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Legal management of Company Diversity

Code: 100510 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2500258 Labour Relations OT 4 1


Laura Rodriguez Murciano

Teaching groups languages

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Laura Rodriguez Murciano


There are no prerequisites.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The aim of this elective subject is to meet and assess, since the labour perspective, all those questions related with the principle of equality and no discrimination collected at the article 14 of the Constitution (no discrimination for reason of sex, age, disability, religion, language, race...), the conciliation of the labour life, personal and familiar, the plans of equality, the violence of genus, the sexual bullying or for reason of sex, the moral or psychological bullying with concepts updated at the Real decreto ley 6/2019, of 1 of March, of urgent measures for guarantee of the equality of tract and of opportunities among women and men at the occupancy, and also with brief reference at the labour insertion of the persons with disability.
The purpose is that the students meet at the theoretic and practical frame (collective negotiation, jurisprudence...) Related with these matters so that they can learn how to manage in companies.


  • Clearly expressing ideas or facts in a compelling way.
  • Contextualising the social events from a (geographical, historical, economic, ecological, sociopolitical or cultural) global point of view.
  • Contrasting the equality between men and women in the workplace and solving the issues arisen with the Act on Equality.
  • Drawing up and formalising reports and documents.
  • Identify the foundations of the main legal and organisational areas in the field of human work.
  • Managing unstructured labour situations taking into account their development diversity (immigration, equality, disability), demonstrating adaptability.
  • Properly analysing the specific situations of reconciliation of work and family life, and implementing the corresponding regulations.
  • Self-motivating by undertaking specific training programs to acquire new knowledge.
  • Students must be capable of deciding, sharply taking decisions and judging.
  • Students must be effective in a changing environment and when facing new tasks, responsibilities or people.
  • Verbally communicating and defending a project.
  • Working autonomously.
  • Working effectively in teams.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Clearly expressing ideas or facts in a compelling way.
  2. Drawing up and formalising reports and documents.
  3. Enumerating the regulations helping the reconciliation of work and family life.
  4. Explaining the Act on Equality.
  5. Explaining the historical evolution and legal regulation of the applicable rule.
  6. Gathering good business related practices.
  7. Interpreting the social events as mechanisms that affect rules and current legal institutions.
  8. Knowing the Act on Equality and its practical implementation.
  9. Knowing the foundations of the legal areas of industrial relations in the specific scenario of industrial relations during the Francoism and the Spanish transition to democracy.
  10. Knowing the foundations of the legal areas of industrial relations in the specific scenario of legal management of diversity in the company.
  11. Knowing the foundations of the legal areas of industrial relations in the specific scenario of new technologies and labour market.
  12. Knowing the foundations of the legal areas of industrial relations in the specific scenario of public administrations.
  13. Knowing the working conditions of European and non-European people foreigners in Spain and their access requirements to the labour market, as well as their rights and obligations.
  14. Recognising the influence and implementation of the Act on Equality on the labour market.
  15. Recognising the space between the promulgation of the rule and its effective implementation.
  16. Self-motivating by undertaking specific training programs to acquire new knowledge.
  17. Solving the contractual problems of disabled workers.
  18. Students must be capable of deciding, sharply taking decisions and judging.
  19. Students must be effective in a changing environment and when facing new tasks, responsibilities or people.
  20. Understanding the situations derived from the reconciliation of work and family life.
  21. Understanding the specific situations in a collective agreement.
  22. Verbally communicating and defending a project.
  23. Working autonomously.
  24. Working effectively in teams.


Lesson 1 Introduction. Brief historical perspective of feminisms.

Lesson 2. Non-discrimination based on sex in the workplace

Lesson 3. Equality and the reconciliation of work, personal and family life.

Introduction to feminist economics and the theory of social reproduction

Lesson 4.RDL 16/2022, and other special labor relations

Lesson 5. Sexual, gender-based, discriminatory harassment and moral harassment or

Lesson 6. Equality plans.


The process of learning bases at the work of the student, being the mission of the professorship aid it at this task supplying him information and showing him the fonts where can achieve . The development of the teaching of the subject and of the learning of the student bases at the following activities:

1. Activities directed:
1.1 masterly Classes: where the student achieves the conceptual bases of the matter and his normative juridical frame and jurisprudential. The masterly classes are the activities at which demands less interactiveness at the student and are conceived like a fundamentally unidirectional method of transmission of kens of the teacher/at at the student.
1.2 practical Classes: where the students, individually or at groups reduced, analyse and resolve together with the teacher/at practical cases.
The resolution and debate of the practical cases requires a previous work of the students, that will consist at the preparation of the basic conceptual elements of the matter at treating and the upright resolution of a case to hand it and/or debate it at the classroom. This activity will orient at the preparation of the students for the realisation of the 3 practical activities of appraisal.
The base of the practical work is the realization and critical app of the rule and jurisprudence related with the content of the matter explained at the theoretic classes.

2.Staffed activities:
Activities that the students will develop individually or at groups reduced, with the no face-to-face support of the teacher/at, oriented at the preparation of the practical exams.
2.1 Elaboration of chips-abridge of sentences or of rule. Realisation of diagrams of some epigraphs of the lessons.
2.2 Search and reading of bibliography and instrumental jurisprudence for the resolution of the practical cases.
2.3 practical Cases that elaborate previously at the resolution at the classroom.

3. Freelance activities:
3.1 Search and reading of bibliography, rule and complementary jurisprudence at the contents of the theoretic classes.
3.2 Survey.
3.3 practical Cases that elaborate and resolve at the

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
DIRECTED PRACTICAL ACTIVITIES 12 0.48 22, 21, 14, 6, 2, 18, 23, 24
THEORETICAL CLASSES 27 1.08 16, 10, 12, 8, 13, 4, 14, 17, 18
Type: Supervised      
Type: Autonomous      
STUDY 53 2.12 10, 11, 9, 8, 21, 3, 4, 14, 18, 23




1. ASSESSMENT SYSTEM: combines the continuous assessment of practical classes and the resolution of a final exam


1.1 Continuous evaluation of practical classes.

There will be three practical units that can be evaluated throughout the course. The positive evaluation of the practices requires the realization and improvement of the three evaluable practical units.


1.2 Final exam.

It can only be done if the continuous evaluation has been passed. It will consist of the resolution of four or five development questions, each corresponding to one or more epigraphs and / or sub-sections of the content of the subject.


Each of the exam questions will be scored from 0 to 1 points. Test scoring each question 0,5 points. The exam grade will be obtained from the corresponding average.


1.3 Qualification of the subject with the system of continuous evaluation and final exam

The score obtained in the continuous assessment of the practices will have a value of 50% of the grade of the subject. The exam score will have a value of 50% of the grade of the subject.


When the continuous assessment has been passed and a minimum of 5 points out of 10 has been obtained, the final grade of the subject will be obtained by making the corresponding average.


2. REEVALUATION SYSTEM: the acquisition of competences is evaluated by performing an examination


2.1. Re-evaluation of the students with the continuous evaluation of practices passed, which has not been presented or has suspended the final exam. You can take a re-evaluation exam, with the same criteria applicable to the evaluation exam.


2.2. Reassessment of students who have not completed or have not passed the system of continuous assessment of practices.


There will be a theoretical-practical exam that will consist of two parts:

a) A theoretical part that will consist of the resolution of four or five development questions, each corresponding to one or more epigraphs and / or sub-sections of the content of the subject. Each question will be scored from 0 to 10 points and the grade will be obtained from the corresponding average. This part of the exam will have a value of 50% of the grade.

b) A practical part that will consist of the resolution based on law, of a practical assumption with the thematic content corresponding to the subject matter of the examination. For the resolution of this part will have to have, as support material, a normative repertoire. This part of the exam will have a value of 50% of the grade.


The final grade of the exam will be obtained by making the average of the score obtained in both parts. The subject will be approved when each of the two parts of the theoretical-practical exam have been independently passed.




3.1 Evaluation test: official date fixed.

3.2 Reevaluation test: official date fixed.




The number of calls is established in the permanency regulations.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
EVALUABLE PRACTICE 1 16,67 2 0.08 16, 20, 22, 8, 13, 19, 21, 5, 1, 7, 15, 14, 6, 2, 17, 18, 23
EVALUABLE PRACTICE 2 16,67 2 0.08 16, 20, 10, 8, 19, 21, 4, 1, 7, 15, 14, 2, 18, 23
EVALUABLE PRACTICE 3 16,67 2 0.08 20, 22, 10, 11, 9, 8, 13, 19, 21, 4, 5, 1, 7, 15, 14, 6, 2, 17, 18, 24
THEORIC EXAM 50 2 0.08 20, 10, 12, 11, 13, 3, 4, 2, 17


Varela, Nuria, “Feminismo para principiantes” Ediciones B, 2019

Ngozi Adichie, Chimananda, “ Ed Fanbooks, 2018

Ballester Pator, M. Amparo; “Retos y perspectivas de la discriminación laboral por razón de género” Ed. Tirant lo Blanc, 2017.

José Fernando Lousada Arochena (Coord.); “Curso de igualdad y diversidad en las relaciones laborales” Ed. Tirant lo Blanc, 2017.

Calvo Gallego, J., Contrato de trabajo y libertad ideológica, CES, Madrid, 1995.

Fernández López, M. F., «El acoso moral en el trabajo,¿una nueva forma de discriminación?», Revista de Derecho Social, núm. 19.

Pérez del Río, T., «La problemática salarial en la negociación colectiva», Revista de Derecho Social, núm. 1998.


There is no specific software.