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State of the Art in Social Sciences in Primary Education: Teaching and Learning Critical Thinking

Code: 106078 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2500797 Early Childhood Education OT 4 0
2500798 Primary Education OT 4 2


Antonio Manuel Santisteban Fernandez

Teaching groups languages

You can check it through this link. To consult the language you will need to enter the CODE of the subject. Please note that this information is provisional until 30 November 2023.


Mariona Massip Sabater


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Objectives and Contextualisation

1. To value the treatment of controversial subjects of the current society in primary education.

2. Identify critical thinking skills when we work with Socially Acute Questions.

3. Evaluate the importance of the critical thinking education in school and in democracy.

4. Develop Digital Critical Literacy for the interpretation of digital media and for social action.

5. Make inequalities and injustices visible in digital media and social networks.


    Early Childhood Education
  • Act with ethical responsibility and respect for fundamental rights and duties, diversity and democratic values.
  • Adopt ethical behaviour and attitudes and act according to the ethical principles of the profession.
  • Design and regulate learning spaces in diverse contexts which attend to the particular issues of pupils regarding gender equality, equity and respect for human rights.
  • Promoting and cooperating in initiatives, inside and outside of the school, organised by families, municipalities and other institutions with an emphasis on civic education.
    Primary Education
  • Act with ethical responsibility and respect for fundamental rights and duties, diversity and democratic values.
  • Design and regulate learning spaces in contexts of diversity that take into account gender equality, equity and respect for human rights and observe the values of public education.
  • Maintain a respectful attitude to the natural, social and cultural environment to foster values, behaviours and practices that attend to gender equality, equity and respect for human rights.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyse and apply the contributions of history, geography and social science to the teaching of human rights.
  2. Identifying, describing and analysing didactic models, strategies and curricular material on political culture and civic culture.
  3. Propose projects and actions that are in accordance with the principles of ethical responsibility and respect for fundamental rights and obligations, diversity and democratic values.


Block 1

1. The development of critical thinking skills in the analysis of social issues.

2. The critical thinking education and social change.

Block 2

3. Work with controversial issues in school and democratic education: origin, traditions and trends.

4. The work process with controversial issues in primary education: representations, time, space, case studies and decision making.

Block 3

5. Digital critical literacy: critical interpretation of digital media and social networks against sexism, homophobia, racism, aporophobia and any form of social discrimination.

6. Work with hate speech and build counterspeech for social justice education and human rights.


The protagonist in the teaching-learning process is always the student. It is under this premise that this subject methodology has been planned.

Teachers are going to present the theoretical framework and give the students the responsibility to build their knowledge from the references, curricular materials, and didactic proposals.

It is highly important to use digital tools, virtual contexts, human rights websites about democratic education.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Case study from mass media and digital tools 45 1.8
Type: Supervised      
Attendance and virtual activities 7.5 0.3
Tutorials 22.5 0.9
Type: Autonomous      
Reference comments, websites, practical activities, and oral presentation. 75 3


To obtain a pass in the final mark for this module it is essential to pass (minimum mark of 5 out of 10) each of the assessment blocks: group work, written exam and individual work.

The partial qualifications of each work or exam will be available within 15-20 days after their submission.

Attendance to field trips is compulsory. Students must attend a minimum of 80% of seminars; otherwise, they will be deemed as "absent".

To pass this subject, students need to perform the proposed activities with a good communicative competence, both orally and in written papers in the languages specified in this teaching guide.

In accordance with UAB regulations, plagiarism or copy of any paper will be punished with a grade of 0 on that paper, losing any possibility of remedial task.

Recovery is expected in the first week of July.

The subject provides for a single assessment (compulsory attendance 80% of classes).

For the recovery it is necessary to have presented 66% of the assessment activities.

The single assessment must be requested within the deadlines and regulations of the Faculty.

Assessment and recovery dates:

-06/17/2024: final assessment (same for the ordinary assessment as for the single assessment)

-07/01/2024: recovery (of the ordinary assessment and the single assessment)


Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Journal of thematic ideas from formal and non formal education (individual work) 30% 0 0 1, 2, 3
Journal on readings and reflection on materials, websites and digital tools (individual work) 30% 0 0 1, 2, 3
Lesson Plan Design (team work) 40% 0 0 1, 2, 3



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Baqué, M. (2017). Projecte Murs. Per què se separen les persones? Perspectiva Escolar, 395, 26-33. https://www.rosasensat.org/revista/lensenyament-de-la-politica/

Castellví, J.; Tosar, B.; Andreu, M. (2020). La lectura crítica de los medios digitales. Íber Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales, Geografía e Historia, 99, 7-14.https://www.researchgate.net/publication/341446582_La_lectura_critica_de_los_medios_digitales

Dalongeville, A. (2003). Noción y práctica de la situación-problema en historia. Enseñanza de las Ciencias Sociales, 2, pp. 3-12. https://www.raco.cat/index.php/EnsenanzaCS/article/view/126144

Evans, R. W. Y Saxe, D. W. (eds.). (1996). Handbook on Teaching Social Issues. Washington: NCSS. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED410141.pdf

González Monfort, N.; Santisteban, A. (2011). Cómo enseñar ciencias sociales para favorecer el desarrollo de las competencias básicas. Aula de Innovación Educativa, 198, 41-47. https://ddd.uab.cat/pub/artpub/2011/182039/aulinnedu_a2011n198p41.pdf

Finn Garner, J. (1995). Contes per a nens I nenes políticament correctes. Barcelona: Quaderns Crema.

Hess, D. (2009). Controversy in the classroom: The democratic power of discussion. New York: Routledge.

Kellner, D. & Share, J. (2007). Critical media literacy is not an option. Learning Inquiry, 1, 59–69. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11519-007-0004-2

Massip, M.; Anguera, C.; Llusà, J. (2020). Deconstruir los relatos del odio en el aula. Íber Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales, Geografía e Historia, 99, 24-31. https://www.grao.com/es/producto/deconstruir-los-relatos-del-odio-en-el-aula-ib09998390

Massip, M.; Barbeito, C.; Bartolomé, S.; González-Monfort, N.; Santisteban, A. (2020). Criteris de justícia global per a la valoració i l’elaboració de materials curriculars de ciències socials. Bellaterra: GREDICS-Escola de Cultura de Pau-UAB. https://ddd.uab.cat/pub/llibres/2020/220972/deccrijus_a2020.pdf

Gil, F.; Muzzi, S.; Santisteban, A. (2018). Todos y todas somos inmigrantes. Representaciones de niñas y niños de primaria sobre la inmigración. REIDICS (Revista de Investigación en Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales), 2, 20-35. https://mascvuex.unex.es/revistas/index.php/reidics/article/view/3059

Pagès, J. (2008). Ensenyar l’actualitat, per a què? Perspectiva Escolar 322, 2-11. https://www.rosasensat.org/revista/situar-se-en-lactualitat/

Pagès, J. (2015). La educación política y la enseñanza de la actualidad en una sociedad democrática. Educação em Foco, v. 19, n. 3, 17-34. https://www.academia.edu/educación_politica_enseñanza_actualidad_sociedad_democrática_Educaçâo_em_Foco_vol_19

Pagès, J. & Santisteban, A. (coords.). (2011). Les qüestions socialment vives i l’ensenyament de les ciències socials. Barcelona: Publicacions de la UAB. https://ddd.uab.cat/record/197111

Ross, E.W. & Gautreaux, M. (2018). Pensando de Manera Crítica sobre el Pensamiento Crítico. Aula Abierta, vol. 47, n.4, 383-386. https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo?codigo=6725487

Ross, E. W. & Vinson, K. D. (2012). La educación para una ciudadanía peligrosa. Enseñanza de las Ciencias Sociales, 11, 73-86. https://www.raco.cat/index.php/EnsenanzaCS/article/view/263458

Santisteban, A. (1998). La formació del pensament creatiu: art, ciència i societat. Santisteban, A. (coord.). La formació del pensament creatiu (pp.11-21). Barcelona: AMAG-MRPC/ Diputació de Barcelona.

Santisteban, A. (2003). El silenci dinsla comunicació, en Santisteban, A. (coord.). Paraules. Comunicació i aprenentatges (pp.15-18). Barcelona: Associació de MestresAlexandre Galí / MRPC / Diputació de Barcelona.

Santisteban, A. (2017). Educació política i mitjans de comunicació. Perspectiva Escolar, 395, 12-16. https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo?codigo=6095432

Santisteban, A. (2019). La enseñanza de las Ciencias Sociales a partir de problemas sociales o temas controvertidos: estado de la cuestión y resultados de una investigación. El Futuro del Pasado, 57-79. http://dx.doi.org/10.14516/fdp.2019.010.001.002

Santisteban, A., Díez-Bedmar, M.C. & Castellví, J. (2020). Critical digital literacy of future teachers in the Twitter Age (La alfabetización crítica digital del futuro profesorado en tiempos de Twitter). Culture and Education, 32, 185-212. https://doi.org/10.1080/11356405.2020.1741875

Santisteban, A., & González Valencia, G. (2013). Sociedad de la información, democracia y formación del profesorado: ¿qué lugar debe ocupar el pensamiento crítico? In J. J. Díaz, A. Santisteban, & A. Cascajero (Eds.), Medios de comunicación y pensamiento crítico. Nuevas formas de interacción social (pp. 761–770). Guadalajara: AUPDCS/Universidad de Alcalá. https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/libro?codigo=555874

Santisteban, A. & Pagès, J. (2019). Els temes controvertits a l’escola. Perspectiva Escolar, 408, 7-12. https://www.rosasensat.org/revista/temes-controvertits-num-408/els-temes-controvertits-a-lescola/

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Tosar, B. (2017). Cartes a una nena refugiada. Ensenyar ciències socials per llegir i escriure el món. Perspectiva Escolar, 395, 21-25. https://www.rosasensat.org/revista/lensenyament-de-la-politica/

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- Revista Íber Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales, Geografía e Historia, núm. 99. Monogràfic: Interpretar problemas y conflictos contemporáneos. 2020.


The Foundation for Critical Thinkinghttps://www.criticalthinking.org//

- Som crítics (Fundació Jaume Bofill), https://www.fbofill.cat/som-critics?lg=es

- Pensamiento Crítico. Universidad de Salamanca: http://www.pensamiento-critico.com

- Council of Europe. Hate Speech Movement.  https://www.coe.int/en/web/no-hate-campaign/coe-work-on-hate-speech


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