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Technical and scientific translation B-A (English-Catalan)

Code: 101288 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2500249 Translation and Interpreting OT 4 2


Oscar Aznar Alemany

Teaching groups languages

You can check it through this link. To consult the language you will need to enter the CODE of the subject. Please note that this information is provisional until 30 November 2023.


Language requirements: English C1.2 (CEFR). Exchange students should contact the course coordinator regarding Catalan language level requirements.

At the beginning of the course students should be able to:

 Demonstrate knowledge of the basic methodological principles governing translation, professional and instrumental aspects and the contrastive problems for this language combination.

 Apply this knowledge to solving translation problems in basic specialised texts.

 Combine different areas of knowledge when taking decisions about questions related to translating basic specialised texts.

 Convey information, ideas, problems and solutions relating to translating basic specialised texts.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The aim of this course is to further develop problem-solving skills when translating different types of scientific and technical texts.

By the end of this course students should be able to:

 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the basic methodological principles governing the translation of technical and scientific texts, professional and instrumental aspects, and contrastive problems for this language combination.

 Apply this knowledge to solving translation problems in scientific and technical texts.

 Combine different areas of knowledge when taking decisions about questions related to translating scientific and technical texts.

 Convey information, ideas, problems and solutions related to translating scientific and technical texts.

 Apply their skills so that they can work with greater autonomy in future specialised studies in translating scientific and technical texts.


  • Applying topic-based knowledge in order to translate.
  • Mastering the main methodological principles of translation. 
  • Mastering the professional aspects of translation.
  • Producing written texts in language A in order to translate.
  • Solving translation problems from different specialisation fields (legal, financial, scientific, technical, literary, audiovisual texts, localization).
  • Solving translation problems of non-specialised texts.
  • Understanding written texts in a foreign language in order to translate.
  • Understanding written texts in language A in order to translate.
  • Using documentation resources in order to translate.
  • Using technological resources in order to translate.
  • Using terminological resources in order to translate.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Applying lexical, morphosyntactic, textual, rhetorical and linguistic variation related knowledge: Applying graphical, lexical, morphosyntactic, textual, rhetorical and linguistic variation related knowledge.
  2. Applying technological resources in order to solve translation problems: Applying the technological resources in order to solve technical and scientific translation problems.
  3. Applying terminological resources in order to solve translation problems: Applying the terminological resources in order to solve technical and scientific translation problems.
  4. Applying the documentation resources in order to solve translation problems: Applying the documentation resources in order to solve translation problems.
  5. Appropriately following the different phases for the creation of a translation and carrying out the assigned tasks: Appropriately following the different phases for the creation of a technical or scientific translation and carrying out the assigned tasks.
  6. Comprehending the communicative purpose and sense of written texts of several fields: Comprehending the communicative purpose and sense of technical and scientific written texts.
  7. Finding the most appropriate translation solution in each case: Finding the most appropriate translation solution for each case.
  8. Handling problems related to the practice of the profession of translator: Handling problems related with the practice of the profession of technical and scientific translator.
  9. Identifying the existing (digital and analogue) information sources in order to translate: Identifying the existing (digital and analogue) information sources in order to translate technical and scientific texts.
  10. Identifying the need to mobilise topic-based knowledge in order to translate: Identifying the need to mobilise topic-based knowledge in order to translate technical and scientific texts.
  11. Identifying the specific translation problems of each field: Identifying the specific translation problems of each field.
  12. Implementing strategies in order to produce written texts of different fields and with specific communicative purposes: Implementing strategies in order to produce technical and scientific texts with specific communicative purposes.
  13. Implementing strategies in order to understand written texts from different fields: Implementing strategies in order to comprehend technical and scientific written texts.
  14. Implementing strategies to acquire topic-based knowledge in order to translate: Implementing strategies to acquire topic-based knowledge in order to translate technical and scientific texts.
  15. Incorporating topic-based knowledge in order to solve translation problems: Incorporating topic-based knowledge in order to solve technical and scientific translation problems.
  16. Possessing topic-based knowledge in order to translate: Possessing topic-based knowledge in order to translate technical and scientific texts.
  17. Students must demonstrate they know the different types of translation problems and errors: Students must demonstrate they know the different types of problems and errors of technical and scientific translation.
  18. Students must demonstrate they know the functioning of the translation labour market: Students must demonstrate they know the functioning of the labour market of technical and scientific translation.
  19. Students must demonstrate they know the techniques and strategies needed to solve translation problems: Students must demonstrate they know the techniques and strategies needed to solve problems of technical and scientific translation.
  20. Using the appropriate strategies and techniques in order to solve translation problems: Using the appropriate strategies and techniques in order to solve technical and scientific translation problems.


- Fields of knowledge in the scientific field.

- Basic aspects of the medicine sector (international organizations, job profiles, contexts in which documentation is generated that can be translated, etc.).

- Basic aspects of a prototypical technical sector, such as engineering, telecommunications, etc. (job profiles, contexts in which documentation is generated that can be translated, etc.).

- Specific processes of scientific-technical translation in the language combination (pre-translation, translation, revision, technical writing, post-editing, quality control of documentation, etc.).

- Resolution of translation problems of scientific genres such as: original research papers, clinical reports, conferences, specialised monographs, specialised textbooks, dissemination articles, information for patients, etc.

- Resolution of translation problems of technical genres such as patents, technical reports, specialised instruction manuals, technical standards, technical projects, etc.

- Use of technological tools and specific documentation sources for scientific-technical translation. Use of dictionaries, glossaries, specialised databases and parallel texts suitable for scientific-technical translation.

[IMPORTANT NOTE: The above-enumerated contents are indicative. The teacher will determine the specific contents of the course.]


To achieve the established objectives, this subject involves both lectures and practical classes. Students must keep abreast of the news and information published on the Virtual Campus / Moodle or any other learning platform. 

The work students carry out mainly consists of:

- Translation exercises 

- Translation projects 

- Exercises to be performed in class 

- Individual/group presentations 

- Debates and discussions  

- Cooperative learning techniques


Learning activities are organised into three categories based on the degree of student autonomy involved:

- Directed activities: carried out according to a set timetable with a lecturer.

Supervised activities: carried out under the supervision of a lecturer or tutor.

Autonomous activities: carried out by students without supervision, requiring them to organise their own time and work (either in groups or individually).

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Exercises 19.5 0.78
Translation tasks 33 1.32
Type: Supervised      
Debates and discussions on translation issues 5 0.2
Preparation of student portfolio and other tasks 10 0.4
Type: Autonomous      
Documentation 30 1.2
Preparation of exercises 8.5 0.34
Preparation of translations and other tasks 38.5 1.54


Continuous assessment

Continuous assessment is based on the following activities:

 Real or simulated translations or tasks related to relevant aspects of translation.

 Translation project.

 Reports/debates on translations or tasks related to relevant aspects of translation.

 Diaries/notes/reports which reflect on the learning or the translation process.


When publishing final marks prior to recording them on students' transcripts, the lecturer will provide written notification of a date and time for reviewing assessment activities. Students must arrange reviews in agreement with the lecturer.

 Missed/failed assessment activities

 Students may retake assessment activities they have failed or compensate for any they have missed, provided that those they have actually performed account for a minimum of 66.6% (two thirds) of the subject's final mark and that they have a weighted average mark of at least 3.5. Under no circumstances may an assessment activity worth 100% of the final mark be retaken or compensated for.

 The lecturer will inform students of the procedure involved, in writing, when publishing final marks prior to recording them on transcripts. The lecturer may set one assignment per failed or missed assessment activity or a single assignment to cover a number of such activities.

In case of retaking, maximum grade will be 5 (Pass).

 Classification as "not assessable"

 In the event of the assessment activities a student has performed accounting for just 25% or less of the subject's final mark, their work will be classified as "notassessable" on their transcript.

 Misconduct in assessment activities

 Students who engage in misconduct (plagiarism,copying, personation, etc.) in an assessment activity will receive a mark of “0” for the activity in question. In the case of misconduct in more than one assessment activity, the students involved will be given a final mark of “0” for the subject.

 Students may not retake assessment activities in which they are found to have engaged in misconduct. Plagiarism is considered to mean presenting all or part of an author's work, whether published in print or in digital format, as one's own, i.e. without citing it. Copying is considered to mean reproducing all or a substantial part of another student's work. In cases of copying in which it is impossible to determine which of two students has copied the work of the other, both will be penalised.

Single assessment

This subject may be assessed under the single assessment system in accordance with the terms established in the academic regulations of the UAB and the assessment criteria of the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting.

Students must make an online request within the period established by the faculty and send a copy to the lecturer responsible for the subject, for the record.

Single assessment will be carried out in person on one day during week 16 or 17 of the semester. The Academic Management Office will publish theexact date and time on the faculty website.

On the day of the single assessment, teaching staff will ask the student for identification, which should be presented as a valid identification document with a recent photograph (student card, DNI/NIE or passport).

Single assessment activities

Single assessment will include a minimum of three assessment activities of different types, as stated in the assessment guidelines.

Grade revision and retake procedures for the subject are the same as those for continual assessment. See the section above in this Study Guide.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Exam 40% 2 0.08 1, 4, 2, 3, 14, 13, 12, 6, 18, 17, 19, 8, 11, 10, 9, 15, 5, 16, 7, 20
Exercises and different translation and documentation tasks 40% 2.5 0.1 1, 4, 2, 3, 14, 13, 12, 6, 18, 17, 19, 8, 11, 10, 9, 15, 5, 16, 7, 20
Group work 20% 1 0.04 1, 4, 2, 3, 14, 13, 12, 6, 18, 17, 19, 8, 11, 10, 9, 15, 5, 16, 7, 20


ALCINA, A. y S. GAMERO, eds. (2002): La traducción científico-técnica y la terminología en la sociedad de la información. Castellón: Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I. <http://repositori.uji.es/xmlui/bitstream/handle/10234/160754/9788480214094.pdf?sequence=1>

Claros Díaz, M. G. (2016): Cómo traducir y redactor textos científicos en español. Reglas ideas y consejos. Barcelona: Fundación Dr. Antonio Esteve. <https://www.esteve.org/ca/libros/cuaderno-traducir-textos-cientificos>

GAMERO PÉREZ, S. y A. HURTADO ALBIR (1999): "La traducción técnica y científica", en HURTADO ALBIR, A., dir.: Enseñar a traducir. Metodología en la formación de traductores e intérpretes. Madrid: Edelsa, págs. 139-153.

GONZÁLEZ DAVIES, M. (2003) (coord.): Secuencias. Tareas para el aprendizaje ineractivo de la traducción especializada. Barcelona: Octaedro.

HATIM, B. (1984): "A Text-Typological Approach to Syllabus Design in Translator Training", en The Incorporated Linguist, 23, 3.

JIMÉNEZ SERRANO, O. (2002): La traducción técnica inglés-español: Didáctica y mundo profesional. Granada: Comares.

JUMPELT, R.W. (1961): Die Übersetzung naturwissenschaftlicher und technischer Literatur. Berlín: Langenscheidt.

Montalt, Vicent. (2005) Manual de traducció cientificotécnica, Vic: Eumo Editorial.

Orozco, Mariana (2012) Metodología de la traducción directa del inglés al español. Granada: Comares.

Revista Panace@. https://www.tremedica.org/revista-panacea/

Lecturer will provide relevant references during the course.




No specific software is required.