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Code: 101026 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2500502 Microbiology OB 3 1


Laia Guardia Valle

Teaching groups languages

You can check it through this link. To consult the language you will need to enter the CODE of the subject. Please note that this information is provisional until 30 November 2023.


Although there are no official prerequisites, it is advisable to have studied basic concepts and biological processes in other subjects such as in

 Plant Biology, Ecology, or Microbiology.

 It would be also appropriate to have a good knowledge of the subjects that are being studied simultaneously along the first semester.


Objectives and Contextualisation

This is a 3rd year subject, where students should already have achieved an integrative vision, both in terms of a general knowledge of the diversity of organisms and of biological
 and ecological processes.
This previous knowledge will be complemented with this subject, where students will be introduced to the study of the fungal world from various perspectives,
emphasizing the most basic concepts and competences that will allow the student to develop autonomously in this field.

General objectives of the subject:


1. Understand the phylogenetic position and the various organisms studied by mycologists.


2. To recognize the different structures and the composition of the vegetative and reproductive body fungus in relation to its functionality.


3. To know the nutritional strategies of the various groups of organisms studied by mycologists (amoeboid fungi, pseudofungi and true fungi) and their ecological value.


4. To broadly recognize the mycological diversity and to know how to distinguish the characteristics that define the main fungal groups.


 5. Understand the biology (vital cycles, reproductive strategies, etc.) of the main groups.


 6. To cope with the ecological, economic and social importance of the various fungal groups here studied.

7. Recognize the main interactions of the fungus-biocenosis / fungus-biotope


  • Communicate orally and in writing.
  • Display sensibility towards environmental, health and social matters.
  • Know and interpret microbial diversity, the physiology and metabolism of microorganisms and the genetic bases that govern their vital functions.
  • Obtain, select and manage information.
  • Use bibliography or internet tools, specific to microbiology or other related disciplines, both in English and in the first language.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Communicate orally and in writing.
  2. Display sensibility towards environmental, health and social matters.
  3. Identify the role of the different microbial groups in the environment and in the cycles of the elements, and their environmental implications
  4. Know microbial growth and the physical and chemical processes used to control it.
  5. Obtain, select and manage information.
  6. Recognise the diversity of the microbial world and identify the different groups it is composed of.
  7. Recognise the role of microorganisms as agents of disease or toxicological problems in human beings, animals and plants.
  8. Use bibliography or internet tools, specific to microbiology or other related disciplines, both in English and in the first language.


Subject content*:


1. What are fungi? Basic attributes of "fungal" organisms. Fungi in all living things. Classical and modern systematics. Fungal biodiversity.

2. The fungal Thallus. Unicellular and Filamentous forms. Hypha and Mycelia. The fungal cell. The fungal cell wall.  Hyphal growth. Fungal Mitosis SPBs.

The organelles. Hyphal modifications. 

3. Nutritional strategies: Phagotrophy and Lisotrophy. Metabolism and Physiology. Ecological Factors. Culture media. Control.

 4. Reproduction. Asexual and sexual reproduction. Genetics. Genetic compatibility. Heterokaryosis. Parasexuality. Pleomorphism. Biological cycles.

5. Systemathics. Fungal diversity. Grouping criteria. Phylogeny. Molecular biology and its impact on current systematics. Fossil record.

6. The Amoeboid fungi (Amoebozoa). Generalities. Phyl. Myxomycota. Cl. Dictyosteliomycetes. Cl. Myxomycetes. Vital cycle Ecology Other related groups.

7. Pseudofungi (Phyl. Heterokonta. Stramenopiles) Concept of pseudofongi and systematics used. Generalities Cl. Hyphochytriomycetes. Cl. Labyrinthulomycetes.

O. Saprolegniales. Cl. Peronosporomycetes. O. Peronosporales and O.Pitiales: the mildews and other disorders. Morphology, reproduction, ecology.

8. The true Fungi (Fungal kingdom). Systematic conflicts. Characteristics of the vegetative body and breeding structures. "Chytrids sensu lato". Biology, ecology and diversity .

Phyl. Zygomicota. Biology, ecology and diversity. Phyl. Glomeromycota. Ecology and diversity.


9. Ascomycota. Main characteristics of the group. Yeasts: Biology, ecology, diversity and its applications. Saccharomycotina. Taphrinomycotina.

10. Pezizomycotina. Fruit-body-forming Ascomycota. Cl. Pezzizomycetes. Biology. ecology and diversity.

11. Laboulbeniomycetes and Sordariomycetes.  Biology. ecology and diversity.

12. Eurotiomycetes. Biology. ecology and diversity.

13. Dothideomycetes. Biology. ecology and diversity.

14. Mitosporic fungi. Diversity, spore-formation, ecology, economic importance. 

15. Basidiomycota. CL. Puccinioycetes. Cl. Ustilaginomycetes. Biology. ecology and diversity. Economic importance. 

16. Basidiomycota. Agaricomycotina-1. Biology. ecology and diversity. Economic importance. 

17. Basidiomycota. Agaricomycotina-2. Biology. ecology and diversity. Economic importance. 

18. Fungal symbiosis: Lichens and Mycorhiza



The subject of MICOLOGY will be structured from the theoretical classes, from which a series of proposals for complementary training activities will be dealt with: This part of the
content of the subject will be given in the form of*:


PARTICIPATION in THEORETICAL CLASSES: -materials with the help of ICT tools, and complemented with the educational material prepared for this purpose and accessible to students
in the Virtual Campus of the UAB. Class participation will be encouraged in the form of interventions and debates. The student will have to complement the personal study with the topics
explained, and can resort to personalized tutorials in accordance with the requirements that the student and the professor consider necessary


PARTICIPATION IN THE FORUM of the CV: - One or more forums will be activated in order to encourage the participation of students using work tools that encourage interaction,
debate and dynamic learning. In these forums, it will require periodic participation in the form of contributions, the subject of which will be determined by theoretical classes.
The amount and quality of the contributions will be calculated as part of the student's continuous assessment assignments.


SEMINARS: There will be 8 seminar sessions for each of the two groups that will be assigned at the beginning of the course.

The participation is obligatory. In these sessions, combined activities of self-learning and supervised work will be developed in which topics treated in class or complementary topics will be expanded.
The format of these activities can vary from the following: Group work that will be exposed in a specific time (20 min) through ppt presentation to the rest of the class-seminar.
The subject will be chosen by the group among various proposals made by the teacher or generated by the students themselves.

TUTORIES: -To solve the doubts/ problems that arise during the self-learning process, assignment tasks or theoretical classes. They will be done individually or in small
groups depending on the requirements and the areas of the issues to be discussed. The place of performance and the schedule will be taken by mutual agreement between the teacher
and the student (s) concerned.


Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Seminars 8 0.32 3, 5, 7, 1, 2, 8
Theory 28 1.12 4, 3, 7, 6, 2
Type: Supervised      
Supervised activities 14 0.56 5, 1, 8
Type: Autonomous      
Autonomous activities 97 3.88 5, 8


The subject will be evaluated based on the scores obtained in the two eliminatory partial examinations (with recovery), in the seminars and the proposed works, as detailed below*:


1) 1st PART EXAM. Eliminatory test exam (4 options, 1 correct), and/ or short answer questions.

 This partial represents 37,5% of the final score. With this exam we  evaluate the corresponding theoretical content of the subject. A minimal score of 5 is needed to aprove.


2) 2nd PART EXAM. Eliminatory test exam (4 options, 1 correct),  and / or short answer questions.

 This partial represents 37,5% of the final score. With this exam we  evaluate the corresponding theoretical content of the subject. A minimal score of 5 is needed to aprove.


3) RECUPERATION EXAM. Only those who have to recuperate one or two part-exams will have to submit it. It will have the same structure as the partial examinations

 and will have the same weight (37,5% each block). It will be necessary to approve each partial with a minimum score of 5 to be able to pass the subject.

 To access the ecovery exam, the students must have been previously evaluated in a set of activities whose weight equals to a minimum of two thirds

 of the total grade of the subject or module.


4) SEMINARS: The evaluation of the seminars will count 25% of the final grade. The oral presentation and the poster quality will be evaluated.


Non-evaluable: A student receives the qualification of non-evaluable if the number of assessment activities carried out is less than 67% in the final qualification.

There will be a unique exam
(test type with the possibility of short questions) with all the content of the course, on the same date as the day scheduled for the evaluation of the 2nd partial in the calendar.
The recuperation exam (test type with the possibility of short questions) will be held on the same day as in the case of the continuous assessment.
The exam grade will count for 75% of the final grade.


The evaluation of the seminars will follow the same process as the continuous evaluation.
The grade obtained will account for 25% of the final grade of the subject.



Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
1rst part exam (theory) 37,5 1.5 0.06 4, 3, 7, 6, 1
2nd part exam (theory) 37,5 1.5 0.06 5, 1
Seminar 25 0 0 3, 1, 2, 8




General Mycology

AHMADJIAN, V. & HALE, M.E. (eds.) (1974). The Lichens. Academic Press. London & New York.

ALEXOPOULOS, C.J., MIMS C.W. & BLACKWELL, M. (1996). Introductory Mycology. John Wiley & Sons Inc. New York.

DEACON, J.W. (1997). Modern Mycology, 3rd Edition. Blackwell Scientific. Oxford, UK.

ESSER, K. & LEMKE, P.A. (eds.) (1994-2004). The Mycota. A comprehensive treatise on fungi as experimental systems for basic and applied research. Vols. I-XII. Springer Verlag. Berlin.

KENDRICK, B. (2000). The Fifth Kingdom. 3rd. ed. Focus Information Group Inc. Newburyport.

KIRK, P.M., CANNON, P.F., DAVID, J.C. & STALPERS, J.A. (eds.) (2001). Dictionary of the Fungi. 9th ed. CABI Publ.Wallingford.

LLIMONA, X. (ed.) (1991). Els fongs i els líquens. Història Natural Països Catalans. vol. 5. Enciclopèdia Catalana. Barcelona.

MOORE-LANDECKER, E. (1996). Fundamentals of the fungi. 4rd. ed. Prentice Hall. New Jersey.

MOORE, D., ROBSON, G.D.,TRINCI A.P.J. (2011). 21st Century Guidebook to Fungi. Cambridge University Press. UK.

WEBSTER, J. & WEBER, R.W.S. (2007). Introduction to fungi. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge.


Field guides


BON, M. (1988). Guía de campo de los hongos de Europa. Omega. Barcelona.

CAMBRA, J., GOMEZ, A. & RULL, J. (1989). Guía de les algues i els líquens dels Països Catalans. Pòrtic. Barcelona.

CETTO, B. (1979-1980). Guía de los hongos de Europa. 3 vol. Omega. Barcelona.

COURTECUISSE, R. & DUHEM, B. (2005). Guía de los Hongos de la Península Ibérica, Europa y Norte de África. Omega. Barcelona.

ELLIS, M.B. & ELLIS, J.P. (1985). Microfungi and land plants. Croom Helm. London.

ELLIS, M.B. & ELLIS, J.P. (1988). Microfungi on miscellaneous substrates. Croom Helm. London.

GERHARDT, E., VILA, J. & LLIMONA, X. (2000). Bolets dels Països Catalans i d’Europa. Omega. Barcelona.

HANLIN, R.T. (1990). Illustrated genera of Ascomycetes. APS Press. St. Paul. Minnesota.

HANLIN, R.T. (2000). Illustrated genera of Ascomycetes. Vol. II. APS Press. St. Paul. Minnesota.

MORENO, G., GARCIA MANJON, J.L. & ZUGAZA, A. (1986). La guía INCAFO de los hongos de la Península Ibérica. 2 vol. INCAFO. Madrid.

MUNTAÑOLA, M. (1997). Guia dels fongs microscòpics.Ed. Pòrtic. Barcelona.

OZENDA, P. & CLAUZADE, G. (1970). Les lichens. Étude Biologique et Flore Illustrée. Masson. París.

PASCUAL, R. (1999). Guia dels bolets dels Paisos Catalans. Pòrtic. Barcelona.

SOCIETAT CATALANA DE MICOLOGIA. (eds.) (1982-2010). Bolets de Catalunya. 29 series. Barcelona.


Web Sites of interest




DOCTOR FUNGUS - http://www.doctorfungus.org/


LICHENS - http://helios.bto.ed.ac.uk/bto/microbes/lichen.htm

MYKOWEB.- http://www.mykoweb.com/

TREE OF LIFE – FUNGI - http://tolweb.org/Fungi/2377

ZOOSPORIC FUNGI ONLINE - http://www.botany.uga.edu/zoosporicfungi/


The  "Servei de Biblioteques" of the Library provides a link to help with electronic book seraching : <https://ddd.uab.cat/record/22492>








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