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Code: 106854 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2504611 Archaeology OB 1 2


Antonio Palomo Pérez

Teaching groups languages

You can check it through this link. To consult the language you will need to enter the CODE of the subject. Please note that this information is provisional until 30 November 2023.

External teachers

Josep M. Puche Fontanilles


There are no oficial prerequisits

Objectives and Contextualisation

The subject is part of the Archeology subject (methods and techniques) of the Degree in Archeology. The subject is organized into 2 basic training subjects and 5 compulsory subjects distributed sequentially in the first three years. 
The 36 credits aim to provide the technical foundations of research and professional archaeology: -Introduction to planning and fieldwork methods and techniques in prehistoric and historical archaeology. The archaeological survey. The archaeological excavation. Field recording systems in archaeology. -Introduction to cabinet work in archaeology. Representation of stratigraphic profiles. Topographic elevations, 3D photogrammetry and LIDAR applications. Drawing and representation of archaeological objects. - Introduction to the application of quantitative methods in archaeology. Use of data tables. Types of variables: qualitative, ordinal/categorical and continuous. Descriptive statistics and graph creation.
Basic inferential statistics: normality tests, significance tests, correlation, c correspondences and clusters. -Introduction to the processing, consolidation and laboratory analysis of archaeological materials of different types and chronologies: -Abiotic materials from historical periods: ceramics in turn, ceramics by hand, decorations from various historical periods. -Prehistoric abiotic materials: carved and macrolithic lithic industry, handmade ceramics, archaeometallurgy, ornaments... -Bioarchaeological materials: archaeozoology, archaeobotany and human osteoarchaeology

Learning Outcomes

  • KM12 (Knowledge) Analytically classify different movable and immovable archaeological materials and remains.
  • KM13 (Knowledge) Apply multidisciplinary techniques and methods to the processing and analysis of archaeological records and materials in laboratory and off-site work: analysis of ceramics, industry, archaeozoology, archaeobotany and osteoarchaeology, digital processing and treatment of archaeological images and data, statistics and quantification.
  • SM13 (Skill) Apply the main typological classification systems to archaeological materials from different chronologies, taking into account their morphological characteristics, the materials used and the processes of taphonomic alteration and decay.
  • SM15 (Skill) Use technological equipment in field and laboratory work: total stations, binocular loupes and microscopes and imaging equipment.
  • SM16 (Skill) Employ the basic procedures for consolidation and preservation of archaeological materials in the laboratory, assessing their suitability and their impact on future analyses of the same materials.
  • SM17 (Skill) Use the typical digital and computer equipment and tools for research and professional practice in archaeology in order to represent and order archaeological records (total stations, cameras, specialised software) and to perform analyses of different types of materials (binocular loupes and microscopes, calipers and digital scales, specialised software).


BLOCK 1. Theoretical introduction to archaeological documentation methods.

BLOCK 2. Registration before, during and after archaeological interventions

BLOCK 3. Object drawing: from pencil to digital

Block 4. Introduction to new recording technologies



Directed activities:

- Theoretical classes led by teachers with ICT support

- Group work sessions and debates led by the teaching staff. Collective evaluation and discussion of texts or audiovisuals, individual and / or collective presentations and round of evaluations.

- Practical sessions.

-Registration/documentation practices in an archaeological site

Supervised activities:

- Concerted sessions to resolve doubts about the development of the subject. Individual or small group advice on specific subject contents.

- Counselling in small groups for the preparation of presentations and scheduled learning exercises.

Autonomous activity:

- Personal study. Reading texts. Bibliographic information search.

-Writing papers/Preparation of practical exercises for documentation and representation of artefacts and archaeological sites. Preparation of presentations, oral comments and debates

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Lectures, field trips 50 2
Type: Supervised      
Tutoring 10 0.4
Type: Autonomous      
Preparation of tests and assignments 75 3


Assessment modules

The evaluation system is organized into 4 blocks/modules, each of which will be assigned a specific weight in the final qualification:

 1. The directed activities will be evaluated through two written tests.

 2. Supervised activities will be evaluated through the classroom presentations and activities.

 3. Autonomous activities will be evaluated through two writen essays.

Assessment schedule

 At the beginning of the course, students will be informed of the specific contents of the assessment modules and their completion / delivery dates.

Requirements to pass the subject

 - Attendance at 75% percent of the sessions.

 - Presentation / completion of the evaluation modules on the established dates.

 - Obtaining an average score of the evaluation modules of 5 or more on a scale of 10, provided that a minimum qualification of 4 has been obtained on a scale of 10 in each of them.

 - A student will be considered non-evaluable in the case of non-presentation of one or more modules within the established deadlines or does not attend a minimum of 75% of the theoretical sessions.


 - Students who have completed / presented the evaluation modules within the established deadlines may be presented for recovery.

 - Only the written tests will be recoverable.

Recovery schedule

Recovery dates are set by the Faculty of Letters. These dates have been published on the faculty website since July of the previous year. It is the responsibility of the students to know the date that corresponds to make the recovery of their subject. The last continuous assessment test will be scheduled at least one week beforethe re-evaluation date.

At the time of completion/delivery ofeach assessment activity, the teacher will inform (Moodle, SIA) of the procedure and date of revision of the grades.

In the event of a student committing any irregularity that may lead to a significant variation in the grade awarded to an assessment activity, the student will be given a zero for this activity, regardless of any disciplinary process that may take place. In the event of several irregularities in assessment activities of the same subject, the student will be given a zero as the final grade for this subject.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Attendance and face-to-face activities 10% 5 0.2 KM13, SM15, SM16, SM17
Essays 40% 5 0.2 KM12, KM13, SM13, SM15, SM17
Written tests 50% 5 0.2 KM12, SM15, SM17


Dibuix arqueològic

 F.J. FERNÁNDEZ DE LA PEÑA; CASTAÑEDA, N.2022.  Dibujando el pasado. Una historia de la documentación gráfica en el patrimonio arqueológico Ediciones Ergástula

MAS HURTUNA, P. 2015. Dibujo arqueológico de materiales aproximación a sus técnicas, Vessants, arqueologia i cultura SL

INIZAN, MARIE‐LOUISE & REDURON, M & ROCHE, HELENE & TIXIER, J. (1995). Technologie de la pierre taillée.

INIZAN, MARIE‐LOUISE & REDURON-BALLINGER, M & ROCHE, HELENE & TIXIER, J. (1999). Technology and Terminology of Knapped Stone.

Adkins -Adkins1989:Lesley Adkins i Roy A.Adkins, Archaeological illustration, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge

Prats 1997:Prats i Domènech, Josep Ma., El Disseny gràfic i el dibuix en arqueologia prehistòrica des de les perspectives de compilació, aplicació i creació , Tesi doctoral dirigida per Eudald Carbonell i Roura. Universitat Rovira i Virgili. Facultat de Lletres. Departament d'Història i Geografia, Tarragona

Arcelin i Rigoir 1979:Arcelin, P. i Rigoir, Y. , Normalisation du dessin en céramologie, Documents d’archéologie méridionale, Lambesc

Bagot 2005:Bagot, F., El dibujo arqueológico. La cerámica: normas para la representación de las formas y decoraciones de las vasijas

Giorgi 2003:Giorgi, E. , Riflessioni sul valore del rilievo nella documentazione dei siti archeologici, Ocnus, Bologna

Baruffato 2009:Baruffato, A. , Discussione crítica sulla reppresentazione grafica della ceramica, , Padova

Aenor 1995:Aenor, Manual de Normas UNE sobre dibujo : Recopilación de Normas UNE

, Aenor, Madrid

Rogoir i Rivet 1994:Rigoir, Yves, Rivet, Lucien  , De la représentation graphique des sigillées., , Marcella

Puche, JM. Macias, JM., De Solà-Morales, P. Toldrà, JM. 2015: “Reflections on two drawings del Scipios tower a Tarragona. The paradox del archaeological drawing conceptuality.” a Revista de Expresión Gráfica en arquitectura, 25. 158-167

Puche, JM.2016: “Al di la della morte del disegno archaeologico” a Archeologia e calcolatori, 26. 189-208

Puche, JM.2018: “Ars sine scientia nihil est. El incierto devenir de la documentación gráfica del Patrimonio Arqueológico-Arquitectónico” a Revista d’Arqueologia de Ponent, 27, 61-78.

Puche, JM. Riera, M. 2018: “Nuevas tecnologías y documentación gráfica profesionalizada en la arqueología de las Islas Baleares” a procedings del II Cogreso Nacional de Arqueología Profesional. Zaragoza, pp. 267-275

Registre de camp

CARANDINI, A.: Historias en la Tierra. Editorial Crítica, Barcelona, 1997.

GARCÍA SANJUÁN, L.: Introducción al Reconocimiento y Análisis Arqueológico del Territorio. Ariel, Barcelona, 2005.

DOMINGO, I., BURKE, H., SMITH, C.: Manual de campo del arqueólogo, Ariel Arqueología, Barcelona, 2007.

HARRIS, E.C.: Principios de Estratigrafía Arqueológica, Crítica, Barcelona, 1991.

RENFREW, C.; BAHN, P.: Arqueología. Teorías, métodos y práctica. Akal ediciones, Madrid, 1993.

ROSKAMS, S.: Teoría y práctica de la excavación, Crítica/Arqueología, Crítica, Barcelona, 2003.

Bagnolo 2005:Bagnolo, V. , Interpretazione di elementi architettonici: il disegno per modelli applicato al rilievo archeologico, , Cagliari

Medri 2003:Madri, M., Manuale di rilievo archeologico, Roma-Bari

Giuliani 1989:Giuliani, C.F., Archeologia, documentazione gràfica, De Luca Edizioni d’Arte

Pennacchioni 2004:Pennacchioni, M, Metodologie e tecniche del disegno archeologico, , Roma

Medri et alii 1988:Medri, M., Francovich, R., Parenti, D. , La pianta composita nella documentazione e nell'interpretazione dello scavo, Archeologia e restauro dei monumento,

Bianchini 2008:Bianchini, M. , Manuale di rilievo e di documentazione digitale in archeologia, , Roma

Andrea i Barbarino 2012:Andrea, A. i Barbarino, M., Modellare lo scavo archeologico: esperienze e tecniche a confronto, Archeologia e Calcolatori. Atti del Workshop Documentare l'Archeologia 2.0. Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna 19 aprile 2012., Firenze

Docci i Maestri 1993:Docci, M. i Maestri, D., Storia del rilevamento architettonico e urbano, Ed. Laterza, Roma-Bari

Toldrà, JM. Macias, JM. Puche, JM. De Solà-Morales, P. 2016: “El anfiteatro romano de Tarragona: cinco siglos dibujando y aún insatisfechos.” a XVI Congreso Internacional de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. Alcalà de Henares 2-3 june 2016. 1078-1087


Specific software will be used that will be indicated in the development of the various blocks.

Free software and software licensed by the UAB