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Regulation and Public Policies

Code: 44433 ECTS Credits: 12
Degree Type Year Semester
4317522 Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation OB 0 A


Joaquín Rodriguez Alvarez

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
spanish (spa)


Joaquín Rodriguez Alvarez
Concepcion Blazquez Gimenez
Vidal Aragones Chicharro
Esther Virgili Moreno
Isabel Soria Rodríguez
Ismael Iván Blanco Fillola
Ariadna Fito Frutos

External teachers

Ernesto Morales Morales


This module is only available for students of the Master in Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation.

Objectives and Contextualisation

1. Acquire knowledge to define and put into practice a relational and organizational strategy with the actors of the territory (community, institutions, organizations, social agents) based on the principles of community action and aimed at promoting social economy initiatives and / or solidarity.

2. Acquire knowledge to define a strategy and itinerary that allows the empowerment of the members of the solidarity economy initiatives.

3. Obtain knowledge and methodological tools to be able to design and evaluate empowerment and social innovation processes within the framework of social and / or solidarity economy initiatives.

4. Acquire knowledge and methodological tools to understand social reality and provide answers.

5. Obtain knowledge of tools for the design of action research processes, as well as for the collection and generation of useful data to promote social and / or solidarity economy initiatives.

6. Attain tools and knowledge from an integrated perspective that enable the analysis and evaluation of social and / or solidarity economy initiatives and policies, as well as exploring future strategies.

7. Bring the student closer to the intersection between law, technology, and society, three basic facets of our social configuration, which share a series of complex interdependence dynamics through a relationship of co-creation / co-influence.

8. Address the historical relationship between our study subjects and their contemporary materialization, having as a common thread social entrepreneurship. As Culkin claimed, we shape our tools, and they shape us.

9. Achieve a good knowledge of the legal status of the individual entrepreneur as an entrepreneur.

10. To know the corporate legal forms that can be used in the enterprise, and the effects and differences in the legal regime of each one.

11. Achieve knowledge of the legal status of the working members of the associated work cooperatives and of the working people in a situationof exclusion of the insertion companies. Know the limits and possibilities in the use of volunteer services.

12. Know the tax regime of associated work cooperatives.


  • Act with ethical responsibility and respect for fundamental rights, diversity and democratic values.
  • Analyse the challenges and issues deriving from the design and application of public policies, recognising the complexity of social phenomena and of the political decisions affecting democracy, human rights, social justice, gender equality, equitable distribution of wealth and sustainable development.
  • Apply basic knowledge of the relevant regulatory framework to the setting up of companies and alternative types of non-profit entities, and manage contracting and taxation matters in these.
  • Apply methodological tools and techniques for studying the place of individuals in the social structure and the structure of social relations and dynamics.
  • Apply the processes of basic design, formulation and implementation of a social entrepreneurship project in line with the regulatory framework governing startups and alternative types of non-profit entities.
  • Develop social transformation ideas and projects, relying on knowledge of legislation, public-sector social policies, data analysis, gender equity, the seeking of the common good and the creation and fair distribution of wealth.
  • Evaluate and design solutions for sex- and gender-based inequalities.
  • Make changes to methods and processes in the area of knowledge in order to provide innovative responses to society's needs and demands.
  • Students can communicate their conclusions and the knowledge and rationale underpinning these to specialist and non-specialist audiences clearly and unambiguously.
  • Take account of social, economic and environmental impacts when engaging in academic and professional practice.
  • That students are able to integrate knowledge and handle complexity and formulate judgments based on information that was incomplete or limited, include reflecting on social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments.
  • That the students can apply their knowledge and their ability to solve problems in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their field of study.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Act with ethical responsibility and respect for fundamental rights, diversity and democratic values.
  2. Be able to analyse the potential and problems caused by the impulse of specific experiences of the economy of solidarity in a context of regional, social and economic inequality.
  3. Be able to apply planning tools for the design of an organisational process aimed at the empowerment of the members and the definition of a relational strategy in the region.
  4. Be able to identify and select the most appropriate regulations, jurisprudence and academic information for the creation, contracting and contributions of an entity or company.
  5. Be able to identify business structures and their legal forms from criteria of equity, solidarity and gender perspective.
  6. Demonstrate the capacity to analyse pertinent arguments to reach conclusions on the main problems and defend them in writing and orally.
  7. Know how to sensitively analyse the genre of fiscality.
  8. Make changes to methods and processes in the area of knowledge in order to provide innovative responses to society's needs and demands.
  9. Recognise and understand the role of public policies in general and of social policies in particular, in the production and reproduction of gender inequalities.
  10. Students can communicate their conclusions and the knowledge and rationale underpinning these to specialist and non-specialist audiences clearly and unambiguously.
  11. Take account of social, economic and environmental impacts when engaging in academic and professional practice.
  12. That students are able to integrate knowledge and handle complexity and formulate judgments based on information that was incomplete or limited, include reflecting on social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments.
  13. That the students can apply their knowledge and their ability to solve problems in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their field of study.


C1.Territory, Empowerment and Solidarity Economy

Territory. Urban segregation and challenges of transformation of social inequalities. Basic analytical tools are presented to approach the territory as a space for the reproduction of social inequalities, with special emphasis on the processes of urban segregation, and on certain models of public policy that propose to face it (among them the one based on community empowerment).

Social innovation in a territorial key to face inequalities. A conceptual and analytical approach is made to the innovation processes in the territory, understood as a process of transformation of power relations and the promotion of initiatives to face the social challenges of the territory. An analytical approach is made to various experiences in Catalonia collected on the map of social innovation in Catalonia, the result of the neighborhood and crisis research (database generated from the 2008 crisis), and of the SOLIVID platform (collected Solidarity initiatives from the health crisis and confinement by Covidien-19).

Community action. A conceptual, analytical and strategic framework to promote initiatives of social and / or solidarity economy in a territorial key. A conceptual and methodological approach is made of community action as a strategy to promote initiatives that face the challenges of the territory, incorporating the existing map of actors, participatory action research tools and methodologies for the participation and involvement of these actors. proposing relational strategies aimed at empowerment.

Theories of empowerment for community action.An approach is made to the theories of empowerment, in an individual, organizational and community key, with the intention of promoting initiatives of social and / or solidarity economy, addressing the challenge of the relationship with the territory. Tools are provided for its planning and evaluation in the different dimensions.

The planning and evaluation of community action with a view to promoting social and / or solidarity economy initiatives. Starting from a hypothetical territory, but inspired by reality, a practical case will be carried out with the aim of putting into practice all the contents and methodological tools worked on in class. The objective is to define a community action intervention process incorporating the basic design of social and / or solidarity economy initiatives, incorporating the methodological perspectives worked on in class.

C2.Tools for Research and Intervention in Social Entrepreneurship

Methods and techniques for the production and collection of data for social economy projects. Different methodological strategies are presented for the generation and collection of useful data for the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of social economy initiatives and projects. In addition to the logic and research procedures, the characteristics, operation, and utilities of various types of research techniques of social reality, both quantitative and qualitative and mixed, will be explained.

Implicative and participatory methodologies. Based on an explanation of the participatory action research (PAR) procedures, a methodological proposal is made on how to organize a process of citizen involvement in the generation of social economy projects. Tools are given to make a participatory diagnosis, to design an action plan and its follow-up. Guidelinesare also given for the constitution of a motor group and a monitoring commission, as participatory bodies of the project in question.

The theory of change as a tool for the design of social economy projects. A conceptual and methodological approach is made to the design of the projects from the theory of change. Project design often includes initial assumptions that are not met and assumed assumptions that they might not work, or work partially, in achieving objectives. The moment of undertaking projects is filled with uncertainties, to face it rigorous methodologies are presented that provide evidence-based knowledge about the effectiveness of interventions, and make available intervention alternatives that relate resources, results and impacts achieved. We will work on obtaining and generating this explanatory and predictive information about how a project should be to achieve the proposed objectives, illustrating with real cases the connections between the inputs, activities, processes, results and expected impacts of the projects.

The theory of change as a tool for evaluating social economy projects. The social economy projects as promoters of social change prioritize the satisfaction of the needs of the people over the profit, the evaluation allows to improve the effectiveness in the achievement of the proposed objectives and the efficiency of the actions by relating the resources and the results and impacts achieved. It is about learning to systematically measure the relationship between resources and project results, and to generate information for the constant improvement of projects and the accountability of the social economy to citizens. The different types of evaluation and the various methodologies to answer evaluation questions will be presented, using real examples.

C3.Law, Technology and Health

Intersection between society and technology legal frameworks. Its objective is to present to the student the relationship between law, technological development, and social evolution (Rodríguez, 2016). Thus, understanding technology as an amplifier of human will, which we shape and subsequently transform (Culkin, 1967). In addition, law as an art, and a technique that is circumscribed precisely on this relationship of complex interdependence (Jasanoff, 2009) that some authors come to define as technological determinism (Bimber, 1994; Ellul, Wilkinson, & Merton, 1964; Marx, 1994).

Alternative economy, public administrations and the private sector. It aims to show the students the limitations and opportunities in the various existing forms of self-organization and self-management of collaborative social projects when establishing ties and collaborations with the public and private sectors. In this topic, we will explore projects carried out in the city of Barcelona through the thread of food sovereignty to explore its legal limitations, as well as possible models of sustainable growth in centralized and decentralized ways.

Innovation horizons and legal frameworks and promotion of social entrepreneurship in the European Union. It seeks to familiarize the student with the agendas and innovation frameworks in the context of the European Union (FIC, 2017) without overlooking the North American system (Jasanoff, 2007a, 2007b), as well as the different legal formulas that surround scientific production and social entrepreneurship. This theme aims to draw an ecosystem ofsocial action between the local action framework and the European agenda (Sabato, Vanhercke, & Verschraegen, 2015).

"Social" start-ups: modelsand international collaborationnetworks. It relates the social entrepreneurship frameworks with other models fundamentally coming from highly technological sectors such as Smart Cities. Areas of development that are fundamentally structured around international collaboration networks, as well as influenced by acceleration processes, bootcamps and other forms of promotion and financing. This topic will also explore the Catalan startup-financing ecosystem through initiatives such as BANCO (Bussines Angels Network Catalonia) or "Four years from now".

Decentralized models: from the "stateless institutions" in Block Chain. It brings the student closer to alternative forms of organization, starting from the theoretical models of "Stateless Institutions" (Book chin, 1989; Kropotkin, 1977) to the new models of decentralized governance through Block chain technologies (Rodriguez, 2020). Imagining new models of social economy has traditionally been linked to the exploration of new organizational models; this topic seeks to generate a dialogue around the collaborative root organization system. This topic also serves to deepen on the possibilities of the Blockchain as well as its eco-social impacts, paying special attention to the differences between POW and PoS.

C4.Constitution and Management of Social Economy Enterprises: their governance

Legal figures of social entrepreneurship. It aims to introduce students to the different legal figures in the field of social entrepreneurship, from the figure of the individualentrepreneur to the different forms of a company, paying special attention to entrepreneurs’ responsibilities and governance mechanisms.

Taxation of the social economy. It aims to address the incentives in the Spanish tax system aimed at entrepreneurship. Specifically, the tax regime applicable to emerging companies (“start-ups”) and the taxation of investors will be discussed, both from the perspective of the so-called “business angels” and “crowdfunding”.

C5.Labor Relations inthe field of Social Entrepreneurship

Basic aspects of the legal regime of the work of social economy entities. It aims to recall, among other things, the fundamental features of the provision of services, the validity of the collective agreement and the fundamental rights in the employment relationship, clarified in the case of organizations or companies in trend.
Regime for the provision of services by the working members of the cooperatives. Its purpose is to address the legal regime of members and workers, economic conditions, employment and Social Security. At the same time, it is intended to refer to the proliferation of false cooperatives, their disqualification according to Catalan law and the consequences on the members' regime.
Regulation of the work of people in a situation of exclusion in the service of insertion companies. It aims to make a presentation of the insertion company and an overview of the concept of worker in a situation of social exclusion. An analysis of the contractual modalities to be used or the adaptations in the regime of the termination of the employment contract is added.
Limit and conditions of use of voluntary work. It is intended to set out the possibilities and limits of recourse to voluntary work, such as the profiles of the figure of the volunteer, places to be covered, formal obligations, insurance and compensation of expenses.


The teaching methodology of the modeule combines lectures and theoretical and methodological contributions, with debates and reflections based on the analysis of cases and the presentation of experiences.

REMARK: The proposed teaching methodology may undergo some modifications according to the restrictions imposed by the health authorities on on-campus courses.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Analysis of the legal regime of the different types of companies and the individual entrepreneur, as forms of entrepreneurship (C4) 8 0.32 11, 1, 8, 3, 2, 5, 4, 12, 6, 13, 10, 9, 7
Analysis of the theoretical frameworks that explain the relations between society and technology underlying its relationship with current regulatory frameworks (C3) 12 0.48 11, 1, 8, 3, 2, 5, 4, 12, 6, 13, 10, 9, 7
Design of a participatory process to promote social and / or solidarity economy initiatives (C1 and C2). 12 0.48 11, 1, 8, 3, 2, 5, 4, 12, 6, 13, 10, 9, 7
Design of a relational and organizational strategy (internally and with the territory) to promote social or solidarity economy initiatives (C1 y C2) 12 0.48 11, 1, 8, 3, 2, 5, 4, 12, 6, 13, 10, 9, 7
Legal analysis of the various forms of provision of services in social entrepreneurship entities and the taxation regime of cooperatives (C5) 10 0.4 11, 1, 8, 3, 2, 5, 4, 12, 6, 13, 10, 9, 7
Use of participatory methodologies and tools for planning, intervention and evaluation, promoting collective processes or initiatives within the framework of the social and solidarity economy (C1 y C2) 12 0.48 11, 1, 8, 3, 2, 5, 4, 12, 6, 13, 10, 9, 7
Type: Supervised      
Assessment of the advantages and limitations of each legal form of social entrepreneurship (C4) 10 0.4 11, 1, 8, 3, 2, 5, 4, 12, 6, 13, 10, 9, 7
Assessment of the advantages and limitations of the various forms of service provision and the tax regime of cooperatives (C5) 13 0.52 11, 1, 8, 3, 2, 5, 4, 12, 6, 13, 10, 9, 7
Elaboration of thematic cards (C3) 16 0.64 11, 1, 8, 3, 2, 5, 4, 12, 6, 13, 10, 9, 7
Making proposals for intervention, organization, and development of participatory processes. (C1 and C2) 39 1.56 11, 1, 8, 3, 2, 5, 4, 12, 6, 13, 10, 9, 7
Type: Autonomous      
Carrying out intervention and study proposals based on practical cases (C1 and C2) 75 3 11, 1, 8, 3, 2, 5, 4, 12, 6, 13, 10, 9, 7
Research and studies based on practical cases, readings and materials provided in the classroom (C3) 31 1.24 3, 2, 5, 4, 12, 6, 13, 10, 9, 7
Work and study outside the classroom of the corporate forms and of the individual employer and of the respective legal regime (C4) 19 0.76 3, 2, 5, 4, 12, 6, 13, 10, 9, 7
Work and study outside the classroom of the various forms of provision of services in social entrepreneurship entities and the taxation regime of cooperatives (C5) 25 1 3, 2, 5, 4, 12, 6, 13, 10, 9, 7


The final grade of the module results from the weights associated to each sub-module, whose corresponding grades arise from the evaluation activities reported in the table. Therefore, the score of the different submodules is counted as follows:

C1 and C2 (50.00% of the total): 75.0% Delivery of reports / papers + 25.0% Practical tests
C3 (20.83% of the total): 44.8% Practical tests + 55.2% Exam
C4 (12.50% of the total): 100% Exam
C5 (16.66% of the total): 50.0% Exam + 50.0% Practical tests
The final grade of the module is obtained taking into account the weights of each sub-module:

Final grade= 0,5000*(C1+C2) + 0,2083*C3 + 0,1250*C4 + 0,1666*C5

REMARK: The proposed evaluation activities may undergo some changes according to the restrictions imposed by the health authorities on on-campus courses.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Delivery of reports / works (C1 y C2) (Preparation and presentation of a practical case) 37,5% 0 0 1, 8, 3, 2, 12, 6, 13, 10, 9
Exam (C3) 11,50% 2 0.08 11, 1, 8, 2, 5, 4, 12, 6, 13, 10, 7
Exam (C4) (Legal forms of business and social entrepreneurship) 12,5% 2 0.08 11, 1, 8, 5, 4, 12, 13, 10, 7
Exam (C5) 8,33% 2 0.08 11, 1, 8, 5, 4, 12, 13, 10, 7
Practical tests (C1 and C2) (Methodological conceptual debate and case analysis: 10 cases). 12,5% 0 0 11, 1, 8, 3, 2, 12, 6, 13, 10, 9
Practical tests (C3) 9,33% 0 0 11, 1, 8, 2, 5, 4, 12, 6, 13, 10, 7
Practical tests (C5) (Delivery of practical assumptions) 8,33% 0 0 11, 1, 8, 5, 12, 13, 10, 7


C1.Territory, Empowerment and Solidarity Economy + C2. Tools for Research and Intervention in Social Entrepreneurship

Ajuntament de Barcelona (2014): Guia operativa de l’Avaluació de l’Acció Comunitària. Ajuntament de Barcelona. Enllaç (català):

http://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/acciocomunitaria/sites/default/files/guia_operativa_avaluacio_a ccio_comunitaria_acc.pdf

Enlace castellano: https://igop.uab.cat/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Guia_operativa-EAC_2016.pdf

Alvira, F. (2004): La encuesta. Una perspectiva general metodológica, Madrid: Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas.

Blasco, J. (2009) Com iniciar una avaluació: oportunitat, viabilitat i preguntes d’avaluació. Barcelona: Ivàlua. (Col·lecció Ivàlua de Guies pràctiques sobre avaluació de polítiques publiques)

Marchioni, M. (2002) Organización y desarrollo de la comunidad. Fuerteventura. UNED (llegir pàgines 12 a 35) a: https://extension.uned.es/archivos_publicos/webex_actividades/4698/acomunitariaponencia13b.pdf

Martínez Moreno, R., Cruz Gallach, H., Blanco, I., & Salazar, Y. (2019). La innovación social, ¿prácticas para producir autonomía, empoderamiento y nueva institucionalidad?. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 77(2),126. Disponible a: <ahref="https://doi.org/10.3989/ris.2019." target="_blank">https://doi.org/10.3989/ris.2019.

Morales, E, Rebollo, O (2014). Potencialidades y límites de la acción comunitaria como estrategia empoderadora en el contexto actual de crisis. RTS:203

Morales, E.(2016) “Los Planes de Desarrollo Comunitario como política pública para la transformación social. Las experiencias de Barcelona (1997-2015). Pedagogía i Treball Social. Revista de Ciències Socials Aplicades Vol. 4. Núm. 2: 34-60

Nel·lo, O; Blanco, I (2015) La Segregació urbana a la regió metropolitana de Barcelona. PLA ESTRATÈGIC METROPOLITÀ DE BARCELONA. Disponible a: https://pemb.cat/public/docs/41_lc_12.pdf

Rebollo, Ó. (2003). Bases político-metodológicas para la participación. En Ecología y Ciudad. Madrid: El viejo topo.

Valles, M.S. (1997) Técnicas cualitativas de investigación social. Reflexión metodológica y práctica profesional. Madrid: Síntesis.

Valles, M.S. (2014) Entrevistas cualitativas. Cuadernos metodológicos, núm. 32. Madrid: CIS

Villasante, T.R. (2014) Redes de vida desbordantes. Fundamentos para el cambio desde la vida cotidiana. Madrid: La Catarata.

C3.Law, Technology and Health

Bimber, B. (1994). Three faces of technological determinism. In Does Technolgy drives history? (pp. 79–100). Cambridge, Massachusetts: Merrit Smith; Leo Marx.

Bookchin, M. (1989). Remaking society. Montreal: Black Rose Books. Retrieved from https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/murray-bookchin-remaking-society.lt.pdf.

Culkin, J. (1967). A Schoolmas’s Guide to Marshall McLuhan. The Saturday Review. Retrieved from https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5a6135761f318d1d719bd5d9/t/5b2536342b6a2886441759d5/1529165365116/JOHN_CULKIN.pdf.

Ellul, J., Wilkinson, J., & Merton, R. (1964). The technological society. Nueva York: Random House.

Fici, A. (2017). A European Statute for Social and Solidarity-Based Enterprise STUDY.

Jasanoff, S. (2007a). Designs on nature : science and democracy in Europe and the United States. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Jasanoff, S. (2007b). Technologies of humility. Nature, 450(7166), 33–33.

Jasanoff, S. (2009). Science at the bar: Law, science, and technology in America (1st ed.). Cambridge England etc.: Harvard University Press.

Kropotkin, P. A. (1977). La conquista del pan. Biblioteca Histórica del Socialismo; 55.

Marx, L. (1994). The Idea of “Technology” and Postmodern Pessimism. In Technology, Pessimism, and Postmodernism (pp. 11–28). Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.

Materials produïts per LabCoop per a ©Fundación Acción Contra el Hambre. (2013). Tallers d’Economia Social. Retrieved April 13, 2021, from http://labcoop.coop/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/FACH-CoBoi_Tallers-Economia-Social_MaterialsDefinitius.pdf.

Rodriguez, J. (2020, November 26). Article: The Eco-technological transition – fears and hopes in the age of Artificial Intelligence – AnarchistStudies.Blog. Retrieved April 13, 2021, from https://anarchiststudies.noblogs.org/article-the-eco-technological-transition-fears-and-hopes-in-the-age-of-artificial-intelligence/.

Rodríguez, J. (2016). La civilización ausente: Tecnología y sociedad en la era de la incertidumbre (1st ed.). Oviedo: Trea.

Sabato, S., Vanhercke, B., & Verschraegen, G. (2015).  The EU framework for social innovation. Between entrepreneurship and policy experimentation. Antwerp. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/287994531_The_EU_framework_for_social_innovation_Between_entrepreneurship_and_policy_experimentation.

C4. Constitution and management of social economy companies: their governance

Delgado García, Ana María (Coord.), Medidas legales y fiscales para la creación de empresas, Pamplona, 2020.

Dittmar, Eduardo Carlos (Coord.), La empresa en el siglo XXI. Un estudio multidisciplinar de carácter jurídico empresarial, Pamplona, 2020.

Emparanza Sobejano, Alberto (Dr.); El Derecho de sociedades y cooperativas: nuevos retos en su configuracion y en la gestión de los administradores, Madrid, 2019.

Vega Vega, José Antonio (Coord.), La empresa social en España y en Italia, Reus, Madrid, 2020.

C5.Labor Relations in the field of Social Entrepreneurship

AAVV (2005): Fiscalidad de las entidades de economía social: cooperativas, mutuas, sociedades laborales, fundaciones, asociaciones de utilidad pública, centros especiales de emprelo y empresas de inserción laboral. Madrid: Civitas

Benlloch Sanz, Pablo ((2007) La actividad en régimen de voluntariado. Cizur Menor: Aranzadi Thomson Reuters

Calvo Gallego, Francisco Javier (1995) Contrato de trabajo y libertad ideològica: derechos fundamentales y organizaciones de tendencia. Madrid: Consejo Económico y Social.

López Gandía, Juan (2006) Las cooperativas de trabajo asociado y la aplicación del Derecho del Trabajo. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch.

Vallecillo Gámez, María Rosa y Molina Navarrete, Cristóbal (2008) Empresas de inserción y mercados de trabajo inclusivos. Granada: Comares.


Es recomana revisar les informacions recollides al web: http://barrisinnovacio.net

Solivid | Recull iniciatives solidaries Covid19.

Video: Acción social comunitaria: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DG63xDnE_pA.

Salut en los barrios (español):


Barcelona por la Acción Comunitaria:


Repositori de revisions d’evidències, disponible a: Revisions d’evidència | ivalua

Extra readings (C1 and C2)

ALINSKI, SAUL (2012). Tratado para radicales. Manual para revolucionarios pragmáticos. Madrid: Traficantes de sueños.

Alonso, L.E. (1998) La mirada cualitativa en sociología. Madrid: Fundamentos.

Azofra Márquez, M.J. (1999) Cuestionarios. Cuadernos Metodológicos, núm. 26. Madrid: Centrode Investigaciones Sociológicas.

BACQUE, Marie Helene (2016). “El Empoderamiento. Una acción progresiva que ha revolucionado la política y la sociedad”. Gedisa.

Blanco I. (2021) Social Innovation Against Socio-spatial Segregation: The Case of Catalonia. In: Fregolent L., Nel·lo O. (eds) Social Movements and Public Policies in Southern European Cities. Urban and Landscape Perspectives, vol 21. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-52754-9_7 


Blanco, I., Cruz Gallach, H., Martínez Moreno, R., & Parés, M. (2016). El papel de la innovación social frente a la crisis. Ciudad y Territorio Estudios Territoriales (CyTET), 48(188), 249-260. Recuperado a partir de https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/CyTET/article/view/76478


Blasco, J.; Casado, D. (2009) Avaluació de l’impacte. Barcelona: Ivàlua. (Col·lecció Ivàlua de Guies pràctiques sobre avaluació de polítiques públiques; 5)

Castilleja, L., Comas, I., & Morales, E. (2005). Planes comunitarios. La experiencia de la FAVIBC. Martí, J., Pascual, J. & Rebollo, O.(Coords.), Participación y Desarrollo Comunitario en medio urbano: experiencias y reflexiones. Construyendo ciudadanía, 7.

Cea d’Ancona, M.A.(1998) Metodología cuantitativa. Estrategias y técnicas de investigación social. Madrid: Síntesis.

CIMAS (2009) Manual de metodologías participativas. https://www.redcimas.org/biblioteca/metodologia/

Couper, Mick. P. (2008): Designing effective web surveys¸ Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Fink, A. (2003): How to ask survey questions, Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Guasch, O., (1998). Observación participante. CIS. Madrid.


Iñiguez, L. (ed.) (2003) Análisis del discurso. Manual para las ciencias sociales. Barcelona: UOC.

Krosnick, Jon (2000): “The threat of satisficing in surveys: the shortcuts respondents take in answering questions”, Survey methods newsletter, vol.20.

Krueger, R.A. (1991) El grupo de discusión. Guía práctica para la investigación aplicada. Madrid: Pirámide.

LAKOFF, Jorge (2007). No pienses en un elefante. Lenguaje y debate político.Madrid:editorial complutense.

López Roldán, P.; Lozares, C. (1999) Anàlisi bivariable. Bellaterra: Servei de Publicacions UAB.

López Roldán, P.; Lozares, C. (2000) Anàlisi multivariable. Bellaterra: Servei de Publicacions UAB.

MORALES, Ernesto (2017). Empoderamiento y transformación de las relaciones de poder.Un análisis crítico de los procesos institucionales de participación ciudadana. Tesis doctoral.Programa de doctorado Políticas públicas y transformación social. Institut de Govern i Polítiques Públiques. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

Musitu, G., & Buelga, S. (2004). Desarrollo comunitario y potenciación (empowerment). Introducción a la psicología comunitaria, 167-193.

Presser, S., y Blair, J. (1994), Pretesat d'enquestes: Fer diferentsmètodes produeixen resultats diferents?, Metodologia sociològica, vol. 24, pp.73-104.

Rebollo, Ó. (2012). La transformación social urbana: La acción comunitaria en la ciudad globalizada. Gestión y política pública, 21(SPE), 159-186

Rebollo, O., & Morales Morales, E. (2013). Hacia una política pública de acción comunitaria: límites y oportunidades. Ciudades y pueblos que puedan durar: políticas locales para una nueva época, 303-316.

Repositori de lectures i informes sobre acció comunitària:


Rodríguez Osuna, J. (1991) Métodos de muestreo. Madrid: CIS.

Rodríguez Osuna, J. (1993) Métodos de muestreo. Casos prácticos. Madrid: CIS.

Ruiz Olabuénaga, J.I. (1996) Metodología de la investigación cualitativa. Bilbao: Universidad de Deusto.

Strauss, A.L. (1987) Qualitative Analisis for Social Scientists. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Todd, E.; Wolpin, I. Ex ante evaluation of social programs: working paper 06-022. [s.l.]: Penn Institute for Economic Research, 2006.

Villasante, T.R., (2006). Desbordes creativos. Estilos y estrategias para la transformación social. Madrid: La Catarata.

Villasante, T.R.; Martín, P. (2006) “Redes y conjuntos de acción: para aplicaciones estratégicas en los tiempos de la complejidad social.” REDES- Revista hispana para el análisis de redes sociales, Vol.11,#2, URL: http://revista-redes.rediris.es/html-vol11/Vol11_2.htm.


Excel, PowerPoint, Word.