Degree | Type | Year | Semester |
2500797 Early Childhood Education | OT | 4 | 2 |
You can check it through this link. To consult the language you will need to enter the CODE of the subject. Please note that this information is provisional until 30 November 2023.
The student, as a ECE teacher must have a good oral and written command of Catalan and Spanish languages (level N2 from UAB exams or C2 of the Common European Framework of Reference). It is higlhly recommended to have attend to the course Didactics of the written language and the literature in children's education.
The course Narrative and Poetry in Early Childhood Education provides an insight into the use of literature for Children from the first months until they can read alone. The course focuses especially on the development of the dinamisation of literacy and fictional literacy skills: to know the best literary products and floklore materials for this age (picturebooks, tales, nursery rhymes, language spelling games, oral narration). The course will also take into account different activities to improve the comprehension of picturebooks, poetry, rhymes, written narration, digital narration and visual representations. The aim of the course is to offer the students strong selection criteria tools for choosing books in different formats (printed and on screen). The course will also prepare the students to develop literary projects and to design literary activities on their own according to different educational objectives. The course it proposes as well a familiarization with a broad panorama of bibliographic and digital resources, both for children's production and sources to support the future teachers.
SECTION A. Corpus and Support Sources
1. Familiarization with the current production that guarantees the literary quality in different formats and typologies for children aged between 0 and six years old (Pop-Up books, Playbooks, Ethnopoetic material, fairy tales, picturebooks, audiovisual, digital literature, and so on).
2. The use of digital and bibliographical sources for the corpus selection and the design of literary activities.
SECTION B. Workshop
3. Establishment of personal corpus according to each age range.
4. Knowledge how to design literary activities within a project, by choosing the educational objectives, areas of action, target and type of texts.
5. Acquiring Techniques and knowledge to design literary activities: storytelling workshop, expressive reading, drama, conversations, poetical games, literary projects, and so on.
The methodology of the subject presupposes that the student is the protagonist in the process of teaching and learning. The course is based as a workshop form on various materials and a varied typology of group and individual activities that will allow students to carry out and experiment a wide range of classroom practices, through which the contents of the course will be developed. the subject
Students will also have to prepare autonomous and group activities outside the classroom as works of the subject in the regulated proportion for all subjects according to the number of credits.
It is higly recommended to have a good level in Catalan and Spanish language (C2 or equivalent).
Our teaching approach and assessment procedures may be altered if public health authorities impose new restrictions on public gatherings for COVID-19
Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.
Title | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Type: Directed | |||
Guided activities | 45 | 1.8 | 9, 8, 3, 1, 11 |
Type: Supervised | |||
Supervised | 20 | 0.8 | |
Type: Autonomous | |||
Autonomous | 85 | 3.4 | 9, 8, 3, 1, 11 |
Continuous Assessment
The evaluation of the course will be split into the two major sections and that they must be passed independently (with a 5 over 10 each) so that they can make an average and derive in the final overall note. Within each section, the evaluation will be carried out through the mechanisms and activities that are shown in the following grid:
- Two individual activities on the selection and analysis of literary texts and Children's books (60%) of the note that will be made during the period 12th March until 14th May 2024.
- A Group literary project (40%) of the note that will be made during the period from 14th May to 18th June 2024.
The re-evaluation date for the end of the course will be from the 25th of June until 5th July 2024.
The date of reevaluation and resubmission of the assignments will be from 25th of June until 5th July 2024.
The assessment will be carried out: (a) continuously throughout the course, and (b) by means of the final correction of the activities and works. Qualifications will be made public in the moodle within 20 days after delivery. The student who wishes to review the mark will have to do it in the two weeks after his communication in the tutorial hours of the teaching staff, included in the program. Copying and plagiarism of any kind will imply, in all cases, a zero in the whole course.
Participation, active listening and punctuality will be considered essential.
Attendance to face-to-face classes is mandatory: 80% attendance is the minimum to be entitled to the assessment; Otherwise, it will be considered not submitted. With this prior condition, the evaluation will be carried out through the evaluation activities described. We will ensure, on the other hand, that the texts delivered throughout the course as well as the final work are free of plagiarism; in the event that we detect plagiarism (through programs that detect it, for example) that work will be automatically rejected.
To pass the subject, all activities must be presented and passed. No presentation, work, written activity or oral activity that does not show a good command of the Catalan language will be approved.
The results of each one of the evaluations will be returned to the students within a maximum period of 3 weeks after delivery, and a review date will be offered within 10 days of its publication.
Unique and Single Assesment:
This cours accepts unique assessment modalities. Hereby are the planned assignments:
- Elaboration of an individual literary criticism (25%)
- Elaboration of an individual poster (25%)
- Elaboration of a literay project (35%)
- Interview (15%)
All the assignments have to be submitted 18th of June 2024. To resubmite the assigments the same criteria as the continuous assigment will be maintained. The mark revision will be the same as the continuous assignment policies. The attendance to the cours is compulsory by 80%.
Title | Weighting | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Literary Project for ECE | 40% | 0 | 0 | 5, 9, 8, 10, 3, 4, 6, 1, 7, 11 |
Two individual activities about picturebooks and literary texts for ECE | 60% | 0 | 0 | 9, 8, 1, 2 |
Bonnafé, M. (2008). Los libros, eso es bueno para los bebés. México: Océano.
Bosch, E. (2012). "¿Cuántas palabras puede tener un álbum sin palabras?. Revista OCNOS, núm. 8, pp. 75-88.
Bosch, E. (2007). "Hacia una definición de álbum". Revista ANILIJ, núm- 5, pp. 25-46.
Chambers, A. (2007). ¿Quieres que te cuente un cuento? Una guía para narradores y cuentacuentos. Caracas: Banco del Libro.
Colomer, T. (2005). Andar entre libros. La lectura literaria en la escuela. México: FCE.
Correro, C.; Portell, J. (2023). Lectures que fan lectors. Vic: Eumo.
Correro, C.; Vilà, N. (2023). La poesia a les primeres edats. Inici d'un itinerari. Barcelona: Associació de Mestres Rosa Sensat.
Correro, C. (2018). Els llibres infantils al segle XXI. Tesi doctoral publicada a
Correro, C.; Real, N. (2017). La Literatura a l'Educació Infantil. Barcelona: Col·lecció Infància. Associació de Mestres Rosa Sensat. ISBN 978-84-945290-6-1.
Correro, C.; Real, N. (2014). "Literatura infantil digital 0-6. Present i futur". Revista Faristol, número 79. Disponible en línia:
Cormand, B.; Correro, C. (2018). "Les guardes, un espai per a la creativitat". Revista Faristol, núm. 87, pp. 16-19. Abril 2018. Disponible en línia:
Desclot, M. (2007). Poesies amb suc. Antologia de poesia per a infants. Barcelona: La Galera.
Desclot, M. "Parlar de poesia amb infants". Text escrit per a Gretel:
Duran, T.; Luna,M. (2002). Un i un i un… fan cent. Barcelona: La Galera.
Lluch, G. (ed.) (2000). De la narrativa oral a la literatura per a infants. Invenció d'una tradició literària. Alzira: Bromera.
Molist, P. (2008). Dins del mirall. La literatura infantil explicada als adults. Barcelona: Graó.
Prats, M. (2002). "La poesia per a infants: un gènere entre el folklore i l'obra d'autor". Dins T. Colomer (ed.). La literatura infantil i juvenil catalana: un segle de canvis. Bellaterra: ICE-UAB, pp.45-56.
Real, N.; Correro, C. (2018). "Valorar la literatura infantil digital: propuesta práctica pra los mediadores". Revista Textura- ULBRA [Brasil], vol. 20, núm. 42, pp. 8-33, jan./abril. ISSN: 2358-0801.
ALTRES Recursos diversos i centres de documentació d'interès:
Selecció d'obres a la Revista Faristol del IBBY Cat/ Consell Català del Llibre Infantil i Juvenil: i
Selecció d'obres El Garbell de l'Associació de Mestres Rosa Sensat (
Selecció d'obres elaborades per Gretel: Pàgina de Literatura infantil de la UAB:
Selecció d'obres elaborades per Llibres al replà:
Cos de lletra. Blog del grup Cos de Lletra. Espectacles sobre poesia.
Hores del conte: n'ofereixen la majoria de biblioteques públiques i n'hi sol haver per a diverses franges d'edat. recull de cançons infantils tradicionals per escoltar en xarxa, forma part d'un dels projectes de la Bressola de la Catalunya Nord: per a educació infantil amb poemes recitats, escrits i il·lustrats per temes i d'autors molt diversos.
Recull de webs de poesia per a infantil i primària:
Samfaina de colors (2010). Espectacles basats en cançons tradicionals.
Una mà de contes: contes per veure i escoltar, que es poden triar a partir del tema, l'autor, l'il·lustrador, l'origen geogràfic... (
XTEC, web del Departament d'Educació ( En podem destacar l'apartat "Escola oberta", que inclou materials de tot tipus per a totes les assignatures i tots els nivells educatius (
During the course we will use Zoom, Spotify and an office packeage.