event that the student does not pass the subject, he will have a reasonable time, after the evaluation and before the closing of acts, and provided that the suspended note is greater than 3,5, to redo the work or suspended work, under the tutoring by the teacher.
Title | Weighting | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Participation in classroom discussions about readings and problems raised. | 20% | 10 | 0.4 | 2, 7, 4, 3, 6 |
Continuous evaluation work: elaboration of critical reviews + preparation of partial analysis of new formats | 30% | 15 | 0.6 | 1, 2, 7, 4, 3, 6, 5 |
Tutored final work | 50% | 30 | 1.2 | 1, 2, 7, 4, 3, 6 |
Bajtin, M.M. (1985): Estética de la creación verbal. México: Siglo XXI.
Benjamin, Walter, “El narrador”, en Para una crítica de la violencia y otros ensayos. Iluminaciones IV, Madrid, Taurus, 1998, pp. 111-134.
Bogost, I., Ferrarri, S., i Schweizer, B. (2010) Newsgames: Journalism at Play. Cambridge: Massachussets Institute Technology Press.
Chillón, A. (2014) La palabra facticia. Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès): Aldea Global.
Castells, M. (1997-2001) La era de la información (3 vols.) Madrid: Alianza editorial.
Covell, A. (2000) Digital convergence. Newport: A.P.G.
De la Peña, N., Weil, P., i Llobera, J. (2010) Immersive Journalism: Immersive Virtual Reality for the First-Person Experience of News, a Presence Vol. 19, Issue 4.
Díaz Noci, J. I Salaverría, R. (2003) Manual de redacción ciberperiodística. Madrid: Ariel.
Deterding, S.; Dixon, D.; Khaled, R. et al. (2011). From game design elements to gamefulness: defining gamification. A: Proceedings of the 15th international academic MindTrek conference: Envisioning future media environments (pp. 9-15). Nueva York: ACM.
Duch, Ll. i Chillón, A. "La narración interminable", en Un ser de mediaciones. Antropología de la comunicación, vol. I, Barcelona, Herder, 2012
DD.AA. (1998-fins a l'actualitat) Informe de la comunicació a Catalunya (diverses edicions). Barcelona: Incom.
DD.AA. (2005) Comunicación audiovisual digital. Nuevos medios, nuevos usos, nuevas formas. Barcelona. UOC.
Espada, A. y Hernández Busto, E. (eds.) (2009) El fin de los periódicos. Barcelona: Duomo
García-Ortega, A. i García-Avilés, J. A.. (2018). Los newsgames como estrategia narrativa en el periodismo transmedia: propuesta de un modelo de análisis. Revista Mediterránea de Comunicación/Mediterranean Journal of Communication, 9(1), 327-346.
Garde, Cristina (2022) Més enllà del mirall negre: una defensa del periodisme en l'era de la comunicació blob i del capitalisme de la contenció. (Tesi doctoral inèdita). Bellaterra: Dept. de Mitjans, Comunicació i Cultura.
Hernández, L.G. (2017) Periodismo Literario: el arte de contar historias. Salamanca: Comunicación Social.
Kapp, K. M. (2013). The gamification of learning and instruction fieldbook: Ideas into practice. London: John Wiley & Sons.
Kamiya, G. (2009): “La muerte de las noticias”. En Espada, A. y Hernández Busto, E. (eds.): El fin de los periódicos. Barcelona: Duomo, pp 101-110.
Larrondo, A. (2008) Los géneros de la redacción ciberpriodística. Bilbao: UPV.
Marczewski, A. C. (2015). Even Ninja Monkeys Like to Play. London: Blurb Inc.
Negroponte, N. (1995) El mundo digital. Barcelona: Ediciones B.
Pisan, F. y Piotet, D. (2008): La alquimia de las multitudes: cómo la web está cambiando el mundo. Madrid: Paidós.
Ramonet, I. (1998): La tiranía de la comunicación. Barcelona: Debate.
Ramonet, I. (2011): La explosión del periodismo. Madrid: Clave intelectual.
Ricoeur, Paul, “Narratividad, fenomenología y hermenéutica”, en Anàlisi, nº 25, 2000
Salaverría, R. (2005) Cibermedios: el impacto de Internet en los medios de comunicación en España. Sevilla: Comunicación Social.
Starr, P. (2009): “Adiós a la era de los periódicos”. En Espada, A. y Hernández Busto, E. (eds.): El fin de los periódicos. Barcelona:Duomo, pp 111-141.
Steiner, G. (1991): Presencias reales. Barcelona: Destino.
Vidal Castell, D. (2002): “La transformació de la teoria del periodisme: una crisi de paradigma?”. En Anàlisi, 28, pp. 21-54.
Vidal Castell, D. (2005): El malson de Chandos. Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès): Aldea Global.
Zichermann (2013). The gamification revolution: How readers leverage game mechanics to crush the competition. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Zuboff. S. (2020) La era del capitalismo de la vigilancia. Barcelona: Paidós.
The course does not require any specific program, beyond conventional word processors for the preparation of the works and the presentations.