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Corporate Management

Code: 103773 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2502904 Hotel Management OT 4 1


Vera Butkouskaya

Teaching groups languages

To check the language/s of instruction, you must click on "Methodolody" section of the course guide.


There are no prerequisites.

Objectives and Contextualisation

In this course, we examine how organizations working in the tourism and hospitality sector capitalize on digital marketing and social media building consumer-to-consumer interactions to support their marketing efforts and leverage customer trust. We view these issues under the conditions of digital transformation from a strategic and a practical perspective, rather than a technical or platform perspective. We will study how to create engaging content for platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, as well as how to identify influencers, deliver content to a targeted audience, manage customer-created content and measure the success of the company’s efforts.

The course is practical oriented. It reviews theoretical materials based on Case studies and hands-on exercises.

This course will equip learners with the skills they need to promote their company’s products or services, or their own personal brand using social media. Additionally, learners will gain an understanding of how they can use social media to manage the e-reputation and measure the effectiveness of those efforts.

On completing this subject, students will be capable: 

1.to use  social media to listen to consumers and understand their behavior online

2.to develop content that attracts and retains consumers’ attention;

3.to develop a social media strategy that engages and converts customers;

4.to influence the company’s e-reputation positively by applying social media listening and managing customer-generated content;

5.to develop KPI and use web analytics metrics to measure the effectiveness of a company’s web activities;

6.to leverage social media effectiveness;

7.to apply social media strategies successfully in tourism and hospitality companies.


  • Identify and apply the elements that govern activity in the hotel and catering sectors, their interaction in the environment and their impact in the different business subsystems in the sector.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Identify the function, nature and scope of marketing in the organisation.


Topic 1: Digital transformation and the online customer journey.

Understand how digital transformation influences the way the tourism and hospitality industry works today. Review the roles of new big players in the market, such as online travel agencies (OTA), review sites, and, social media sites, affecting the stages of the online customer journey. Learn how to use them to listen to customers and understand better their decision-making process.

Topic  2: Creating Engaging Content. 

Describe the role of storytelling in a digital landscape. Understand the basic concepts of using the content marketing strategy for the goals of tourism and hospitality companies. Learn how to create social media content that attracts and retains consumers’ attention and motivates engagement and sharing.

Topic 3: A Strategic Perspective on Social Media Marketing 

How to motivate customers to leave positive reviews. Describe strategies for managingnegative reviews. Specifically, put attentionon how trust and e-reputation are created and distributed, and, how it effects on tourism and hospitality industry. E-reputation, social corporate responsibilit, gender issue and sustainability.

Topic 5: Assessing Social Media ROI through Web Analytics tools.

Introduction to a framework for assessing the effectiveness and return on investment of social media activities. Describe tools and metrics for measuring the success of social media efforts. Explore the role of Web analytics in linking these metrics to the bottom line. Understand how the results may be applied to future improvements. 

Topic  6: Leveraging Networks 

Learn how to leverage online networks and communities' effectiveness. Discuss how to identify influencers and their role in distributing content. Analyze the effectiveness of owned, earned, and paid media in leveragingnetwork effectiveness.

Current trends in Digital Communications. Gender perspective in digital marketing. 


Teaching languages

The course runs based on three teaching-learning methodologies:

1. The methodology of the theoretical part of the course:

Classroom-based classes with an explanation regarding the different agenda items. Self-study of the theoretical materials. Theoretical classes will be audiovisual (powerpoint presentations, video viewing to support the theory, etc.).

2. The methodology of the practical part of the course:

Preparation and class-based presentation of case studies related to theoretical explanations or practical cases. Some exercises and cases will be conducted by students in out-class hours. These exercises and cases are based on the analysis of activities of the companies in the tourism sector. Drafting a Project on the role of HR in companies in the tourism sector, and presenting it in class (conducting by students in groups in out-class hours). 

3.The methodology of the outclass learning part of the course (Campus Virtual):

The Campus Virtual platform will be used to share information and alternative media in the classroom between students and the teacher. Campus Virtual will contain the profile of the course, the additional theoretical material in digital form, cases and exercises, links to websites, etc.

Note. 15 min of the last class will be dedicated to make UAB evaluation survey.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Public presentation of the Project 4 0.16 1
Resolution of Practical cases 30 1.2 1
Resolutions of practical cases 15 0.6 1
Theoretical classes 30 1.2 1
Type: Supervised      
Tutorials 24 0.96 1
Type: Autonomous      
Project Development 15 0.6 1
Study 15 0.6 1


  1. Continuous evaluation:

    • a) Practical activities (20%): The home-realization and exhibition-discussion of the exercises and individual cases throughout the course, which will be delivered within the pre-determined period.
    • b) Project (30%): The realization of a team Project based on the course materials. Project work must be delivered on the established date and publicly exposed in class. 
    • c) Periodical control (50%): The realization of an examination that will include both the theoretical subject exposed in the lectures and aspects related to the practical part of the subject.

    To approve the subject it is necessary to obtain a score above 5 (five) on average. It is necessary to participate in each  (1a, 1b, and 1c) of the continuous evaluation activities to calculate the final grade for the course. Otherwise, he/she should go to the final exam.

    2. Single assessment:

    • Instead of continuous evaluations (1a, 1b, and 1c) shown above, students have the option to directly take the final exam. The grade of the final exam will be 100% of the final grade.

3. Re-evaluation

  • Students with a grade between 3.5 and 4.9 in the final exam will have the possibility to repeat the exam, in accordance with the calendar of academic activities, which is reported in the course guide to students or on the center's website.
  • The recovery of the subject by single assessment will be the same as that of the rest of the students, and to present themselves for the re-assessment it will be necessary that they have obtained at least a 3.5 in all the evidence of those that include the single assessment.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Examen Theoretical 50% 4 0.16 1
Practical activities 30% 10 0.4 1
Project 20% 3 0.12 1


Bibliografia Bàsica (no obligatoria):

  • Androniki Kavoura, Efstathios Kefallonitis, Apostolos Giovanis (2019). Strategic Innovative Marketing and Tourism: 7th ICSIMAT, Athenian Riviera, Greece 2018. Springer International Publishing AG.
  • Zahay Debra (2020). Digital marketing management : a handbook for the current (or future) CEO (Second edition.). Business Expert Press.

Bibliografia addicional:

  • Bassano, Barile, S., Piciocchi, Paolo, Spohrer, James C., Iandolo, Francesca, & Fisk, Raymond (2019). Storytelling about places: Tourism marketing in the digital age. Cities, 87, 10–20. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2018.12.025
  • Marques joan (2021). Exploring Gender at Work: Multiple Perspectives. Springer International Publishing AG.
  • Tiago, Gil, A., Stemberger, Sara, & Borges-Tiago, Teressa (2021). Digital sustainability communication in tourism. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 6(1), 27–34. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jik.2019.12.002

Altre material de suport en format digital i enllaços a pàgines web s’ofereixen a l’Aula Moodle.


  • MS Teams/Zoom
  • MS Office