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External Practicum

Code: 100435 ECTS Credits: 12
Degree Type Year Semester
2500257 Criminology OT 4 0


Helena Mulero Alcaraz

Teaching groups languages

You can check it through this link. To consult the language you will need to enter the CODE of the subject. Please note that this information is provisional until 30 November 2023.


Ainoa Torrado Sanchez


Prerequisites to enrol on Practicum

To register in the practicum it is requested to meet two requirements:

(I) Candidates must have passed all the subjects of the first year of degree

(II) Candidates must have passed at least two thirds of the total number of credits of the degree (160 ECTS)

Objectives and Contextualisation

The practicum of the Degree in Criminology is a training activity performed by students and supervised by the University.

The general aims are the following:

- Allow students to implement and complement the knowledge acquired during the devolopment of the courses

- Stimulate the acquisition of skills that prepare for professional activities

- Improve their employability

- Promote their entrepreneurial capacity

The practicum is intended to achieve the following specific objectives:

- Give the students the opportunity to apply their skills in the professional framework

- Give the students the opportunity to learn the methodology of work in the professional field.

- Develop new technical, communicative and participative skills.

- Promote innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship values.

- Provide experience to facilitate access to the job market


  • Applying a crime prevention program at a community level.
  • Applying an intervention program to offenders, being capable of applying the pedagogical construct of the criminological intervention techniques.
  • Applying an intervention proposal about a person serving a sentence.
  • Assessing the results of a prevention or intervention program when crime is concerned.
  • Assessing the victim's needs in order to carry out an intervention proposal.
  • Carrying out a victim care program.
  • Carrying out the criminological intervention on the basis of the values of pacification, social integration and prevention of further conflicts.
  • Designing a crime prevention program.
  • Drawing up an academic text.
  • Respectfully interacting with other people.
  • Using non-discriminatory and respectful language when referring to the several parties involved in conflict and criminality.
  • Using the evaluation techniques of criminogenic risk and needs of a person in order to decide an intervention proposal.
  • Working in teams and networking.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Acting in the criminological field for integrity and prevention purposes.
  2. Applying an effective evaluative model in order to detect the criminological intervention needs in prison population.
  3. Appropriately applying the evaluation techniques of criminological problems.
  4. Detecting the actions that must be carried out with victims of a crime by using evaluation techniques.
  5. Drawing up an academic text.
  6. Effectively and individually implementing a criminological intervention.
  7. Preparing a prevention program.
  8. Preparing an intervention program for crime victims.
  9. Properly implementing a community prevention program.
  10. Properly implementing a prevention program in the penitentiary field.
  11. Respectfully interacting with other people.
  12. Verbally explaining non-discriminatory arguments addressed to the parties of a crime.
  13. Working in teams and networking.



The Internship curriculum of the Bachelor of Criminology has a workload of 12 ECTS credits, equal to 300 hours, 200 of which will be carried out in the place of the jobs, 50 hours are intended to prepare students in specific issues of professional work and the other 50 area intended preparation of the final report (50 hours). In the Prevention and Security mention, the handing out of an exercise related to professional ethics is added (20 hours).

An information session will be held in November followed by the publication of the vacancies during Christmas. Placements will be made during the first week of the second semester and will take place between February and July.


A list of available positions is published during the academic year. Students chose the available position by order of their average marks in the degree. Some positions have specific requirements.

In order for the student to be able to garantee a specific place, he can contact the entity himself in order to open a university collaboration agreement. Once it is verified that the place meets all the requirements, the opening of the agreement will be managed.

* Entities may vary vary every year but all places will always be maintained

Training project

Once the students is assigned to a specific place, a statement containing the educational aims of the practicum will be signed by the University coordinator of the practicum, the tutor of the student in the job placement and the student.

Specialization in crime prevention and security

Students that are enrolled in this specialization of the degree need to develop during the practicum the skills to develop and implement public policies that are useful to reduce crime, anti-social behaviour and to increase feeling of security among the public.

The skills that students need to reinforce during the practicum are the following:

-          Be able to analyse and explain crime problems

-          Be able to analyse and explain insecurity and fear of crime

-          Be able to design, implement  and evaluate prevention programs

For students that wished to obtain the Director of Security qualification the Practicum is mandatory.


Some of the places in the catalog in this mention and the functions to do are:

1.- Small and medium private security companies (the student performs the functions of "compliance officer", "fraud analyst", "loss prevention", "security and risk prevention")

2.- Private security multinationals (previous tasks, design of security systems, Human Resources Department)

3.- Hotels and private companies in the music and entertainment sector (tasks of Security Director)

4.- Local administration-Local Police (projects at the level of victimization surveys, security studies, prevention and intervention plans, criminal analysis, creation of criminal maps)

5.- Autonomous administration such as, for example, Mossos d'Esquadra (participation in research studies of the specific units of the MMEE and similar placements)

Specialization in sentence enforcement

Students enrolled in this specialization should be enable to develop group and personal programs aimed at enforcing criminal sanctions with the aim of promoting reduction of recidivism and community and victim restoration.

The skills that students need to reinforce during the practicum are the following

-          Be able to assess the criminogenic needs of offenders and write an intervention plan

-          Be able to write a pre-sentence report to judges

-          Be able to manage an effective supervision plan to a person serving a sentence

-          Be able to attend to the needs of the victim related to reparation, protection, participation and overcoming the harms of crime.

-          Be able to manage a restoration process and attend to the needs of the victims

Some examples of the places in our catalog in this mention are:

1.- Public field: A) Professional of the special body of the administration of justice in penitentiary centres. B) General Council of Justice: BCN Courts (VIDO) support in the preparation of criminological reports in cases of violence against women. C) Occupation promoter at the Centre d'iniciatives a la Reinserció participating in its process of socio-occupational integration in an open prison.

2.- Private field: Third Sector Entities that collaborate in criminal enforcement: A) Coordination of Dependent Units: elaboration and execution of the PIT (individual treatmentplan) of people sentenced in 3rd degree. B) Residential resource professional: preparation and first permits (2nd grade) support in the socio-occupational insertion of convicts in 3rd grade. C) Probation officer: in the courts of the Catalan territory where the monitoring of alternative criminal sanctions is carried out. Accompaniment in the execution of alternative penal execution sanctions: attention to penalties and motivational work. D) Drug addiction intervention: prevention, orientation and treatment of addictions. E) Reincorporation Program: socio-occupational support during the last phase of his sentence and post-penitentiary. F) Intercultural Mediation in Juvenile Justice Centres: restoration of criminal acts.

3.- Entities that provide care to the victim: A) Accompaniment to the victim of trafficking. B) Raising awareness in the prevention of child sexual abuse: development of training and awareness projects.

4.- Entities that provide care to people with different difficulties: A) Intervention with young people with conduct disorders: tasks of the rehabilitation unit. B) Intervention with relatives of people with mental disabilities. C) Intervention with children and young people who migrate alone who show themselves under the protection system. Intermediation with the community and execution of the educational intervention plan.

5.- Law field: A) Barcelona Bar Association: Coordinator of the Free Justice Services. Central and judicial headquarters of the judicial parties in Barcelona. B) Law firms: accompaniment in trials, review of files. Attendance at legal meetings, with clients preparing briefs (criminological and legal reports). Accompaniment on duty.


Tutorial procedure

- Students will have two tutors: the academic tutor and the job settlement tutor.

- The job settlement tutor will be responsible for advising and supervising the student during his/her stage. The job settlement tutor will write a final assessment.

- The academic tutor will be the coordinator of the practicum. The tutor would be responsible to prepare the student for the access of the job settlement through seminars and tutorials.

- The academic tutor will be in touch with the job settlement tutor to be reported on the evolution of the student. In case the student needs to improve his/her work, the academic supervisor will meet the student and take the appropriate measures.

- Prof. Helena Mulero will be the academic tutor of the Specialization in crime prevention and security. Prof. Laura Zurera  will be academic tutor of the Specialization in sentence enforcement.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Group tutorials 10 0.4 1, 3, 2, 4, 8, 12, 9, 10, 6, 5, 11, 7, 13
seminars 15 0.6 1, 3, 2, 4, 8, 12, 9, 10, 6, 5, 11, 7, 13
Type: Supervised      
Final report 25 1 1, 3, 2, 4, 8, 12, 9, 10, 6, 5, 11, 7, 13
Work in the job setlement 200 8 1, 3, 2, 4, 8, 12, 9, 10, 6, 5, 11, 7, 13
Type: Autonomous      
Preparation of seminars 50 2 1, 3, 2, 4, 8, 12, 9, 10, 6, 5, 11, 7, 13


Items of the evaluation

- Final report of the Job settlement tutor: 45%.

- Final report of the student and attendance and participation in seminars and tutorials: 55%

Criteria for evaluation

Final report of the job settlement tutor (45%)

Aspects that need to be assessed are the following: Technical capacity, Learning ability, Job management, Communication skills, Sense of responsibility, Adaptation, Creativity and initiative, Personal Implication, Motivation, Receptivity to criticism, Punctuality, Relation with the environment, Teamwork ability.

Final report of the student: (15%)

The memory of practices is an academic work that is presented to the tutor of the university.

The report must include the following aspects: a) description of the job placement; b) description of the performed tasks; c) problems happened during the practicum and solutions implemented; d) skills improved during the practicum

Maximum lenght: 7000 words.

Participation (40%)

Active participation in seminars and initiative in the definition of the educational project will be positively valued.

It is mandatory to obtain a minimum grade of 5 in each of the three areas to pass the subject.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Practicum in the job settlement 45% 0 0 1, 3, 2, 4, 8, 12, 9, 10, 6, 5, 11, 7, 13
Work outside of the work settlement 55% 0 0 1, 3, 2, 4, 8, 12, 9, 10, 6, 5, 11, 7, 13


Recommended bibliography

Statute of the University Student, available at:



No specific software is required.