Degree | Type | Year | Semester |
2504604 Environmental Sciences | OB | 2 | 2 |
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In order to follow and integrate properly the contents of this course it will be necessary to have taken (and passed, preferably) previously the courses of 'Fonaments de Física', 'Fonaments de Geologia' i 'Fonaments de Química'.
This course should provide the students the ability to assess and quantify the main sources of natural resources that human beings have available to develop their basic functions and/or their economic activities (in particular the transofrmation and production of energy), and up to what extent such resources are being used and/or overexploited nowadays in our society.
Likewise, the course will introduce the main processes used for extracting and processing such resources, and what is their expected evolution for the following decades (in particular within the context of the energy transition). It will also provide the students with tools to quantify and assess critically the physic, energetic, economic end environmental costs/impacts associated to such uses and processes.
1. Introduction: the global problem of the finiteness of energy and natural resources
2. The exploitation and consumption of resources in our society
3. Transport and distribution of energy in the current models
4. Fossil fuels
5. Extraction and management of nuclear fuels
6. Geothermal resources
7. Hydrolectric resources
8. Eolic resources
9. The energy from the Sun
10. Storage and recovery/reutilization of resources and energy
11. Future scenarios: the energy transition
The course includes 38 teaching hours of theory (including both lectures and practical demonstrations in the classroom), 8 teaching hours of seminars (where two interactive and cooperative activities will be developed, based on role-playing and serious games methodologies, to reproduce different case studies related to the management of natural resources and energy) and 2 teaching hours of external visits to several facilities avaiilable at the UAB Campus related to the consumption and management of energy in the university.
Additionally, the course includes a certain number of hours devoted to personal study (which includes both theoretical study and consultation of sources through the Internet and/or other channels), plus those hours that the students will need to prepare the different assigments during the course.
Note: es reservaran 15 minuts d'una classe, dins del calendari establert pel centre/titulació, per a la complementació per part de l'alumnat de les enquestes d'avaluació de l'actuació del professorat i d'avaluació de l'assignatura/mòdul.
Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.
Title | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Type: Directed | |||
Gamified activities in the classroom | 8 | 0.32 | KM57, SM58, KM57 |
In-class lectures | 38 | 1.52 | CM44, CM46, KM62, SM55, SM56, CM44 |
Visits to UAB Campus facilities related to energy efficiency | 2 | 0.08 | CM44, CM46, KM57, KM62, CM44 |
Type: Autonomous | |||
Autonomous work | 86 | 3.44 | CM44, CM46, KM57, KM62, SM55, SM56, SM58, CM44 |
Tutorials | 10 | 0.4 | KM57, KM62, SM55, SM56, KM57 |
i) The evaluation of the course will include two independent partial exams covering each a part of the contents of the course, each representing a weight of 35% over the final grade.
ii) Additionally, there will be two interactive and cooperative activities in group based on a role-playing games (to be developed during the last 3/4 weeks of the week) based on practical case studies/projects. These activities will involve several assignments and/or oral presentations that will represent globally a 30% of the final grade, and will imply compulsory attendance to all the sessions where the activitites are developed.
iii) Finally, as a pàrt of the evaluation of the course, the attendance to the external visits included in the course program will give the student the right to present an assignement that will increase the final grade of the course up to 0,5 points.
To pass the course the student will have to:
i) Get a minimum average grade of 5 (over 10).
ii) Get a minimum grade of 3,5 (over 10) in each of the three main evaluation activities (the two partial exams and the interactive activitites). In case this requirement is not fullfilled the final grade that will appear in the expedient will be (i) the average grade in case it is below 4,5, (ii) 4,5 in case it is above this value.
i) Those students that have attended a minimum part of the evaluation activites (corresponding at least to 2/3 of the final grade) but do not get the minimum grade to pass the course, or that want to improve their grades, have the option of a retake exam that will be independent for each partial.
ii) The interactive activities, as well as all assignments in the course, will not have a retake option.
Given the characteristics of some of its evaluation activities, this course does not offer the option of a Unique-Assignment evaluation.
Title | Weighting | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
1st partial exam | 35/100 | 2 | 0.08 | CM44, CM46, KM62, SM55, SM56 |
2nd partial exam | 35/100 | 2 | 0.08 | CM44, CM46, KM62, SM55, SM56 |
Gamified activities in the classroom | 30/100 | 2 | 0.08 | KM57, SM58 |
V. Ruiz. El Reto Energético. Almuzara, 2013 (2a ed).
J. González-Velasco. Energías Renovables. Reverté, 2005.
C. Riba Romeva. Recursos Energètics i crisi. Octaedro, 2012.
D. Yergin. The New Map: Energy, Climate and the Clash of Nations. Penguin Books, 2021
R.L. Jaffe and W. Taylor. The Physics of Energy. Cambridge Univ. Press, 2018
D.J.C. Mackay. Sustainable Energy: Without the Hot Air. (
B. Cassoret. Energy Transition. Taylor & Francis, 2021.
IEA Reports
World Energy Outlook.
The Role of Critical Minerals in Clean Energy Transitions.
Clean Energy Transitions Programme 2022.
Technology Innovation to Accelerate Energy Transitions.
World Energy Investment 2023.
Global EV Outlook 2023.
Renewable Energy Policies in a Time of Transition.
Recommendations of the Global Commission on People-Centred Clean Energy Transitions.
IRENA Reports
Critical Materials For The Energy Transition.
Managing Seasonal and Interannual Variability of Renewables.
Financing clean energy transitions in emerging and developing economies.
Smart Electrification with Renewables.
Innovation landscape for smart electrification.
Innovation landscape for a renewable-powered future.
Community-Ownership Models.
Capturing Carbon.
Scenarios for the Energy Transition.
Other Reports
IPCC. Mitigation of Climate Change 2022.
World Energy Council: Five Steps to Energy Storage.
Technical support for RES policy development and implementation.
EEA: Energy Prosumers in Europe.
Carbon dioxide removal: Nature-based and technological solutions.
Online resources
Demanda Red Eléctrica Española.
Global Wind Atlas.
European Wind Atlas.
Photovoltaic Geographical Information System.
Global Solar Atlas.
Energy Transition Model.
De l’Euro al Joule.
Central Gorona del Viento.
Web d’Energia de la UAB.