Degree | Type | Year | Semester |
2504604 Environmental Sciences | OB | 2 | 2 |
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No requirement is required.
This course has three main objectives:
First, to analyze the socio-environmental dimension of current urban and territorial
dynamics and their future trends.
Secondly, to know and reflect on the main instruments of public intervention for the
planning of the territory and the management of its resources, using concepts of
economic viability applied to different territorial scales.
Finally, deepen the development of the necessary skills to be able to propose
environmentally adapted and socially just solutions in relation to current and
future problems that characterize the evolution of the territory and, in particular,
of the urbanized space.
- Rurs vs. Urbs: countryside and city in the tradition of urban and territorial planning.
From urban extensions to the garden-city.
- Rural and urban spaces in the context of the current post-metropolis.
From the 'urbanization of the countryside' to the 'dispersed regional urbanization'.
- Territorial dynamics and spatial transformation in the rural world
(evolution in three moments, XIX to XXI centuries):
a) Support territories of the urban process;
b) Rurbanization;
c) Environmental rural tourism and energy production (energyscapes).
- Territorial dynamics in relation to urbanized spaces (evolution in three moments,
XIX to XXI centuries):
a) The industrial city;
b) Metropolitan areas;
c) Dispersed regional urbanization.
- Sustainable planning: sustainability, resilience and climate change as
current requirements for urban and territorial planning.
- Sustainability criteria for rural spaces today.
- Sustainability criteria for urban spaces today.
- From sustainability to the 'Low-Carbon' and 'Post-oil' perspectives:
towards 'climate-proof' urban and rural spaces.
- The expositive classes (directed activity) also incorporate discussion on text readings and
debates regarding the key aspects of the subject.
- The applied classes (directed and supervised activity) refer to the practical activities and
exercises to be carried out in groups during the course,
emphasizing the resolution of practices and the elaboration of results.
Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.
Title | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Type: Directed | |||
Lessons (readings presentations and discussions included) | 36 | 1.44 | CM42, KM53, KM56, SM52, CM42 |
Tutorials & hands-on sessions (exercises and fieldtrips included)-Seminars | 12 | 0.48 | KM56, SM52, KM56 |
Type: Supervised | |||
Tutorial | 7 | 0.28 | CM42, KM53, KM56, SM52, CM42 |
Type: Autonomous | |||
Essays elaboration (group work) | 45 | 1.8 | KM56, SM52, KM56 |
Study work | 50 | 2 | CM42, KM53, KM56, SM52, CM42 |
- The theoretical written tests correspond to the two partial exams that are proposed
during the course.
- The tests and tasks of a practical nature correspond to the partial elaborations that
will be required during the practical sessions and exercises of the subject (group work).
- The delivery of reports and assignments correspond to the final elaboration of
the results of the practical group work.
- A mínimum qualification of 5 is stablished in regard to the theoretical written
tests (average grade considering the two partial exams proposed).
- The recuperation will consider both the theoretical written tests and the
practical applied tests when indicated.
- To be able to attend the reassessment (recovery), you must have attended
2/3 of the subject's assessment activities.
Single evaluation
- The students who have taken advantage of the single evaluation modality
must take a final test that will consist of a theory exam in which
they must develop a topic and answer a series of short questions.
Next, you will have to do a problem test where you will have to solve
a series of exercises similar to those that have been worked on in
the Classroom Practice sessions.
- The student's grade will correspond to the weighted average of the three previous activities, where the theory exam will represent 60% of the mark and the problems exam 40%.
- If the final grade does not reach 5, the student has another opportunity to pass the subject through the recovery exam that will be held on the date set by the coordination of the degree.
Title | Weighting | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Assignments (exercices and hands-on practical tasks) | 25% | 0 | 0 | KM56, SM52 |
Essays to be submitted | 25% | 0 | 0 | KM56, SM52 |
Exams on theoretical aspects | 50% | 0 | 0 | CM42, KM53, KM56, SM52 |
Chamberlin, S. (2009). The transition timeline for a local, resilient future. Vermont: Chelsea Green.
Esteban, J. (2011). La ordenación urbanística: conceptos, herramientas y prácticas. Barcelona: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.
Estevan, A.; Naredo, J. M. (2004). Ideas y propuestas para una nueva política del agua en España. Bilbao: Bakeaz.
Fernández Durán. R. (2006). El Tsunami urbanizador español y mundial. Bilbao. Marcial Pons.
Folch, R. (coord.) (2003). El territorio como sistema. Conceptos y herramientas de ordenación. Barcelona: Diputació de Barcelona.
Galiana, L.; Vinuesa, J. (2010). Teoría y práctica para una ordenación racional del territorio. Madrid: Síntesis.
Gifreu, J. (2012). L'ordenació urbanística a Catalunya. Barcelona: Marcial Pons.
Hopkins, R. (2008). The transition handbook: from oil dependency to local resilience. Vermont: Chelsea Green.
Ivancic, Aleksandar (2010) Energyscapes. Gustau Gili: Barcelona.
Mata, R.; Tarroja, À. (2006). El paisaje y la gestión del territorio. Barcelona: Diputació de Barcelona.
Moya, L. (ed.). (2011). La práctica del urbanismo. Madrid: Síntesis.
Muñoz, Francesc (2008) Urbanalización: paisajes comunes, lugares globales. Gustau Gili, Barcelona.
Muñoz, Francesc (2010) ) "La densidad urbana: de la ciudad de concentración al campo urbanizado". A Fuster Sobrepere, Joan (ed.) La agenda Cerdà. Construyendo la Barcelona metropolitana (75-114). Barcelona: Ajuntament de Barcelona/Lunwerg.
Muñoz, Francesc (coord. 2011) Estratègies vers la ciutat de baixa densitat. De la contenció a la gestió. Col·lecció 'Estudis', 9. Diputació de Barcelona.
Nel·lo, Oriol; Muñoz, Francesc (2004). "El proceso de urbanización". A Romero, Joan (coord.) Geografía Humana. Procesos, riesgos e incertidumbres en un mundo globalizado (255-332). Barcelona: Ariel.
Nel·lo, O. (dir.) (2010). La política de paisatge a Catalunya. Barcelona: Departament de Política Territorial i Obres Públiques.
Nel·lo, O. (2012). Ordenar el territorio. La experiencia de Barcelona y Cataluña. València: Tirant lo Blanch.
Nel·lo, Oriol; Mele, Renata (eds. 2016) Cities in the 21st Century. Routledge: London.
Pujadas, R.; Font, J. (2007). Ordenación y planificación territorial. Madrid: Síntesis.
Riba, Carles (2011). Recursos energètics i crisi. La fi de 200 anys irrepetibles. Barcelona: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.
Riddell, R. (2004), Sustainable Urban Planning. Oxford: Blackwell.
Saladié, O.; Oliveras, J. (2010). Desenvolupament sostenible. Tarragona. Publicacions URV.
Sanjuán, M. (2005). Gestió local de l'aigua. Barcelona: Fundació Pi i Sunyer.
Sassen, Saskia (2011) Ciudad y globalización.Textos urbanos. Vol. VII. El Quinde. Quito.
Satterthwaite, D. (2001). Sustainable Cities. London: Earthscan Publications.
Turiel, Antonio (2020) Petrocalipsis. Crisis energética global y cómo (no) la vamos a solucionar. Ed. Alfabeto.
World Cities Report (2016). Urbanization and Development. Emerging Futures. UNHABITAT.
World Cities Report (2020). The Value of Sustainable Urbanization. UNHABITAT.
Internet links (digital documents and webpages)
The City Journal.
The European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture (Mies van der Rohe Award by the Mies van der Rohe Foundation, Barcelona):
SOS Brutalism (German Architecture Museum, Frankfurt):
The Historic Chart of Barcelona (Museum of History of Barcelona, MUHBA).
The Prelinger files:
The European Prize for Urban Public Space:
Comments on the visual representation of the modern city (Gustave Caillebote):
‘Industrial urbanization and urban change’.
‘The making of the industrial city as a social structure’.
Basic user-level programming: text editing, spreadsheet, basic digital cartography, basic tools for the presentation of visual information (ppt and adobe).